private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Validate()) { int i = 0; try { WSScalper.UserRow u = new WSScalper.UserRow(); u.LoginId = txtLoginID.Text.Trim(); u.EmailId = txtEmailID.Text.Trim(); u.Active = cmbActive.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false; u.LoggedIn = false; u.PhoneNo = txtContactNo.Text.Trim(); u.Username = txtLoginName.Text.Trim(); WSScalper.WebServicesScalper ws = new WSScalper.WebServicesScalper(); if (!edit) { u.Password = "******";//deafault password for the new user i = ws.CreateUser(u); frmAdmin.GetSingletonAdminform().RefreshDataset(true); } else { u.Id =; i = ws.EditUsers(u); frmAdmin.GetSingletonAdminform().RefreshDataset(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { //if(ex.Message = "Unable to connect the remote server") MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "TC Admin"); //Application.Exit(); return; } if (i >= 1) { if (ua == null) { ua = new UserAttribute(); } ua.emailid = txtEmailID.Text.Trim(); = cmbActive.SelectedIndex == 0 ? true : false; ua.loginID = txtLoginID.Text.Trim(); ua.phoneno = txtContactNo.Text.Trim(); ua.username = txtLoginName.Text.Trim(); btnCancel.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = true; btnNew.Enabled = true; btnSave.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Enabled = true; if (edit) { MessageBox.Show("Modified Successfully", "TC Admin"); DisplayRecords(ua); } else { = i; MessageBox.Show("Created Successfully", "TC Admin"); } //frmAdmin.GetSingletonAdminform().RefreshGrid(); //RefreshDataset(); //refreah the dataset //dsUsers = frmAdmin.GetSingletonAdminform().dsUsers; frmAdmin.GetSingletonAdminform().DG_Enabled = true; //frmAdmin.GetSingletonAdminform().DG_SelectRow(; DisableForm(); edit = false; } else if (i == -3) { MessageBox.Show("Login ID or Email ID already exist", "TC Admin"); } else if (i == -4) { MessageBox.Show("Login Creation Failed", "TC Admin"); } } }