        private void processImage(Bgr <byte>[,] frame, out Gray <byte>[,] probabilityMap, out Rectangle prevSearchArea, out Box2D foundBox)
            prevSearchArea = searchArea;

            //convert to HSV
            var hsvImg = frame.ToHsv();

            //back-project ratio hist => create probability map
            probabilityMap = ratioHist.BackProject(hsvImg.SplitChannels <Hsv <byte>, byte>(0, 1)); //or new Image<Gray<byte>>[]{ hsvImg[0], hsvImg[1]...}

            //user constraints...
            Gray <byte>[,] mask = hsvImg.InRange(new Hsv <byte>(0, 0, (byte)minV), new Hsv <byte>(0, 0, (byte)maxV), Byte.MaxValue, 2);
            probabilityMap.AndByte(mask, inPlace: true);

            //run Camshift algorithm to find new object position, size and angle
            foundBox = Camshift.Process(probabilityMap, searchArea);
            var foundArea = Rectangle.Round(foundBox.GetMinArea());

            searchArea = foundArea.Inflate(0.05, 0.05, frame.Size()); //inflate found area for search (X factor)...
            if (searchArea.IsEmpty)
                isROISelected = false;                     //reset tracking
        private void trackCamshift(Bgr<byte>[,] frame, Rectangle searchArea, out Gray<byte>[,] probabilityMap, out Box2D foundBox)
            const int PROBABILITY_MIN_VAL = (int)(0.3f * Byte.MaxValue);

            //convert to HSV
            var hsvImg = frame.ToHsv(); 
            //back-project ratio hist => create probability map
            probabilityMap = ratioHist.BackProject(hsvImg.SplitChannels<Hsv<byte>, byte>(0, 1)); //or new Image<Gray<byte>>[]{ hsvImg[0], hsvImg[1]...} 

            //user constraints...
            Gray<byte>[,] mask = hsvImg.InRange(new Hsv<byte>(0, 0, (byte)minV), new Hsv<byte>(0, 0, (byte)maxV), Byte.MaxValue, 2);
            probabilityMap.AndByte(mask, inPlace: true);

            //run Camshift algorithm to find new object position, size and angle
            CentralMoments centralMoments;
            foundBox = Camshift.Process(probabilityMap, searchArea, Meanshift.DEFAULT_TERM, out centralMoments); 

             //stopping conditions
            float avgIntensity = centralMoments.Mu00 / (foundBox.Size.Area() + Single.Epsilon);
            if (avgIntensity < PROBABILITY_MIN_VAL || foundBox.Size.IsEmpty || foundBox.Size.Height < 12)
                foundBox = Box2D.Empty; //invalid box
        private void processImage(Bgr<byte>[,] frame, out Gray<byte>[,] probabilityMap, out Rectangle prevSearchArea, out Box2D foundBox)
            prevSearchArea = searchArea;

            //convert to HSV
            var hsvImg = frame.ToHsv(); 
            //back-project ratio hist => create probability map
            probabilityMap = ratioHist.BackProject(hsvImg.SplitChannels<Hsv<byte>, byte>(0, 1)); //or new Image<Gray<byte>>[]{ hsvImg[0], hsvImg[1]...} 

            //user constraints...
            Gray<byte>[,] mask = hsvImg.InRange(new Hsv<byte>(0, 0, (byte)minV), new Hsv<byte>(0, 0, (byte)maxV), Byte.MaxValue, 2);
            probabilityMap.AndByte(mask, inPlace:true);

            //run Camshift algorithm to find new object position, size and angle
            foundBox = Camshift.Process(probabilityMap, searchArea);
            var foundArea = Rectangle.Round(foundBox.GetMinArea());

            searchArea = foundArea.Inflate(0.05, 0.05, frame.Size()); //inflate found area for search (X factor)...
            if (searchArea.IsEmpty) isROISelected = false; //reset tracking