        public void EncogXORHelloWorld()
            // 3. Source code from the new book "Artificial Intelligence for Humans",  https://github.com/jeffheaton/aifh/tree/26b07c42a3870277fe201356467bce7b4213b604

            var network = new BasicNetwork();
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, 2));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSigmoid(), true, 5));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSigmoid(), false, 1));

            var trainingData = BasicData.ConvertArrays(XOR_INPUT, XOR_IDEAL);

            // train the neural network
            var train = new ResilientPropagation(network, trainingData);

            var epoch = 1;

                Console.WriteLine("Epoch #" + epoch + " Error:" + train.LastError);
            } while (train.LastError > 0.01);

            // test the neural network
            Console.WriteLine("Neural Network Results:");
            for (var i = 0; i < XOR_INPUT.Length; i++)
                var output = network.ComputeRegression(XOR_INPUT[i]);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", XOR_INPUT[i])
                                  + ", actual=" + string.Join(",", output)
                                  + ",ideal=" + string.Join(",", XOR_IDEAL[i]));
        /// <summary>
        ///     The entry point for this example.  If you would like to make this example
        ///     stand alone, then add to its own project and rename to Main.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Not used.</param>
        public static void ExampleMain(string[] args)
            var network = new BasicNetwork();
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, 2));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSigmoid(), true, 5));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSigmoid(), false, 1));

            var trainingData = BasicData.ConvertArrays(XOR_INPUT, XOR_IDEAL);

            // train the neural network
            var train = new BackPropagation(network, trainingData, 0.7, 0.9);

            var epoch = 1;

                Console.WriteLine("Epoch #" + epoch + " Error:" + train.LastError);
            } while (train.LastError > 0.01);

            // test the neural network
            Console.WriteLine("Neural Network Results:");
            for (var i = 0; i < XOR_INPUT.Length; i++)
                var output = network.ComputeRegression(XOR_INPUT[i]);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", XOR_INPUT[i])
                                  + ", actual=" + string.Join(",", output)
                                  + ",ideal=" + string.Join(",", XOR_IDEAL[i]));
        public void Process()
            Console.WriteLine("Please wait, reading MNIST training data.");
            var dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            var trainingReader = LearnDigitsBackprop.LoadMNIST(dir, true, MNIST_DEPTH);
            var validationReader = LearnDigitsBackprop.LoadMNIST(dir, false, MNIST_DEPTH);

            Console.WriteLine("Training set size: " + trainingReader.NumImages);
            Console.WriteLine("Validation set size: " + validationReader.NumImages);

            var inputCount = trainingReader.Data[0].Input.Length;
            var outputCount = trainingReader.Data[0].Ideal.Length;

            var network = new BasicNetwork();
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, inputCount));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 100));
            network.AddLayer(new DropoutLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 50, 0.5));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 25));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSoftMax(), false, outputCount));

            // train the neural network
            Console.WriteLine("Training neural network.");
            var train = new BackPropagation(network, trainingReader.Data, 1e-4, 0.9);
            train.L1 = 0;
            train.L2 = 1e-11;

            PerformIterationsClassifyEarlyStop(train, network, validationReader.Data, 5);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void FinalizeStructure(BasicNetwork theOwner, int theLayerIndex, TempStructureCounts counts)
            _owner = theOwner;
            _layerIndex = theLayerIndex;

            var prevLayer = _layerIndex > 0 ? _owner.Layers[_layerIndex - 1] : null;
            var nextLayer = _layerIndex < _owner.Layers.Count - 1 ? _owner.Layers[_layerIndex + 1] : null;

            var tc = TotalCount;

            if (prevLayer != null)

            int weightIndex, layerIndex;
            if (theLayerIndex == _owner.Layers.Count - 1)
                weightIndex = 0;
                layerIndex = 0;
                weightIndex = nextLayer.WeightIndex
                              + TotalCount*nextLayer.Count;
                layerIndex = nextLayer.NeuronIndex + nextLayer.TotalCount;

            _neuronIndex = layerIndex;
            _weightIndex = weightIndex;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void finalizeStructure(BasicNetwork theOwner, int theLayerIndex, TempStructureCounts counts)
            FinalizeStructure(theOwner, theLayerIndex, counts);

            var prevLayer = LayerIndex > 0 ? Owner.Layers[LayerIndex - 1] : null;
            var nextLayer = LayerIndex < Owner.Layers.Count - 1 ? Owner.Layers[LayerIndex + 1] : null;

            if (prevLayer == null)
                throw new AIFHError("Conv2DLayer must have a previous layer (cannot be used as the input layer).");

            var inColumns = prevLayer.DimensionCounts[0];
            var inRows    = prevLayer.DimensionCounts[1];

            _inDepth = prevLayer.DimensionCounts[2];

            _outColumns = Math.Floor((double)(inColumns + Padding * 2 - FilterRows) / Stride + 1);
            _outRows    = Math.Floor((double)(inRows + Padding * 2 - FilterColumns) / Stride + 1);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void finalizeStructure(BasicNetwork theOwner, int theLayerIndex, TempStructureCounts counts)
            FinalizeStructure(theOwner, theLayerIndex, counts);

            var prevLayer = LayerIndex > 0 ? Owner.Layers[LayerIndex - 1] : null;
            var nextLayer = LayerIndex < Owner.Layers.Count - 1 ? Owner.Layers[LayerIndex + 1] : null;

            if (prevLayer == null)
                throw new AIFHError("Conv2DLayer must have a previous layer (cannot be used as the input layer).");

            var inColumns = prevLayer.DimensionCounts[0];
            var inRows = prevLayer.DimensionCounts[1];
            _inDepth = prevLayer.DimensionCounts[2];

            _outColumns = Math.Floor((double) (inColumns + Padding*2 - FilterRows)/Stride + 1);
            _outRows = Math.Floor((double) (inRows + Padding*2 - FilterColumns)/Stride + 1);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void FinalizeStructure(BasicNetwork theOwner, int theLayerIndex, TempStructureCounts counts)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        // calculate the forecast the next barChange for the day p_dateWeekDays[p_iRebalance]
        // double target = p_barChanges[iRebalance + 1]; // so target is the p_iRebalance+1 day %change; so the last index that can be used in training is p_barChanges[p_iRebalance] as output
        double GetMemberForecast(NNInputDesc p_nnInputDesc, int p_nNeurons, int p_maxEpoch, int p_iRebalance, int p_lookbackWindowSize, int[] p_barChangeLookbackDaysInds, double p_outputOutlierThreshold, double p_inputOutlierClipInSD, double p_inputNormalizationBoost, double p_outputNormalizationBoost, int p_notNNStrategyType, double[] p_dateWeekDays, double[] p_barChanges, out double p_trainError)
            int barChangeDim = p_barChangeLookbackDaysInds == null ? 0 : p_barChangeLookbackDaysInds.Length;

            p_trainError = Double.MaxValue;
            StrongAssert.True(p_dateWeekDays.Length == p_barChanges.Length);

            bool isUseDateWeekDays = (p_nnInputDesc & NNInputDesc.WeekDays) != 0;
            bool isUseBarChange = (p_nnInputDesc & NNInputDesc.BarChange) != 0;
            bool isUseEurChanges = (p_nnInputDesc & NNInputDesc.EurChange) != 0;

            int inputDim = 0; // can be 3 or 5+1+1
            int dateWeekDaysInd = 0;
            int barChangeInd = 0;
            int eurChangeInd = 0;
            if (isUseDateWeekDays)
                //inputVectorDim = inputVectorDim + size(p_dateWeekDays, 2);  %1 dim or 5 dimension if p_dateWeekDays is 5 dimensional
                //currBarChangeInd = currBarChangeInd + size(p_dateWeekDays, 2);
                //eurChangeInd = eurChangeInd + size(p_dateWeekDays, 2);
                inputDim += 1;
                barChangeInd += 1;
                eurChangeInd += 1;
            if (isUseBarChange)
                inputDim += barChangeDim;
                eurChangeInd += barChangeDim;
            if (isUseEurChanges)

            // extract original data. We have to exclude outliers and normalize later
            double[][] nnInput = new double[p_lookbackWindowSize][];
            double[][] nnOutput = new double[p_lookbackWindowSize][];
            int inputIdx = p_iRebalance - p_lookbackWindowSize; // p_barChanges[p_iRebalance] can be used as a last output for the day p_iRebalance-1
            for (int i = 0; i < p_lookbackWindowSize; i++, inputIdx++)
                nnInput[i] = new double[inputDim];
                if (isUseDateWeekDays)
                    nnInput[i][dateWeekDaysInd] = p_dateWeekDays[inputIdx];      // forecast the barChange for the day p_dateWeekDays[p_iRebalance]
                if (isUseBarChange)
                    //                    nnInput[i][barChangeInd] = p_barChanges[inputIdx];      // forecast the barChange for the day p_dateWeekDays[p_iRebalance]
                    for (int j = 0; j < barChangeDim; j++)
                        int barChangeLookbackInd = p_barChangeLookbackDaysInds[j];
                        nnInput[i][barChangeInd + j] = p_barChanges[inputIdx - barChangeLookbackInd];

                nnOutput[i] = new double[1];
                nnOutput[i][0] = p_barChanges[inputIdx + 1];        // we want to forecast the next day

            // Exclude outliers if requisted
            EliminateOutliers(p_outputOutlierThreshold, ref nnInput, ref nnOutput);

            int nTrainingSamples = nnInput.GetLength(0);
            // normalize target and input?

            // 2bins, output is normalized??
            //for (int i = 0; i < nTrainingSamples; i++)
            //    //nnInput[i][currBarChangeInd] = Math.Sign(nnInput[i][0]);
            //    nnOutput[i][0] = Math.Sign(nnOutput[i][0]);

            // inputOutlierClipInSD: only use it for CurrChange (continous), not dayOfTheWeek (discrete)
            //Utils.StrongAssert(nnInput[0].Length == 1);   // we would like to normalize only the first input: currChange, not the dayOfTheWeek
            //double nnInputMean = nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).Average();
            //double nnInputSD = nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).StandardDeviation();
            //for (int i = 0; i < nnInput.Length; i++)
            //    if (nnInput[i][0] <  nnInputMean - nnInputSD * p_inputOutlierClipInSD)
            //    {
            //        nnInput[i][0] = nnInputMean - nnInputSD * p_inputOutlierClipInSD;
            //    }
            //    else if (nnInput[i][0] > nnInputMean + nnInputSD * p_inputOutlierClipInSD)
            //    {
            //        nnInput[i][0] = nnInputMean + nnInputSD * p_inputOutlierClipInSD;
            //    }

            // A. Normalize nnInput
            RangeNormalizationParams dateWeekDaysNormParam = new RangeNormalizationParams();
            double[] barChangeNormParam = new double[barChangeDim]; //I should fill Double.NaN;
            if (isUseDateWeekDays)
                dateWeekDaysNormParam = NeuralSnifferUtil.NormalizeIntoUnitRange(nnInput, dateWeekDaysInd, p_inputNormalizationBoost);
            if (isUseBarChange)
                //barChangeNormParam = Utils.NormalizeWithoutMovingCenterStd(nnInput, barChangeInd, p_inputNormalizationBoost);
                for (int j = 0; j < barChangeDim; j++)
                    barChangeNormParam[j] = NeuralSnifferUtil.NormalizeWithoutMovingCenterStd(nnInput, barChangeInd + j, p_inputNormalizationBoost);
            // B. Normalize nnInput
            double outputMultiplier = NeuralSnifferUtil.NormalizeWithoutMovingCenterStd(nnOutput, 0, p_outputNormalizationBoost);

            // C. generate testInput now and normalize
            double[] testInput = new double[inputDim];
            if (isUseDateWeekDays)
                testInput[dateWeekDaysInd] = p_dateWeekDays[inputIdx];      // forecast the barChange for the day p_dateWeekDays[p_iRebalance]
                NeuralSnifferUtil.RenormalizeIntoUnitRange(testInput, dateWeekDaysInd, dateWeekDaysNormParam);
            if (isUseBarChange)
                //testInput[barChangeInd] = p_barChanges[inputIdx];      // forecast the barChange for the day p_dateWeekDays[p_iRebalance]
                for (int j = 0; j < barChangeDim; j++)
                    int barChangeLookbackInd = p_barChangeLookbackDaysInds[j];
                    testInput[barChangeInd + j] = p_barChanges[inputIdx - barChangeLookbackInd];
                    NeuralSnifferUtil.RenormalizeWithoutMovingCenterStd(testInput, barChangeInd + j, barChangeNormParam[j]);

            if (p_notNNStrategyType == 1)
                // Buy&hold
                return 1;

            if (p_notNNStrategyType == 2 || p_notNNStrategyType == 3) // 2 = MR, 3 = FT
                // deterministic MR and FT
                double returnInUpDays = p_notNNStrategyType == 2 ? -1 : 1;
                if (p_barChanges[p_iRebalance] < 0)
                    return -1 * returnInUpDays;
                else if (p_barChanges[p_iRebalance] > 0)
                    return returnInUpDays;
                    return 0;

            if (p_notNNStrategyType == 4) // Naive learner, 1 bins
                return NeuralSnifferUtil.NaiveLearner1DForecast(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { Double.PositiveInfinity }, testInput[0]);

            if (p_notNNStrategyType == 5) // Naive learner, 2 bins
                return NeuralSnifferUtil.NaiveLearner1DForecast(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { 0.0, Double.PositiveInfinity }, testInput[0]);

            if (p_notNNStrategyType == 6) // Naive learner, 4 bins
                double inputStd = nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray().StandardDeviation();
                return NeuralSnifferUtil.NaiveLearner1DForecast(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { -0.6717, 0.0, 0.6717, Double.PositiveInfinity }.ScalarProduct(inputStd), testInput[0]);
                //%4 bins with equal distribution: %25% of the samples are under -0.6717 std away
                //range4Bins = [-0.6717  0 0.6717 inf];
                //tick4Bins = [2*-0.6717 -0.6717 0 0.6717];
                //%6 bins with equal distribution: 16.6%: -0.9678; 33.3%: -0.429; 50%: 0, 
                //range6Bins = [-0.96787  -0.429 0 0.429 0.96787 inf];
                //tick6Bins = [(-0.96787-0.96787+0.429) -0.96787  -0.429 0 0.429 0.96787];
                //%10 bins with equal distribution: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%: -1.2801/-0.8391/-0.5216/-0.2513/0/0.2513/0.5216/0.8391/1.2801
                //range10Bins = [-1.2801 -0.8391 -0.5216 -0.2513 0 0.2513 0.5216 0.8391 1.2801 inf];
                //tick10Bins = [-1.2801-(1.2801-0.8391) -1.2801 -0.8391 -0.5216 -0.2513 0 0.2513 0.5216 0.8391 1.2801];
                //%20 bins with equal distribution: 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%: 
                //range20Bins = [-1.6445 -1.2801 -1.0343 -0.8391 -0.6717 -0.5216 -0.3828 -0.2513 -0.1244 0 0.1244 0.2513 0.3828 0.5216 0.6717 0.8391 1.0343 1.2801 1.6445 inf];
                //tick20Bins = [-1.6445-(1.6445-1.2801) -1.6445 -1.2801 -1.0343 -0.8391 -0.6717 -0.5216 -0.3828 -0.2513 -0.1244 0 0.1244 0.2513 0.3828 0.5216 0.6717 0.8391 1.0343 1.2801 1.6445];


            if (p_notNNStrategyType != -1)
                StrongAssert.Fail("Unrecognized p_notNNStrategyType");

            // Matlab emulation network
            // consider the newFF() in Matlab:
            // 1. The input is not a layer; no activation function, no bias
            // 2. The middle layer has a bias, and tansig transfer function
            // 3. The output is a layer; having a bias (I checked); but has Linear activation  (in the default case); in the Matlab book, there are examples with tansig ouptput layers too
            // Jeff use a similar one
            //  I've been using a linear activation function on the output layer, and sigmoid or htan on the input and hidden lately for my prediction nets, 
            // and getting lower error rates than a uniform activation function. (uniform: using the same on every layer)
            BasicNetwork network = new BasicNetwork();
            //network.Logic = new Encog.Neural.Networks.Logic.FeedforwardLogic(); // the default is SimpleRecurrentLogic; but FeedforwardLogic() is faster, simpler
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationLinear(), false, inputDim)); // doesn't matter what is here. nor the act.function, neither the bias are used
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationTANH(), true, p_nNeurons));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationLinear(), true, 1));
            network.FinalizeStructure();  // after this, the Layers.BiasWeight and Synapses.Weights are zero

            //Utils.Input1DVisualizer(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { 0.0, Double.MaxValue }, new double[] { });
            //Utils.Input1DVisualizer(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5}, new double[] { }); 

            double[] agyTestForecast = new double[1];
            double[] agyTestTrainError = new double[1];
            ResilientPropagation train = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < agyTestForecast.Length; i++)
                //network.Reset(new Random(123));    // randomizes  Layers.BiasWeight and Synapses.Weights; if initialweights are left zero; they will be zeroWeights after Resilient and Backprog training. Only the last biasWeight will be non-zero. means: the output will be the same regardless of the input; Bad.

                // train the neural network
                var trainingData = BasicData.ConvertArrays(nnInput, nnOutput);
                train = new ResilientPropagation(network, trainingData); // err remained=0.99; with 100 random samples: accumulatedValue=0.69, 0.09, 0.57; up/down ratio stayed at 0.52 in all cases (ratio is stable)
                //train.NumThreads = 1; // default is 0; that means Encog can determine how many; (but I specificaly want 1 threads train, because I run 4 backtests in parallel; so I use the CPUs anyway)

                int epoch = 1;
                    //Utils.Logger.Info("Epoch #" + epoch + " Error:" + train.Error);
                } while ((epoch <= p_maxEpoch) && (train.LastError > 0.001));      // epoch = 5000?

                //var inputData = new BasicData(testInput);
                var ouput = network.ComputeRegression(testInput);
                //double[] ouput = outputData.Data;
                NeuralSnifferUtil.DenormalizeWithoutMovingCenterStd(ouput, 0, outputMultiplier);
                //double forecast = outputData[0];
                double forecast = ouput[0];
                //Utils.Logger.Info(@"Real%change: " + p_barChanges[p_iRebalance] * 100 + "%, Network forecast: " + outputData.ToString() + "%");
                agyTestForecast[i] = forecast;
                agyTestTrainError[i] = train.LastError;

            //NNVisualizer(network, Enumerable.Range(0, 11).Select(r => new double[] { ((double)r / 10.0 - 0.5) * 2 * 0.001}).ToArray(), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "NNchart.csv");
            //NNVisualizer(network, Enumerable.Range(0, 101).Select(r => new double[] { ((double)r / 100.0 - 0.5) * 2 * 0.10 * inputMultiplier }).ToArray(), AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "NNchart.csv");    // -10% to +10%

            p_trainError = agyTestTrainError[0];
            return agyTestForecast[0];
        public void Process()
            IList<BasicData> trainingData = LoadSunspots();

            BasicNetwork network = new BasicNetwork();
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, this.INPUT_WINDOW));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 50));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationLinear(), false, 1));

            BackPropagation train = new BackPropagation(network, trainingData, 1e-9, 0.5);
            train.BatchSize = 0;

            PerformIterations(train, 100000, 650, true);
            Query(network, trainingData);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Run the example.
        /// </summary>
        public void Process()
            // read the iris data from the resources
            var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var res = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("AIFH_Vol3.Resources.iris.csv");

            // did we fail to read the resouce
            if (res == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't read iris data from embedded resources.");

            // load the data
            var istream = new StreamReader(res);
            var ds = DataSet.Load(istream);

            // The following ranges are setup for the Iris data set.  If you wish to normalize other files you will
            // need to modify the below function calls other files.
            ds.NormalizeRange(0, 0, 1);
            ds.NormalizeRange(1, 0, 1);
            ds.NormalizeRange(2, 0, 1);
            ds.NormalizeRange(3, 0, 1);
            var species = ds.EncodeOneOfN(4);

            var trainingData = ds.ExtractSupervised(0, 4, 4, 3);

            var network = new BasicNetwork();
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, 4));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 20));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationSoftMax(), false, 3));

            var train = new BackPropagation(network, trainingData, 0.001, 0.9);

            PerformIterations(train, 100000, 0.02, true);
            QueryOneOfN(network, trainingData, species);
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void FinalizeStructure(BasicNetwork theOwner, int theLayerIndex, TempStructureCounts counts)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Run the example.
        /// </summary>
        public void Process()
            // read the iris data from the resources
            var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var res = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("AIFH_Vol3.Resources.auto-mpg.data.csv");

            // did we fail to read the resouce
            if (res == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't read auto MPG data from embedded resources.");

            // load the data
            var istream = new StreamReader(res);
            var ds = DataSet.Load(istream);

            // The following ranges are setup for the Auto MPG data set.  If you wish to normalize other files you will
            // need to modify the below function calls other files.

            // First remove some columns that we will not use:
            ds.DeleteColumn(8); // Car name
            ds.DeleteColumn(7); // Car origin
            ds.DeleteColumn(6); // Year


            var trainingData = ds.ExtractSupervised(1, 4, 0, 1);

            var splitList = DataUtil.Split(trainingData, 0.75);
            trainingData = splitList[0];
            var validationData = splitList[1];

            Console.WriteLine("Size of dataset: " + ds.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Size of training set: " + trainingData.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Size of validation set: " + validationData.Count);

            var inputCount = trainingData[0].Input.Length;

            var network = new BasicNetwork();
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(null, true, inputCount));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 50));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 25));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationReLU(), true, 5));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationLinear(), false, 1));

            var train = new BackPropagation(network, trainingData, 0.000001, 0.9);

            PerformIterationsEarlyStop(train, network, validationData, 20, new ErrorCalculationMSE());
            Query(network, validationData);
        internal void TestEncogSimilarThatIsUsedByVirtualBroker()
            int p_nNeurons = 5;
            int p_lookbackWindowSize = 200;
            int p_maxEpoch = 5000;
            int inputDim = 0; // can be 3 or 5+1+1
            double[] testInput = new double[inputDim];

            // extract original data. We have to exclude outliers and normalize later
            double[][] nnInput = new double[p_lookbackWindowSize][];
            double[][] nnOutput = new double[p_lookbackWindowSize][];

            // Matlab emulation network
            // consider the newFF() in Matlab:
            // 1. The input is not a layer; no activation function, no bias
            // 2. The middle layer has a bias, and tansig transfer function
            // 3. The output is a layer; having a bias (I checked); but has Linear activation  (in the default case); in the Matlab book, there are examples with tansig ouptput layers too
            // Jeff use a similar one
            //  I've been using a linear activation function on the output layer, and sigmoid or htan on the input and hidden lately for my prediction nets, 
            // and getting lower error rates than a uniform activation function. (uniform: using the same on every layer)
            BasicNetwork network = new BasicNetwork();
            //var ffPattern = new FeedForwardPattern();  maybe I don't need that Logic settings
            //network.Logic = new Encog.Neural.Networks.Logic.FeedforwardLogic(); // the default is SimpleRecurrentLogic; but FeedforwardLogic() is faster, simpler
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationLinear(), false, inputDim)); // doesn't matter what is here. nor the act.function, neither the bias are used
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationTANH(), true, p_nNeurons));
            network.AddLayer(new BasicLayer(new ActivationLinear(), true, 1));
            //network.Structure.FinalizeStructure();  // after this, the Layers.BiasWeight and Synapses.Weights are zero

            //Utils.Input1DVisualizer(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { 0.0, Double.MaxValue }, new double[] { });
            //Utils.Input1DVisualizer(nnInput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), nnOutput.Select(r => r[0]).ToArray(), new double[] { 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5}, new double[] { }); 

            double[] agyTestForecast = new double[1];
            double[] agyTestTrainError = new double[1];
            ResilientPropagation train = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < agyTestForecast.Length; i++)
                //network.Reset(new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks).Next());
                //network.Reset(new Random(123));    // randomizes  Layers.BiasWeight and Synapses.Weights; if initialweights are left zero; they will be zeroWeights after Resilient and Backprog training. Only the last biasWeight will be non-zero. means: the output will be the same regardless of the input; Bad.

                // train the neural network
                var trainingData = BasicData.ConvertArrays(nnInput, nnOutput);
                train = new ResilientPropagation(network, trainingData);

                //INeuralDataSet trainingSet = new BasicNeuralDataSet(nnInput, nnOutput);
                //train = new ResilientPropagation(network, trainingSet); // err remained=0.99; with 100 random samples: accumulatedValue=0.69, 0.09, 0.57; up/down ratio stayed at 0.52 in all cases (ratio is stable)
                //train.NumThreads = 1; // default is 0; that means Encog can determine how many; (but I specificaly want 1 threads train, because I run 4 backtests in parallel; so I use the CPUs anyway)

                int epoch = 1;
                    //Utils.Logger.Info("Epoch #" + epoch + " Error:" + train.Error);
                } while ((epoch <= p_maxEpoch) && (train.LastError > 0.001));      // epoch = 5000?

                //INeuralData inputData = new BasicNeuralData(testInput);
                //INeuralData outputData = network.Compute(inputData);
                //double[] ouput = outputData.Data;
                //NeuralSnifferUtil.DenormalizeWithoutMovingCenterStd(ouput, 0, outputMultiplier);
                //double forecast = outputData[0];
                ////Utils.Logger.Info(@"Real%change: " + p_barChanges[p_iRebalance] * 100 + "%, Network forecast: " + outputData.ToString() + "%");
                //agyTestForecast[i] = forecast;
                //agyTestTrainError[i] = train.Error;
