public ActionBar() { _box = new Rectangle((int)((Main.DefaultResWidth / 2) / Main.WidthRatio), (int)(Main.DefaultResHeight / Main.HeightRatio), (int)(184 / Main.WidthRatio), (int)(40 / Main.HeightRatio)); _box.X -= _box.Width / 2; _box.Y -= _box.Height; _originalY = _box.Y; _box.Y = Main.UserResHeight + 300; _playButton = new PlayButton(new Vector2(12 + 64, 4), _box); _wallButton = new WallButton(new Vector2(20 + 128, 4), _box); _playButton.MouseClicked += PlayButton_MouseClicked; _wallButton.MouseClicked += WallButton_MouseClicked; _buttons.Add(_playButton); _buttons.Add(_wallButton); _properties = new WorldProperties(); }
public LevelSelection() { // Defines the bounding box for the Level Info List. int widthOfBounds = (int)(600 / Main.WidthRatio); int heightOfBounds = (int)(300 / Main.HeightRatio); _boundsTexture = ContentHelper.LoadTexture("Tiles/ui_spritemap"); _boundsDrawRectangle = new Rectangle(Main.UserResWidth / 2, Main.UserResHeight / 2, widthOfBounds, heightOfBounds); _boundsDrawRectangle.X -= widthOfBounds / 2; _boundsDrawRectangle.Y -= heightOfBounds / 2; _boundsSourceRectangle = new Rectangle(376, 48, 300, 150); WidthOfBounds = widthOfBounds; HeightOfBounds = heightOfBounds; // Defines how big the level selection box will be based on the game's resolution. _scissorRectangle = new Rectangle(_boundsDrawRectangle.X + (int)(12 / Main.WidthRatio), _boundsDrawRectangle.Y + (int)(12 / Main.HeightRatio), _boundsDrawRectangle.Width - (int)(24 / Main.WidthRatio), _boundsDrawRectangle.Height - (int)(24 / Main.HeightRatio)); // Defines where the function buttons will be. _functionButtonContainer = new Rectangle(_scissorRectangle.X + _scissorRectangle.Width - CalcHelper.ApplyHeightRatio(4 + 128 + 16 + 32), _scissorRectangle.Y + _scissorRectangle.Height + (int)(8 / Main.HeightRatio), (int)(184 / Main.WidthRatio), (int)(40 / Main.HeightRatio)); _playButton = new PlayButton(new Vector2(4, 4), _functionButtonContainer); _editButton = new EditButton(new Vector2(4 + 32 + 4, 4), _functionButtonContainer); _renameButton = new RenameButton(new Vector2(4 + 64 + 8, 4), _functionButtonContainer); _deleteButton = new DeleteButton(new Vector2(4 + 96 + 12, 4), _functionButtonContainer); _newButton = new NewButton(new Vector2(4 + 128 + 16, 4), _functionButtonContainer); _backButton = new BackButton(new Vector2(-500 + 96 + 4, 4), _functionButtonContainer); _buttons = new List<FunctionButton>(); _buttons.Add(_playButton); _buttons.Add(_editButton); _buttons.Add(_renameButton); _buttons.Add(_deleteButton); _buttons.Add(_newButton); _buttons.Add(_backButton); _playButton.MouseClicked += PlayButton_MouseClicked; _editButton.MouseClicked += EditButton_MouseClicked; _renameButton.MouseClicked += RenameButton_MouseClicked; _deleteButton.MouseClicked += DeleteButton_MouseClicked; _newButton.MouseClicked += NewButton_MouseClicked; _backButton.MouseClicked += BackButton_MouseClicked; // Define the spritefont for the "Select Level" header and its position. _headerFont = ContentHelper.LoadFont("Fonts/x64"); _headerText = "Select a Level:"; _headerPos = new Vector2(Main.UserResWidth / 2 - _headerFont.MeasureString(_headerText).X / 2, _scissorRectangle.Y - _headerFont.LineSpacing - CalcHelper.ApplyHeightRatio(10)); }