        private static TplLine ParseLine(Worksheet sheet, TplBlock block, int startCol, int startRow, int colCount)
            TplLine line = new TplLine();

            line.tplRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(sheet, startCol, startRow, colCount, 1);

            for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++)
                Range range = RangeHelper.GetCell(sheet, startCol + colIndex, startRow);

                TplCell cell = new TplCell();

                cell.acrossColumns = 1;
                cell.tplRange      = range;
                cell.lastColIndex  = colIndex + startCol;

                string text = range.Value2 as string;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    ParseCell(block, line, cell, text.Trim());


        public void UpdateRowData(GroupDataHolder holder, int currentRowIndex, System.Data.DataTable table, int valueRowIndex)
            int cellColIndex = cellList[0].lastColIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count; i++)
                TplCell cell = cellList[i];
                if (cell.formula != null)
                    Range cellRange = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, cellColIndex, currentRowIndex);

                    cell.WriteCell(tpl, holder, cellRange, table, valueRowIndex);
                cellColIndex += cell.acrossColumns;
        private void UpdateLine(int currentRowIndex, GroupDataHolder holder, int startIndex, DataTable table, int valueRowIndex, MergeOption mo, bool updateMergeOnly)
            int cellColIndex = cellList[0].lastColIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count; i++)
                TplCell cell = cellList[i];

                int merge = 0;

                if (cell.mOption == mo &&
                    (                // merge before.
                        i < startIndex ||
                        // merge after. next line is new line
                        (i >= startIndex && (iOption & InsertOption.BeforeChange) != 0) ||
                        // ignore group align option.
                        cell.align == GroupAlign.none))
                // do Merge
                    Range cellRange = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, cellColIndex, currentRowIndex);

                    merge = cell.DoMerge(currentRowIndex, cellRange);

                if (merge == 0 && !updateMergeOnly)
                    if (cell.formula == null)
                        Range cellRange = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, cellColIndex, currentRowIndex);

                        cell.WriteCell(tpl, holder, cellRange, table, valueRowIndex);

                 * else
                 *      // todo: Remove this noused line?
                 *      cell.lastGroupedValue = cell.GetValue(holder, table, valueRowIndex);
                cellColIndex += cell.acrossColumns;
        public void MergeVGroupCells()
            for (int i = 0; i < lineList.Count; i++)
                TplLine line = lineList[i];

                 * if (!line.containsHGroup)
                 *      continue;
                int colIndex = line.colIndex;
                for (int j = 0; j < line.cellList.Count; j++)
                    TplCell cell = line.cellList [j];
                    if (cell.mOption != MergeOption.Up ||
                        (cell.align != GroupAlign.none &&
                         cell.align != GroupAlign.always))
                        colIndex += cell.acrossColumns;
                    for (int k = 0; k < line.insertedRowList.Count; k++)
                        int rowIndex = line.insertedRowList[k];

                        CellRange range = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, colIndex, rowIndex);

                        if (!range.HasMerged)
                            RangeHelper.MergeRanges(range, MergeOption.Up);

                    colIndex += cell.acrossColumns;
        public static ReportSheetTemplate ParseTemplate(Worksheet sheet, int sheetIndex)
            /* Range topRange = RangeHelper.GetRange (sheet, 1, 1, 1, 1).EntireColumn ; */
            ReportSheetTemplate tpl = new ReportSheetTemplate();

            tpl.sheet = sheet;

            // Load pics
            PicturesCollection pictures = sheet.Pictures;

            List <Rectangle> pics = new List <Rectangle>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pictures.Count; i++)
                ExcelPicture picture = pictures [i];
                pics.Add(new Rectangle(picture.Left, picture.Top, picture.Width, picture.Height));

            tpl.pics = pics;
            // clear pictures.

            int lastValuedRowIndex = 1;

            for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < MAX_ROW_COUNT; rowIndex++)
                Range  range = RangeHelper.GetRange(sheet, 1, rowIndex, 1, 1);
                string text  = (string)range.Value2;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

                lastValuedRowIndex = rowIndex;

                if (text.Equals("sql", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // here is a SQL.
                    range = RangeHelper.GetRange(sheet, 2, rowIndex, 1, 1);
                    string tableName = range.Value2 as string;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))

                    range = RangeHelper.GetRange(sheet, 3, rowIndex, 1, 1);
                    string sql = range.Value2 as string;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

                    // add sheet prefix to tableName
                    if (tableName.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                        tableName = "S" + sheetIndex + "." + tableName;
                    tpl.sqlList [tableName] = sql;


                Dictionary <string, string> blockParams = ParseKeyValuePair(text);

                TplBlock block = new TplBlock();

                block.startColIndex = 2;
                block.startRowIndex = rowIndex;
                block.colCount      = block.tplColumCount = int.Parse(blockParams ["cols"]);
                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("name"))
                    block.name = blockParams ["name"];
                    block.name = "S" + sheetIndex + ".block" + (tpl.blockList.Count + 1);

                // parse chart params
                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("ischart") &&
                    "true".Equals(blockParams ["ischart"]))
                    block.isChart = true;
                    // parse dataBlock
                    if (blockParams.ContainsKey("datablock"))
                        block.chartDataBlockName = blockParams["datablock"];

                        // add sheet prefix to tableName
                        if (block.chartDataBlockName.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                            block.chartDataBlockName = "S" + sheetIndex + "." +
                        block.chartDataBlockName = "S" + sheetIndex + ".block2";
                    // find chartDataBlock
                    for (int i = 0; i < tpl.blockList.Count; i++)
                        TplBlock blk = tpl.blockList [i];
                        if (blk.name.Equals(block.chartDataBlockName))
                            block.chartDataBlock = blk;

                    if (blockParams.ContainsKey("seriesfrom") &&
                        "col".Equals(blockParams ["seriesfrom"]))
                        block.chartSeriesFrom = false;
                int blockRows = block.tplRowCount = int.Parse(blockParams ["rows"]);

                lastValuedRowIndex += blockRows;
                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("copy"))
                    block.copyOnly = "true".Equals(blockParams ["copy"]);

                block.tableName = blockParams ["table"];

                // add sheet prefix to tableName
                if (block.tableName.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                    block.tableName = "S" + sheetIndex + "." + block.tableName;

                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("updateallrow"))
                    block.updateAllRow = "true".Equals(blockParams["updateallrow"]);

                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("autofit") && blockParams["autofit"] == "true")
                    tpl.autoFit = true;

                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("joinat"))
                    if (!int.TryParse(blockParams ["joinat"], out block.joinat))
                        block.joinat = -1;

                //if (blockParams.ContainsKey("emptycount"))
                //    if (!int.TryParse(blockParams["emptycount"], out block.defaultEmptyRowsCount))
                //        block.defaultEmptyRowsCount  = 0;
                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("emptytable"))
                    block.emptyTableName = blockParams["emptytable"];
                    // add sheet prefix to tableName
                    if (block.emptyTableName.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                        block.emptyTableName = "S" + sheetIndex + "." + block.emptyTableName;
                if (blockParams.ContainsKey("coltable"))
                    block.tplColTableName = blockParams["coltable"];
                    // add sheet prefix to tableName
                    if (block.tplColTableName.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                        block.tplColTableName = "S" + sheetIndex + "." + block.tplColTableName;

                block.tplRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(sheet, block.startColIndex, block.startRowIndex,
                                                      block.colCount, blockRows);

                if (block.copyOnly)
                // Just return directly.

                for (int i = 0; i < blockRows; i++)
                    TplLine line = ParseLine(sheet, block, 3, i + block.startRowIndex, block.colCount);
                    line.tpl          = tpl;
                    line.colIndex     = 3;
                    line.iOption      = GetLineInsertOption(RangeHelper.GetCell(sheet, 2, i + block.startRowIndex).Value2 as string);
                    line.tplCellCount = block.colCount;

                if (block.dColumn != null)
                    block.dColumn.tpl = tpl;


            tpl.startRowIndex = lastValuedRowIndex + 5;
        public void InsertColumn(TplBlock block, GroupDataHolder holder, DataTable table, int valueIndex, bool hasData)
            // do insert
            if (insertCount > 0)
                if (hasData)
                    // block.startRowIndex ;
                    Range colRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(tplRange.Worksheet,
                                                          startColIndex + insertCount - gCols, block.startRowIndex,
                                                          gCols, block.rowCount);
                    // Insert new ;
                    RangeHelper.InsertCopyRange(tplRange.Worksheet, colRange,
                                                gCols, block.rowCount,
                                                startColIndex + insertCount, block.startRowIndex,
                                                XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, tplLastColCount);
                // Insert new Col in Template.
                Range tplColRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(tplRange.Worksheet,
                                                         startColIndex + insertCount - gCols, block.tplRange.Row,
                                                         gCols, block.tplRowCount);

                RangeHelper.InsertCopyRange(tplRange.Worksheet, tplColRange,
                                            gCols, block.tplRowCount,
                                            startColIndex + insertCount, tplColRange.Row,
                                            XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, tplLastColCount);
                // Refresh Line.TplRange ;
                RefreshLineTplRanges(block, gCols);

                block.tplColumCount += gCols;
                block.colCount      += gCols;

            // Insert cell into exsit lineList.
            for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < block.lineList.Count; lineIndex++)
                TplLine line = block.lineList [lineIndex];

                for (int j = 0; j < gCols; j++)
                    int cellIndex = startCellIndex + (insertCount > 0 ? (insertCount - gCols) : 0) + j;

                    TplCell cell = line.cellList [cellIndex];

                    /* if (cell.lastColIndex != nextCloIndex - (insertCount > 0 ? 1 : 0)) */
                    // if (cell.lastColIndex < nextCloIndex || cell.lastColIndex >= nextCloIndex + gCols)
                    //  continue ;

                    //	if (lineIndex == 2)
                    //		lineIndex = 2 ;

                    if (insertCount > 0)
                        cell = cell.Copy();
                        cell.lastColIndex += gCols;

                        line.cellList.Insert(cellIndex + gCols, cell);

                    if (cell.formula != null)
                        for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < cell.formula.keyList.Count; keyIndex++)
                            GroupValueSearchKey gkey = cell.formula.keyList[keyIndex];
                            SearchKey           key  = gkey.key;
                            while (key != null)
                                if (IsGroupedColumn(key.colName))
                                    key.keyValue     = RangeHelper.GetColValue(table, valueIndex, key.colName);
                                    key.isFixedValue = true;
                                key = key.nextKey;

                            if (gkey.key != null)
                                gkey.key.FillKey(table, valueIndex);

                            block.holder.AddValue(block.countedMap, gkey, table, valueIndex);
                    if (cell.hgOption != InsertOption.never)
                        cell.tplTextContent = Convert.ToString(cell.GetValueByIndex(valueIndex, table));

                    cell.align = GroupAlign.none;

                    Console.WriteLine("Inserted hg Line[" + lineIndex + "]cell[" + cellIndex + "] = " + cell.formula);

                    /* update Row Value */
                    if (lineIndex < block.rowCount)
                        Range cellRange = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, startColIndex + (insertCount /* == 0 ? 0 : insertCount - 1*/) + j,
                                                              block.startRowIndex + lineIndex);

                        cell.WriteCell(tpl, holder, cellRange, table, valueIndex);
            // Console.WriteLine ("---- End of " + valueIndex);
            // increment next

            nextCloIndex += gCols;
            insertCount  += gCols;
        public void InsertOneColumn(TplBlock block, int colIndex, GroupDataHolder holder, DataTable table, int valueIndex, bool hasData)
            if (hasData)
                // block.startRowIndex ;
                Range colRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(tplRange.Worksheet,
                                                      startColIndex + colIndex, block.startRowIndex,
                                                      1, block.rowCount);
                // Insert new ;
                RangeHelper.InsertCopyRange(tplRange.Worksheet, colRange,
                                            1, block.rowCount,
                                            startColIndex + gCols + insertCount, block.startRowIndex,
                                            XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, tplLastColCount);
            // Insert new Col in Template.
            Range tplColRange = RangeHelper.GetRange(tplRange.Worksheet,
                                                     startColIndex + colIndex, block.tplRange.Row,
                                                     1, block.tplRowCount);

            RangeHelper.InsertCopyRange(tplRange.Worksheet, tplColRange,
                                        1, block.tplRowCount,
                                        startColIndex + gCols + insertCount, tplColRange.Row,
                                        XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftToRight, tplLastColCount);
            // Refresh Line.TplRange ;
            RefreshLineTplRanges(block, 1);

            block.tplColumCount += 1;
            block.colCount      += 1;

            // Insert cell into exsit lineList.
            for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < block.lineList.Count; lineIndex++)
                TplLine line = block.lineList[lineIndex];

                int cellIndex = startCellIndex + colIndex;

                TplCell cell0 = line.cellList[cellIndex];

                TplCell cell = cell0.Copy();
                cell.lastColIndex += 1;

                line.cellList.Insert(startCellIndex + gCols + insertCount, cell);

                 * if (cell.useExcelFormula)
                 * {
                 *      cell.tplRange = cell0.tplRange ;
                 * }
                if (cell.formula != null)
                    for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < cell.formula.keyList.Count; keyIndex++)
                        GroupValueSearchKey gkey = cell.formula.keyList[keyIndex];
                        if (gkey.rKey == null)
                            SearchKey key0 = new SearchKey();
                            key0.colName = gkey.valueColName;

                            gkey.rKey = ReusedKey.FindReusedKey(key0);
                        SearchKey key = gkey.key;
                        while (key != null)
                            if (IsGroupedColumn(key.colName))
                                key.keyValue     = RangeHelper.GetColValue(table, valueIndex, key.colName);
                                key.isFixedValue = true;
                            key = key.nextKey;

                        if (gkey.key != null)
                            gkey.key.FillKey(table, valueIndex);

                        block.holder.AddValue(block.countedMap, gkey, table, valueIndex);

                 * else if (cell.hgOption != InsertOption.never)
                 * {
                 *      // set fixed text
                 *      cell.tplTextContent = Convert.ToString(RangeHelper.GetColValue (table, valueIndex, cell.tplValueColName)) ;
                 * }

                cell.align = GroupAlign.none;

                Console.WriteLine("Inserted hg Line[" + lineIndex + "]cell[" + cellIndex + "] = " + cell.formula);

                /* update Row Value */
                if (lineIndex < block.rowCount)
                    Range cellRange = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, startColIndex + gCols + insertCount,
                                                          block.startRowIndex + lineIndex);

                    cell.WriteCell(tpl, holder, cellRange, table, valueIndex);
            // Console.WriteLine ("---- End of " + valueIndex);
            // increment next

            nextCloIndex += 1;
        public void MergeHGroupCells()
            for (int i = 0; i < lineList.Count; i++)
                TplLine line = lineList [i];
                if (!line.containsHGroup)

                for (int j = 0; j < line.insertedRowList.Count; j++)
                    int rowIndex = line.insertedRowList [j];

                    object lastValue = null;
                    int    colIndex  = dColumn.startColIndex;
                    // if (line.cellList [colIndex].mOption != MergeOption.Left)
                    //	continue ;
                    // ingore this line ;

                    for (int k = 0; k < dColumn.insertCount; k++)
                        Range  cell  = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, colIndex, rowIndex);
                        object value = cell.Value2;

                        if (lastValue != null &&
                            Equals(lastValue, value))
                            /* remove after debug.
                             * if (colIndex == 27)
                             *      Console.WriteLine ("colINdex=27");
                            // clear
                            // judge if last row is last hgrouoped row.
                            if (i == lineList.Count - 1 || lineList [i + 1].containsHGroup)
                                RangeHelper.MergeRanges(cell, MergeOption.Left);
                                // check is this column first column in hgrouped columns.
                                if (k % dColumn.gCols > 0)
                                    RangeHelper.MergeRanges(cell, MergeOption.Left);

                        lastValue = value;

                    // repair unmerged range
                    int afterIndex = dColumn.startCellIndex + dColumn.insertCount;
                    for (int k = afterIndex;
                         k < line.cellList.Count; k++)
                        TplCell cell = line.cellList [k];

                        if (cell.mOption == MergeOption.Left)
                            Range range = RangeHelper.GetCell(tplRange.Worksheet, colIndex, rowIndex);
                            RangeHelper.MergeRanges(range, MergeOption.Left);
                        colIndex += cell.acrossColumns;