
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure the gun is pionted in the right direction (aim is realigned with the tangent).  Shoots
        /// the gun if the _waitshoot interval has elapsed.  Override this for other features.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pactiveview">Might be useful if the mouse cursor is used.</param>
        /// <param name="dt">The change in time since the last update.</param>
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            //(1) Call base class update to apply force.
            base.update(pactiveview, dt);
            //(2) Align gun with move direction if necessary.
            if (_aimtoattitudelock)
                AimVector = AttitudeTangent; /* Keep the gun pointed in the right direction. */
            //(3) Shoot if possible.
            if (!_armed || !_bshooting)
            /* If _age has been reset to 0.0, you need to get ageshoot back in synch. */
            if (_age < _ageshoot)
                _ageshoot = _age;
            if ((_age - _ageshoot > _waitshoot)) //A shoot key is down
                _ageshoot = _age;
        }                           /* Don't bother doing anything as this is only
                                     * used in copy and serialize. */

        public cCritterViewer(ACView pview)
            _pownerview = pview;
            _proportionofworldtoshow = PROPORTIONOFWORLDTOSHOW;
            _aspect           = (4.0f / 3.0f); //Start with standard screen aspect.
            _fieldofviewangle = STARTFIELDOFVIEWANGLE;
            _trackplayer      = false;         /* Depending on the game, you might want to start with either FALSE
                                                * or TRUE for _trackplayer. In general the place where your game can make adjustments
                                                * to the critterviewer is in the cGame.initializeView method. */
            _perspective      = false;         //Will be reset by setViewer,
            _foveaproportion  = FOVEAPROPORTION;
            _movebox          = new cRealBox3(Game.Border.Center,
                                              MOVEBOXTOGAMEBORDERRATIO * Game.Border.MaxSize); /* Put the
                                                                                                * viewer in a cube (or square in the 2D case) whose edge is a multiple
                                                                                                * of the world's largest dimension. */
            _dragbox = new cRealBox3();
            _wrapflag = cCritter.CLAMP;   /* I had WRAP, which was a big mistake,
                                           * as sometimes I'd back way up above the world and then suddenly be
                                           * under it. */
            //We will set _znear and _zfar in the cCritterViewer.setZClipPlanes call.
            setViewpoint();               /* Default viewpoint is up the z axis looking down at the origin.
                                           * This call also initializes some of the remaining vairables. */
            /* Don't bother to set a listener, as the various cGame.initializeView will do
             * that indirectly via a setGraphicsClass call, and then possibly with a
             * direct call to change the listener again. */
            Density               = 0.0f; //so you don't move things you bump into.
            AbsorberFlag          = true; //So you don't bounce when you bump things.
            Sprite.Radius         = 0.1f; /* Although this guy is invisible, it seems to be
                                           * good to have a radius of 1.0 for use in the COLLIDEVIEWER code. */
            _lastgoodplayeroffset = new cVector3();
        public void stepDoc(float dt, ACView pactiveview) //Called by Framework.  It calls
                                                          // _pgame.step and ACView.OnDraw
            _dt = dt;
            _pgame.step(dt, pactiveview); /* Move the critters and maybe add or
                                           * delete some. Critters possibly use the pview to sniff out the pixel color at some locations. */
            pactiveview.OnDraw();         // sets up drawings for everything in the game
            //Possibly wait for user to start or restart game.
            bool didareset = false;

            if (_pgame.NewGame)
                string msg = "*Objective: Defeat all bosses to win." +
                             "\n *Controls:" +
                             "\n - W = jump" +
                             "\n - A = move left" +
                             "\n - S = crouch" +
                             "\n - D = move right" +
                             "\n - L = toggle invincibility" +
                             "\n - [SpaceBar] , click = shoot" +
                             "\n*Hint: Remember to pick up the medpacks!" +
                             "\nPress Enter\nTo Start Game";
                //MessageBox.Show("PRESS ENTER\nTo Start Game.");
                RESTART = true;
                didareset = true;
            if (didareset && _pgame.Player.Listener.IsKindOf("cListenerCursor"))
                pactiveview.setCursorPosToCritter(_pgame.Player); // Match cursor to player pos.
        public virtual void onMouseMove(ACView pview, Point point)
            if (GameOver)
                return; //Don't use mouse or keyborad messages until game starts.
            if (PlayerListenerClass == "cListenerCursor")

            /* We pass this on, but ordinarily the critters don't do anything with it. */
            //The _cursorpos gets set in CView.OnMouseMove if you're dragging.
            // Drag Hand Case, with (_hcursor == ((CpopApp*).AfxGetApp())->_hCursorDragger)
            if ((pFocus() != null) && _bDragging)
                cVector3 cursorforcritter = pview.pixelToCritterPlaneVector(point.X, point.Y, pFocus());

                /* It's going to easier, at least to start with, to drag only within the focus critter
                 * plane. */
                pFocus().dragTo(cursorforcritter, _pcontroller.dt()); /* Feed the current _dt to dragTo
                                                                       * so as to set the critter's velocity to match the speed of the drag; this way you
                                                                       * can "throw" a critter by dragging it. */
                _pbiota.processServiceRequests();                     /* In case critter reacts.
                                                                       * If you wait for the timer to trigger CpopDoc.stepDoc
                                                                       * to call the processServiceRequest, you might possibly manage to
                                                                       * click or drag the same critter again.  The reason is that you may
                                                                       * have several OnMouseMove messages in the message queue, and when they
                                                                       * are processed you will get several calls to onMouseMove. */
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls the base update and aims at the _ptarget (does nothing if Armed is set to false or if
 /// the _ptarget is null)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pactiveview">Might be useful if the mouse cursor is being used.</param>
 /// <param name="dt">The interval of time that has elapsed since the last update.</param>
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt);   /* Do the basic cCritterArmed update to apply the forces,
                                      * in _forcearray, which might include a cForceObjectSeek to approach the player
                                      * and a cForceClassEvade to avoid the bullets. */
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            base.update(pactiveview, dt);
            totalTime = totalTime + dt;
            float newRadius = (float)(Math.Abs((maxRadius - minRadius) * Math.Sin(pulseRate * totalTime)) + minRadius);

 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt);            //Always call this first
     if ((_outcode & cRealBox3.BOX_HIZ) != 0) /* use bitwise AND to check if a flag is set. */
         delete_me();                         //tell the game to remove yourself if you fall up to the hiz.
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt);
     if (closingFrame < 100)
         roll((float)Math.PI / 2 / 100);
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            base.update(pactiveview, dt);

            // keep the boss a certain distance from the player
            if (distanceTo(Player) < 6)
                if (Player.Position.Z > this.Position.Z)
                    addForce(new cForceGravity(25.0f, new cVector3(0.0f, -1, 0.00f)));
                    addForce(new cForceDrag(20.0f));  // default friction strength 0.5 
                    addForce(new CenteringForce());
                    addForce(new KnockbackForce(new cVector3(0, 0, -10.0f)));

                    //if boss facing right, rotate to face player
                    if (facing)
                    addForce(new cForceGravity(25.0f, new cVector3(0.0f, -1, 0.00f)));
                    addForce(new cForceDrag(20.0f));  // default friction strength 0.5 
                    addForce(new CenteringForce());
                    addForce(new KnockbackForce(new cVector3(0, 0, 10.0f)));

                    //if boss facing left, rotate to face player
                    if (!facing)
                if (Player.Position.Z > this.Position.Z)
                    // rotate boss to face player
                    if (facing)
                    // rotate boss to face player
                    if (!facing)
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt); //Always call this first
     if (!warningGiven && distanceTo(new cVector3(Game.Border.Lox, Game.Border.Loy,
                                                  Game.Border.Midz)) < 3.0f)
         warningGiven = true;
         MessageBox.Show("DON'T GO THROUGH THAT DOOR!!!  DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!");
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     if (Health < 5)
         BulletClass = new cCritterBulletKamehameha();
     base.update(pactiveview, dt); //Always call this first
     _waitshoot = (float)rand.NextDouble();
        //Overloaded methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Override to update the bullet the way that you want to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pactiveview">This argument could be useful if you are using cListenerCursor.</param>
        /// <param name="dt">The change in time between frame updates.  Might be useful if an update should not occur until a specified
        /// amount of time has elapsed.</param>
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            base.update(pactiveview, dt); /* Feels force, also checks _age against _lifetime. */
            if (_baseAccessControl == 1)
            if ((_outcode != 0) && _dieatedges) /* _outcode nonzero means near an edge.  This keeps bullets
                                                 * from bouncing or wrapping,	but it also makes the critters unable tofire when they are
                                                 * really near an edge. */
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            //base.update(pactiveview, dt);

            float varX;
            float varY;
            float varZ;

            Framework.randomOb.randomUnitTriple(out varX, out varY, out varZ);
            cVector3 aimingVariance = new cVector3(varX, varY, varZ);

        //Calls each critter's move(dt).

        public void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            // necessary to make a copy in case someone wants to call a list-walking function
            // from other code executed in foreach
            LinkedList <cCritter> clist = new LinkedList <cCritter>(
                delegate(out cCritter c1, cCritter c2)
                c1 = c2;

            foreach (cCritter c in clist)
                clist.ElementAt().update(pactiveview, dt);
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            base.update(pactiveview, dt); //Always call this first
                                          //Player.Sprite.setstate(    );

            //Here's where I added my chosen frame animation for step (6) ****************
            //allows character to return to Running ( now idle on step (7) ) after getting knocked down
            if (CountingFrames)
            if (frameCount > 300)
                CountingFrames    = false;
                frameCount        = 0;
                Sprite.ModelState = State.Run;
        public void stepDoc(float dt, ACView pactiveview) //Called by Framework.  It calls
                                                          // _pgame.step and ACView.OnDraw
            _dt = dt;
            _pgame.step(dt, pactiveview); /* Move the critters and maybe add or
                                           * delete some. Critters possibly use the pview to sniff out the pixel color at some locations. */
            pactiveview.OnDraw();         // sets up drawings for everything in the game
            //Possibly wait for user to start or restart game.
            bool didareset = false;

            if (_pgame.NewGame)
                MessageBox.Show("PRESS ENTER To Start Game\nWASD to move\nSpacebar to jump\nAlt to shoot\nCtrl to punch\nThe powerup at the start is the cheat\nThere are additional powerups throughout the levels");
                RESTART = true;
                didareset = true;
            if (didareset && _pgame.Player.Listener.IsKindOf("cListenerCursor"))
                pactiveview.setCursorPosToCritter(_pgame.Player); // Match cursor to player pos.
        public void stepDoc(float dt, ACView pactiveview) //Called by Framework.  It calls
                                                          // _pgame.step and ACView.OnDraw
            _dt = dt;
            _pgame.step(dt, pactiveview); /* Move the critters and maybe add or
                                           * delete some. Critters possibly use the pview to sniff out the pixel color at some locations. */
            pactiveview.OnDraw();         // sets up drawings for everything in the game
            //Possibly wait for user to start or restart game.
            bool didareset = false;

            if (_pgame.NewGame)
                MessageBox.Show("PRESS ENTER\nTo Start Game.");
                RESTART = true;
                didareset = true;
            if (didareset && _pgame.Player.Listener is cListenerCursor)
                pactiveview.setCursorPosToCritter(_pgame.Player); // Match cursor to player pos.
        public virtual void step(float dt, ACView pactiveview)
            float runspeed = Framework.Runspeed;
            float realdt   = dt / runspeed;

            _pcontroller.update(realdt); /* Do controller update first, when you're fresh from the OnIdle
                                          * call that did the checking of messages as this, too, checks user input. The mouse
                                          * click handling code of cController expects you to do the update right after the
                                          * standard mouse processing of OnIdle, so don't move this call. This call also stores
                                          * the current dt value inside the controller. And don't use the dt = 0.0.*/
            if (_gameover)               //Meaning you haven't pressed ENTER for the first time.
                dt = 0.0f;               /*  Prevents the lurch at startup when I turn _gameover off, also
                                          *   prevents anything from happening in the move or update methods when _gameover. */
            _pbiota.feellistener(dt);        /* Critters listen to the _pcontroller data,
                                              * possibly using _cursorpos.  The cCritterArmedPlayer, in particular, will
                                              * look at the _cursorpos if left button is down.  Use the dt to adjust velocity if you have a
                                              * cListenerCursor, */

            _pbiota.move(dt);                /* Critters save current position as _oldposition, use
                                              * their _velocity and _acceleration to compute a new position, possibly wrap or bounce
                                              * this position off the _border and then set the new _position. */
            _pbiota.update(pactiveview, dt); /* Feel any forces acting on the critter, possibly call sniff
                                              * on pview to	check some pixel colors in the world to maybe back off from something
                                              * or  kill something. We don't presently use the dt argument, but could use it for
                                              * shrinking critter radius. */
            if (dt > 0.0f)                   //Prevent constant readjustment when paused
            // pause is not implemented yet -- JC
                collideStep(); //Critter may abruptly change _position and _velocity in here.
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt);
     addForce(new CenteringForce());
        /* Uses _foveaproportion which lies between 0.0 and 1.0. We say something is visible if it
         *  appears on the inner _foveaproportion central box of the viewer's image screen,
         *  which is what you see in the view window. */

        //Use _pownerview to get the CpopDoc and get the cGame from that.

        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
            base.update(pactiveview, dt);
            ZClipPlanes = Game.Border.outerBox(cSprite.MAXPRISMDZ);
            if (_trackplayer &&
                !((Listener != null) && Listener.RuntimeClass == "cListenerViewerRide"))

            /* The meaning of the visibleplayer() condition is that it doesn't make sense
             * to track the player if it's not an onscreen player. The reason for the
             * listener condition is that you don't want to stare at the player when
             * riding it. */
            /*  I should  explain that the goal here is to not bother turning when the player
             * is  moving around in the middle of the veiw area, and only to turn when he's near
             * the edge, but to have the turning when he's near the edge be smoooth.
             * The use of the 0.85 foveaproportion parameter means that you react before the player
             * gets right up to the edge.  The reactproportion factor in lookAtProportional and
             * moveToProportional is delicate and should probably be adjusted according to the
             * current player speed relative to the visible window.  The issue is that (a) if I make
             * reactproportion too small, like 0.01, then the viewer doesn't turn (or move) fast
             * enough to catch up with the player and keep it in view, but (b) if I make reactpropotion
             * too big, like 0.5, then the turning or moving is such an abrupt jump that the visual
             * effect is jerky.  The goal is to do turns that are just big enough to not look jerky,
             * but to have the turns be big enough so you aren't turning more often than you really
             * have to.  Another downside of a toosmall reactproportion, by the way, is that it can be
             * computationally expensive to react.
             * The way we finally solved this is to do a while loop to turn just
             * far enough, moving just a little at a time so as to not overshoot. */
                if (isVisible(Game.Player.Position)) // Uses _foveaproportion
                    _lastgoodplayeroffset = Position - Game.Player.Position;

                /*I'm not sure about constantly changing _lastgoodplayeroffset.  On the
                 * one hand, the offset I set in setViewpoint was a standard good one, so why
                 * not keep it.  On the other, if I want to move my viewpoint around then I
                 * do want to be able to get a new value here. It seems ok for now.*/
                else //not visible, so do somehting about it.
                    int loopcount      = 0; /* Never have a while loop without a loopcount
                                             * to make sure you don't spin inside the while forever under some
                                             * unexpected situation like at startup. */
                    cVector3 lookat    = Game.Player.Position;
                    cVector3 viewerpos = lookat + _lastgoodplayeroffset;
                    if (Game.worldShape() == cGame.SHAPE_XSCROLLER)
                        lookat = new cVector3(Game.Player.Position.X,
                                              Game.Border.Midy, Game.Player.Position.Z);
                        viewerpos = new cVector3(lookat.X, Position.Y, Position.Z);
                    if (Game.worldShape() == cGame.SHAPE_YSCROLLER)
                        lookat = new cVector3(Game.Border.Midx,
                                              Game.Player.Position.Y, Game.Player.Position.Z);
                        viewerpos = new cVector3(Position.X, lookat.Y, Position.Z);
                    if (_perspective)
                        while (!isVisible(lookat) && loopcount < 100) // Uses _foveaproportion
                            moveToProportional(viewerpos, cCritterViewer.TURNPROPORTION);
                    else //ortho case
                        while (!isVisible(lookat) && loopcount < 100) // Uses _foveaproportion
                            moveToProportional(lookat + Game.Player.Binormal * 10.0f,
            //Possibly ride the player.
            if (Listener is cListenerViewerRide)
                cCritter pplayer = Game.Player;
                cVector3 offset  = ((cListenerViewerRide)Listener).Offset;
                moveTo(pplayer.Position +
                       pplayer.AttitudeTangent * offset.X +
                       pplayer.AttitudeNormal * offset.Y +
                       pplayer.AttitudeBinormal * offset.Z);
                cRealBox3 skeleton = pplayer.MoveBox;
                if (skeleton.ZSize < 0.5f)
                    skeleton.setZRange(0.0f, offset.Z);
                if (skeleton.YSize < 0.5f)
                    skeleton.setYRange(0.0f, offset.Z);
                for (int i = 0; i < Game.Biota.count(); i++)
                    cCritter pother = Game.Biota.GetAt(i);
                    if (pother is cCritterWall)

                /* colliding with the wall may have twisted the viwer's orientation,
                 * so align it once again. */
                Attitude = pplayer.Attitude; /* Before we call lookAt,
                                              * make sure your attitude matches the player.  For one thing,
                                              * you may have gotten twisted around in the COLLIDEVIEWER code. */
                lookAt(pplayer.Position +
                       pplayer.AttitudeTangent * cListenerViewerRide.PLAYERLOOKAHEAD * pplayer.Radius);

                /* This has the effect that as offset gets large you change your
                 * looking direction see right in front of the player. The multiplier
                 * cCritterViewer.PLAYERLOOKAHEAD is tweaked to work well
                 * with the default cCritterViewer.OFFSET. */
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt); //Always call this first
     //Console.WriteLine(" Player x: " + Player.Position.X + " Boss x: " + Position.X);
        // In this function, I initialize the objects that I declared above, and
        // also initialize the OpenGL settings -- I used the same initial OpenGL
        // settings that are used in the Pop framework, and Rucker's comments are
        // included about these initial settings
        public override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            DateTime currentDate = new DateTime();

            currentDate = DateTime.Now;
            savetime    = currentDate.Ticks;
            _mindt      = MIN_DT;
            Keydev      = new cKeyInfo();
            dthistory   = new LinkedList <float>(
                delegate(out float f1, float f2)
                f1 = f2;
            pdoc = new ACDoc();
            view = new ACView();
            // enable depth testing

            /* By default DepthTest is off.  We normally need it so that nearer things cover
             * further things.  Don't need it, though, in the two dimensional case. */

            /* This is the default depth test, but we make it explicity.  Skips drawing any pixel with
             * a smaller depth than the zbuffer depth value at that spot. */
            //	::glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); //The default shading model, instead we prefer GL_FLAT

            /* Smooth interpolates from the vertices across a polygon, while
             * Flat picks one vertex (the first of the poly) and uses that color across
             * the polygon. Default is Smooth.  Runs about 75% as fast as Flat, and there's
             * no point to it for polyhedra, as all verts of a polyhedron face have the same
             * normal anyway (Unless you tilt the vert normals to make the polyhedron resemble
             * a curved surface, in which case you do want Smooth and should temporarily
             * turn it on for that object with a glShadeModel call). */
            //	::glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
            //Anti-alias lines.  Makes lines a bit more solid looking, but costs a lot of speed.
            //	::glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH);

            /* To make the polygon edges smoother. Don't even THINK of using this one, it cuts your speed
             * to almost nothing. */

            /* Don't draw back-facing polygons to save speed?  Better not.  First of all, we need to
             * draw them in demo mode, as the teapot seems to have	clockwise polygons. Second of all,
             * the cSpriteIcon doesn't work if we cull faces. */
            //   GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting);

            /* Default is lighting ON.  We do in fact
             * always want to use lighting with OpenGL, as, surprisingly, OpenGL is FASTER with lighting
             * turned on!  Do be aware that if have lighting on, you MUST install some lights
             * or everything is black.  So we MUST have a call to installLightingModel here as well.
             * To be safe, we turn the light on with a call to our installLightingModel with
             * a NULL argument to give a default  behavior that turns lighting on and adds some
             * lights. */
            GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.UnpackAlignment, 1); //We're not padding at ends of lines when we write textures.
            GL.PixelStore(PixelStoreParameter.PackAlignment, 1);   //We're not padding at ends of lines when we read textures.
        }                                                                  // Don't blow up anyone.

        /// <summary>
        /// Override to update the bullet the way that you want to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pactiveview">This argument could be useful if you are using cListenerCursor.</param>
        /// <param name="dt">The change in time between frame updates.  Might be useful if an update should not occur until a specified
        /// amount of time has elapsed.</param>
        public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt) //Don't use the cCritterBullet update.
            _baseAccessControl = 1;
            base.update(pactiveview, dt); //Don't do the bullet stuff.
            _baseAccessControl = 0;
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt); //Always call this first
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt);
 public override void update(ACView pactiveview, float dt)
     base.update(pactiveview, dt);
     moveGate(_startPosition, _moveToPosition, _moveSpeed);