public void LoadLocationObjects(string message) { var opts = new PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions() { HideObjectUntilItIsPlaced = true, MaxNumberOfLocationUpdates = 0, MovementSmoothing = 0.05f, UseMovingAverage = false }; Debug.Log(message); var objects = JArray.Parse(message); foreach (JObject location in objects) { Debug.Log(location); double lat = double.Parse((string)location["location"]["latitude"]); double lng = double.Parse((string)location["location"]["longitude"]); JToken sensorData = location["data"]; var entry = new Location() { Latitude = lat, Longitude = lng, Altitude = 0, AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.GroundRelative }; //Create Game object GameObject newGameObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("POIPrefab")) as GameObject; newGameObject.transform.SetParent(this.transform); //Create 3D text TextMeshPro textMesh = newGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMeshPro>(true)[0]; foreach (JObject data in sensorData) { textMesh.text = textMesh.text + (string)data["name"] + ": " + "<color=yellow>" + (string)data["value"] + "</color>" + System.Environment.NewLine; } //Put new Game Object to the Scene PlaceAtLocation.AddPlaceAtComponent(newGameObject, entry, opts); gameObjects.Add(entry, newGameObject); Debug.Log($"{lat}, {lng}, {name}"); } }
void PlaceEntryAtLocation(Entry entry) { var prefab = PrefabDatabase.GetEntryById(entry.MeshId); if (prefab == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"Invalid prefab '{entry.MeshId}'"); return; } var location = entry.Location; var options = new PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions { }; entry.Instance = PlaceAtLocation.CreatePlacedInstance(prefab, location, options, false); entry.Instance.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, entry.Rotation, 0); }
private void AddShipObject(string key, ShipData value) { if (!value.messageID.Equals("0")) { return; //**원래라면 여기서 장애물 선별해야함. } ARLocation.Location newLocation = new ARLocation.Location() { Latitude = double.Parse(value.latitude), Longitude = double.Parse(value.longitude), Altitude = 0, AltitudeMode = ARLocation.AltitudeMode.GroundRelative }; //new object GameObject copyPrefab = Instantiate <GameObject>(_shipObjPrefab); ShipObjectScript objSc = copyPrefab.GetComponent <ShipObjectScript>(); objSc._mapVC = _mapVC; ARLocation.PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions opts = new ARLocation.PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions() { HideObjectUntilItIsPlaced = true, MaxNumberOfLocationUpdates = 1, //** 업데이트 횟 수 관리 MovementSmoothing = 0, UseMovingAverage = true }; objSc._mainSceneController = this; objSc._userKey = key; objSc.SetShipData(value); objSc._placeAtLocationScript = ARLocation.PlaceAtLocation.AddPlaceAtComponentCustom(objSc._placeAtLocationScript, newLocation, opts); objSc._placeAtLocationScript.ObjectLocationUpdated.AddListener(ObjectUpdatedEvent); //이벤트 등록 (델리게이트) _shipObjs.Add(key, copyPrefab); }
void BuildGameObjects() { foreach (var entry in _dataEntries) { var Prefab = PrefabDatabase.GetEntryById(entry.meshId); if (!Prefab) { Debug.LogWarning($"[ARLocation#WebMapLoader]: Prefab {entry.meshId} not found."); continue; } var PlacementOptions = new PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions() { MovementSmoothing = entry.movementSmoothing, MaxNumberOfLocationUpdates = entry.maxNumberOfLocationUpdates, UseMovingAverage = entry.useMovingAverage, HideObjectUntilItIsPlaced = entry.hideObjectUtilItIsPlaced }; var location = new Location() { Latitude =, Longitude = entry.lng, Altitude = entry.altitude, AltitudeMode = entry.getAltitudeMode(), Label = }; var instance = PlaceAtLocation.CreatePlacedInstance(Prefab, location, PlacementOptions, DebugMode); _stages.Add(instance); } }
//바다정보 생성 public void HttpItemsResultDelegate(bool isError, List <ItemInfo> datas) { if (isError) { _httpClass.SendItemsHttpLocation(_userLocation.latitude, _userLocation.longitude); return; } foreach (ItemInfo itemInfo in datas) { ARLocation.Location newLocation = new ARLocation.Location() { Latitude = Double.Parse(itemInfo.LATI), Longitude = Double.Parse(itemInfo.LONGI), Altitude = 0, AltitudeMode = ARLocation.AltitudeMode.GroundRelative }; ARLocation.PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions opts = new ARLocation.PlaceAtLocation.PlaceAtOptions() { HideObjectUntilItIsPlaced = true, MaxNumberOfLocationUpdates = 1, MovementSmoothing = 0, UseMovingAverage = true }; GameObject copyPrefab = null; string latA = itemInfo.LATI; string lonA = itemInfo.LONGI; //Debug.Log(itemInfo.DANGER_TYPE); if (itemInfo.DANGER_TYPE.Equals("1")) { copyPrefab = Instantiate <GameObject>(_itemObjPrefabA); } else if (itemInfo.DANGER_TYPE.Equals("2")) { copyPrefab = Instantiate <GameObject>(_itemObjPrefabB); } else if (itemInfo.DANGER_TYPE.Equals("3")) { copyPrefab = Instantiate <GameObject>(_itemObjPrefabC); } else if (itemInfo.DANGER_TYPE.Equals("4")) { copyPrefab = Instantiate <GameObject>(_itemObjPrefabD); latA = "35.104148"; lonA = "129.063706"; } else if (itemInfo.DANGER_TYPE.Equals("5")) { copyPrefab = Instantiate <GameObject>(_itemObjPrefabE); latA = "35.106500"; lonA = "129.066195"; } else { continue; } //좌현 33.3, 길이 1.9km //우현 213.3 길이 1.8km ItemObjectController objSc = copyPrefab.GetComponent <ItemObjectController>(); objSc._mainSceneController = this; = latA; objSc.lon = lonA; objSc._placeAtLocationScript = ARLocation.PlaceAtLocation.AddPlaceAtComponentCustom(objSc._placeAtLocationScript, newLocation, opts); objSc._placeAtLocationScript.ObjectLocationUpdated.AddListener(ItemObjectUpdatedEvent); //이벤트 등록 (델리게이트) } }