static void Main(string[] args) { // Access Modifier - It is a way to control access of a class or its members to the outside classes. // To provide safety to the members of a class // Encapsulation - It is a process of limiting / Controlling the access of a class or its members to the outside classes /* * Public - Accessible to everyone (to outside classes) * Private - Accessible only within the class * Protected - Accessible to the class in which it is defined also accessible within its child class * Internal Protected - Accessible with in the class and to its child which is inside same assembly * Protected Internal - Accessible with in the class and to its child child class which is in a new assembly */ // In general // fields will be specifed as private // provide getters / setter methods as public // Setter - it is a method which is used assign value to a variable // Getter - it is a method which is read/ retreive value from a variable Person p = new Person(); p.setName("Anwesh"); Console.WriteLine(p.getName()); Console.ReadLine(); }