public static void editEmployee(Employee employee) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); string username = employee.username; string firstname = employee.firstname; string lastname = employee.lastname; string gender = employee.gender; string address = employee.address; int role = employee.role; string dob = DBConnection.FormatDate(employee.birthday); string joindate = DBConnection.FormatDate(employee.joindate); string sql = @"UPDATE Emplopyee SET FirstName = N'" + firstname + "', LastName = N'" + lastname + "', Gender = '" + gender + "', Birthdate = '" + dob + "', Address = N'" + address + "', JoinDate = '" + joindate + "', Role = " + role + " WHERE Username = '******'"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } }
public static void EditCombo(Combo combo, int id) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); string comboname = combo.comboName; string image = combo.image; string daystart = DBConnection.FormatDate(combo.dayStart); string dayend = DBConnection.FormatDate(combo.dayEnd); int total =; string discountmoney = combo.discountMoney; string sql = @"UPDATE Combo SET ComboName = N'" + comboname + "', DayStart = '" + daystart + "', DayEnd = '" + dayend + "', Total = " + total + ", Discount = N'" + 0 + "', DiscountMoney = N'" + discountmoney + "', Image = N'" + image + "' WHERE Id =" + id; try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } conn.Close(); } }
public static void AddInvoice(Invoice invoice) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); int cusid = invoice.customer_id; string totalmoney = invoice.totalmoney; string amount = invoice.amount; string createday = DBConnection.FormatDate(invoice.creatday); string note = invoice.ordernote; string postcode = invoice.postcode; string address = invoice.customeraddress; string status = invoice.status; string sql = "insert into Invoice VALUES (" + cusid + ",'" + totalmoney + "','" + amount + "','" + createday + "','" + note + "','" + postcode + "',N'" + address + "','" + status + "')"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } }
public static void AddKhach(string firstname, string lastname, string phone, string address) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); string username = RandomUsername(); string password = DBConnection.HashPassword(phone); string email = username + ""; string gender = "Male"; string day = DBConnection.FormatDate(DateTime.Now); int isNew = 2; string status = "Active"; string sql = "insert into Customer VALUES ('" + username + "','" + password + "','" + email + "',N'" + firstname + "',N'" + lastname + "','" + gender + "','" + day + "',N'" + address + "','" + phone + "','" + day + "'," + isNew + ",N'" + status + "')"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } }
public static void AddCombo(Combo combo) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); string comboname = combo.comboName; string image = combo.image; string daystart = DBConnection.FormatDate(combo.dayStart); string dayend = DBConnection.FormatDate(combo.dayEnd); int total =; string discountmoney = combo.discountMoney; string sql = @"INSERT INTO Combo VALUES" + "(N'" + comboname + "','" + daystart + "','" + dayend + "'," + total + ", N'', N'" + discountmoney + "', N'" + image + "')"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } }
public static void addEmployee(Employee employee) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); string username = employee.username; string firstname = employee.firstname; string lastname = employee.lastname; string gender = employee.gender; string address = employee.address; int role = employee.role; DateTime dob = employee.birthday; string password = DBConnection.HashPassword(dob.Day.ToString("dd") + dob.Month.ToString("MM") + dob.Year.ToString()); string joindate = DBConnection.FormatDate(employee.joindate); string sql = @"INSERT INTO Emplopyee VALUES" + "('" + username + "','" + password + "',N'" + firstname + "',N'" + lastname + "','" + gender + "','" + DBConnection.FormatDate(dob) + "',N'" + address + "','" + joindate + "'," + role + ", 'Active')"; SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } }
public static DataTable Search(DateTime start, DateTime end, string text) { using (SqlConnection conn = DBConnection.GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); string sql = "select * from Combo where DayStart>='" + DBConnection.FormatDate(start) + "' and DayEnd <='" + DBConnection.FormatDate(end) + "' and ComboName like N'%" + text + "%'"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dt); conn.Close(); return(dt); } }