internal void RegistrationThread(int emailCount) { if (CProxy.GetProxyList()) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Proxy list obtained"); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < emailCount; i++) { string response; CookieCollection cookies; string proxy = CProxy.Proxies[j % CProxy.Proxies.Count].m_IP + ":" + CProxy.Proxies[j % CProxy.Proxies.Count].PORT; if (Http.HttpGetRequest("", out response, out cookies)) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => Get-Request: success"); Image captcha; CookieCollection PostCookies; if (GetCaptcha(response, cookies, out captcha, out PostCookies, proxy)) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "captcha => Get-Request: success"); //generate random data Account?acc; if (GetIdentity(out acc, proxy)) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "identity obtained"); string user = GenerateRandom.RandomString(10); string pass = GenerateRandom.RandomString(10); string patrick; if (ParsePatrick(response, out patrick)) { Account register = new Account(acc.Value.vorname, acc.Value.nachname, acc.Value.tag, acc.Value.monat, acc.Value.jahr, acc.Value.plz, acc.Value.strasse, acc.Value.ort, acc.Value.telefon,, patrick, user, pass); SetText(form.textBox1, user); SetText(form.textBox2, pass); SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "random data generated"); SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "waiting for user input"); SetPictureBox(form.pictureBox1, captcha); SetTextboxEnabled(form.textBox3, true); semaphore.Wait(); //wait for user input SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "user input obtained"); SetTextboxEnabled(form.textBox3, false); string captcha_challenge = form.textBox3.Text; //post request, finish registration if (FinishRegistration(register, captcha_challenge, PostCookies, proxy)) { PushToDataBase(user, pass); SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "registration finished!"); SetProgressBar(form.progressBar1, i + 1); SetLabel(form.label4, (i + 1).ToString() + "/" + emailCount); } else { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "registration failed"); i--; j++; continue; } SetText(form.textBox3, ""); SetTextboxEnabled(form.textBox3, true); } else { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "could not parse patrick"); i--; j++; continue; } } else { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Could not obtain identity"); i--; j++; continue; } } else { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Could not obtain captcha"); i--; j++; continue; } } else { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, " get failed"); i--; j++; continue; } } } else { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Could not obtain proxy list"); } //fertig SetNumericEnabled(form.numericUpDown1, false); SetButtonText(form.button1, "Start"); SetButtonEnabled(form.button1, true); }
internal void RegistrationThread(int emailCount) { ForceProxyListMode: int currentProxyIndex = 0; bool GotProxyList = false; bool ForceModify = false; bool ForceModifyUser = false; bool ForceModifyEmail = false; int attempts = 0; int attemptsEachTry = 0; bool proxyWorkedALittle = false; if (form.chkProxy.Checked) { GotProxyList = CProxy.GetProxyList(); } if (form.chkProxy.Checked && !GotProxyList) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Could not obtain proxy list"); goto ForceProxyListMode; } else if (form.chkProxy.Checked && GotProxyList) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Proxy list obtained proxies count: " + CProxy.Proxies.Count.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < emailCount; i++) { string response; CookieCollection cookies = null; string proxy = ""; if (GotProxyList) { ++attempts; if (attempts > 15) { currentProxyIndex++; attempts = 0; proxyWorkedALittle = false; } proxy = CProxy.Proxies[currentProxyIndex % CProxy.Proxies.Count].m_IP + ":" + CProxy.Proxies[currentProxyIndex % CProxy.Proxies.Count].PORT; SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Trying Proxy: " + currentProxyIndex.ToString() + "/" + CProxy.Proxies.Count.ToString() + " [" + proxy + "]"); } bool Worked = false; ReTry1: Worked = Http.HttpGetRequest("", "", out response, out cookies, null, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto ReTry1; } if (!Worked) { goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /agree_step01 => Get-Request: success"); ReTry2: Worked = Http.HttpGetRequest("", "", out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto ReTry2; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /Agreement => Get-Request: success"); Dictionary <string, string> a = new Dictionary <string, string>(); a["confirmchk"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode("Y"); ReTry3: Worked = Http.HttpPostRequest("", "", a, out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto ReTry3; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /agree_step02 => Post-Request: success [confirmchk=Y]"); Dictionary <string, string> b = new Dictionary <string, string>(); b["confirmchk01"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode("checkbox"); b["confirmchk02"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode("checkbox"); b["confirmchk03"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode("checkbox"); b["confirmchk"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode("Y"); ReTry4: Worked = Http.HttpPostRequest("", "", b, out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto ReTry4; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /signup => Post-Request: success [confirmchk01,02,03] and [confirmchk=Y]"); RetryGetNewUsername: string usernameCheck = form.txtUsername.Text; bool usernameExists = false; bool illegalUsername = false; Worked = Http.HttpGetRequest("" + usernameCheck, "", out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto RetryGetNewUsername; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; if (response == "{\"cnt\":0}") { usernameExists = false; } else if (response == "{\"cnt\":1}") { usernameExists = true; } else if (response == "{\"cnt\":2}") { usernameExists = true; illegalUsername = true; } else { Worked = false; if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } } if (illegalUsername) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /checking/id => Get-Request: illegal or banned username."); } SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /checking/id => Get-Request: " + usernameCheck + " " + (usernameExists ? "id exists" : "id is available!")); if (usernameExists || (!ForceModifyUser && ForceModify)) { if (form.chkUsernameNumbers.Checked) { var regex = new Regex(@"([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); Match match = regex.Match(form.txtUsername.Text); string usernameNoNumbers = form.txtUsername.Text; int usernameNumber = 0; if (match.Success) { if (match.Groups.Count == 3) { usernameNoNumbers = match.Groups[1].Value; usernameNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); } else if (match.Groups.Count == 2) { usernameNoNumbers = match.Groups[0].Value; usernameNumber = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[1].Value); } } usernameNumber++; SetText(form.txtUsername, usernameNoNumbers + usernameNumber); } else { SetText(form.txtUsername, form.txtUsername.Text + GenerateRandom.RandomNumber(1, 100)); } ForceModifyUser = true; goto RetryGetNewUsername; } RetryGetNewNickName: string nicknameCheck = form.txtNickName.Text; bool nickNameExists = false; bool illegalNickName = false; Worked = Http.HttpGetRequest("" + nicknameCheck, "", out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto RetryGetNewNickName; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; if (response == "{\"cnt\":0}") { nickNameExists = false; } else if (response == "{\"cnt\":1}") { nickNameExists = true; } else if (response == "{\"cnt\":2}") { nickNameExists = true; illegalNickName = true; } else { Worked = false; if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } } if (illegalNickName) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /checking/nickname => Get-Request: illegal or banned nickname."); } SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /checking/nickname => Get-Request: " + nicknameCheck + " " + (nickNameExists ? "nickname exists" : "nickname available!")); if (nickNameExists) { if (form.chkAutoChangeNickname.Checked) { SetText(form.txtNickName, GenerateRandom.RandomString(10)); } else { SetText(form.txtNickName, form.txtNickName.Text + GenerateRandom.RandomNumber(1, 9999999)); } goto RetryGetNewNickName; } RetryGetNewEmail: string emailCheck = form.txtEmail.Text; var mail = new MailAddress(emailCheck); //[email protected] //var user = mail.User; // emailname //var host = mail.Host; // bool emailExists = false; bool illegalEmail = false; Worked = Http.HttpGetRequest("" + emailCheck, "", out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto RetryGetNewEmail; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; if (response == "{\"cnt\":0}") { emailExists = false; } else if (response == "{\"cnt\":1}") { emailExists = true; } else if (response == "{\"cnt\":2}") { emailExists = true; illegalEmail = true; } else { Worked = false; if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } } if (illegalEmail) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /checking/email => Get-Request: illegal or banned email."); } SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /checking/email => Get-Request: " + emailCheck + " " + (emailExists ? "email exists" : "email available!")); if (emailExists || (!ForceModifyEmail && ForceModify)) { List <string> newEmails = new List <string>(); if (form.chkEmailCapitalTrick.Checked) { newEmails.AddRange(GenerateRandom.GenerateCaptialTrick(form.txtEmail.Text, 1000)); } if (form.chkEmailDotTrick.Checked) { newEmails.AddRange(GenerateRandom.GenerateDotTrick(form.txtEmail.Text, 1000)); } string randomEmail = newEmails[GenerateRandom.RandomNumber(newEmails.Count)] + "@" + mail.Host; SetText(form.txtEmail, randomEmail); ForceModifyEmail = true; goto RetryGetNewEmail; } string captcha = GenerateRandom.RandomString(5).ToUpper(); if (form.chkRandomBirthday.Checked) { SetText(form.txtBirthMonth, GenerateRandom.RandomNumber(1, 12).PadLeft(2, '0')); SetText(form.txtBirthDay, GenerateRandom.RandomNumber(1, 31).PadLeft(2, '0')); SetText(form.txtBirthYear, GenerateRandom.RandomNumber(1980, 2020)); } Dictionary <string, string> signup = new Dictionary <string, string>(); signup["captchaval"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(captcha); signup["userid"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtUsername.Text); signup["nickname"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtNickName.Text); signup["fname"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtFirstName.Text); signup["lname"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtLastName.Text); signup["pwd"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtPassword.Text); signup["pwd2"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtPassword.Text); signup["birth_year"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtBirthYear.Text); signup["birth_month"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtBirthMonth.Text); signup["birth_day"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(form.txtBirthDay.Text); signup["email"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(mail.User); signup["email_domain"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(mail.Host); signup["captcha"] = WebUtility.UrlEncode(captcha); ReTry5: Worked = Http.HttpPostRequest("", "", signup, out response, out cookies, cookies, proxy); if (!Worked && ++attemptsEachTry < 5) { goto ReTry5; } if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } attemptsEachTry = 0; if (response.Contains("This email domain is not allowed. Please try to sign up again.")) { MessageBox.Show("bad email domain = " + mail.Host + " kalonline doesn't allow this domain."); Worked = false; if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } } else if (response.Contains("exists Userid or Email")) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "reg => /signup => Post-Request: exists Userid or Email, failed!"); ForceModify = true; Worked = false; if (!Worked) { proxyWorkedALittle = true; goto ErrorGoto; } } else if (response.Contains("Verification email has been sent.") || response.Contains("Membership is completed after email authentication") || response.Contains("Please complete your email verification within 1 hour.")) { //Increase the progress bar, one successfully made account!. SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Registration finished! [id: " + form.txtUsername.Text + " pw: " + form.txtPassword.Text + " email: " + mail.User + "@" + mail.Host + "]"); SetProgressBar(form.progressBar1, i + 1); SetLabel(form.label4, (i + 1).ToString() + "/" + emailCount); } else if (response.Contains("Your IP has an over limit of acconut creation.")) { //Use a different proxy! SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "3 accounts per IP limit hit, trying different proxy!"); if (!form.chkProxy.Checked) { SetCheckBox(form.chkProxy, true); //little trick ;) -HighGamer goto ForceProxyListMode; } i--; currentProxyIndex++; continue; } ErrorGoto: if (!Worked) { SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "goto kalonline website failed"); i--; attemptsEachTry = 0; if (!proxyWorkedALittle || attempts > 15) { currentProxyIndex++; } continue; } } /* * Image captcha; * CookieCollection PostCookies; * if (GetCaptcha(response, cookies, out captcha, out PostCookies, proxy)) * { * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "captcha => Get-Request: success"); * //generate random data * Account? acc; * if (GetIdentity(out acc, proxy)) * { * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "identity obtained"); * * string user = GenerateRandom.RandomString(10); * string pass = GenerateRandom.RandomString(10); * * string patrick; * if (ParsePatrick(response, out patrick)) * { * * Account register = new Account(acc.Value.vorname, acc.Value.nachname, acc.Value.tag, acc.Value.monat, acc.Value.jahr, * acc.Value.plz, acc.Value.strasse, acc.Value.ort, acc.Value.telefon,, * patrick, user, pass); * SetText(form.textBox1, user); * SetText(form.textBox2, pass); * * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "random data generated"); * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "waiting for user input"); * * SetPictureBox(form.pictureBox1, captcha); * SetTextboxEnabled(form.textBox3, true); * * semaphore.Wait(); //wait for user input * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "user input obtained"); * * SetTextboxEnabled(form.textBox3, false); * * string captcha_challenge = form.textBox3.Text; * * //post request, finish registration * if (FinishRegistration(register, captcha_challenge, PostCookies, proxy)) * { * PushToDataBase(user, pass); * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "registration finished!"); * SetProgressBar(form.progressBar1, i + 1); * SetLabel(form.label4, (i + 1).ToString() + "/" + emailCount); * } * else * { * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "registration failed"); * i--; * currentProxyIndex++; * continue; * } * * SetText(form.textBox3, ""); * SetTextboxEnabled(form.textBox3, true); * } * else * { * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "could not parse patrick"); * i--; * currentProxyIndex++; * continue; * } * } * else * { * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Could not obtain identity"); * i--; * currentProxyIndex++; * continue; * } * * } * else * { * SetRichTextBox(form.richTextBox1, "Could not obtain captcha"); * i--; * currentProxyIndex++; * continue; * } */ //fertig SetNumericEnabled(form.numericUpDown1, false); SetButtonText(form.btnStart, "Start"); SetButtonEnabled(form.btnStart, true); }