        /// <summary>Handles the Click event of the Process button which crops the main image and applies the filter stack to generate the output image.</summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void cmdProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_placed)

            if (pcFullImage.Image == null)

            Bitmap   b = new Bitmap(pbSource.Width, pbSource.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);

            g.DrawImage(pcFullImage.Image, new Rectangle(0, 0, pbSource.Width, pbSource.Height), _selection.X, _selection.Y, _selection.Width, _selection.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            pbSource.Image = b;

            if (filterStack.Count != 0)
                b = filterStack.Apply(b);

            var sc = new SaturationCorrection();

            if (sc.FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(b.PixelFormat))
                sc.AdjustValue = hsbSaturation.Value / 100.0f;
                // apply the filter

            Bitmap greyb = null;

            if (AForge.Imaging.Filters.Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.BT709.FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(b.PixelFormat))
                greyb = AForge.Imaging.Filters.Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.BT709.Apply(b);
                this.Text = "Cannot convert to greyscale";
                greyb     = b;

            var bc = new BrightnessCorrection();

            if (bc.FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(b.PixelFormat))
                bc.AdjustValue = hsbBrightness.Value;

            var cc = new ContrastCorrection();

            if (cc.FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(b.PixelFormat))
                cc.Factor = hsbContrast.Value;

            if (filterStack.Count == 0)
                var sharpen = new Sharpen();
                if (sharpen.FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(b.PixelFormat))

            if (chkInvert.Checked)
                var invert = new Invert();

            pbInt.Image = greyb;

            b = greyb;

            //BaseInPlacePartialFilter filter = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.FloydSteinbergDithering();
            BaseInPlacePartialFilter filter = null;

            if (cmbAlgorithm.SelectedItem != null && cmbAlgorithm.SelectedItem is AForge.Imaging.Filters.BaseInPlacePartialFilter)
                filter = cmbAlgorithm.SelectedItem as AForge.Imaging.Filters.BaseInPlacePartialFilter;

            if (filter == null)
                filter = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.SierraDithering();

            if (filter.FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(b.PixelFormat))
                var ditheredb = filter.Apply(b);
                pbDest.Image = ditheredb;
                this.Text    = "Badger!";
                this.Text = "Cannot dither this image!";
        public static Bitmap ApplyFiliter(ImageFiliter imgFilter, Bitmap bmp, byte Value, byte Value2)
            Bitmap newImage = null;
            //ContrastCorrection filter2 = new ContrastCorrection(1.0);
            //newImage = filter2.Apply(bmp);
            if (imgFilter != ImageFiliter.None)
                IFilter filter3 = Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms.Y;
                newImage = filter3.Apply(bmp);

                if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.Threshold)
                    IFilter filter = null;
                    if (Value == 0) filter = new Threshold();
                    else filter = new Threshold(Value);
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);

                    //IterativeThreshold filter = new IterativeThreshold(Value2, Value);
                    //// apply the filter
                    // newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.ThresholdWithCarry)
                    IFilter filter = new ThresholdWithCarry();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.OrderedDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new OrderedDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.BayerDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new BayerDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.FloydSteinbergDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new FloydSteinbergDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.BurkesDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new BurkesDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.JarvisJudiceNinkeDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new JarvisJudiceNinkeDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.SierraDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new SierraDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);
                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.StuckiDithering)
                    IFilter filter = new StuckiDithering();
                    newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);

                else if (imgFilter == ImageFiliter.Convolution)
                    // create filter
                    //OtsuThreshold filter = new OtsuThreshold();
                    //// apply the filter

                    //// create filter
                    //IterativeThreshold filter = new IterativeThreshold(0);
                    //// apply the filter
                    //newImage = filter.Apply(newImage);

                    int[,] kernel = {
                            { -2, -1,  0 },
                            { -1,  1,  1 },
                            {  0,  1,  2 }
                    // create filter
                    Convolution filter = new Convolution(kernel);
                    // apply the filter
                newImage = BitmapTo1Bpp(newImage);
            else newImage = BitmapTo1Bpp(bmp);
            //轉換成 1bit bps
            return newImage;