文件: XpTable.cs 项目: leclaist/ACE
        public static XpTable ReadFromDat()
            // Check the FileCache so we don't need to hit the FileSystem repeatedly
            if (DatManager.PortalDat.FileCache.ContainsKey(0x0E000018))
                DatReader datReader = DatManager.PortalDat.GetReaderForFile(0x0E000018);
                XpTable   xp        = new XpTable();

                datReader.Offset += 4; // Skip the ID. We know what it is.

                // The counts for each "Table" are at the top of the file.
                int  abilityCount          = datReader.ReadInt32();
                int  vitalCount            = datReader.ReadInt32();
                int  trainedSkillCount     = datReader.ReadInt32();
                int  specializedSkillCount = datReader.ReadInt32();
                uint levelCount            = datReader.ReadUInt32();

                xp.AbilityXpChart          = ReadExperienceChart(abilityCount, ref datReader);
                xp.VitalXpChart            = ReadExperienceChart(vitalCount, ref datReader);
                xp.TrainedSkillXpChart     = ReadExperienceChart(trainedSkillCount, ref datReader);
                xp.SpecializedSkillXpChart = ReadExperienceChart(specializedSkillCount, ref datReader);

                // The level table is a little different since it has UInt64 data types.
                LevelingChart levelingXpChart = new LevelingChart();
                ulong         prevRank        = 0;
                datReader.Offset += 8; // skip level 0
                // Start from 1 because dat includes level 0.
                for (uint i = 1; i <= levelCount; i++)
                    CharacterLevel characterLevel = new CharacterLevel();
                    characterLevel.Level             = i;
                    characterLevel.TotalXp           = datReader.ReadUInt64();
                    characterLevel.FromPreviousLevel = characterLevel.TotalXp - prevRank;
                    // Store this to use it in the next loop...
                    prevRank = characterLevel.TotalXp;

                // The final section is skill credits... It has the same count as levels.
                int cumulativeSkillPoints = 0;
                datReader.Offset += 4; // skip level 0
                for (int i = 0; i < levelCount; i++)
                    int skillPoint = datReader.ReadInt32();
                    cumulativeSkillPoints += skillPoint;
                    levelingXpChart.Levels[i].GrantsSkillPoint      = skillPoint == 1;
                    levelingXpChart.Levels[i].CumulativeSkillPoints = cumulativeSkillPoints;

                xp.LevelingXpChart = levelingXpChart;

                // Store this object in the FileCache
                DatManager.PortalDat.FileCache[0x0E000018] = xp;
        public static XpTable ReadFromDat()
            if (instance == null) // We'll store the XP data into the instance the first time it's loaded. No need to read it multiple times.
                DatReader datReader = DatManager.PortalDat.GetReaderForFile(0x0E000018);
                XpTable   xp        = new XpTable();

                datReader.Offset += 4; // Skip the ID. We know what it is.

                // The counts for each "Table" are at the top of the file.
                int  abilityCount          = datReader.ReadInt32();
                int  vitalCount            = datReader.ReadInt32();
                int  trainedSkillCount     = datReader.ReadInt32();
                int  specializedSkillCount = datReader.ReadInt32();
                uint levelCount            = datReader.ReadUInt32();

                xp.AbilityXpChart          = ReadExperienceChart(abilityCount, ref datReader);
                xp.VitalXpChart            = ReadExperienceChart(vitalCount, ref datReader);
                xp.TrainedSkillXpChart     = ReadExperienceChart(trainedSkillCount, ref datReader);
                xp.SpecializedSkillXpChart = ReadExperienceChart(specializedSkillCount, ref datReader);

                // The level table is a little different since it has UInt64 data types.
                LevelingChart levelingXpChart = new LevelingChart();
                ulong         prevRank        = 0;
                datReader.Offset += 8; // skip level 0
                // Start from 1 because dat includes level 0.
                for (uint i = 1; i <= levelCount; i++)
                    CharacterLevel characterLevel = new CharacterLevel();
                    characterLevel.Level             = i;
                    characterLevel.TotalXp           = datReader.ReadUInt64();
                    characterLevel.FromPreviousLevel = characterLevel.TotalXp - prevRank;
                    // Store this to use it in the next loop...
                    prevRank = characterLevel.TotalXp;

                // The final section is skill credits... It has the same count as levels.
                int cumulativeSkillPoints = 0;
                datReader.Offset += 4; // skip level 0
                for (int i = 0; i < levelCount; i++)
                    int skillPoint = datReader.ReadInt32();
                    cumulativeSkillPoints += skillPoint;
                    levelingXpChart.Levels[i].GrantsSkillPoint      = skillPoint == 1;
                    levelingXpChart.Levels[i].CumulativeSkillPoints = cumulativeSkillPoints;

                xp.LevelingXpChart = levelingXpChart;
                instance           = xp;