private void DisplayAdminEditParentWindow(string ID) { AdminEditParentInfo AdminEditParentWindow = new AdminEditParentInfo(ID); AdminEditParentWindow.Show(); this.Close(); }//end DisplayAdminEditParentWindow
private void btn_AddNewParent_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string pID = "", PIN = ""; bool formNotComplete = CheckIfNull(); if (!formNotComplete) { bool sameID = CheckIfSame(txt_ParentID1.Text, txt_ParentID2.Text); bool samePIN = CheckIfSame(psw_ParentPIN1.Password, psw_ParentPIN2.Password); bool regexID = RegExpressions.RegexID(txt_ParentID1.Text); bool regexPIN = RegExpressions.RegexPIN(psw_ParentPIN1.Password); if (sameID && samePIN && regexID && regexPIN) { pID = string.Format("{0:000000}", txt_ParentID1.Text); PIN = string.Format("{0:0000}", psw_ParentPIN1.Password); DataSet DS = new DataSet(); DS = this.db.GetParentInfoDS(pID); int count = DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (count == 0) { string hashedPIN = ChildcareApplication.AdminTools.Hashing.HashPass(PIN); hashedPIN = "\"" + hashedPIN + "\""; this.db.AddNewParent(pID, hashedPIN, "\"First\"", "\"Last\"", "\"000-000-0000\"", "\"[email protected]\"", "\"123 Road St\"", "\"none\"", "\"City\"", "\"WA\"", "\"12345\"", "'" + "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents" + "\\Childcare Application\\Pictures\\default.jpg'"); //TAG: pictures access MakeFamilyID(pID); try { AdminEditParentInfo adminEditParentInfo = new AdminEditParentInfo(pID); adminEditParentInfo.Show(); }catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException err) { WPFMessageBox.Show(err.ToString()); } this.Close(); } else { WPFMessageBox.Show("A Guardian with this ID already Exists. Please re-enter your ID"); } } } }
private void btn_AddNewParent_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string pID = "", PIN = ""; bool formNotComplete = CheckIfNull(); if (!formNotComplete)//form is completed { bool sameID = checkIfSame(txt_ParentID1.Text, txt_ParentID2.Text); bool samePIN = checkIfSame(psw_ParentPIN1.Password, psw_ParentPIN2.Password); if (sameID && samePIN)//both IDand PIN are the same vlues { bool numbersID = checkIfNumbers(txt_ParentID1.Text, txt_ParentID2.Text); bool numbersPIN = checkIfNumbers(psw_ParentPIN1.Password, psw_ParentPIN2.Password); if (numbersID && numbersPIN)//both ID and PIN are numbers { pID = txt_ParentID1.Text; PIN = psw_ParentPIN1.Password; DataSet DS = new DataSet(); DS = this.db.GetParentInfo(pID); int count = DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; if (count == 0)//ID does not exist { this.db.AddNewParent(pID, PIN, "\"First\"", "\"Last\"", "\"000-000-0000\"", "\"[email protected]\"", "\"123 Road St\"", "\"none\"", "\"City\"", "\"WA\"", "\"12345\"", "\"../../Pictures/default.jpg\""); MakeFamilyID(pID); //MessageBox.Show("Made New Parent"); AdminEditParentInfo adminEditParentInfo = new AdminEditParentInfo(pID); adminEditParentInfo.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("A Guardian with this ID already Exists. Please re-enter your ID"); } } } } }