private void Loadvendor() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_vendor(Session["ClientID"].ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList iResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/VENDOR_ID"); dt.Columns.Add("VENDOR_NAME", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("VENDOR_ID", typeof(string)); foreach (XmlNode node in iResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["VENDOR_NAME"] = node["VENDOR_NAME"].InnerText; dr["VENDOR_ID"] = node["VENDOR_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddlvendor.DataSource = dt; ddlvendor.DataTextField = "vendor_name"; ddlvendor.DataValueField = "VENDOR_ID"; ddlvendor.DataBind(); // ddlvendor.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("ALL VENDORS", "0")); //ddlvendor.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Select --", "0")); ddlvendor.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("ALL VENDORS", "4")); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtnewpass.Text == "" || txtcompass.Text == "") { Label1.Text = "*Fields can not be empty"; Label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Label1.Focus(); } else { if (txtnewpass.Text != txtcompass.Text) { Label1.Text = "*Passwords do not match"; Label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Label1.Focus(); } else { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); API.Service updateP = new API.Service(); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + updateP.update_Personal_Profile(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString(), txtnewpass.Text).InnerXml + "</XML>"); Session["P@ss"] = ""; Session["P@ss"] = txtnewpass.Text; Response.Redirect("V_settings.aspx"); } } }
private void Loaddepartment() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //string sTable = "<tbody>"; API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_department(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "", Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList iResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/DEPARTMENT_ID"); dt.Columns.Add("DEPARTMENT_NAME", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("DEPARTMENT_ID", typeof(string)); foreach (XmlNode node in iResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["DEPARTMENT_NAME"] = node["DEPARTMENT_NAME"].InnerText; dr["DEPARTMENT_ID"] = node["DEPARTMENT_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddldepartment.DataSource = dt; ddldepartment.DataTextField = "DEPARTMENT_NAME"; ddldepartment.DataValueField = "DEPARTMENT_ID"; ddldepartment.DataBind(); }
private void Loadpositiontype() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //string sTable = "<tbody>"; XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_job_position_type_MB(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "3").InnerXml + "</XML>"); // xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_job_position_type(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "3").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList iResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOB_POSITION_TYPE_ID"); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_POSITION_TYPE", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_POSITION_TYPE_ID", typeof(string)); foreach (XmlNode node in iResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["JOB_POSITION_TYPE"] = node["JOB_POSITION_TYPE"].InnerText; dr["JOB_POSITION_TYPE_ID"] = node["JOB_POSITION_TYPE_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddlpositiontype.DataSource = dt; ddlpositiontype.DataTextField = "JOB_POSITION_TYPE"; ddlpositiontype.DataValueField = "JOB_POSITION_TYPE_ID"; ddlpositiontype.DataBind(); }
private void ViewJobsInTable() { string sTable = "<tbody>"; API.Service jobInfo = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); //xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobInfo.get_JobView("*****@*****.**", "ferivan", "2", "", "", "", "", "", "", "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobInfo.get_Jobs("", Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "", Session["UserID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = xmldoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOBS "); sTable = ""; int CountRows = 1; string _sBackground = ""; for (int intCount = 0; intCount < Response.Count; intCount++) { sTable = sTable + "<tr " + _sBackground + ">"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + CountRows + "</td>"; if (Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("URGENT").InnerText == "1") { sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red><blink>" + "Urgent" + "</blink> </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red><a style=color:red href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?jopen=Y&p=JV&jobID=" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "'>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "</td>"; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + func.FixString(Server.HtmlDecode(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText)) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText.Replace(",Canada", "") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("HIRED").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("AVAILABLE_JOBS").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("RECENT").InnerText + " day(s)</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("USERNAME").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; } else { sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_STATUS").InnerText + "</td>"; sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?jopen=Y&p=JV&jobID=" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "'>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "</td>"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Server.HtmlDecode(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText.Replace(",Canada", "") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("HIRED").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("AVAILABLE_JOBS").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("RECENT").InnerText + " day(s)</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("USERNAME").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; } CountRows++; } sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; jobInfo.Dispose(); lblTableData.Text = sTable; }
public void GetWeatherTest() { var service = new API.Service(); var dataPack = new DataPack() { Humidity = 54, IR1 = 1042, IR2 = 34, Temperature = 25, Name = "testSensor" }; var list = service.GetWeather("Roskilde", APIXULib.MethodType.Current, APIXULib.Days.Eight); }
public void CreateUserTest() { var service = new API.Service(); var newStaffMember = new Staff() { Email = "testMail", Full_Name = "FullNameTest", Username = "******", Password = "******" }; Assert.AreEqual("OK", service.CreateStaffUser(newStaffMember)); }
public void GetDataByPeriodTest() { var service = new API.Service(); var dataList = service.GetDataByPeriod(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15)); if (dataList == null) { Assert.Fail(); } }
public void SaveDataTest() { var service = new API.Service(); var dataPack = new DataPack() { Humidity = 54, IR1 = 1042, IR2 = 34, Temperature = 25, Name = "testSensor" }; Assert.AreEqual("OK", service.SaveData(dataPack)); }
public string GetNumberOfWeeks() { string _sArrayString = ""; //select first_name, last_name, email_id from ovms_users where user_id = 9 conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); API.Service timesheet = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + timesheet.Add_TimeSheet(Session["EmailClient"].ToString(), Session["P@ssClient"].ToString(), Session["UserIDClient"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); string FileName = Server.MapPath("temp") + "\\response_get_timesheet_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + ".xml"; XmlNodeList Response = xmldoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/TIMESHEET"); // string weeks; // string timesheetVariable = ""; string jobID = ""; jobID = Response[0].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ID").InnerText; Session["JobID"] = jobID.ToString(); //start, end and weeks string sqlGetStartEndWeeks = " select contract_Start_date, contract_end_date, " + " DATEDIFF(wk, contract_Start_date, contract_end_date + 7) as Num_weeks " + " from ovms_jobs where job_id = " + Session["JobID"].ToString().Trim(); SqlCommand cmdStartEndWeeks = new SqlCommand(sqlGetStartEndWeeks, conn); SqlDataReader rsStartEndWeeks = cmdStartEndWeeks.ExecuteReader(); //string _svendorList = ""; while (rsStartEndWeeks.Read()) { _sArrayString = rsStartEndWeeks["contract_Start_date"].ToString() + "," + rsStartEndWeeks["contract_end_date"].ToString() + "," + rsStartEndWeeks["Num_weeks"].ToString(); } rsStartEndWeeks.Close(); cmdStartEndWeeks.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // } finally { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } return(_sArrayString); }
public void LogInTest() { var service = new API.Service(); var dataPack = new DataPack(); var staff = service.Login("usertest", Service.MD5("pass")); if (staff == null) { Assert.Fail(); } Assert.AreEqual("usertest", staff.Username); }
private void ViewcandidateInTable() { string sTable = "<tbody>"; API.Service getWorkers = new API.Service(); // API.Service getWorkers = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom1 = new XmlDocument(); dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + getWorkers.get_employees(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "", "", Session["ClientID"].ToString(), "", "", "1", "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/EMPLOYEE_NAME_ID"); int CountRows = 1; sTable = ""; string _sBackground = ""; for (int iResponse = 0; iResponse < Response.Count; iResponse++) { if (CountRows % 2 >= 1) { //enableordisable = ""; _sBackground = "bgcolor='#ECF0F1'"; } else { // enableordisable = "disabled"; _sBackground = ""; } string worker_status = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("CANDIDATE_APPROVE").InnerText; DateTime candidate_start_date = DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STARTDATE").InnerText); DateTime job_start_date = DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText); DateTime thisday = DateTime.Today; if (worker_status == "1" && (candidate_start_date <= thisday)) { sTable = sTable + "<tr " + _sBackground + ">"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + CountRows + "</td>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ACTIVE").InnerText + " </TD>"; sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='Client_View_Worker_detail.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "'>" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "</a> </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("FIRSTNAME").InnerText + " " + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("LASTNAME").InnerText) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText) + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("LOCATION").InnerText) + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STARTDATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ENDDATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; CountRows++; } } sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; getWorkers.Dispose(); lblTableData.Text = sTable; }
private void ViewworkerInTable() { string sTable = "<tbody>"; API.Service getWorkers = new API.Service(); // API.Service getWorkers = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom1 = new XmlDocument(); dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + getWorkers.get_worker(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/EMPLOYEE_NAME_ID"); int CountRows = 1; sTable = ""; string _sBackground = ""; for (int iResponse = 0; iResponse < Response.Count; iResponse++) { if (iResponse % 2 >= 1) { //enableordisable = ""; _sBackground = "bgcolor='#ECF0F1'"; } else { // enableordisable = "disabled"; _sBackground = ""; } sTable = sTable + "<tr " + _sBackground + ">"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + CountRows + "</td>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ACTIVE").InnerText + " </TD>"; sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='Client_View_Worker_detail.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_FULL_ID").InnerText + "'>" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_FULL_ID").InnerText + "</a> </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("FIRSTNAME").InnerText + " " + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("LASTNAME").InnerText) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText) + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("LOCATION").InnerText) + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("END_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; CountRows++; } sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; getWorkers.Dispose(); lblTableData.Text = sTable; }
private void Loadstate() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_state(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList xResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/STATE_NO "); dt.Columns.Add("STATE_CODE", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("STATE_ID", typeof(string)); string sVar = ""; string sUS = ""; foreach (XmlNode node in xResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); if (node["COUNTRY_ID"].InnerText == "2") { sVar = "United States"; } if (node["COUNTRY_ID"].InnerText == "1") { sVar = "Canada"; } dr["STATE_CODE"] = node["STATE_NAME"].InnerText + " / " + sVar; dr["STATE_ID"] = node["STATE_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddlprivince.DataSource = dt; ddlprivince.DataTextField = "STATE_CODE"; ddlprivince.DataValueField = "STATE_CODE"; ddlprivince.DataBind(); ddlprivince.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--Select one--", "0")); }
// protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtfirst.Text == "" || txtsecond.Text == "" || txtemail.Text == "") { Label4.Text = "*Fields can not be empty"; Label4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Label4.Focus(); } else { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); API.Service updateP = new API.Service(); // API.Service updateP = new API.Service(); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + updateP.update_Basic_Profile(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), txtfirst.Text, txtsecond.Text, txtemail.Text, Session["UserID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); Session["Email"] = ""; Session["Email"] = txtemail.Text; Response.Redirect("V_settings.aspx"); } }
//private void Loadcountry() //{ // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // API.Service web = new API.Service(); // XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); // xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_country(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); // XmlNodeList xResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/COUNTRY_NO "); // dt.Columns.Add("COUNTRY_NAME", typeof(string)); // dt.Columns.Add("COUNTRY_ID", typeof(string)); // foreach (XmlNode node in xResponse) // { // DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); // dr["COUNTRY_NAME"] = node["COUNTRY_NAME"].InnerText; // dr["COUNTRY_ID"] = node["COUNTRY_ID"].InnerText; // dt.Rows.Add(dr); // } // ddlcountry.DataSource = dt; // ddlcountry.DataTextField = "COUNTRY_NAME"; // ddlcountry.DataValueField = "COUNTRY_NAME"; // ddlcountry.DataBind(); //} private void Loadjobs() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_all_available_job_for_particuler_vendor(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList xResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOB_NO"); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_TITLE-JOB_ID", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_ID", typeof(string)); foreach (XmlNode node in xResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["JOB_TITLE-JOB_ID"] = node["JOB_TITLE-JOB_ID"].InnerText; dr["JOB_ID"] = node["JOB_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddljobs.DataSource = dt; ddljobs.DataTextField = "JOB_TITLE-JOB_ID"; ddljobs.DataValueField = "JOB_ID"; ddljobs.DataBind(); }
protected void btnsend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ///get job_id using employyee_id string empid_url = Request["empid"]; int empid_url1 = Int32.Parse(Request["empid"].Substring(Request["empid"].Length - 6)); // API.Service setfeedback = new API.Service(); API.Service setfeedback = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom1 = new XmlDocument(); dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + setfeedback.get_employees(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), empid_url1.ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString(), "", "", "1", "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/EMPLOYEE_NAME_ID"); // lblname.Text = func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("FIRSTNAME").InnerText) + " " + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("LASTNAME").InnerText); jobid_feed = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ID").InnerText; ///get feedback id using employyee_id,jobid,client id,vendor id dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + setfeedback.get_v_feedback(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "", empid_url1.ToString(), "", Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response5 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/FEEDBACK"); string feedback_id = Response5[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("FEEEDBACK_ID").InnerText; /// insert comment in to table dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + setfeedback.insert_c_comments_feedback(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), jobid_feed, txtfeedcomment.Text, empid_url1.ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString(), feedback_id).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response2 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); if (Response2.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("STATUS").InnerText == "1") { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("C_View_Candidate.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + empid_url); } }
private void LoadJobStatus() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_Job_Status("", Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList xResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOB_STATUS"); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_STATUS", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_STATUS_ID", typeof(string)); foreach (XmlNode node in xResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["JOB_STATUS"] = node["JOB_STATUS"].InnerText; dr["JOB_STATUS_ID"] = node["JOB_STATUS_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddljobStatus.DataSource = dt; ddljobStatus.DataTextField = "JOB_STATUS"; ddljobStatus.DataValueField = "JOB_STATUS_ID"; ddljobStatus.DataBind(); }
private void Loadjoblocation() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_job_location("", Session["ClientID"].ToString(), "", "", "", "", "", "", Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList xResponse = xDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOB_LOCATIONS"); dt.Columns.Add("ADDRESS1", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("JOB_LOCATION_ID", typeof(string)); foreach (XmlNode node in xResponse) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["ADDRESS1"] = node["ADDRESS1"].InnerText; dr["JOB_LOCATION_ID"] = node["JOB_LOCATION_ID"].InnerText; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } ddllocation.DataSource = dt; ddllocation.DataTextField = "ADDRESS1"; ddllocation.DataValueField = "JOB_LOCATION_ID"; ddllocation.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sDates = ""; string sDateDetails = ""; string sTable = ""; string disable = ""; string rejected = ""; string more_info = ""; string cand_approve = ""; string interview_date = ""; string interview_confirm1 = ""; string interview_time = ""; string schedule = ""; string job_end_date = ""; string emp_end_date = ""; string job_id = ""; string more_info_reply = ""; string message_time = ""; string vendor_reject_candidate = ""; string interview_rescheduled; conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); //show timesheets needed to be approved try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); //string sqlGetJobCountNoAction = " select distinct ed.create_date " + // " from ovms_employee_details ed, ovms_employees em, ovms_employee_actions ea " + // " where ed.employee_id = em.employee_id " + // " and ed.create_date <= '" + sDate + "' " + // " and = 1 " + // " and = 1 " + // " and ea.client_id = em.client_id " + // " and em.client_id = " + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + " " + // " and em.employee_id not in (select employee_id from ovms_employee_actions as ea ) " + // " and ed.first_name <> '' " + // " order by ed.create_date asc"; //SqlCommand cmdGetNoAction = new SqlCommand(sqlGetJobCountNoAction, conn); //SqlDataReader rsGetNoAction = cmdGetNoAction.ExecuteReader(); //string sPopulateDrop = ""; //if (rsGetNoAction.HasRows == true) //{ // sDates = ""; // while (rsGetNoAction.Read()) // { // sDates = sDates + "<optgroup label='" + rsGetNoAction["create_date"].ToString().Replace("12:00:00 AM", "") + "'>here"; string sqlGetActionDetailsNoFeedback = " select distinct concat('W', clt.client_alias, '00', right('0000' + convert(varchar(4), em.employee_id), 4)) employee_id, ed.create_date , " + " (select job_title from ovms_jobs where job_id = (select job_id from ovms_employees where employee_id = ed.employee_id)) as job_Title, " + " dbo.CamelCase(ed.First_Name) as First_Name, " + " dbo.CamelCase(ed.Last_Name) as Last_Name, " + " em.vendor_id, em.client_Id, em.job_id,j.contract_start_date,j.contract_end_date,ed.end_date,ed.start_date, " + " em.user_id from ovms_employee_details ed " + " inner join ovms_candidate_feedback as f on f.emplyee_id = ed.employee_id, " + " ovms_jobs as j , " + " ovms_employees em, ovms_clients as clt, ovms_employee_actions eact " + " where ed.employee_id = em.employee_id " + " and em.client_id = clt.client_id and = 1 " + " and = 1 " + " and j.job_id = em.job_id " + " and eact.client_id = em.client_id " + " and em.client_id = " + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + " " + " and em.employee_id not in (select employee_id from ovms_employee_actions as eact ) " + " and ed.first_name <> ''"; SqlCommand cmdActionDetails = new SqlCommand(sqlGetActionDetailsNoFeedback, conn); SqlDataReader rsGetNoActionDetails = cmdActionDetails.ExecuteReader(); sDateDetails = ""; sTable = sTable + "<tbody>"; if (rsGetNoActionDetails.HasRows == true) { while (rsGetNoActionDetails.Read()) { sTable = sTable + "<tr>"; sTable = sTable + "<td><a target='_blank' href='Client_View_Worker_detail.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "'>" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + " </a></td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(rsGetNoActionDetails["First_Name"].ToString()) + " " + func.FixString(rsGetNoActionDetails["Last_Name"].ToString()) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + rsGetNoActionDetails["job_Title"].ToString() + " </td> "; string employee2 = rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString(); string employeeID = (employee2.Substring(employee2.Length - 6)); API.Service getMSGcount = new API.Service(); XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument(); doc1.LoadXml("<XML>" + getMSGcount.get_message_count_interview_client(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), employeeID).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response07 = doc1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/MESSAGE "); if (Response07.Count != 0) { sTable = sTable + "<td><font color='red'><blink><i class='fa fa-fw fa-envelope-o'></i></blink></font><br><a target='_blank' href='C_Dashboard.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&done_dash=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "&job_id=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["job_id"].ToString() + "&job_end_date=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["contract_end_date"].ToString() + "&emp_enddate=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["end_date"].ToString() + "'class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Request for an Interview or Approve candidate'><i class='fa fa-calendar fa-fw'></i></a> " + "<a target='_blank' href='C_Dashboard.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&Reject_dash=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "&job_id=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["job_id"].ToString() + "&job_end_date=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["contract_end_date"].ToString() + "&emp_enddate=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["end_date"].ToString() + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject Candidate'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a> " + "<a target='_blank' href='C_Dashboard.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&emp_id=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "&schedule_int=" + schedule + "&forImsgDash=" + 1 + "'class='btn btn-primary btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Send Comments To Vendor'><i class='fa fa-comment''></i></a></td>"; } else { sTable = sTable + "<td><a target='_blank' href='C_Dashboard.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&done_dash=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "&job_id=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["job_id"].ToString() + "&job_end_date=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["contract_end_date"].ToString() + "&emp_enddate=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["end_date"].ToString() + "'class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Request for an Interview or Approve candidate'><i class='fa fa-calendar fa-fw'></i></a> " + "<a target='_blank' href='C_Dashboard.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&Reject_dash=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "&job_id=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["job_id"].ToString() + "&job_end_date=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["contract_end_date"].ToString() + "&emp_enddate=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["end_date"].ToString() + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject Candidate'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a> " + "<a target='_blank' href='C_Dashboard.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&emp_id=" + rsGetNoActionDetails["employee_id"].ToString() + "&schedule_int=" + schedule + "&forImsgDash=" + 1 + "'class='btn btn-primary btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Send Comments To Vendor'><i class='fa fa-comment''></i></a></td>"; } sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; } //close rsGetNoActionDetails.Close(); cmdActionDetails.Dispose(); } else { sTable = sTable + "<tr>"; sTable = sTable + "<td colspan=3>No Candidate at this time</td>"; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; } sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; lblTableData.Text = sTable; } } catch (Exception ex) { // } finally { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } }
protected void btnaddjob_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // localhost.Service web = new localhost.Service(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom1 = new XmlDocument(); string UserID = ""; int sCheckedUrgent = 0; if (checkurgent.Checked == true) { sCheckedUrgent = 1; } DateTime todayDate = DateTime.Today; // txtstd_pay_rate_from.Value = (Convert.ToInt32(txtdbl_pay_rate_from.Value) * (TextBox1.Text)); UserID = Session["UserID"].ToString(); if (newdiv.Visible == true && markupdiv.Visible == false && permentdiv.Visible == false && divposition.Visible == true && divjobstart.Visible == false) { dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.set_jobs(ddljobStatus.Value, txtjobtitle.Value, ddldepartment.Value, Session["ClientID"].ToString(), ddlpositiontype.Value, txtnumberofopning.Value, ddlvendor.Value, ddllocation.Value, txttraveltime.Value, txthoursperday.Value, txtroles_and_responsibility.Text.Replace("'", "''"), txthiremanagername.Value, txtcoordinator.Value, txtcontstart.Value.ToString(), txtendstart.Value.ToString(), txtmaxsub.Value, ddlreasonforopen.SelectedValue, ddlinterviw.SelectedValue, sCheckedUrgent.ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "0", ddlmove.SelectedValue, "0", txtst_bill_rate_from.Value, "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", UserID, "0", "0", "0", "0").InnerXml + "</XML>"); } else if (newdiv.Visible == false && markupdiv.Visible == true && permentdiv.Visible == false && divposition.Visible == true && divjobstart.Visible == false) { dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.set_jobs(ddljobStatus.Value, Server.HtmlEncode(txtjobtitle.Value), ddldepartment.Value, Session["ClientID"].ToString(), ddlpositiontype.Value, txtnumberofopning.Value, ddlvendor.Value, ddllocation.Value, txttraveltime.Value, txthoursperday.Value, Server.HtmlEncode(txtroles_and_responsibility.Text.Replace("'", "''")), txthiremanagername.Value, txtcoordinator.Value, txtcontstart.Value.ToString(), txtendstart.Value.ToString(), txtmaxsub.Value, ddlreasonforopen.SelectedValue, ddlinterviw.SelectedValue, sCheckedUrgent.ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), txtstd_pay_rate_from.Value, ddlmove.SelectedValue, txtmarkup.Value, "0", "0", "0", txtvendor_pay.Value, txtvendorot_pay.Value, txtvendordbl_pay.Value, UserID, "0", "0", "0", "0").InnerXml + "</XML>"); } else { dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.set_jobs(ddljobStatus.Value, txtjobtitle.Value, ddldepartment.Value, Session["ClientID"].ToString(), "3", txtnumberofopning.Value, ddlvendor.Value, ddllocation.Value, txttraveltime.Value, txthoursperday.Value, txtroles_and_responsibility.Text.Replace("'", "''"), txthiremanagername.Value, txtcoordinator.Value, txtjobstart.Value.ToString(), "", txtmaxsub.Value, ddlreasonforopen.SelectedValue, ddlinterviw.SelectedValue, sCheckedUrgent.ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "0", ddlmove.SelectedValue, "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", UserID, txtbouns.Value, txtbenifits.Text.Replace("'", "''"), txtbasesallary.Value, "0").InnerXml + "</XML>"); } XmlNodeList Response = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); string job = Response.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("JOB_ID").InnerText; string jobdetailid = Response.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("JOB_DETAIL_ID").InnerText; Session["jobdeailID"] = jobdetailid; dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.insert_job_comments(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), txtcomment.Text, Convert.ToInt32(job), todayDate, Convert.ToInt32(UserID)).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response1 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); if (txtQuestion1 != null) { dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.Insert_Jobquestions_ratings(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), ddlvendor.Value, Session["ClientID"].ToString(), txtQuestion1.Text, txtRating1.Text, txtQuestion2.Text, txtRating2.Text, txtquestion3.Text, txtRating3.Text, txtquestion4.Text, txtRating4.Text, txtquestion5.Text, txtRating5.Text, UserID, job).InnerXml + "</XML>"); // dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.Insert_Job_Questions(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "0", ddlvendor.DataValueField , Session["ClientID"].ToString(), txtQuestion1.Text, txtRating1.Text, txtQuestion2.Text, txtRating2.Text, txtquestion3.Text, txtRating3.Text, txtquestion4.Text, txtRating4.Text, txtquestion5.Text, txtRating5.Text, UserID, job).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response2 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); if (Response2.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("DATA").InnerText != "") { lblTableData.Text = "New Job Added succcessfully"; } } API.Service jobInfo = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobInfo.preview_job(job, Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response7 = xmldoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOBS "); string jobtitle = func.FixString(Server.HtmlDecode(Response7[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText)); string location = Response7[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; string noofopning = Response7[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText; string desc = Server.HtmlDecode(Response7[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_DESC").InnerText); semail.sendEmail("*****@*****.**", "New job added by client " + Session["clientname"].ToString(), "<br>Client ID :" + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + "<br>Client Name :" + Session["clientname"].ToString() + "<br>jobId :" + job + "<br>job Title :" + jobtitle + "<br>job Description :" + desc + // "<br>location :" + location + "<br>No of Openings :" + noofopning + "<br><br>******" + "<br>This notification was sent by FlentisPRO.If you have any questions regarding this notice," + "<br>please contact the SAP Fieldglass Helpdesk at:" + "<br>mailto:[email protected]" + "<br>By Phone:" + "<br>US(toll free) 1 800 123 1234" + "<br>Please do not respond to this email, this is an automatic email message and this mailbox is not being monitored.", "", ""); Session["clientname"] = ""; dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_job_alias(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), job.ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response3 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); string jobalias = Response3.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText; string end = Response3.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("JOB_ID").InnerText; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("Preview_job.aspx?jobId=" + jobalias); // Response.Redirect("); /* ******* SMS Notification ******* */ SqlConnection conn; string readsms; conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); string smsquery = "select vendors from ovms_jobs where job_id = " + job; SqlCommand smscmd = new SqlCommand(smsquery, conn); readsms = smscmd.ExecuteReader().ToString(); string message = jobtitle + "\n" + desc; ConvertPdf.converter files = new ConvertPdf.converter(); files.client_smsNotification(readsms, message, Session["ClientID"].ToString(), "newjob_notify"); smscmd.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (Request["NM"] != null) //{ // if (Request["NM"] == "Y") // { // Response.Redirect("Add_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=AW&jobID=" + Request.QueryString["jobID"].ToString() + "&SN=T"); // } //} if (Session["Email"] == null) { //logout Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?m=You+have+logged+out"); Response.End(); } btnpreview.Enabled = true; //check if employee is a dup if ((Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtemail"] != null) && (Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtemail"] != "")) { if (CheckCandidateDup(Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$txtemail"]) == "YES") { lblDuplicate.Text = "This candidate already exists, please submit someone else"; btnpreview.Enabled = false; } else { lblDuplicate.Text = ""; } } if (Request.QueryString["jobID"] == null) { string a = ""; } else { API.Service web1 = new API.Service(); // API.Service web1 = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom2 = new XmlDocument(); int jobID = 0; if (Request.QueryString["jobID"] != "") { jobID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["jobID"].Substring(Request.QueryString["jobID"].Length - 5)); } // string strID = Request.QueryString["jobID"]; dom2.LoadXml("<XML>" + web1.get_jobrating(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), jobID.ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response3 = dom2.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/QUESTIONS_NO "); string que1 = ""; string que2 = ""; string que3 = ""; string que4 = ""; string que5 = ""; string rating1 = ""; string rating2 = ""; string rating3 = ""; string rating4 = ""; string rating5 = ""; try { //que1 = Server.HtmlDecode(Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION1").InnerText); que1 = Server.HtmlDecode(Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION1").InnerText); que2 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION2").InnerText; que3 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION3").InnerText; que4 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION4").InnerText; que5 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION5").InnerText; rating1 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING1").InnerText; rating2 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING2").InnerText; rating3 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING3").InnerText; rating4 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING4").InnerText; rating5 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING5").InnerText; } catch (Exception ex) { //nothing //que1 = ""; } if (que1 == "") { divstar.Visible = false; } else { divstar.Visible = true; } lblque1.Text = que1; labque2.Text = que2; lblque3.Text = que3; lblque4.Text = que4; lblque5.Text = que5; txtRating1.Text = rating1; txtRating2.Text = rating2; txtRating3.Text = rating3; txtRating4.Text = rating4; txtRating5.Text = rating5; // API.Service web3 = new API.Service(); API.Service web3 = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom3 = new XmlDocument(); dom3.LoadXml("<XML>" + web3.get_Jobs(jobID.ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response8 = dom3.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOBS "); lblnoofopning.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText; lblstartdate.Text = DateTime.Parse(Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy"); lblenddate.Text = DateTime.Parse(Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy"); lblUrgent.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("URGENT").InnerText; lbljobtitle.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText); lbllocation2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; lblbill.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_BILL_RATE").InnerText; lbladdress2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; lblpay2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_PAY_RATE").InnerText; lbllocation.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; lbladdres.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; lblsalary.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("BASE_SALARY").InnerText; lbllocation3.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; lbladdress3.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; lblpositiontype.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_POSITION_TYPE").InnerText;; if (lblpay2.Text == "" || lblpay2.Text == "0" && (lblbill.Text == "" || lblbill.Text == "0") && (lblsalary.Text != "" || lblsalary.Text != "0")) // if (z == "0" && p != "0" && q == "0") { y.Visible = false; x.Visible = false; w.Visible = true; } else if (lblbill.Text == null || lblbill.Text == "0" && (lblpay2.Text != null || lblpay2.Text != "0") && (lblsalary.Text == "" || lblsalary.Text == "0")) // else if (z != "0" && p == "0" && q == "0") { y.Visible = false; x.Visible = true; w.Visible = false; } else { x.Visible = false; y.Visible = true; w.Visible = false; } //string z = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_PAY_RATE").InnerText; //if (z == "0") //{ // x.Visible = false; // y.Visible = true; // lbllocation2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; // lblbill.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_BILL_RATE").InnerText; // lbladdress2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; //} //else //{ // y.Visible = false; // x.Visible = true; // lblpay.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("VENDER_PAY_RATE").InnerText; // lbllocation.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; // lbladdres.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; //} if (lblUrgent.Text == "1") { lblUrgent.Text = "<blink>(Urgent Request)</blink>"; } else { lblUrgent.Text = ""; } } if (Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["jobID"] == null) { string v = Request.Form["ctl00$MainContent$ddljobs"]; Response.Redirect("Add_worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=AW&jobID=" + v.ToString()); } // @" <div class=""modal slide-down fade"" id=""modal - select1"">" + // @" < div class=""modal - dialog"">" + // @" <div class=""v - cell"" >"+ // @" <div class=""modal - content"" >"+ // @" <div class=""modal - header"" >+ // @" <button type ='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal'> "+ //@" <span aria-hidden=""true"">×</span><span class=""sr - only"">Close</span></button> "+ // @" </div>" + // @" <div class=""modal - body"">" + // @" <div class=""panel - body"">" + // @" <asp:Label ID = ""lblmessege"" class=""media - heading margin - v - 5"" runat=""server""> stars are not matching</asp:Label>" + // @" </div>" + // @" </div>" + // @" <div class=""modal - footer"">" + // @" <button type = ""button"" class=""btn btn-default"" data-dismiss=""modal"">Close</button>" + // @" <asp:Button ID = ""btnsbmit"" class=""btn btn-primary"" OnClick=""btnsbmit_Click"" runat=""server"" Text=""Continue"" /> " + // @"</div>" + // @" </div> " + // @" </div> " + // @" </div> " + // @" </div> "; // } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ///Loadcountry(); Loadstate(); string v = Request.QueryString["jobID"]; if (v == null) { job.Visible = true; Loadjobs(); } else { job.Visible = false; } } }
public void setEmployee() { int jobID = 0; if (Request.QueryString["jobID"] != "") { jobID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["jobID"].Substring(Request.QueryString["jobID"].Length - 5)); } string UserID = ""; if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg" || FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpg") { fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName); if (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength < 100000000) { string p = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName); //check if vendor exist in folder if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/images/profile_picture/" + UserID + "/ ")) == false) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/images/profile_picture/" + UserID + "/ ")); } UniqueDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); if (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".jpg") { FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/profile_picture/" + UserID + "/") + (FileUpload1.FileName.Replace(".jpg", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".jpg"))); canPhoto = Server.MapPath("~/images/profile_picture/" + UserID + "/") + (FileUpload1.FileName.Replace(".jpg", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".jpg")); } //FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/profile_picture" + FileUpload1.FileName)); lblimagestatus.Text = "File Uploaded..."; //canPhoto = "~/images/profile_picture" + FileUpload1.FileName; } else { lblimagestatus.Text = "Only JPEG files with max size 1000 KB are accepted.."; } } } else { lblimagestatus.Text = "Please select a file to upload..."; } if (fileupresume.HasFile) { fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileupresume.FileName); if (fileExtension.ToLower() != ".doc" && fileExtension.ToLower() != ".docx" && fileExtension.ToLower() != ".pdf" && fileExtension.ToLower() != ".rtf") { lblresumestatus.Text = "Only Files with .doc or .docx extension are allowed..."; lblresumestatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } else { int filesize = fileupresume.PostedFile.ContentLength; if (filesize > 52428800) { lblresumestatus.Text = "Maximum file size(50 MB) exceeded"; lblresumestatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } else { //check if vendor exist in folder if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/")) == false) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/")); } //check if jobid exists for that vendor for that resume if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"])) == false) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"])); } UniqueDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"); if (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".doc") { fileupresume.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".doc", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".doc"))); canResume = Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".doc", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".doc")); } if (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".docx") { fileupresume.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".docx", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".docx"))); canResume = Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".docx", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".docx")); } if (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".rtf") { fileupresume.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".rtf", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".rtf"))); canResume = Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".rtf", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".rtf")); } if (fileExtension.ToLower() == ".pdf") { fileupresume.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".pdf", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".pdf"))); canResume = Server.MapPath("~/Resume/" + Session["VendorID"] + "/" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "/") + (fileupresume.FileName.Replace(".pdf", "_" + UniqueDateTime + ".pdf")); } //fileupresume.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Resume/4/JALS000019/") + fileupresume.FileName); lblresumestatus.Text = "File uploaded..."; lblresumestatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } } } else { lblresumestatus.Text = "Please select a file to upload..."; lblresumestatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } API.Service web = new API.Service(); //API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom1 = new XmlDocument(); UserID = Session["UserID"].ToString(); dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_dates(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), jobID.ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response3 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); string strat = Response3.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText; string end = Response3.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText; dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.set_employee(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), txtfistname.Value, txtmiddle.Value, txtlastname.Value, txtemail.Text, txtphone.Value, txtdateofbirth.Value, txtsuite.Value, txtaddress1.Value, "", txtcity.Value, ddlprivince.SelectedValue, txtpostal.Value, sCountry, txtcomment.Text, canPhoto, txtavailable.Value, txtskype.Value, strat, end, jobID, Convert.ToInt32(Session["VendorID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientID"]), txtlicence.Value, txtsinnumber.Value, txtstdpayf.Value).InnerXml + "</XML>"); //XmlNodeList Response1 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); //string employeeID = ""; string employeeID = ""; try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); // Session["JobID"] = jobID.ToString(); //start, end and weeks string sqlGetLastInsertedEmployee = "select max(employee_id) as employee_id from ovms_employees where vendor_id = " + Session["VendorID"].ToString() + " and client_id = " + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + " and job_id = " + jobID + " and active = 1"; SqlCommand cmdLastInsertedEmployee = new SqlCommand(sqlGetLastInsertedEmployee, conn); SqlDataReader readerInsertedEmployee = cmdLastInsertedEmployee.ExecuteReader(); if (readerInsertedEmployee.HasRows == true) { while (readerInsertedEmployee.Read()) { employeeID = readerInsertedEmployee["employee_id"].ToString(); } } //close readerInsertedEmployee.Close(); cmdLastInsertedEmployee.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // } finally { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } // employeeID = Response1.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText; dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.insert_resume(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), canResume, jobID.ToString(), employeeID, UserID, Session["VendorId"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response2 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); if (txtemprating1 != null) { dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.Insert_emp_ratings(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), employeeID, Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString(), txtemprating1.Text, txtemprating2.Text, txtemprating3.Text, txtemprating4.Text, txtemprating5.Text, Session["UserID"].ToString(), jobID.ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); } XmlNodeList Response6 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE"); if (Response6.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("DATA").InnerText != "") { lblTableData.Text = "New worker Added succcessfully"; } Response.Redirect("Preview_Workers.aspx?empid=" + employeeID + "&jobID=" + Request.QueryString["jobID"]); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["C_settingPop"] == "1") { lbladdress1.Text = Request.QueryString["address1"]; lbladdress2.Text = Request.QueryString["address2"]; lblcity.Text = Request.QueryString["city"]; lblcopname.Text = Request.QueryString["compamy_name"]; lblcountry.Text = Request.QueryString["country"]; lblphone.Text = Request.QueryString["phone"]; lblemail.Text = Request.QueryString["email"]; lblSecEmail.Text = Request.QueryString["secemail"]; lblfax.Text = Request.QueryString["fax"]; lblpostal.Text = Request.QueryString["postal"]; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); API.Service prof = new API.Service(); // API.Service prof = new API.Service(); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + prof.get_Profile(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); // xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + prof.get_Profile("[email protected] ", "1234", "9").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = xmldoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/USER_NO"); txtfirst.Text = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/RESPONSE/USER_NO/FIRST_NAME").InnerText; txtsecond.Text = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/RESPONSE/USER_NO/LAST_NAME").InnerText; txtemail.Text = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/RESPONSE/USER_NO/EMAIL").InnerText; // Password1.Value = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/RESPONSE/USER_NO/PASSWORD").InnerText; conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); // Session["JobID"] = jobID.ToString(); //start, end and weeks string sqlgetvenddetails = " select * from ovms_clients as clt " + " join ovms_client_details as cltd on clt.client_id = cltd.client_id where clt.client_id = '" + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + "'"; SqlCommand v_details = new SqlCommand(sqlgetvenddetails, conn); SqlDataReader reader = v_details.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows == true) { while (reader.Read()) { string address1 = ""; txtPhone.Text = reader["client_phoneNumber"].ToString(); Txtcompemail.Text = reader["Primary_email"].ToString(); address1 = "Suite: " + reader["client_address1"].ToString(); // address1 = Server.HtmlDecode(address1 + " Postal Code: " + reader["vendor_postal_code"].ToString()); // address1 = address1 + " Country:" + reader["vendor_country"].ToString(); txtComp_name.Text = reader["client_name"].ToString(); txtsecEmail.Text = reader["secondary_email"].ToString(); txtSuite.Text = reader["client_address1"].ToString(); txtPostal.Text = reader["client_postal_code"].ToString(); txtcity.Text = reader["client_city"].ToString(); txtcountry.Text = reader["client_country"].ToString(); txtfax.Text = reader["client_faxNumber"].ToString(); txtadrres2.Text = reader["client_address2"].ToString(); // Txtaddres.Text = address1; } } reader.Close(); v_details.Dispose(); conn.Close(); } conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); string querystr = "SELECT TOP 1 client_id FROM ovms_client_smsnotification WHERE client_id = " + Session["ClientID"].ToString(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(querystr, conn); SqlDataReader readers = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (readers.HasRows == true) { while (readers.Read()) { if (readers["client_id"].ToString() == Session["ClientID"].ToString()) { string selectstr = "select * from ovms_client_smsnotification"; SqlCommand cmdsel = new SqlCommand(selectstr, conn); SqlDataReader reads = cmdsel.ExecuteReader(); if (reads.HasRows == true) { while (reads.Read()) { RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue = reads["newjob_notify"].ToString(); RadioButtonList2.SelectedValue = reads["interview_schedule_notify"].ToString(); RadioButtonList3.SelectedValue = reads["interview_reschedule_notify"].ToString(); RadioButtonList4.SelectedValue = reads["candid_approve_notify"].ToString(); RadioButtonList5.SelectedValue = reads["candid_reject_notify"].ToString(); RadioButtonList6.SelectedValue = reads["timesheet_approve_notify"].ToString(); RadioButtonList7.SelectedValue = reads["timesheet_reject_notify"].ToString(); } } reads.Close(); cmdsel.Dispose(); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorDisp.Text = ex.Message; } finally { conn.Close(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); API.Service MessageList = new API.Service(); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + MessageList.get_All_Messages_for_Vendor(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = xmldoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/MESSAGE"); string Actions1 = ""; string IsRead = ""; string subject = ""; string PMO_Name = ""; string Vendor_Name = ""; string Date_PMO = ""; string messid = ""; string _messageID = ""; string msg_id = ""; string PMO_Message = ""; string Date_Vendor = ""; string Vendor_Message = ""; string Actions = ""; string subjectcheck = ""; string line; string _lineRead = ""; string previous_msgID = Request["id"]; XmlDocument xmldoc1 = new XmlDocument(); API.Service MessageList1 = new API.Service(); for (int iResponse = 0; iResponse < Response.Count; iResponse++) { // string response = ""; subject = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("MESSAGE_SUBJECT").InnerText; messid = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("MESSAGE_ID").InnerText; xmldoc1.LoadXml("<XML>" + MessageList1.get_Message(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), (messid), 1).InnerXml + "</XML>"); Actions = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ACTIONS").InnerText; IsRead = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("IS_READ").InnerText; XmlNodeList Response1 = xmldoc1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/MESSAGE"); //if (Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("IS_READ").InnerText == "1") // { // IsRead = " Read"; // } //else // { // IsRead = "UnRead"; // } for (int iResponse2 = 0; iResponse2 < Response1.Count; iResponse2++) { msg_id = Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("MESSAGE_ID").InnerText; PMO_Name = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("PMO_NAME").InnerText; Vendor_Name = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("VENDOR_NAME").InnerText; Date_Vendor = Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("DATE").InnerText; PMO_Message = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("MESSAGE").InnerText; Date_PMO = Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("DATE").InnerText; Vendor_Message = Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("MESSAGE").InnerText; Actions1 = Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("ACTIONS").InnerText; IsRead = Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("ACTIONS").InnerText; System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("Messagelist.html")); while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####MESSAGE_ID####", messid); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####SUBJECT####", subject); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####PMONAME####", PMO_Name); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####PMOMESSAGE####", PMO_Message); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####VENDORNAME####", Vendor_Name); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####PMO_DATE_AND_TIME####", Date_PMO); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####VENDOR_DATE_AND_TIME####", Date_Vendor); _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####VENDOR_MESSAGE####", Vendor_Message); _lineRead = _lineRead + line; //counter++; } file.Close(); subjectcheck = subjectcheck + subject; } lblMessageList.Text = _lineRead; //_messageID = _messageID + msg_id; ///basically if m correct......its overwriting variables . ik mint may be actions as well // read line by lline for vendor compose messages only //if (Actions1 == "Send_V_P") // { // System.IO.StreamReader vfile = // new System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("Vendor_Message.html")); // while ((line = vfile.ReadLine()) != null) // { // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####MESSAGE_ID####", msg_id); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####SUBJECT####", subject); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####VENDORNAME####", Vendor_Name); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####VENDOR_DATE_AND_TIME####", Date_Vendor); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####VENDOR_MESSAGE####", Vendor_Message); // _lineRead = _lineRead + line; // //counter++; // } // vfile.Close(); // //subjectcheck = subjectcheck + subject; // lblMessageList.Text = _lineRead; // } //////read line by lline for PMO New messages only //if (Actions == "Send_P_V") // { // System.IO.StreamReader pfile = // new System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("PMO_Message.html")); // while ((line = pfile.ReadLine()) != null) // { // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####MESSAGE_ID####", messid); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####SUBJECT####", subject); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####PMONAME####", PMO_Name); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####PMOMESSAGE####", PMO_Message); // _lineRead = _lineRead.Replace("####PMO_DATE_AND_TIME####", Date_PMO); // _lineRead = _lineRead + line; // // counter++; // } // pfile.Close(); // lblMessageList.Text = _lineRead; // subjectcheck = subjectcheck + subject; // } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //update timesheet status if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null) { //timesheet popup modal action text //lblAction.Text = "Timesheet Action"; // lblActionTimeSheet.Text = "Are you sure you want to " + Request.QueryString["action"] + " this timesheet?"; if (Request.QueryString["ModalAction"] != null) { //update status conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); string _TimeSheetID = "0"; string sqlGetTimeSheetID = ""; //start, end and weeks //get timesheetID + 7 sqlGetTimeSheetID = " select timesheet_id " + " from ovms_timesheet " + " where day = " + Request.QueryString["fromD"].ToString() + " " + " and month = " + Request.QueryString["FromM"].ToString() + " " + " and year = " + Request.QueryString["FromY"].ToString() + " " + " and employee_id = " + Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString() + " " + " and active = 1"; SqlCommand cmdGetTimeSheetID = new SqlCommand(sqlGetTimeSheetID, conn); SqlDataReader rsGetTimeSheetID = cmdGetTimeSheetID.ExecuteReader(); if (rsGetTimeSheetID.HasRows == true) { while (rsGetTimeSheetID.Read()) { _TimeSheetID = rsGetTimeSheetID["timesheet_id"].ToString(); } } //close rsGetTimeSheetID.Close(); cmdGetTimeSheetID.Dispose(); string sSQLUpdate = ""; string sAction = ""; if (Request.QueryString["action"] == "Approve") { //update sAction = "Approve"; sSQLUpdate = " update ovms_timesheet_details " + " set timesheet_status_id = 1 " + " where timesheet_id between " + _TimeSheetID + " and " + (Convert.ToInt32(_TimeSheetID.ToString()) + +Convert.ToInt32("6")) + " " + " and active = 1"; string emp_id = Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString(); string totalhours = Request.QueryString["hours"].ToString(); string name = Request.QueryString["Mess"].ToString(); // string vendor_email = Session["Vendor_Email"].ToString(); semail.sendEmail("*****@*****.**", "TIMESHEET is approved - (" + name + ")", "<br>Worker ID :" + emp_id + "<br>Time Sheet Billable Days : 7 days" + "<br>Time Sheet Billable Hours :" + totalhours + "<br>******" + "<br>This notification was sent by FlentisPRO.If you have any questions regarding this notice," + "<br>please contact the SAP Fieldglass Helpdesk at:" + "<br>mailto:[email protected]" + "<br>By Phone:" + "<br>US(toll free) 1 800 123 1234" + "<br>Please do not respond to this email, this is an automatic email message and this mailbox is not being monitored.", "", ""); } if (Request.QueryString["action"] == "Reject") { //update string emp_id = Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString(); string reason_of_rejection = Request.QueryString["reason"].ToString(); string day = Request.QueryString["fromD"].ToString(); string month = Request.QueryString["FromM"].ToString(); string year = Request.QueryString["FromY"].ToString(); // string test = year + month + day; DateTime tsheet_strt_date = Convert.ToDateTime(day + "/" + month + "/" + year); DateTime tsheet_end_date = tsheet_strt_date.AddDays(7); sAction = "Reject"; sSQLUpdate = " update ovms_timesheet_details " + " set timesheet_status_id = 2 " + " where timesheet_id between " + _TimeSheetID + " and " + (Convert.ToInt32(_TimeSheetID.ToString()) + +Convert.ToInt32("6")) + " " + " and active = 1"; sSQLUpdate = sSQLUpdate + " INSERT INTO ovms_timesheet_comments " + " (timesheet_id, employee_id, timesheet_comments,from_date, to_date)" + " VALUES(" + _TimeSheetID + "," + emp_id + " , ' " + reason_of_rejection + "','" + tsheet_strt_date + "' , '" + tsheet_end_date + "')"; string emp_id_reject = Request.QueryString["TID"].ToString(); API.Service name = new API.Service(); XmlDocument _xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); _xmlDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + name.get_employees(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), emp_id_reject, "", "", "", "", "1", "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList ea1 = _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/EMPLOYEE_NAME_ID"); string name2 = ""; name2 = ea1[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("FIRSTNAME").InnerText; string job_name = ea1[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText; string vendor_email = Session["Vendor_Email"].ToString(); semail.sendEmail("*****@*****.**", "TIMESHEET is rejected - (" + name + ")", "<br>Worker Name :" + name2 + "<br>******" + "<br>This notification was sent by FlentisPRO.If you have any questions regarding this notice," + "<br>please contact the SAP Fieldglass Helpdesk at:" + "<br>mailto:[email protected]" + "<br>By Phone:" + "<br>US(toll free) 1 800 123 1234" + "<br>Please do not respond to this email, this is an automatic email message and this mailbox is not being monitored.", "", ""); } // Uri uri = new Uri(""); // string data = "field-keywords=ASP.NET 2.0"; // HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri); // request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post; // request.ContentLength = data.Length; // request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()); // writer.Write(data); // writer.Close(); // HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); // StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); // string tmp = reader.ReadToEnd(); // response.Close(); // Response.Write(tmp); // Response.Write(tmp); // MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); // set the addresses // mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); //IMPORTANT: This must be same as your smtp authentication address. // mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); // set the content // mail.Subject = "This is an email"; // mail.Body = tmp; // mail.IsBodyHtml = true; // send the message // SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(""); //IMPORANT: Your smtp login email MUST be same as your FROM address. // NetworkCredential Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Maracaibo15@."); // smtp.Credentials = Credentials; // smtp.Send(mail); // blMessage.Text = "Mail Sent"; SqlCommand cmdUpdateTimeSheet1 = new SqlCommand(sSQLUpdate, conn); int iUpdate = cmdUpdateTimeSheet1.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmdUpdateTimeSheet1.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { string abc = ""; } finally { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } } //end of ModalAction } Response.Redirect("Client.aspx?TU=True"); Response.End(); //end of update timesheet status }
private void ViewJobsInTable() { string sTable = "<tbody>"; API.Service jobInfo = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); //xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobInfo.get_JobView("*****@*****.**", "ferivan", "2", "", "", "", "", "", "", "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); xmldoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobInfo.get_Jobs("", Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), "", Session["UserID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = xmldoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOBS "); sTable = ""; int CountRows = 1; string _sBackground = ""; for (int intCount = 0; intCount < Response.Count; intCount++) { //wrap text for title string original_jobtitle = Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText; string job_title = ""; if (original_jobtitle.Length > 10) { job_title = original_jobtitle.Substring(0, original_jobtitle.Length); } else { job_title = original_jobtitle; } string urgent_job = Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("URGENT").InnerText; if (intCount % 2 >= 1) { //enableordisable = ""; _sBackground = "bgcolor='#ECF0F1'"; } else { // enableordisable = "disabled"; _sBackground = ""; } if (urgent_job == "1") { sTable = sTable + "<tr " + _sBackground + ">"; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red><blink>" + "Urgent" + "</blink> </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red><a target='_blank' style=color:red href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?jopen=Y&p=JV&jobID=" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "'>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "</td>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText.ToString() + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + func.FixString(job_title) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText.Replace(",Canada", "") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText + " </td> "; // sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("RECENT").InnerText + " day(s)</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td style=color:red>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; } else { sTable = sTable + "<tr " + _sBackground + ">"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_STATUS").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td><a target='_blank' href='Job_Details.aspx?jopen=Y&p=JV&jobID=" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "'>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "</td>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText.ToString() + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(job_title) + "</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText.Replace(",Canada", "") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText + " </td> "; // sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("RECENT").InnerText + " day(s)</td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; CountRows++; } //closes sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; jobInfo.Dispose(); lblTableData.Text = sTable; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Email"] == null) { //logout Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?m=Your+session+has+timed+out"); Response.End(); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { int jobID = 0; if (Request.QueryString["jobID"] != "") { jobID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["jobID"].Substring(Request.QueryString["jobID"].Length - 5)); } API.Service jobDetails = new API.Service(); XmlDocument _xjobDetails = new XmlDocument(); _xjobDetails.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobDetails.get_Jobs(Convert.ToString(jobID), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); // _xjobDetails.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobDetails.get_Jobs("2", "*****@*****.**", "ferivan").InnerXml + "</XML>"); string _Error = ""; try { _Error = _xjobDetails.SelectSingleNode("XML/RESPONSE/ERROR").InnerText; //_xUserInfo.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOB_NO") } catch (Exception ex) { _Error = ""; } XmlNodeList Response2 = _xjobDetails.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOBS"); //int CountRows = 1; string _Job_Description = ""; string _Job_Title = ""; string _No_Of_Opennings = ""; string _DepartmentName = ""; string _ClientName = ""; string _Job_Position_Type = ""; string _Job_Location = ""; string _Hours_Per_Day = ""; string _Hiring_Manager = ""; string _Job_Currency = ""; string _Job_TimeZone = ""; string _Contract_Start_Date = ""; string _Contract_End_Date = ""; string _Max_submittion = ""; string _ReasonForOpen = ""; string _Urgent = ""; string _PayRate = ""; string _comments = ""; for (int intCount = 0; intCount < Response2.Count; intCount++) { _Job_Description = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_DESC").InnerText; _Job_Title = Server.HtmlDecode(Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText); _No_Of_Opennings = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText; _DepartmentName = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("DEPARTMENT_NAME").InnerText; _ClientName = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CLIENT_NAME").InnerText; _Job_Position_Type = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_POSITION_TYPE").InnerText; _Contract_Start_Date = DateTime.Parse(Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); _Contract_End_Date = DateTime.Parse(Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); _Job_Location = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; _Hours_Per_Day = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("HOURS_PER_DAY").InnerText; _Hiring_Manager = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("HIRING_MANAGER_NAME").InnerText; _Job_Currency = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_CURRENCY").InnerText; //_Contract_Start_Date = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText; //_Contract_End_Date = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText; _Job_TimeZone = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TIMEZONE").InnerText; _Max_submittion = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("MAX_SUBMISSION_PER_SUPPLIER").InnerText; _ReasonForOpen = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("REASON_FOR_OPEN").InnerText; _Urgent = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("URGENT").InnerText; _PayRate = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("STD_PAY_RATE").InnerText; _comments = Response2[intCount].SelectSingleNode("COMMENTS").InnerText; } if (_Urgent == "1") { lblUrgent.Text = "(Urgent Request)"; } DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(_Contract_Start_Date); DateTime dtt = Convert.ToDateTime(_Contract_End_Date); lblPostingDate.Text = dt.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss").Replace("00:00:00", ""); lbljobtitle.Text = _Job_Title; lblJobDescription.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(_Job_Description); //lblNumberofPOsitions.Text = _No_Of_Opennings + " position(s) available, please respond by " + dtt.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss").Replace("00:00:00", ""); ; // lblLocation.Text = _Job_Location; //lblnoofopning.Text = _No_Of_Opennings; //lblstartdate.Text = _Job_Posting_Start_Date; //lblenddate.Text = _Job_Posting_End_Date; //lbllocation.Text = _Job_Location; //lblpayrate.Text = _PayRate; if (_comments == "") { lblcomments.Text = "N/A"; } else { lblcomments.Text = _comments; } //API.Service web3 = new API.Service(); API.Service web3 = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom33 = new XmlDocument(); dom33.LoadXml("<XML>" + web3.get_Jobs(jobID.ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString(), Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response8 = dom33.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOBS "); lblnoofopning.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText; lblstartdate.Text = DateTime.Parse(Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy"); lblenddate.Text = DateTime.Parse(Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_END_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy"); lblUrgent.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("URGENT").InnerText; lbljobtitle.Text = Server.HtmlDecode(Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText); string z = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_PAY_RATE").InnerText; if (z == "0") { x.Visible = false; y.Visible = true; lbllocation2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; lblbill.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_BILL_RATE").InnerText; lbladdress2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; } else { y.Visible = false; x.Visible = true; lblpay2.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("STD_PAY_RATE").InnerText; lbllocation.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("JOB_LOCATION").InnerText; lbladdres.Text = Response8[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("ADDRESS1").InnerText; } if (lblUrgent.Text == "1") { lblUrgent.Text = "(Urgent Request)"; } else { lblUrgent.Text = ""; } API.Service web1 = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom2 = new XmlDocument(); //string strID = Request.QueryString["ID"]; dom2.LoadXml("<XML>" + web1.get_rating_with_jobid(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), jobID.ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response3 = dom2.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/QUESTIONS_NO "); string que1 = ""; string que2 = ""; string que3 = ""; string que4 = ""; string que5 = ""; string rating1 = ""; string rating2 = ""; string rating3 = ""; string rating4 = ""; string rating5 = ""; string emp_id = ""; string disable = ""; string rejected = ""; string more_info = ""; string cand_approve = ""; string interview_date = ""; string interview_confirm1 = ""; string interview_time = ""; string schedule = ""; que1 = Server.HtmlDecode(Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION1").InnerText); if (que1 == "") { divstar.Visible = false; } else { divstar.Visible = true; } que2 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION2").InnerText; que3 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION3").InnerText; que4 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION4").InnerText; que5 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("QUESTION5").InnerText; rating1 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING1").InnerText; rating2 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING2").InnerText; rating3 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING3").InnerText; rating4 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING4").InnerText; rating5 = Response3[intCount1].SelectSingleNode("RATING5").InnerText; lblque1.Text = que1; labque2.Text = que2; lblque3.Text = que3; lblque4.Text = que4; lblque5.Text = que5; txtRating1.Text = rating1; txtRating2.Text = rating2; txtRating3.Text = rating3; txtRating4.Text = rating4; txtRating5.Text = rating5; string sTable = "<tbody>"; // API.Service web = new API.Service(); API.Service web = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom1 = new XmlDocument(); //string strID = Request.QueryString["ID"]; dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_candiate_for_that_particuler_job(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), jobID.ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response1 = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/EMPLOYEE_NO"); sTable = ""; //string _messageVariable = ""; // _messageVariable = _messageVariable + for (int iResponse2 = 0; iResponse2 < Response1.Count; iResponse2++) { emp_id = Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText; if (emp_id.Length > 2) { emp_id = (emp_id.Substring(emp_id.Length - 6)); } API.Service getWorkers = new API.Service(); // API.Service getWorkers = new API.Service(); XmlDocument dom3 = new XmlDocument(); dom1.LoadXml("<XML>" + getWorkers.get_employees(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), emp_id, "", "", "", "", "1", "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response = dom1.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/EMPLOYEE_NAME_ID"); sTable = sTable + "<tr>"; // sTable = sTable + "<td>" + @" <div class=""checkbox checkbox-single margin-none""> <input id=""checkAll"" type=""checkbox"" ></input> <label for=""checkbox2"" > Label </label> </div>" + " </TD>"; // sTable = sTable + "<td>" + _messageVariable + " </TD>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='preview_employee.aspx?empid=" + Response1[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "&jobId=" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "'>Edit</a> </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("SUBMIT_DATE").InnerText).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") + " </td>"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("FIRST_NAME").InnerText + " " + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("LAST_NAME").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("EMAIL").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("LOCATION").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("STATUS").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("PAY_RATE").InnerText + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='" + Response1[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("RESUME_PATH").InnerText + "'>Resume</a> </td> "; try { disable = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("INTERVIEW_REQUESTED").InnerText; interview_date = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("INTERVIEW_DATE").InnerText; interview_time = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("INTERVIEW_TIME").InnerText; rejected = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("CANDIDATE_REJECTED").InnerText; more_info = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("MORE_INFO").InnerText; cand_approve = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("CANDIDATE_APPROVE").InnerText; interview_confirm1 = Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("INTERVIEW_CONFIRM").InnerText; schedule = (interview_date.ToString().Replace("12:00:00 AM", "")) + (interview_time.ToString()).ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { disable = ""; interview_date = ""; interview_time = ""; rejected = ""; more_info = ""; cand_approve = ""; interview_confirm1 = ""; schedule = ""; } DateTime cand_start_date = DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("STARTDATE").InnerText); cand_start_date = DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("STARTDATE").InnerText); string cand_start_date1 = (cand_start_date.ToString().Replace("12:00:00 AM", "")); cand_start_date = DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("STARTDATE").InnerText); DateTime contract_start_date = DateTime.Parse(Response[iResponse2].SelectSingleNode("CONTRACT_START_DATE").InnerText); if ((interview_date != "") && (rejected == "0") && (more_info == "") && (cand_approve == "")) { if ((interview_date != "") && (rejected == "0") && (more_info == "") && (cand_approve == "")) { //sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='Client_View_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&approve=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "'class='btn btn-success btn-xs' disabled data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Interview Requested'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a> <a href='Client_View_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&more=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "' class='btn btn-default btn-xs' disabled data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='More details'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a> <a href='Client_View_Worker.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&Reject=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' disabled data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>"; if (interview_confirm1 == "1") { sTable = sTable + "<td>Interview confirm for:<br>" + schedule + "</td>"; } else { sTable = sTable + "<td>Interview Requested for:<br>" + schedule + "</td>"; } } else { sTable = sTable + "<td>Interview Requested</td>"; } } else if ((rejected != "") && (disable == "") && (more_info == "") && (rejected != "0") && (cand_approve == "")) { sTable = sTable + "<td>Rejected</td>"; } else if ((rejected == "0") && (disable == "") && (more_info != "") && (cand_approve == "")) { sTable = sTable + "<td>More Information Needed</td>"; } else if ((rejected == "0") && (disable == "") && (more_info == "") && (cand_approve != "")) { if (contract_start_date <= cand_start_date) { sTable = sTable + "<td>Working</td>"; } else { sTable = sTable + "<td> Candidate set to start on:<br>" + cand_start_date1 + " </td>"; } } else { sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&done=" + Response1[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "&jobID=" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "'class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Request for an Interview or Approve candidate'><i class='fa fa-calendar fa-fw'></i></a> <a href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&more=" + Response1[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "&jobID=" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "' class='btn btn-default btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Request more details'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a> <a href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&Reject=" + Response1[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "&jobID=" + Request.QueryString["jobID"] + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject Candidate'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>"; } // sTable = sTable + "<td><select name='selDrop'><option name='option1' value='1'>Request For Interview</option><option name='option1' value='2'>Rejected</option><option name='option1' value='3'>More Details</option></select></td>"; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; } sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; web.Dispose(); lblTableData.Text = sTable; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sTable = ""; //get timesheet if (Session["Email"] == null) { //logout Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?m=You+have+logged+out"); Response.End(); } conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); API.Service jobInfo2 = new API.Service(); XmlDocument xmldoc11 = new XmlDocument(); string sTable9 = "<tbody>"; xmldoc11.LoadXml("<XML>" + jobInfo2.get_name_leave_request(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["VendorID"].ToString(), "", "", Session["ClientID"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList Response9 = xmldoc11.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/NAME"); sTable9 = ""; int CountRows9 = 1; int intCount9 = 0; for (intCount9 = 0; intCount9 < Response9.Count; intCount9++) { DateTime requestdate = DateTime.Parse(Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("REQUESTED_DATE").InnerText); if (isMoreThanToday(DateTime.Today.Date, requestdate)) { string original = Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("REQUESTED_REASON").InnerText; //first option string test = original.Substring(0, 4); //string reason = Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("REQUESTED_REASON").InnerText; //string subreson = reason.Substring(reason.Length -5); //0,10 sTable9 = sTable9 + "<tr>"; sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("FIRST_NAME").InnerText + " " + Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("LAST_NAME").InnerText) + "</td>"; sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("REQUESTED_DATE").InnerText).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " </td> "; sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td><a href = '#' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='" + original + "'>" + test + "..." + " </a></td>"; // sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("REQUESTED_REASON").InnerText) + " </td> "; sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td><a href='#' class='btn btn-primary btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='" + func.FixString(Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("REQUESTED_COMMENTS").InnerText) + "'><i class='fa fa-info-circle'></i></a> </td> "; string status = Response9[intCount9].SelectSingleNode("ACTION").InnerText; if (status == "2") { sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td> Not approved</td>"; // sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td>Absence Request Not approved</td>"; } if (status == "1") { sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td> Approved</td>"; // sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td>Absence Request Not approved</td>"; } if (status == "0") { sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td> Rejected</td>"; // sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td>Absence Request Not approved</td>"; } sTable9 = sTable9 + "</tr>"; CountRows9++; } } if (Response9.Count == 0) { sTable9 = sTable9 + "<td colspan=4>" + "There are no Absence Requests at this time." + "</td> "; sTable9 = sTable9 + "</tr>"; } sTable9 = sTable9 + "</tbody>"; jobInfo2.Dispose(); lblrequestleave.Text = sTable9; if (Request.QueryString["action"] != null) { //timesheet popup modal action text lblAction.Text = "Timesheet Action (Approve)"; if (Request.QueryString["mess"] != null) { int DollarTextposition = Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>(").IndexOf("for $"); //Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>(").Substring(0, DollarTextposition) + " for " + Request.QueryString["time"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>(") + " hours"; //lblActionTimeSheet.Text = "Are you sure you want to " + Request.QueryString["action"] + " the timesheet for <br>" + Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>("); lblActionTimeSheet.Text = "Are you sure you want to " + Request.QueryString["action"] + " the timesheet for <br>" + Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", " <br> ").Substring(0, DollarTextposition) + " for " + Request.QueryString["time"].ToString().Replace("(", " < br > (") + " hours"; } } if (Request.QueryString["action2"] != null) { lblaction2.Text = " Timesheet Action (Reject)"; int DollarTextposition2 = Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>(").IndexOf("for $"); //Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>(").Substring(0, DollarTextposition) + " for " + Request.QueryString["time"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>(") + " hours"; //lblActionTimeSheet.Text = "Are you sure you want to " + Request.QueryString["action"] + " the timesheet for <br>" + Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>("); lblActionTimeSheet2.Text = "Are you sure you want to " + Request.QueryString["action2"] + " the timesheet for <br>" + Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", " <br> ").Substring(0, DollarTextposition2) + " for " + Request.QueryString["time"].ToString().Replace("(", " < br > (") + " hours"; //lblaction2.Text = "Timesheet Action"; //lblActionTimeSheet2.Text = "Are you sure you want to " + Request.QueryString["action2"] + " this timesheet<br>" + Request.QueryString["mess"].ToString().Replace("(", "<br>("); } //show timesheets needed to be approved try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); //getJobs string strGetTimeSheettobeApproved = " select timesheet_status_id, timesheet_id_from, timesheet_status, weeknum, employee_id, first_name, last_name, pay_rate,job_id,JobManager_ID, " + " (select top 1 CONCAT(month, '-', day, '-', year) from ovms_timesheet where employee_id = employee_id and DatePart(week, dateadd(d,-1,CONCAT(month, '-', day, '-', year))) = weeknum) as date_from, " + " (select sum(a.hours) as hours_total from ovms_timesheet a, ovms_timesheet_details b where a.employee_id = employee_id and a.timesheet_id = b.timesheet_id and = 1 and = 1 and b.timesheet_status_id = 3 and DatePart(week, dateadd(d, -1, CONCAT(a.month, '-',, '-', a.year))) = weeknum) as hours_reported, " + " (select top 1 dateadd(d,6,CONCAT(month, '-', day, '-', year)) from ovms_timesheet where employee_id = employee_id and DatePart(week, dateadd(d,-1,CONCAT(month, '-', day, '-', year))) = weeknum) as date_to " + " from (select distinct ts.timesheet_status_id, " + " ts.timesheet_status, e.job_id, " + " (select user_id from ovms_jobs where job_id = e.job_id) as JobManager_ID, " + " DatePart(week, dateadd(d,-1,CONCAT(month, '-', day, '-', year))) as weeknum, " + " (select top 1 a.timesheet_id from ovms_timesheet a, ovms_timesheet_details b where a.timesheet_id = b.timesheet_id and a.employee_id =e.employee_id and = 1 and = 1 and b.timesheet_status_id=3) as timesheet_id_from, " + " e.employee_id, " + " dbo.CamelCase(ed.first_name) as first_name, " + " dbo.CamelCase(ed.last_name) as last_name, " + " ed.pay_rate " + " from ovms_timesheet_status as ts " + " join ovms_timesheet_details as td " + " on ts.timesheet_status_id = td.timesheet_status_id " + " join ovms_timesheet as t " + " on td.timesheet_id = t.timesheet_id " + " join ovms_employees as e " + " on t.employee_id = e.employee_id " + " join ovms_employee_details as ed " + " on e.employee_id = ed.employee_id " + " where ts.timesheet_status_id=3 " + " and e.client_id = " + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + " " + " and = 1) as times " + " where timesheet_status_id=3 " + " and JobManager_ID= " + Session["UserID"].ToString() + " order by first_name asc"; SqlCommand cmdGetTimeSheets = new SqlCommand(strGetTimeSheettobeApproved, conn); SqlDataReader readerGetTimeSheets = cmdGetTimeSheets.ExecuteReader(); sTable = sTable + "<tbody>"; if (readerGetTimeSheets.HasRows == true) { while (readerGetTimeSheets.Read()) { string hours = readerGetTimeSheets["HOURS_REPORTED"].ToString(); string chk = "1"; string chk2 = "1"; //DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE+_FROM"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + string sAction = readerGetTimeSheets["timesheet_status"].ToString(); sTable = sTable + "<tr>"; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["FIRST_NAME"].ToString()) + " " + func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["LAST_NAME"].ToString()) + "<p>(" + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_FROM"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " - " + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_TO"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + ")</p></td> "; //sTable = sTable + "<td>" + string.Format("{0:c0}", Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["PAY_RATE"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["HOURS_REPORTED"].ToString())) + " </td> "; sTable = sTable + "<td>" + readerGetTimeSheets["HOURS_REPORTED"].ToString() + " </td> "; //sTable = sTable + "<td class='text-right width-100'><a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=123&action=Approve&fromD=1&FromM=1&FromY=1' class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Approve TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a> <a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=1&action=Reject&fromD=1&FromM=1&FromY=1' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>"; sTable = sTable + "<td class='text-right width-100'><a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + readerGetTimeSheets["employee_id"].ToString() + "' class='btn btn-warning btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='View Details'><i class='fa fa-table'></i></a> <a href='Client.aspx?TID=" + readerGetTimeSheets["employee_id"].ToString() + "&chk=" + chk + "&time=" + hours + "&action=Approve&fromD=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Year.ToString() + "&Mess=" + Server.UrlEncode(func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["FIRST_NAME"].ToString()) + " " + func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["LAST_NAME"].ToString())) + " (" + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_FROM"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " - " + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_TO"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + ") for " + string.Format("{0:c0}", Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["PAY_RATE"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["HOURS_REPORTED"].ToString())) + "' class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Approve Timesheet'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a> <a href='Client.aspx?TID=" + readerGetTimeSheets["employee_id"].ToString() + "&chk2=" + chk2 + "&time=" + hours + "&action2=reject&fromD=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Year.ToString() + "&Mess=" + Server.UrlEncode(func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["FIRST_NAME"].ToString()) + " " + func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["LAST_NAME"].ToString())) + "(" + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_FROM"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " - " + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_TO"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + ") for " + string.Format("{0:c0}", Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["PAY_RATE"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["HOURS_REPORTED"].ToString())) + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject Timesheet'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a> </i></a></td>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td class='text-right width-100'><a href='C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=" + readerGetTimeSheets["employee_id"].ToString() + "' class='btn btn-warning btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='View Details'><i class='fa fa-table'></i></a> <a href='Client.aspx?TID=" + readerGetTimeSheets["employee_id"].ToString() + "&action=Approve&fromD=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Year.ToString() + "&Mess=" + Server.UrlEncode(func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["FIRST_NAME"].ToString()) + " " + func.FixString(readerGetTimeSheets["LAST_NAME"].ToString())) + "(" + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_FROM"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + " - " + DateTime.Parse(readerGetTimeSheets["DATE_TO"].ToString()).ToString("dd MMM, yyyy") + ") for " + string.Format("{0:c0}", Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["PAY_RATE"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(readerGetTimeSheets["HOURS_REPORTED"].ToString())) + "' class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Approve Timesheet'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a> <a href='Client.aspx?TID=" + readerGetTimeSheets["employee_id"].ToString() + "&action=Approve&fromD=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Day.ToString() + "&FromM=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Month.ToString() + "&FromY=" + Convert.ToDateTime(readerGetTimeSheets["date_from"].ToString()).Year.ToString() + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject TimeSheet'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>"; //sTable = sTable = "<td>12</td>"; //C_TimeSheet_View.aspx?topen=Y&p=VT&TID=1 sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; //string a = ""; //} } // lblJobs.Text = reader["num_of_jobs"].ToString(); //lblVendors.Text = reader["num_of_jobs"].ToString(); } else { sTable = sTable + "<tr>"; sTable = sTable + "<td colspan=3>No Timesheets to be approved</td>"; sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; } sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; readerGetTimeSheets.Close(); cmdGetTimeSheets.Dispose(); lblTableData.Text = sTable; } } catch (Exception ex) { // } finally { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } //for (int iResponse = 0; iResponse < Response.Count; iResponse++) //{ //sstring.Format("{0:c0}", (8 * Convert.ToDouble(PayRate) * Convert.ToDouble(ContractLength))); //sTable = sTable + "<tr>"; //sTable = sTable + "<td>" + func.FixString(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("FIRST_NAME").InnerText + " " + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("LAST_NAME").InnerText) + "</td> "; //sTable = sTable + "<td>" + string.Format("{0:c0}",Convert.ToDouble(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("PAY_RATE").InnerText) * Convert.ToDouble(Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("HOURS").InnerText))+ " </td> "; //sTable = sTable + "<td><a href='approve_timesheet.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "'class='btn btn-success btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Approve'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a> <a href='show_timesheet.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "' class='btn btn-default btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='More details'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a> <a href='decline_timesheet.aspx?wopen=Y&p=VW&empid=" + Response[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("EMPLOYEE_ID").InnerText + "' class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' name='abc' title='Reject'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></td>"; //sTable = sTable + "</tr>"; //string a = ""; //} //sTable = sTable + "</tbody>"; //getWorkers.Dispose(); //lblTableData.Text = sTable; //} //table end if (Session["Email"] == null) { //logout Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?m=Your+session+has+timed+out"); Response.End(); } conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString); //vendor contribution VendorContribution(); //get recently added by manager //recently added jobs API API.Service web = new API.Service(); // XmlDocument _xmlWorkers = new XmlDocument(); //Create XML Stuff XmlDocument _xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlNodeList nodeList; string _Error = ""; int intCount = 1; //Load XML Element into document _xmlDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + web.get_Recent_jobs(Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString(), Session["UserTypeID"].ToString(), Session["UserID"].ToString(), "").InnerXml + "</XML>"); //loop through nodeList = _xmlDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/JOB_ID"); string strGOTO = ""; //declare variables string strjob = ""; intCount = nodeList.Count; try { //_Error = nodeList[0].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText; //_Error = nodeList[0].ChildNodes[0].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText; _Error = nodeList[0].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText; } catch (Exception ex) { _Error = "error"; } if (_Error == "error") { strjob = strjob + @"<li class=""list-group-item"">" + @"<div id=""lbl1"" runat=""server"">" + @"No jobs have been added " + @"</div>" + @"</li>"; } else { int i = 0; //loop through nodes foreach (XmlNode book in nodeList) { //job id show jobs strjob = strjob + @"<li class=""list-group-item"">" + @"<div id=""lbl1"" runat=""server"">" + @" <span class='label label-default'>"+ nodeList[i].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "</span> <a href='Client_Job_Details.aspx?jopen=Y&p=JV&jobID=" + nodeList[i].SelectSingleNode("JOB_ALIAS").InnerText + "'><b>" + func.FixString(nodeList[i].SelectSingleNode("JOB_TITLE").InnerText) + "</b><br>" + @" "+ nodeList[i].SelectSingleNode("NO_OF_OPENINGS").InnerText + " position(s) | " + func.FixString(nodeList[i].SelectSingleNode("LOCATION").InnerText) + " - " + nodeList[i].SelectSingleNode("LENGTH_OF_DAYS").InnerText + " day(s) </a>" + @"</div>" + @"</li>"; if (i == 0) { strGOTO = @"<li class=""list-group-item text-right"">" + @"<a class=""btn btn-sm btn-primary"" href=""Add_jobs.aspx?jopen=Y&p=JA"">Add a Job<i class=""fa fa-fw fa-arrow-right""></i></a>" + @"</li>"; } //increment i = i + 1; } } lblshowrecentlyadded.Text = strjob + strGOTO; //get top vendor API.Service gettopvendor = new API.Service(); //get_all_vendors_for_a_client XmlDocument XMLDoc = new XmlDocument(); XMLDoc.LoadXml("<XML>" + gettopvendor.get_all_vendors_for_a_client(Session["ClientID"].ToString(), Session["Email"].ToString(), Session["P@ss"].ToString()).InnerXml + "</XML>"); XmlNodeList xResponse = XMLDoc.SelectNodes("XML/RESPONSE/VENDORS"); string _sTopVendorName = ""; for (int iResponse = 0; iResponse < xResponse.Count; iResponse++) { if (iResponse == 0) { _sTopVendorName = xResponse[iResponse].SelectSingleNode("VENDOR_NAME").InnerText.ToUpper(); break; } iResponse = iResponse + 1; } lblTopVendorName.Text = _sTopVendorName; try { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { conn.Open(); //getJobs string strSQLGetJobs = "select count(*) as num_of_jobs from ovms_jobs where client_ID = " + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + " and active = 1 "; SqlCommand cmdGetJobs = new SqlCommand(strSQLGetJobs, conn); SqlDataReader reader = cmdGetJobs.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { lblJobs.Text = reader["num_of_jobs"].ToString(); //lblVendors.Text = reader["num_of_jobs"].ToString(); } reader.Close(); cmdGetJobs.Dispose(); //getVendors string strSQLGetVendors = "select count(*) as NumVendors from ovms_users where utype_id = 2 and client_id =" + Session["ClientID"].ToString() + " and active = 1 "; SqlCommand cmdGetVendors = new SqlCommand(strSQLGetVendors, conn); SqlDataReader readerVendors = cmdGetVendors.ExecuteReader(); while (readerVendors.Read()) { lblVendors.Text = readerVendors["NumVendors"].ToString(); //lblVendors.Text = reader["num_of_jobs"].ToString(); } readerVendors.Close(); cmdGetVendors.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // } finally { if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } }
public void CustomersInsidePer24HTest() { var service = new API.Service(); var list = service.CustomersInsidePer24H(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7)); }