public static WaitingArea ParseInputLines(IList <string> inputLines) { int width = inputLines.Count > 0 ? inputLines[0].Length : 0; int height = inputLines.Count; var gridCellTypes = new Dictionary <GridPoint, CellType>(); for (int row = 0; row < inputLines.Count; row++) { var inputLine = inputLines[row]; for (int column = 0; column < inputLine.Length; column++) { var cellType = CellType.Floor; var cellDefinition = inputLine[column].ToString(); if ("L".Equals(cellDefinition)) { cellType = CellType.ChairOpen; } else if ("#".Equals(cellDefinition)) { cellType = CellType.ChairOccupied; } var point = new GridPoint(column, row); gridCellTypes.Add(point, cellType); } } var result = new WaitingArea(width, height, gridCellTypes); return(result); }
public static WaitingArea EvolveWaitingAreaUntilSteadyState( WaitingArea initialWaitingArea, EvolutionRules evolutionRules) { WaitingArea previousState = null; var nextState = initialWaitingArea; while (!nextState.Equals(previousState)) { previousState = nextState; nextState = GetNextWaitingAreaState(previousState, evolutionRules); } return(previousState); }
public static int GetNumberOfSeenOccupiedSeats( WaitingArea waitingArea, GridPoint point, bool onlyConsiderAdjacentCells) { int result = 0; // Find seen seats along 8 directional rays var raySlopes = new List <Tuple <int, int> >() { new Tuple <int, int>(-1, -1), new Tuple <int, int>(0, -1), new Tuple <int, int>(1, -1), new Tuple <int, int>(-1, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(-1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(0, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1) }; foreach (var raySlope in raySlopes) { var nextPoint = new GridPoint(point.X + raySlope.Item1, point.Y + raySlope.Item2); while (waitingArea.GridCellTypes.ContainsKey(nextPoint)) { if (CellType.ChairOccupied.Equals(waitingArea.GridCellTypes[nextPoint])) { result++; break; } else if (CellType.ChairOpen.Equals(waitingArea.GridCellTypes[nextPoint])) { break; } if (onlyConsiderAdjacentCells) { break; } nextPoint = new GridPoint(nextPoint.X + raySlope.Item1, nextPoint.Y + raySlope.Item2); } } return(result); }
public static WaitingArea GetNextWaitingAreaState( WaitingArea waitingArea, EvolutionRules evolutionRules) { // For each cell: // If a seat is empty (L) and there are no occupied seats adjacent to it, the seat becomes occupied. // If a seat is occupied(#) and four or more seats adjacent to it are also occupied, the seat becomes empty. // Otherwise, the seat's state does not change. // Floor(.) never changes; seats don't move, and nobody sits on the floor. var updatedGridCellTypes = new Dictionary <GridPoint, CellType>(); for (int row = 0; row < waitingArea.Height; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < waitingArea.Width; column++) { var point = new GridPoint(column, row); var cellType = CellType.Floor; if (waitingArea.GridCellTypes.ContainsKey(point)) { cellType = waitingArea.GridCellTypes[point]; } if (CellType.Floor.Equals(cellType)) { updatedGridCellTypes.Add(point, cellType); continue; } int numberOfAdjacentOccupiedSeats = GetNumberOfSeenOccupiedSeats(waitingArea, point, evolutionRules.OnlyConsiderAdjacentCells); if (CellType.ChairOpen.Equals(cellType) && numberOfAdjacentOccupiedSeats == 0) { cellType = CellType.ChairOccupied; } else if (CellType.ChairOccupied.Equals(cellType) && numberOfAdjacentOccupiedSeats >= evolutionRules.MinimumNumberOfSeenOccupiedSeatsToFlipToEmpty) { cellType = CellType.ChairOpen; } updatedGridCellTypes.Add(point, cellType); } } var result = new WaitingArea(waitingArea.Width, waitingArea.Width, updatedGridCellTypes); return(result); }
// Equals, GetHashCode, and ToString() adapted from Microsoft example here: // public override bool Equals(Object obj) { //Check for null and compare run-time types. if ((obj == null) || !this.GetType().Equals(obj.GetType())) { return(false); } else { WaitingArea other = (WaitingArea)obj; if (Width != other.Width) { return(false); } if (Height != other.Height) { return(false); } return(GridCellTypes.Count == other.GridCellTypes.Count && !GridCellTypes.Except(other.GridCellTypes).Any()); } }