 public ASContext()
     features = new ContextFeatures();
     completionCache = new CompletionCache(this, null);
     cacheRefreshTimer = new Timer();
     cacheRefreshTimer.Interval = 1500; // delay initial refresh
     cacheRefreshTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(cacheRefreshTimer_Tick);
 /// <summary>
 /// Look if the provided text starts with any declaration keyword
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsDeclaration(string line, ContextFeatures features)
     foreach (string keyword in features.accessKeywords)
         if (line.StartsWith(keyword) && IsSpaceAt(line, keyword.Length)) return true;
     foreach (string keyword in features.declKeywords)
         if (line.StartsWith(keyword) && IsSpaceAt(line, keyword.Length)) return true;
     return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Look if the provided text starts with any declaration keyword
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsDeclaration(string line, ContextFeatures features)
     foreach (string keyword in features.accessKeywords)
         if (line.StartsWith(keyword) && IsSpaceAt(line, keyword.Length))
     foreach (string keyword in features.declKeywords)
         if (line.StartsWith(keyword) && IsSpaceAt(line, keyword.Length))
 public ASFileParser()
     features = new ContextFeatures();
        public void ParseSrc(FileModel fileModel, string ba, bool allowBaReExtract)
            //TraceManager.Add("Parsing " + Path.GetFileName(fileModel.FileName));
            model = fileModel;
            model.OutOfDate = false;
            model.CachedModel = false;
            if (model.Context != null) features = model.Context.Features;
            if (features != null && features.hasModules)
                model.Module = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(model.FileName);

            // pre-filtering
            if (allowBaReExtract && model.HasFiltering && model.Context != null)
                ba = model.Context.FilterSource(fileModel.FileName, ba);

            model.InlinedIn = null;
            model.InlinedRanges = null;

            // language features
            model.PrivateSectionIndex = 0;
            model.Package = "";
            model.MetaDatas = null;

            // state
            int len = ba.Length;
            if (len < 0)
            int i = 0;
            line = 0;

            // when parsing cache file including multiple files

            char c1;
            char c2;
            int matching = 0;
            bool isInString = false;
            int inString = 0;
            int braceCount = 0;
            bool inCode = true;

            // comments
            char[] commentBuffer = new char[COMMENTS_BUFFER];
            int commentLength = 0;
            lastComment = null;
            curComment = null;

            // tokenisation
            tryPackage = true;
            hasPackageSection = false;
            haXe = model.haXe;
            TypeCommentUtils.ObjectType = haXe ? "Dynamic" : "Object";
            version = (haXe) ? 4 : 1;
            curToken = new Token();
            prevToken = new Token();
            int tokPos = 0;
            int tokLine = 0;
            curMethod = null;
            curMember = null;
            valueKeyword = null;
            valueMember = null;
            curModifiers = 0;
            curNamespace = "internal";
            curAccess = 0;

            char[] buffer = new char[TOKEN_BUFFER];
            int length = 0;
            char[] valueBuffer = new char[VALUE_BUFFER];
            int valueLength = 0;
            int paramBraceCount = 0;
            int paramTempCount = 0;
            int paramParCount = 0;
            int paramSqCount = 0;

            bool hadWS = true;
            bool hadDot = false;
            inParams = false;
            inEnum = false;
            inTypedef = false;
            inAbstract = false;
            inValue = false;
            inConst = false;
            inType = false;
            inGeneric = false;
            inAnonType = false;

            bool addChar = false;
            int evalToken = 0;
            //bool evalKeyword = true;
            context = 0;
            modifiers = 0;
            foundColon = false;

            bool handleDirectives = features.hasDirectives || cachedPath != null;
            bool inlineDirective = false;

            while (i < len)
                c1 = ba[i++];
                isInString = (inString > 0);

                /* MATCH COMMENTS / STRING LITERALS */

                switch (matching)
                    // look for comment block/line and preprocessor commands
                    case 0:
                        if (!isInString)
                            // new comment
                            if (c1 == '/' && i < len)
                                c2 = ba[i];
                                if (c2 == '/')
                                    // Check if this this is a /// comment
                                    if (i + 1 < len && ba[i + 1] == '/')
                                        // This is a /// comment
                                        matching = 4;
                                        isBlockComment = true;
                                        // This is a regular comment
                                        matching = 1;
                                        isBlockComment = false;
                                    inCode = false;
                                else if (c2 == '*')
                                    isBlockComment = (i + 1 < len && ba[i + 1] == '*');
                                    matching = 2;
                                    inCode = false;
                                    while (i < len - 1)
                                        c2 = ba[i];
                                        if (c2 == '*' && ba[i + 1] != '/') i++;
                                        else break;
                            // don't look for comments in strings
                            else if (c1 == '"')
                                isInString = true;
                                inString = 1;
                            else if (c1 == '\'')
                                isInString = true;
                                inString = 2;
                            // preprocessor statements
                            else if (c1 == '#' && handleDirectives)
                                int ls = i - 2;
                                inlineDirective = false;
                                while (ls > 0)
                                    c2 = ba[ls--];
                                    if (c2 == 10 || c2 == 13) break;
                                    else if (c2 > 32) { inlineDirective = true; break; }
                                c2 = ba[i];
                                if (i < 2 || ba[i - 2] < 33 && c2 >= 'a' && c2 <= 'z')
                                    matching = 3;
                                    inCode = false;
                        // end of string
                        else if (isInString)
                            if (c1 == '\\') { i++; continue; }
                            else if (c1 == 10 || c1 == 13) inString = 0;
                            else if ((inString == 1) && (c1 == '"')) inString = 0;
                            else if ((inString == 2) && (c1 == '\'')) inString = 0;

                            // extract "include" declarations
                            if (inString == 0 && length == 7 && context == 0)
                                string token = new string(buffer, 0, length);
                                if (token == "include")
                                    string inc = ba.Substring(tokPos, i - tokPos);
                                    if (model.MetaDatas == null) model.MetaDatas = new List<ASMetaData>();
                                    ASMetaData meta = new ASMetaData("Include");

                    // skip commented line
                    case 1:
                        if (c1 == 10 || c1 == 13)
                            // ignore single comments
                            commentLength = 0;
                            inCode = true;
                            matching = 0;

                    // skip commented block
                    case 2:
                        if (c1 == '*')
                            bool end = false;
                            while (i < len)
                                c2 = ba[i];
                                if (c2 == '\\') { i++; continue; }
                                if (c2 == '/')
                                    end = true;
                                else if (c2 == '*') i++;
                                else break;
                            if (end)
                                lastComment = (commentLength > 0) ? new string(commentBuffer, 0, commentLength) : null;
                                // TODO  parse for TODO statements?
                                commentLength = 0;
                                inCode = true;
                                matching = 0;

                    // directive/preprocessor statement
                    case 3:
                        if (c1 == 10 || c1 == 13 || (inlineDirective && c1 <= 32))
                            if (commentLength > 0)
                                string directive = new string(commentBuffer, 0, commentLength);
                                if (directive.StartsWith("if"))
                                    inCode = true;
                                else if (directive.StartsWith("else"))
                                    inCode = true;
                                else if (directive.StartsWith("end"))
                                    inCode = true; // directive end
                                    matching = 0;
                                else inCode = true;

                                // FD cache custom directive
                                if (cachedPath != null && directive.StartsWith("file-cache "))
                                    // parsing done!

                                    // next model
                                    string realFile = directive.Substring(11);
                                    FileModel newModel = model.Context != null ? model.Context.CreateFileModel(realFile) : new FileModel(realFile);
                                    newModel.LastWriteTime = cacheLastWriteTime;
                                    newModel.CachedModel = true;
                                    if (features != null && features.hasModules)
                                        newModel.Module = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(realFile);
                                    haXe = newModel.haXe;
                                    if (!cachedPath.HasFile(realFile) && File.Exists(realFile))
                                        newModel.OutOfDate = (File.GetLastWriteTime(realFile) > cacheLastWriteTime);
                                    model = newModel;
                                    goto resetParser; // loop
                            else inCode = true;
                            commentLength = 0;
                            matching = 0;


                    // We are inside a /// comment
                    case 4:
                            bool end = false;
                            bool skipAhead = false;

                            // See if we just ended a line
                            if (2 <= i && (ba[i - 2] == 10 || ba[i - 2] == 13))
                                // Check ahead to the next line, see if it has a /// comment on it too.
                                // If it does, we want to continue the comment with that line.  If it
                                // doesn't, then this comment is finished and we will set end to true.
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < len; ++j)
                                    // Skip whitespace
                                    char twoBack = ba[j - 2];
                                    if (' ' != twoBack && '\t' != twoBack)
                                        if ('/' == twoBack && '/' == ba[j - 1] && '/' == ba[j])
                                            // There is a comment ahead.  Move up to it so we can gather the
                                            // rest of the comment
                                            i = j + 1;
                                            skipAhead = true;
                                            // Not a comment!  We're done!
                                            end = true;
                            if (end)
                                // The comment is over and we want to write it out
                                lastComment = (commentLength > 0) ? new string(commentBuffer, 0, commentLength).Trim() : null;
                                commentLength = 0;
                                inCode = true;
                                matching = 0;

                                // Back up i so we can start gathering comments from right after the line break
                            if (skipAhead)
                                // We just hit another /// and are skipping up to right after it.

                /* LINE/COLUMN NUMBER */

                if (c1 == 10 || c1 == 13)
                    if (cachedPath == null) line++; // cache breaks line count
                    if (c1 == 13 && i < len && ba[i] == 10) i++;

                /* SKIP CONTENT */

                if (!inCode)
                    // store comments
                    if (matching == 2 || (matching == 3 && handleDirectives) || matching == 4)
                        if (commentLength < COMMENTS_BUFFER) commentBuffer[commentLength++] = c1;
                    else if (matching == 1 && (c1 == '#' || c1 == '{'))
                        commentBuffer[commentLength++] = c1;
                        while (i < len)
                            c2 = ba[i];
                            if (commentLength < COMMENTS_BUFFER) commentBuffer[commentLength++] = c2;
                            if (c2 == 10 || c2 == 13)

                        string comment = new String(commentBuffer, 0, commentLength);
                        Match match = ASFileParserRegexes.Region.Match(comment);
                        if (match.Success)
                            string regionName = match.Groups["name"].Value.Trim();
                            MemberModel region = new MemberModel(regionName, String.Empty, FlagType.Declaration, Visibility.Default);
                            region.LineFrom = region.LineTo = line;
                else if (isInString)
                    // store parameter default value
                    if (inValue && valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER)
                        valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;
                if (braceCount > 0 && !inValue)
                    if (c1 == '/')
                        LookupRegex(ref ba, ref i);
                    else if (c1 == '}')
                        lastComment = null;
                        if (braceCount == 0 && curMethod != null)
                            curMethod.LineTo = line;
                            curMethod = null;
                    else if (c1 == '{') braceCount++;
                    // escape next char
                    else if (c1 == '\\') i++;


                if (inValue)
                    bool stopParser = false;
                    bool valueError = false;
                    if (inType && !inAnonType && !inGeneric && !Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c1) && ".{}-><".IndexOf(c1) < 0)
                        inType = false;
                        inValue = false;
                        inGeneric = false;
                        valueLength = 0;
                        length = 0;
                        context = 0;
                    else if (c1 == '{')
                        if (!inType || valueLength == 0 || valueBuffer[valueLength - 1] == '<' || paramBraceCount > 0)
                            stopParser = true;
                    else if (c1 == '}')
                        if (paramBraceCount > 0) { paramBraceCount--; stopParser = true; }
                        else valueError = true;
                    else if (c1 == '(')
                        stopParser = true;
                    else if (c1 == ')')
                        if (paramParCount > 0) { paramParCount--; stopParser = true; }
                        else valueError = true;
                    else if (c1 == '[') paramSqCount++;
                    else if (c1 == ']')
                        if (paramSqCount > 0) { paramSqCount--; stopParser = true; }
                        else valueError = true;
                    else if (c1 == '<')
                        if (i > 1 && ba[i - 2] == '<') paramTempCount = 0; // a << b
                            if (inType) inGeneric = true;
                    else if (c1 == '>')
                        if (ba[i - 2] == '-') { /*haxe method signatures*/ }
                        else if (paramTempCount > 0)
                            stopParser = true;
                        else valueError = true;
                    else if (c1 == '/')
                        int i0 = i;
                        if (LookupRegex(ref ba, ref i) && valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER - 3)
                            valueBuffer[valueLength++] = '/';
                            for (; i0 < i; i0++)
                                if (valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER - 2) valueBuffer[valueLength++] = ba[i0];
                            valueBuffer[valueLength++] = '/';
                    else if (inValue && (inParams || inType || inConst)
                        && c1 == '/' && valueLength == 0) // lookup native regex
                        int itemp = i;
                        valueBuffer[valueLength++] = '/';
                        while (valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER && i < len)
                            c1 = ba[i++];
                            if (c1 == '\n' || c1 == '\r')
                                valueLength = 0;
                                i = itemp;
                            valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;
                            if (c1 == '\\' && i < len)
                                c1 = ba[i++];
                                valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;
                            else if (c1 == '/') break;
                    else if ((c1 == ':' || c1 == ',') && paramBraceCount > 0) stopParser = true;

                    // end of value
                    if ((valueError || (!stopParser && paramBraceCount == 0 && paramParCount == 0 && paramSqCount == 0 && paramTempCount == 0))
                        && (c1 == ',' || c1 == ';' || c1 == '}' || c1 == '\r' || c1 == '\n' || (inParams && c1 == ')') || inType))
                        if (!inType && (!inValue || c1 != ','))
                            length = 0;
                            context = 0;
                        inValue = false;
                        inGeneric = false;
                        //if (valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER) valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;

                    // in params, store the default value
                    else if ((inParams || inType || inConst) && valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER)
                        if (c1 <= 32)
                            if (valueLength > 0 && valueBuffer[valueLength - 1] != ' ')
                                valueBuffer[valueLength++] = ' ';
                        else valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;

                    // detect keywords
                    if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c1))
                        // escape next char
                        if (c1 == '\\' && i < len)
                            c1 = ba[i++];
                            if (valueLength < VALUE_BUFFER) valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;
                        if (stopParser) continue;
                        else if (valueError && c1 == ')') inValue = false;
                        else if (inType && inGeneric && (c1 == '<' || c1 == '.')) continue;
                        else if (inAnonType) continue;
                        hadWS = true;

                // store type / parameter value
                if (!inValue && valueLength > 0)
                    string param = /*(valueBuffer[0] == '{' && valueBuffer[0] != '[') ? "..."
                        :*/ new string(valueBuffer, 0, valueLength);

                    // get text before the last keyword found
                    if (valueKeyword != null)
                        int p = param.LastIndexOf(valueKeyword.Text);
                        if (p > 0) param = param.Substring(0, p).TrimEnd();

                    if (curMember == null)
                        if (inType)
                            prevToken.Text = curToken.Text;
                            prevToken.Line = curToken.Line;
                            prevToken.Position = curToken.Position;
                            curToken.Text = param;
                            curToken.Line = tokLine;
                            curToken.Position = tokPos;
                            EvalToken(true, true/*false*/, i - 1 - valueLength);
                            evalToken = 0;
                    else if (inType)
                        foundColon = false;
                        if (haXe)
                            if (param.EndsWith("}") || param.Contains(">"))
                                param = ASFileParserRegexes.Spaces.Replace(param, "");
                                param = param.Replace(",", ", ");
                                param = param.Replace("->", " -> ");
                        curMember.Type = param;
                    // AS3 const or method parameter's default value
                    else if (version > 2 && (curMember.Flags & FlagType.Variable) > 0)
                        if (inParams || inConst) curMember.Value = param;
                        curMember.LineTo = line;
                        if (c1 == '\r' || c1 == '\n') curMember.LineTo--;
                        if (inConst && c1 != ',')
                            context = 0;
                            inConst = false;
                    valueLength = 0;
                    valueMember = null;
                    if (!inParams && !(inConst && context != 0) && c1 != '{') continue;
                    else length = 0;

                /* TOKENIZATION */

                // whitespace
                if (c1 <= 32)
                    hadWS = true;
                // a dot can be in an identifier
                if (c1 == '.')
                    if (length > 0 || (inParams && version == 3))
                        hadWS = false;
                        hadDot = true;
                        addChar = true;
                        if (!inValue && context == FlagType.Variable && !foundColon)
                            bool keepContext = inParams && (length == 0 || buffer[0] == '.');
                            if (!keepContext) context = 0;
                    else continue;
                    // should we evaluate the token?
                    if (hadWS && !hadDot && !inGeneric && length > 0)
                        evalToken = 1;
                    hadWS = false;
                    hadDot = false;
                    bool shortcut = true;

                    // valid char for keyword
                    if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'z')
                        addChar = true;
                        // valid chars for identifiers
                        if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z')
                            addChar = true;
                        else if (c1 == '$' || c1 == '_')
                            addChar = true;
                        else if (length > 0)
                            if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9')
                                addChar = true;
                            else if (c1 == '*' && context == FlagType.Import)
                                addChar = true;
                            // AS3/haXe generics
                            else if (features.hasGenerics && c1 == '<')
                                if (!inValue && i > 2 && length > 1 && i < len - 3
                                    && Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ba[i - 3]) && (Char.IsLetter(ba[i]) || (haXe && ba[i] == '{'))
                                    && (Char.IsLetter(buffer[0]) || buffer[0] == '_'))
                                    if (curMember == null)
                                        evalToken = 0;
                                        if (inGeneric) paramTempCount++;
                                            paramTempCount = 1;
                                            inGeneric = true;
                                        addChar = true;
                                        evalToken = 0;
                                        inGeneric = true;
                                        inValue = true;
                                        inType = true;
                                        inAnonType = false;
                                        valueLength = 0;
                                        for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                                            valueBuffer[valueLength++] = buffer[j];
                                        valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;
                                        length = 0;
                                        paramBraceCount = 0;
                                        paramParCount = 0;
                                        paramSqCount = 0;
                                        paramTempCount = 1;
                            else if (inGeneric && (c1 == ',' || c1 == '.' || c1 == '-' || c1 == '>' || c1 == ':'))
                                hadWS = false;
                                hadDot = false;
                                evalToken = 0;
                                if (!inValue)
                                    addChar = true;
                                    if (c1 == '>' && inGeneric)
                                        if (paramTempCount > 0) paramTempCount--;
                                        if (paramTempCount == 0 && paramBraceCount == 0
                                            && paramSqCount == 0 && paramParCount == 0) inGeneric = false;
                                evalToken = 2;
                                shortcut = false;
                        // star is valid in import statements
                        else if (c1 == '*' && version == 3)
                            addChar = true;
                        // conditional haXe parameter
                        else if (c1 == '?' && haXe && inParams && length == 0)
                            addChar = true;
                        else shortcut = false;

                    // eval this word
                    if (evalToken > 0)
                        prevToken.Text = curToken.Text;
                        prevToken.Line = curToken.Line;
                        prevToken.Position = curToken.Position;
                        curToken.Text = new string(buffer, 0, length);
                        curToken.Line = tokLine;
                        curToken.Position = tokPos;
                        EvalToken(!inValue, (c1 != '=' && c1 != ','), i - 1 - length);
                        length = 0;
                        evalToken = 0;

                    if (!shortcut)
                        // start of block
                        if (c1 == '{')
                            if (context == FlagType.Package || context == FlagType.Class) // parse package/class block
                                context = 0;
                            else if (context == FlagType.Enum) // parse enum block
                                if (curClass != null && (curClass.Flags & FlagType.Enum) > 0)
                                    inEnum = true;
                                    context = 0;
                                    curModifiers = 0;
                                    braceCount++; // ignore block
                            else if (context == FlagType.TypeDef) // parse typedef block
                                if (curClass != null && (curClass.Flags & FlagType.TypeDef) > 0)
                                    inTypedef = true;
                                    if (i < len && ba[i] == '>')
                                        buffer[0] = 'e'; buffer[1] = 'x'; buffer[2] = 't'; buffer[3] = 'e'; buffer[4] = 'n'; buffer[5] = 'd'; buffer[6] = 's';
                                        length = 7;
                                        context = FlagType.Class;
                                    context = 0;
                                    curModifiers = 0;
                                    braceCount++; // ignore block
                            else if (context == FlagType.Abstract) // parse abstract block
                                if (curClass != null && (curClass.Flags & FlagType.Abstract) > 0)
                                    inAbstract = true;
                                    context = 0;
                                    curModifiers = 0;
                                    braceCount++; // ignore block
                            else if (foundColon && haXe && length == 0) // copy haXe anonymous type
                                inValue = true;
                                inType = true;
                                inAnonType = true;
                                valueLength = 0;
                                valueBuffer[valueLength++] = c1;
                                paramBraceCount = 1;
                                paramParCount = 0;
                                paramSqCount = 0;
                                paramTempCount = 0;
                            else if (foundConstant) // start config block
                                foundConstant = false;
                                context = 0;
                            else if (ScriptMode) // not in a class, parse if/for/while/do blocks
                                context = 0;
                            else braceCount++; // ignore block

                        // end of block
                        else if (c1 == '}')
                            curComment = null;
                            foundColon = false;
                            foundConstant = false;

                            if (flattenNextBlock > 0) // content of this block was parsed

                            // outside of a method, the '}' ends the current class
                            else if (curClass != null)
                                if (curClass != null) curClass.LineTo = line;
                                curClass = null;
                                inEnum = false;
                                inTypedef = false;
                                inAbstract = false;
                                if (hasPackageSection && model.PrivateSectionIndex == 0) model.PrivateSectionIndex = line + 1;

                        // member type declaration
                        else if (c1 == ':' && !inValue && !inGeneric)
                            foundColon = curMember != null && curMember.Type == null;
                            // recognize compiler config block
                            if (!foundColon && braceCount == 0
                                && i < len - 2 && ba[i] == ':' && Char.IsLetter(ba[i + 1]))
                                foundConstant = true;

                        // next variable declaration
                        else if (c1 == ',')
                            if ((context == FlagType.Variable || context == FlagType.TypeDef) && curMember != null)
                                curAccess = curMember.Access;
                                foundKeyword = FlagType.Variable;
                                foundColon = false;
                                lastComment = null;
                            else if (context == FlagType.Class && prevToken.Text == "implements")
                                curToken.Text = "implements";
                                foundKeyword = FlagType.Implements;

                        else if (c1 == '(')
                            if (!inValue && context == FlagType.Variable && curToken.Text != "catch" && (!haXe || curToken.Text != "for"))
                                if (haXe && curMember != null && valueLength == 0) // haXe properties
                                    curMember.Flags -= FlagType.Variable;
                                    curMember.Flags |= FlagType.Getter | FlagType.Setter;
                                    context = FlagType.Function;
                                else context = 0;

                            // beginning of method parameters
                            if (context == FlagType.Function)
                                context = FlagType.Variable;
                                inParams = true;
                                inGeneric = false;
                                if (valueMember != null && curMember == null)
                                    valueLength = 0;
                                    //valueMember.Flags -= FlagType.Variable; ???
                                    valueMember.Flags = FlagType.Function;
                                    curMethod = curMember = valueMember;
                                    valueMember = null;
                                else if (curMember == null)
                                    context = FlagType.Function;
                                    if ((curModifiers & FlagType.Getter) > 0)
                                        curModifiers -= FlagType.Getter;
                                        EvalToken(true, false, i);
                                        curMethod = curMember;
                                        context = FlagType.Variable;
                                    else if ((curModifiers & FlagType.Setter) > 0)
                                        curModifiers -= FlagType.Setter;
                                        EvalToken(true, false, i);
                                        curMethod = curMember;
                                        context = FlagType.Variable;
                                        inParams = false;
                                        context = 0;
                                    curMethod = curMember;

                            // an Enum value with parameters
                            else if (inEnum && curToken != null)
                                context = FlagType.Variable;
                                inParams = true;
                                curMethod = curMember ?? new MemberModel();
                                curMethod.Name = curToken.Text;
                                curMethod.Flags = curModifiers | FlagType.Function | FlagType.Static;
                                curMethod.Parameters = new List<MemberModel>();
                                if (curClass != null && curMember == null) curClass.Members.Add(curMethod);

                            // a TypeDef method with parameters
                            else if (inTypedef && curToken != null)
                                context = FlagType.Variable;
                                inParams = true;
                                curMethod = curMember ?? new MemberModel();
                                curMethod.Name = curToken.Text;
                                curMethod.Flags = curModifiers | FlagType.Function;
                                curMethod.Parameters = new List<MemberModel>();
                                if (curClass != null && curMember == null) curClass.Members.Add(curMethod);

                            // an Abstract "opaque type"
                            else if (context == FlagType.Abstract && prevToken.Text == "abstract")
                                foundKeyword = FlagType.Class;
                                curModifiers = FlagType.Extends;

                            else if (curMember == null && curToken.Text != "catch" && (!haXe || curToken.Text != "for"))
                                context = 0;
                                inGeneric = false;

                        // end of statement
                        else if (c1 == ';')
                            context = (inEnum) ? FlagType.Enum : 0;
                            inGeneric = false;
                            modifiers = 0;
                            inParams = false;
                            curMember = null;

                        // end of method parameters
                        else if (c1 == ')' && inParams)
                            context = 0;
                            if (inEnum) context = FlagType.Enum;
                            else if (inTypedef) context = FlagType.TypeDef;
                            modifiers = 0;
                            inParams = false;
                            curMember = curMethod;

                        // skip value of a declared variable
                        else if (c1 == '=')
                            if (context == FlagType.Variable || (context == FlagType.Enum && inEnum))
                                if (!inValue && curMember != null)
                                    inValue = true;
                                    inConst = (curMember.Flags & FlagType.Constant) > 0;
                                    inType = false;
                                    inGeneric = false;
                                    paramBraceCount = 0;
                                    paramParCount = 0;
                                    paramSqCount = 0;
                                    paramTempCount = 0;
                                    valueLength = 0;
                                    valueMember = curMember;

                        // metadata
                        else if (!inValue && c1 == '[')
                            if (version == 3) LookupMeta(ref ba, ref i);
                            else if (features.hasCArrays && curMember != null && curMember.Type != null)
                                if (ba[i] == ']') curMember.Type = features.CArrayTemplate + "@" + curMember.Type;

                        // haXe signatures: T -> T -> T
                        else if (haXe && c1 == '-' && curMember != null)
                            if (ba[i] == '>' && curMember.Type != null)
                                curMember.Type += " ->";
                                foundColon = true;

                        // escape next char
                        else if (c1 == '\\') { i++; continue; }

                        // literal regex
                        else if (c1 == '/' && version == 3)
                            if (LookupRegex(ref ba, ref i))

                // put in buffer
                if (addChar)
                    if (length < TOKEN_BUFFER) buffer[length++] = c1;

                    if (length == 1)
                        tokPos = i - 1;
                        tokLine = line;
                    addChar = false;

            // parsing done!

            // post-filtering
            if (cachedPath == null && model.HasFiltering && model.Context != null)

            //	Debug.WriteLine("out model: " + model.GenerateIntrinsic(false));