public ActionResult AddressAndPayment(FormCollection values)
            var order = new Order();

            order.Username = User.Identity.Name;
            order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;


            var cart = ShoppingCartService.GetCart(HttpContext);

            return RedirectToAction("Complete", new {id = order.OrderId});
        public int CreateOrder(Order order)
            decimal orderTotal = 0;

            var cartItems = GetCartItems();
            // Iterate over the items in the cart, 
            // adding the order details for each
            foreach (var item in cartItems)
                var orderDetail = new OrderDetail
                    ProductId = item.ProductId,
                    OrderId = order.OrderId,
                    UnitPrice = item.Product.NewPrice,
                    Quantity = item.Count
                // Set the order total of the shopping cart
                orderTotal += (item.Count * item.Product.NewPrice);

            // Set the order's total to the orderTotal count
            order.Total = orderTotal;

            // Save the order
            // Empty the shopping cart
            // Return the OrderId as the confirmation number
            return order.OrderId;