public void RenderBlueprint() { try { TextBox_Name.Text =; TextBox_Description.Text = BP.Description.description; Tuple <Model3DGroup, Model3DGroup> renders = BP.RenderBlocks();//backgroundtask ? this.Model = renders.Item1; this.Glass = renders.Item2; this.Marker = null; CenterMass.Content = null; this.Marker2 = new Model3DGroup(); RenderWires(); if (listBox_parts.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { fillparts(); } Image_blueprint.DataContext = null; Image_blueprint.DataContext = this; helix.ResetCamera(); helix_wires.Camera = helix.Camera; //Model.Children[5].Transform = new ScaleTransform3D(2,2,2); if (connections.IsEnabled == false) { connections.IsEnabled = true; blockproperties.IsEnabled = true; paint.IsEnabled = true; fixcreation.IsEnabled = true; areaproperties.IsEnabled = true; swapblocks.IsEnabled = true; paintpicker.IsEnabled = true; mirrorcreation.IsEnabled = true; requiredmods.IsEnabled = true; } if (!Properties.Settings.Default.safemode) { blockpropertiesRAW.IsEnabled = true; } else { blockpropertiesRAW.IsEnabled = false; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message + "\nin most cases the creation should be fine, something just went wrong while rendering", "failed to render"); } }