/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrefetchResponse" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="views">Contains all the views matching the request. .</param> /// <param name="pageLoad">pageLoad.</param> /// <param name="mboxes">Prefetched mboxes, including content and notification tokens to be sent back when the mboxes are displayed. .</param> /// <param name="metrics">The click track metrics that are not assigned to a view but are present in activites that have views, except in case the same activity is serving content for selectors both assinged to a view and selectors without any views, and having click track metrics that are not assotiated with any view within the activity, then: * in case of a prefetch only request, these metrics (tokens) will be set in the prefetch response's metrics. * in case of an execute only request, the metrics will be set in the page load response's metrics. * in case of a request, with both, execute and prefetch, metrics will be set in the page load response's metrics only. .</param> public PrefetchResponse(List <View> views = default(List <View>), PageLoadResponse pageLoad = default(PageLoadResponse), List <PrefetchMboxResponse> mboxes = default(List <PrefetchMboxResponse>), List <Metric> metrics = default(List <Metric>)) { this.Views = views; this.PageLoad = pageLoad; this.Mboxes = mboxes; this.Metrics = metrics; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExecuteResponse" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="pageLoad">pageLoad.</param> /// <param name="mboxes">The list of responses for requested regional mboxes..</param> public ExecuteResponse(PageLoadResponse pageLoad = default(PageLoadResponse), List <MboxResponse> mboxes = default(List <MboxResponse>)) { this.PageLoad = pageLoad; this.Mboxes = mboxes; }