 /// <summary></summary>
 /// <param name="endUserIp">
 /// The user IP address as seen by RP. IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed.
 /// Note the importance of using the correct IP address.It must be the IP address representing the user agent (the end user device) as seen by the RP.
 /// If there is a proxy for inbound traffic, special considerations may need to be taken to get the correct address.
 /// In some use cases the IP address is not available, for instance for voice based services.
 /// In this case, the internal representation of those systems IP address is ok to use.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="personalIdentityNumber">
 /// The personal number of the user. 12 digits, century must be included (YYYYMMDDSSSC).
 /// If the personal number is excluded, the client must be started with the AutoStartToken returned in the response.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="requirement">Requirements on how the auth or sign order must be performed.</param>
 public AuthRequest(string endUserIp, string?personalIdentityNumber, Requirement requirement)
     : this(endUserIp, personalIdentityNumber, requirement, null, null, null)
 /// <summary></summary>
 /// <param name="endUserIp">
 /// The user IP address as seen by RP. IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed.
 /// Note the importance of using the correct IP address.It must be the IP address representing the user agent (the end user device) as seen by the RP.
 /// If there is a proxy for inbound traffic, special considerations may need to be taken to get the correct address.
 /// In some use cases the IP address is not available, for instance for voice based services.
 /// In this case, the internal representation of those systems IP address is ok to use.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="userVisibleData">
 /// The text to be displayed and signed. The text can be formatted using CR, LF and CRLF for new lines.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="userNonVisibleData">
 /// Data not displayed to the user.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="personalIdentityNumber">
 /// The personal number of the user. 12 digits, century must be included (YYYYMMDDSSSC).
 /// If the personal number is excluded, the client must be started with the AutoStartToken returned in the response.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="requirement">Requirements on how the auth or sign order must be performed.</param>
 public SignRequest(string endUserIp, string userVisibleData, byte[] userNonVisibleData, string personalIdentityNumber, Requirement requirement)
     EndUserIp              = endUserIp;
     UserVisibleData        = ToBase64EncodedString(userVisibleData);
     PersonalIdentityNumber = personalIdentityNumber;
     UserNonVisibleData     = ToBase64EncodedString(userNonVisibleData);
     Requirement            = requirement ?? new Requirement();
 /// <summary></summary>
 /// <param name="endUserIp">
 /// The user IP address as seen by RP. IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed.
 /// Note the importance of using the correct IP address.It must be the IP address representing the user agent (the end user device) as seen by the RP.
 /// If there is a proxy for inbound traffic, special considerations may need to be taken to get the correct address.
 /// In some use cases the IP address is not available, for instance for voice based services.
 /// In this case, the internal representation of those systems IP address is ok to use.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="personalIdentityNumber">
 /// The personal number of the user. 12 digits, century must be included (YYYYMMDDSSSC).
 /// If the personal number is excluded, the client must be started with the AutoStartToken returned in the response.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="requirement">Requirements on how the auth or sign order must be performed.</param>
 /// <param name="userVisibleData">
 /// A text that is displayed to the user during authentication with BankID, with the
 /// purpose of providing context for the authentication and to enable users to notice if
 /// there is something wrong about the identification and avoid attempted frauds.The
 /// text can be formatted using CR, LF and CRLF for new lines.The text must be
 /// encoded as UTF-8 and then base 64 encoded. 1—1 500 characters after base 64encoding.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="userNonVisibleData">
 /// Data not displayed to the user. String. The value must be base 64-encoded. 1-1 500 characters after base 64-encoding
 /// </param>
 public AuthRequest(string endUserIp, string?personalIdentityNumber, Requirement requirement, string?userVisibleData, byte[]?userNonVisibleData)
     : this(endUserIp, personalIdentityNumber, requirement, userVisibleData, userNonVisibleData, null)
 /// <summary></summary>
 /// <param name="endUserIp">
 /// The user IP address as seen by RP. IPv4 and IPv6 is allowed.
 /// Note the importance of using the correct IP address.It must be the IP address representing the user agent (the end user device) as seen by the RP.
 /// If there is a proxy for inbound traffic, special considerations may need to be taken to get the correct address.
 /// In some use cases the IP address is not available, for instance for voice based services.
 /// In this case, the internal representation of those systems IP address is ok to use.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="personalIdentityNumber">
 /// The personal number of the user. 12 digits, century must be included (YYYYMMDDSSSC).
 /// If the personal number is excluded, the client must be started with the AutoStartToken returned in the response.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="requirement">Requirements on how the auth or sign order must be performed.</param>
 public AuthRequest(string endUserIp, string?personalIdentityNumber, Requirement requirement)
     EndUserIp = endUserIp;
     PersonalIdentityNumber = personalIdentityNumber;
     Requirement            = requirement;