public ActionListEditorWindowData() { isLocked = false; targetID = 0; _target = null; targetAsset = null; }
public static void DeleteAction(AC.Action action, ActionListAsset _target) { _target.actions.Remove (action); Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate (action); //UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate (_action, true); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets (); }
public static void AddAction(string className, int i, ActionListAsset _target) { List<int> idArray = new List<int>(); foreach (AC.Action _action in _target.actions) { idArray.Add (; } idArray.Sort (); AC.Action newAction = (AC.Action) CreateInstance (className); newAction.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; // Update id based on array foreach (int _id in idArray.ToArray()) { if ( == _id) ++; } = newAction.title; _target.actions.Insert (i, newAction); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset (newAction, _target); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (newAction)); AssetDatabase.Refresh (); }
public override void Declare () { label = "Button"; hotspotLabel = ""; hotspotLabelID = -1; isVisible = true; isClickable = true; textEffects = TextEffects.None; buttonClickType = AC_ButtonClickType.RunActionList; simulateInput = SimulateInputType.Button; simulateValue = 1f; numSlots = 1; anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; SetSize (new Vector2 (10f, 5f)); doFade = false; switchMenuTitle = ""; inventoryBoxTitle = ""; shiftInventory = AC_ShiftInventory.ShiftLeft; loopJournal = false; actionList = null; inputAxis = ""; clickTexture = null; clickAlpha = 0f; shiftAmount = 1; onlyShowWhenEffective = false; allowContinuousClick = false; base.Declare (); }
public void CopyButton(MenuButton _element) { uiButton = _element.uiButton; uiText = _element.uiText; label = _element.label; hotspotLabel = _element.hotspotLabel; hotspotLabelID = _element.hotspotLabelID; anchor = _element.anchor; textEffects = _element.textEffects; buttonClickType = _element.buttonClickType; simulateInput = _element.simulateInput; simulateValue = _element.simulateValue; doFade = _element.doFade; switchMenuTitle = _element.switchMenuTitle; inventoryBoxTitle = _element.inventoryBoxTitle; shiftInventory = _element.shiftInventory; loopJournal = _element.loopJournal; actionList = _element.actionList; inputAxis = _element.inputAxis; clickTexture = _element.clickTexture; clickAlpha = _element.clickAlpha; shiftAmount = _element.shiftAmount; onlyShowWhenEffective = _element.onlyShowWhenEffective; allowContinuousClick = _element.allowContinuousClick; parameterID = _element.parameterID; parameterValue = _element.parameterValue; base.Copy (_element); }
/** * <summary>A Constructor that copies the values of another ActionEnd.</summary> * <param name = "_actionEnd">The ActionEnd to copy from</param> */ public ActionEnd(ActionEnd _actionEnd) { resultAction = _actionEnd.resultAction; skipAction = _actionEnd.skipAction; skipActionActual = _actionEnd.skipActionActual; linkedCutscene = _actionEnd.linkedCutscene; linkedAsset = _actionEnd.linkedAsset; }
/** * A Constructor that sets skipAction explicitly. */ public ActionEnd(int _skipAction) { resultAction = ResultAction.Continue; skipAction = _skipAction; skipActionActual = null; linkedCutscene = null; linkedAsset = null; }
public static RuntimeActionList RunActionListAsset (ActionListAsset actionListAsset, Conversation endConversation, int i) { if (actionListAsset != null && actionListAsset.actions.Count > 0) { GameObject runtimeActionListObject = (GameObject) Instantiate (Resources.Load (Resource.runtimeActionList)); RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList = runtimeActionListObject.GetComponent <RuntimeActionList>(); runtimeActionList.DownloadActions (actionListAsset, endConversation, i); return runtimeActionList; } return null; }
public void CopyProfilesList(MenuProfilesList _element) { uiSlots = _element.uiSlots; textEffects = _element.textEffects; anchor = _element.anchor; maxSlots = _element.maxSlots; actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick; showActive = _element.showActive; base.Copy (_element); }
/** * <summary>Downloads and runs the settings and Actions stored within an ActionListAsset.</summary> * <param name = "actionListAsset">The ActionListAsset to copy Actions from and run</param> * <param name = "endConversation">If set, the supplied Conversation will be run when the AcionList ends</param> * <param name = "i">The index number of the first Action to run</param> * <param name = "doSkip">If True, then the Actions will be skipped, instead of run normally</param> * <param name = "addToSkipQueue">If True, the ActionList will be skippable when the user presses 'EndCutscene'</param> */ public void DownloadActions(ActionListAsset actionListAsset, Conversation endConversation, int i, bool doSkip, bool addToSkipQueue) { =; assetSource = actionListAsset; useParameters = actionListAsset.useParameters; parameters = actionListAsset.parameters; unfreezePauseMenus = actionListAsset.unfreezePauseMenus; actionListType = actionListAsset.actionListType; if (actionListAsset.actionListType == ActionListType.PauseGameplay) { isSkippable = actionListAsset.isSkippable; } else { isSkippable = false; } conversation = endConversation; actions.Clear (); foreach (AC.Action action in actionListAsset.actions) { ActionEnd _lastResult = action.lastResult; actions.Add (action); if (doSkip && action != null) { actions[actions.Count-1].lastResult = _lastResult; } } if (!useParameters) { foreach (Action action in actions) { action.AssignValues (null); } } if (doSkip) { Skip (i); } else { Interact (i, addToSkipQueue); } }
public ActionListEditorWindowData(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { targetID = 0; _target = null; targetAsset = actionListAsset; if (actionListAsset != null) { isLocked = true; } else { isLocked = false; } }
public void CopyButton (Button _button) { interaction = _button.interaction; assetFile = _button.assetFile; customScriptObject = _button.customScriptObject; customScriptFunction = _button.customScriptFunction; isDisabled = _button.isDisabled; invID = _button.invID; iconID = _button.iconID; playerAction = _button.playerAction; setProximity = _button.setProximity; proximity = _button.proximity; faceAfter = _button.faceAfter; isBlocking = _button.isBlocking; }
public void CopySavesList (MenuSavesList _element) { newSaveText = _element.newSaveText; textEffects = _element.textEffects; anchor = _element.anchor; saveListType = _element.saveListType; maxSaves = _element.maxSaves; actionListOnSave = _element.actionListOnSave; displayType = _element.displayType; blankSlotTexture = _element.blankSlotTexture; fixedOption = _element.fixedOption; optionToShow = _element.optionToShow; base.Copy (_element); }
public void DestroyAssetList(ActionListAsset asset) { RuntimeActionList[] runtimeActionLists = FindObjectsOfType (typeof (RuntimeActionList)) as RuntimeActionList[]; foreach (RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList in runtimeActionLists) { if (runtimeActionList.assetSource == asset) { if (activeLists.Contains (runtimeActionList)) { activeLists.Remove (runtimeActionList); } Destroy (runtimeActionList.gameObject); } } }
/** * <summary>A Constructor that assigns the variables explicitly.</summary> * <param name = "_actionList">The ActionList this references. If it is a RuntimeActionList, its assetSource will be assigned to actionListAsset.</param> * <param name = "_startIndex">The index number of the Action to skip from</param> */ public SkipList(ActionList _actionList, int _startIndex) { actionList = _actionList; startIndex = _startIndex; if (_actionList is RuntimeActionList) { RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList = (RuntimeActionList) _actionList; actionListAsset = runtimeActionList.assetSource; } else { actionListAsset = null; } }
public ActionListEditorWindowData(ActionList actionList) { targetAsset = null; _target = actionList; if (actionList != null) { isLocked = true; targetID = actionList.GetInstanceID (); } else { isLocked = false; targetID = 0; } }
public static ActionListAsset AssetGUI(string label, ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); actionListAsset = (ActionListAsset) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (label, actionListAsset, typeof (ActionListAsset), false); if (actionListAsset == null) { if (GUILayout.Button ("Create", GUILayout.MaxWidth (60f))) { actionListAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.CreateAsset (); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); return actionListAsset; }
public void CopyCycle(MenuCycle _element) { uiButton = _element.uiButton; uiText = null; label = _element.label; textEffects = _element.textEffects; anchor = _element.anchor; selected = _element.selected; optionsArray = _element.optionsArray; cycleType = _element.cycleType; varID = _element.varID; cycleText = ""; actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick; base.Copy (_element); }
public void CopyFromAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { isSkippable = actionListAsset.isSkippable; actionListType = actionListAsset.actionListType; useParameters = actionListAsset.useParameters; // Copy parameters parameters = new List <ActionParameter>(); parameters.Clear(); foreach (ActionParameter parameter in actionListAsset.parameters) { parameters.Add(new ActionParameter(parameter)); } // Actions actions = new List <Action>(); actions.Clear(); Vector2 firstPosition = new Vector2(14f, 14f); foreach (Action originalAction in actionListAsset.actions) { if (originalAction == null) { continue; } AC.Action duplicatedAction = Object.Instantiate(originalAction) as AC.Action; if (actionListAsset.actions.IndexOf(originalAction) == 0) { duplicatedAction.nodeRect.x = firstPosition.x; duplicatedAction.nodeRect.y = firstPosition.y; } else { duplicatedAction.nodeRect.x = firstPosition.x + (originalAction.nodeRect.x - firstPosition.x); duplicatedAction.nodeRect.y = firstPosition.y + (originalAction.nodeRect.y - firstPosition.y); } duplicatedAction.ClearIDs(); duplicatedAction.isMarked = false; duplicatedAction.isAssetFile = false; actions.Add(duplicatedAction); } }
protected void ShowParametersGUI(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (actionListAsset == null) { return; } if (actionListAsset.NumParameters > 0) { ShowActionListReference(actionListAsset); ShowParametersGUI(actionListAsset.DefaultParameters, true); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No parameters defined for ActionList Assset '" + + "'.", MessageType.Warning); } }
public void ShowGUI() { runOnStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Run on scene start?", runOnStart); runOnLoad = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Run on scene load?", runOnLoad); if (runOnLoad && KickStarter.settingsManager && KickStarter.settingsManager.playerSwitching == PlayerSwitching.Allow) { sceneLoadCondition = (SceneLoadCondition)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Scene load condition:", sceneLoadCondition); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); actionListSource = (ActionListSource)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("ActionList source:", actionListSource); switch (actionListSource) { case ActionListSource.InScene: actionList = (ActionList)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("ActionList to run:", actionList, typeof(ActionList), true); if (actionList == null && GetComponent <ActionList>()) { actionList = GetComponent <ActionList>(); } if (actionList && actionList.IsSkippable()) { runInstantly = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Run instantly?", runInstantly); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); ShowParametersGUI(actionList); break; case ActionListSource.AssetFile: actionListAsset = (ActionListAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Asset to run:", actionListAsset, typeof(ActionListAsset), false); if (actionListAsset && actionListAsset.IsSkippable()) { runInstantly = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Run instantly?", runInstantly); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); ShowParametersGUI(actionListAsset); break; } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The linked ActionList can also be run by invoking this script's RunActionList() method.", MessageType.Info); }
/** * <summary>Stops an ActionListAsset from running.</summary> * <param name = "The ActionListAsset file to stop"></param> * <param name = "_action">An Action that, if present within 'asset', will prevent the ActionListAsset from ending prematurely</param> */ public void EndAssetList(ActionListAsset asset, Action _action = null) { for (int i = 0; i < activeLists.Count; i++) { if (activeLists[i].IsFor(asset)) { if (_action == null || !activeLists[i].actionList.actions.Contains(_action)) { KickStarter.actionListManager.EndList(activeLists[i]); } else if (_action != null) { ACDebug.Log("Left " + activeLists[i] + " alone."); } } } }
private void ActionListGUI(string label) { actionListOnSave = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI(label, actionListOnSave); if (actionListOnSave != null && actionListOnSave.useParameters && actionListOnSave.parameters.Count > 0) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("", actionListOnSave.parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.Integer); if (parameterID >= 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(= Slot index)"); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
private void ShowParametersGUI(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (actionListAsset == null) { return; } if (actionListAsset.useParameters && actionListAsset.parameters != null && actionListAsset.parameters.Count > 0) { ShowActionListReference(actionListAsset); ShowParametersGUI(actionListAsset.parameters, true); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No parameters defined for ActionList Assset '" + + "'.", MessageType.Warning); } }
protected void AfterRunningOption() { EditorGUILayout.Space(); endAction = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("After running:", (ResultAction)endAction); if (endAction == ResultAction.RunCutscene) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", linkedAsset); } else { linkedCutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutscene); } } }
private void SearchAssetForType(ActionListAsset actionListAsset, ActionType actionType) { if (searchedAssets.Contains(actionListAsset)) { return; } searchedAssets.Add(actionListAsset); if (actionListAsset != null) { int numFinds = SearchActionsForType(actionListAsset.actions, actionType); if (numFinds > 0) { ACDebug.Log("(Asset: " + + ") Found " + numFinds + " instances of '" + actionType.GetFullTitle() + "'"); } } }
/** * <summary>Copies the values of another Button onto itself.</summary> * <param name = "_button">The Button to copies values from</param> */ public void CopyButton(Button _button) { interaction = _button.interaction; assetFile = _button.assetFile; customScriptObject = _button.customScriptObject; customScriptFunction = _button.customScriptFunction; isDisabled = _button.isDisabled; invID = _button.invID; iconID = _button.iconID; playerAction = _button.playerAction; setProximity = _button.setProximity; proximity = _button.proximity; faceAfter = _button.faceAfter; isBlocking = _button.isBlocking; parameterID = _button.parameterID; invParameterID = _button.invParameterID; }
public void CopyToggle(MenuToggle _element) { uiToggle = _element.uiToggle; uiText = null; label = _element.label; isOn = _element.isOn; textEffects = _element.textEffects; anchor = _element.anchor; toggleType = _element.toggleType; varID = _element.varID; appendState = _element.appendState; onTexture = _element.onTexture; offTexture = _element.offTexture; actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick; base.Copy (_element); }
/** * <summary>Resumes a previously-paused ActionListAsset. If the ActionListAsset is already running, nothing will happen.</summary> * <param name = "actionListAsset">The ActionListAsset to pause</param> */ public void Resume(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (IsListRunning(actionListAsset) && !actionListAsset.canRunMultipleInstances) { return; } bool foundInstance = false; for (int i = 0; i < activeLists.Count; i++) { if (activeLists[i].IsFor(actionListAsset)) { int numInstances = 0; foreach (ActiveList activeList in activeLists) { if (activeList.IsFor(actionListAsset) && activeList.IsRunning()) { numInstances++; } } GameObject runtimeActionListObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(Resource.runtimeActionList)); =; if (numInstances > 0) { += " " + numInstances.ToString(); } RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList = runtimeActionListObject.GetComponent <RuntimeActionList>(); runtimeActionList.DownloadActions(actionListAsset, activeLists[i].GetConversationOnEnd(), activeLists[i].startIndex, false, activeLists[i].inSkipQueue, true); activeLists[i].Resume(runtimeActionList); foundInstance = true; if (!actionListAsset.canRunMultipleInstances) { return; } } } if (!foundInstance) { ACDebug.LogWarning("No resume data found for '" + actionListAsset + "' - running from start.", actionListAsset); AdvGame.RunActionListAsset(actionListAsset); } }
public override bool ReferencesAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (isAssetFile) { foreach (ActionEnd ending in endings) { if (ending.resultAction == ResultAction.RunCutscene) { if (ending.linkedAsset == actionListAsset) { return(true); } } } } return(false); }
/** * <summary>A constructor for a scene-based Conversation's dialogue option.</summary> * <param name = "_ID">An ID number unique to this instance of ButtonDialog within a Conversation</param> * <param name = "_label">The option's display text</param> * <param name = "_startEnabled">If True, the option will be enabled by default</param> * <param name = "_dialogueOption">The DialogueOption to run when the option is chosen</param> * <param name = "_endsConversation">If True, the Conversation will end after the DialogueOption has finished running</param> */ public ButtonDialog(int _ID, string _label, bool _startEnabled, DialogueOption _dialogueOption, bool _endsConversation) { label = _label; icon = null; cursorIcon = new CursorIconBase(); isOn = _startEnabled; isLocked = false; conversationAction = (_endsConversation) ? ConversationAction.Stop : ConversationAction.ReturnToConversation; assetFile = null; newConversation = null; dialogueOption = _dialogueOption; lineID = -1; ID = _ID; isEditing = false; }
/** * <summary>A constructor for a runtime-generated Conversation's dialogue option.</summary> * <param name = "_ID">An ID number unique to this instance of ButtonDialog within a Conversation</param> * <param name = "_label">The option's display text</param> * <param name = "_isOn">If True, the option will be enabled</param> */ public ButtonDialog(int _ID, string _label, bool _isOn) { label = _label; icon = null; cursorIcon = new CursorIconBase(); isOn = _isOn; isLocked = false; conversationAction = ConversationAction.Stop; assetFile = null; newConversation = null; dialogueOption = null; lineID = -1; ID = _ID; isEditing = false; }
private void CopyCycle(MenuCycle _element) { uiButton = _element.uiButton; uiText = null; label = _element.label; textEffects = _element.textEffects; outlineSize = _element.outlineSize; anchor = _element.anchor; selected = _element.selected; optionsArray = _element.optionsArray; cycleType = _element.cycleType; varID = _element.varID; cycleText = ""; actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick; uiSelectableHideStyle = _element.uiSelectableHideStyle; base.Copy(_element); }
/** * Initialises the element when it is created within MenuManager. */ public override void Declare() { uiSlots = null; isVisible = true; isClickable = true; numSlots = 4; SetSize(new Vector2(6f, 10f)); textEffects = TextEffects.None; outlineSize = 2f; craftingType = CraftingElementType.Ingredients; displayType = ConversationDisplayType.IconOnly; uiHideStyle = UIHideStyle.DisableObject; actionListOnWrongIngredients = null; linkUIGraphic = LinkUIGraphic.ImageComponent; items = new List <InvItem>(); autoCreate = true; inventoryItemCountDisplay = InventoryItemCountDisplay.OnlyIfMultiple; }
/** A Constructor that copies its values from another Button */ public Button(Button button) { interaction = button.interaction; assetFile = button.assetFile; customScriptObject = button.customScriptObject; customScriptFunction = button.customScriptFunction; isDisabled = button.isDisabled; invID = button.invID; iconID = button.iconID; selectItemMode = button.selectItemMode; playerAction = button.playerAction; setProximity = button.setProximity; proximity = button.proximity; faceAfter = button.faceAfter; isBlocking = button.isBlocking; parameterID = button.parameterID; invParameterID = button.invParameterID; }
protected void ShowParametersGUI(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (actionListAsset == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No " + interactionType.ToString() + " ActionList found!", MessageType.Warning); return; } if (actionListAsset.useParameters && actionListAsset.parameters != null && actionListAsset.parameters.Count > 0) { ShowActionListReference(actionListAsset); ShowParametersGUI(actionListAsset.parameters, true); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No parameters defined for ActionList Assset '" + + "'.", MessageType.Warning); } }
public override void Declare() { uiSlots = null; isVisible = true; isClickable = true; numSlots = 1; maxSlots = 5; showActive = true; SetSize(new Vector2(20f, 5f)); anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; actionListOnClick = null; textEffects = TextEffects.None; base.Declare(); }
/** * <summary>Stops an ActionListAsset from running.</summary> * <param name = "The ActionListAsset file to stop"></param> * <param name = "_action">An Action that, if present within 'asset', will prevent the ActionListAsset from ending prematurely</param> */ public void EndAssetList(ActionListAsset asset, Action _action = null) { RuntimeActionList[] runtimeActionLists = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(RuntimeActionList)) as RuntimeActionList[]; foreach (RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList in runtimeActionLists) { if (runtimeActionList.assetSource == asset) { if (_action == null || !runtimeActionList.actions.Contains(_action)) { EndList(runtimeActionList); } else if (_action != null) { ACDebug.Log("Left " + + " alone."); } } } }
private void CopyToggle(MenuToggle _element) { uiToggle = _element.uiToggle; uiText = null; label = _element.label; isOn = _element.isOn; textEffects = _element.textEffects; outlineSize = _element.outlineSize; anchor = _element.anchor; toggleType = _element.toggleType; varID = _element.varID; appendState = _element.appendState; onTexture = _element.onTexture; offTexture = _element.offTexture; actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick; base.Copy(_element); }
public static void ResetList(ActionListAsset _targetAsset) { if (_targetAsset.actions.Count == 0 || (_targetAsset.actions.Count == 1 && _targetAsset.actions[0] == null)) { if (_targetAsset.actions.Count == 1) { ActionListAssetEditor.DeleteAction(_targetAsset.actions[0], _targetAsset); } Action newAction = ActionList.GetDefaultAction(); _targetAsset.actions.Add(newAction); newAction.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(newAction, _targetAsset); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(newAction)); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }
private void CopyProfilesList(MenuProfilesList _element) { uiSlots = _element.uiSlots; textEffects = _element.textEffects; outlineSize = _element.outlineSize; anchor = _element.anchor; maxSlots = _element.maxSlots; actionListOnClick = _element.actionListOnClick; showActive = _element.showActive; uiHideStyle = _element.uiHideStyle; autoHandle = _element.autoHandle; parameterID = _element.parameterID; fixedOption = _element.fixedOption; optionToShow = _element.optionToShow; base.Copy(_element); }
public void CopyFromAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { isSkippable = actionListAsset.isSkippable; actionListType = actionListAsset.actionListType; useParameters = actionListAsset.useParameters; // Copy parameters parameters = new List<ActionParameter>(); parameters.Clear (); foreach (ActionParameter parameter in actionListAsset.parameters) { parameters.Add (new ActionParameter (parameter)); } // Actions actions = new List<Action>(); actions.Clear (); Vector2 firstPosition = new Vector2 (14f, 14f); foreach (Action originalAction in actionListAsset.actions) { if (originalAction == null) { continue; } AC.Action duplicatedAction = Object.Instantiate (originalAction) as AC.Action; if (actionListAsset.actions.IndexOf (originalAction) == 0) { duplicatedAction.nodeRect.x = firstPosition.x; duplicatedAction.nodeRect.y = firstPosition.y; } else { duplicatedAction.nodeRect.x = firstPosition.x + (originalAction.nodeRect.x - firstPosition.x); duplicatedAction.nodeRect.y = firstPosition.y + (originalAction.nodeRect.y - firstPosition.y); } duplicatedAction.isMarked = false; duplicatedAction.isAssetFile = false; actions.Add (duplicatedAction); } }
private void CopyJournal(MenuJournal _element, bool fromEditor, bool ignoreUnityUI) { if (ignoreUnityUI) { uiText = null; } else { uiText = _element.uiText; } pages = new List <JournalPage>(); foreach (JournalPage page in _element.pages) { JournalPage newPage = new JournalPage(page); if (fromEditor) { newPage.lineID = -1; } pages.Add(newPage); } numPages = _element.numPages; startFromPage = _element.startFromPage; if (startFromPage) { showPage = _element.showPage; } else { showPage = 1; } anchor = _element.anchor; textEffects = _element.textEffects; outlineSize = _element.outlineSize; fullText = ""; actionListOnAddPage = _element.actionListOnAddPage; journalType = _element.journalType; pageOffset = _element.pageOffset; otherJournalTitle = _element.otherJournalTitle;; base.Copy(_element); }
public bool ReferencesAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (actionListSource == ActionListSource.AssetFile) { if (actionListAssetOnStart == actionListAsset) { return(true); } if (actionListAssetOnLoad == actionListAsset) { return(true); } if (actionListAssetOnVarChange == actionListAsset) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private int pulseDirection = 0; // 0 = none, 1 = in, -1 = out public void Awake () { selectedItem = null; GetReferences (); craftingItems.Clear (); localItems.Clear (); GetItemsOnStart (); if (inventoryManager) { unhandledCombine = inventoryManager.unhandledCombine; unhandledHotspot = inventoryManager.unhandledHotspot; } else { Debug.LogError ("An Inventory Manager is required - please use the Adventure Creator window to create one."); } }
override public void SkipActionGUI(List <Action> actions, bool showGUI) { if (showGUI) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); resultActionTrue = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("If condition is met:", (ResultAction)resultActionTrue); } if (resultActionTrue == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAssetTrue = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", linkedAssetTrue); } else { linkedCutsceneTrue = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutsceneTrue); } } else if (resultActionTrue == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionTrueGUI(actions, showGUI); } if (showGUI) { resultActionFail = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("If condition is not met:", (ResultAction)resultActionFail); } if (resultActionFail == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAssetFail = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", linkedAssetFail); } else { linkedCutsceneFail = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutsceneFail); } } else if (resultActionFail == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionFailGUI(actions, showGUI); } }
public void ShowGUI() { string defaultName = "ActiveInput_" + Label; label = CustomGUILayout.TextField("Label:", label, string.Empty, "An Editor-friendly name"); inputName = CustomGUILayout.TextField("Input button:", inputName, string.Empty, "The name of the Input button, as defined in the Input Manager"); inputType = (SimulateInputType)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Input type:", inputType, string.Empty, "What type of input is expected"); if (inputType == SimulateInputType.Axis) { axisThreshold = CustomGUILayout.Slider("Axis threshold:", axisThreshold, -1f, 1f, string.Empty, "The threshold value for the axis to trigger the ActionListAsset"); } else if (inputType == SimulateInputType.Button) { buttonType = (ActiveInputButtonType)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Responds to:", buttonType, string.Empty, "What type of button press this responds to"); } enabledOnStart = CustomGUILayout.Toggle("Enabled by default?", enabledOnStart, string.Empty, "If True, the active input is enabled when the game begins"); gameState = (GameState)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Available when game is:", gameState, string.Empty, "What state the game must be in for the actionListAsset to run"); actionListAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList when triggered:", actionListAsset, defaultName, string.Empty, "The ActionListAsset to run when the input button is pressed"); }
public Recipe (int[] idArray) { isEditing = false; ingredients = new List<Ingredient>(); resultID = 0; useSpecificSlots = false; invActionList = null; autoCreate = true; onCreateRecipe = OnCreateRecipe.JustMoveToInventory; // Update id based on array foreach (int _id in idArray) { if (id == _id) id ++; } label = "Recipe " + (id + 1).ToString (); }
/** * <summary>Checks if a particular ActionListAsset file is running.</summary> * <param name = "actionListAsset">The ActionListAsset to search for</param> * <returns>True if the ActionListAsset file is currently running</returns> */ public bool IsListRunning(ActionListAsset actionListAsset) { if (actionListAsset == null) { return(false); } foreach (ActiveList activeList in activeLists) { if (activeList.IsFor(actionListAsset)) { if (activeList.IsRunning()) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public override void ShowGUI(MenuSource source) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); showActive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Include active?", showActive); maxSlots = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Max no. of slots:", maxSlots); if (source == MenuSource.AdventureCreator) { numSlots = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Test slots:", numSlots, 1, maxSlots); slotSpacing = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Slot spacing:", slotSpacing, 0f, 20f); orientation = (ElementOrientation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Slot orientation:", orientation); if (orientation == ElementOrientation.Grid) { gridWidth = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Grid size:", gridWidth, 1, 10); } } if (source == MenuSource.AdventureCreator) { anchor = (TextAnchor)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Text alignment:", anchor); textEffects = (TextEffects)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Text effect:", textEffects); } actionListOnClick = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList after selecting:", actionListOnClick); if (source != MenuSource.AdventureCreator) { EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); uiHideStyle = (UIHideStyle)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("When invisible:", uiHideStyle); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Linked button objects", EditorStyles.boldLabel); uiSlots = ResizeUISlots(uiSlots, maxSlots); for (int i = 0; i < uiSlots.Length; i++) { uiSlots[i].LinkedUiGUI(i, source); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); base.ShowGUI(source); }
/** * <summary>Runs or skips an ActionList asset file.</summary> * <param name = "actionListAsset">The ActionList asset to run</param> * <param name = "endConversation">The Conversation to enable when the ActionList is complete</param> * <param name = "i">The index of the Action to start from</param> * <param name = "doSkip">If True, all Actions within the ActionList will be run and completed instantly.</param> * <param name = "addToSkipQueue">True if the ActionList should be added to the skip queue</param> * <returns>The temporary RuntimeActionList object in the scene that performs the Actions within the asset</returns> */ public static RuntimeActionList RunActionListAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset, Conversation endConversation, int i, bool doSkip, bool addToSkipQueue) { if (actionListAsset != null && actionListAsset.actions.Count > 0) { GameObject runtimeActionListObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(Resource.runtimeActionList)); RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList = runtimeActionListObject.GetComponent <RuntimeActionList>(); runtimeActionList.DownloadActions(actionListAsset, endConversation, i, doSkip, addToSkipQueue); GameObject cutsceneFolder = GameObject.Find("_Cutscenes"); if (cutsceneFolder != null && cutsceneFolder.transform.position == { runtimeActionList.transform.parent = cutsceneFolder.transform; } return(runtimeActionList); } return(null); }
/** * The default Constructor. */ public ActiveInput(int[] idArray) { inputName = ""; gameState = GameState.Normal; actionListAsset = null; enabledOnStart = true; ID = 1; inputType = SimulateInputType.Button; axisThreshold = 0.2f; // Update id based on array foreach (int _id in idArray) { if (ID == _id) { ID++; } } }
public override void Declare() { uiButton = null; uiText = null; label = "Cycle"; selected = 0; isVisible = true; isClickable = true; numSlots = 1; textEffects = TextEffects.None; SetSize (new Vector2 (15f, 5f)); anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; cycleType = AC_CycleType.CustomScript; varID = 0; optionsArray = new List<string>(); cycleText = ""; actionListOnClick = null; base.Declare (); }
/** * <summary>The default Constructor.</summary> * <param name = "idArray">An array of existing ID numbers, so that a unique ID number can be assigned</param> */ public ButtonDialog(int[] idArray) { label = ""; icon = null; isOn = true; isLocked = false; conversationAction = ConversationAction.ReturnToConversation; assetFile = null; newConversation = null; dialogueOption = null; lineID = -1; ID = 1; isEditing = false; // Update id based on array foreach (int _id in idArray) { if (ID == _id) { ID ++; } } }
public override void Declare () { newSaveText = "New save"; isVisible = true; isClickable = true; numSlots = 1; maxSaves = 5; SetSize (new Vector2 (20f, 5f)); anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; saveListType = AC_SaveListType.Save; actionListOnSave = null; newSaveSlot = false; textEffects = TextEffects.None; displayType = SaveDisplayType.LabelOnly; blankSlotTexture = null; fixedOption = false; optionToShow = 1; base.Declare (); }
public void DownloadActions (ActionListAsset actionListAsset, Conversation endConversation, int i) { =; assetSource = actionListAsset; useParameters = actionListAsset.useParameters; parameters = actionListAsset.parameters; unfreezePauseMenus = actionListAsset.unfreezePauseMenus; actionListType = actionListAsset.actionListType; if (actionListAsset.actionListType == ActionListType.PauseGameplay) { isSkippable = actionListAsset.isSkippable; } else { isSkippable = false; } conversation = endConversation; actions.Clear (); foreach (AC.Action action in actionListAsset.actions) { actions.Add (action); } if (!useParameters) { foreach (Action action in actions) { action.AssignValues (null); } } Interact (i); }
/** * The default Constructor. */ public NodeCommand() { cutscene = null; actionListAsset = null; parameterID = -1; }
public override void SkipActionGUI(List<Action> actions, bool showGUI) { if (showGUI) { EditorGUILayout.Space (); resultActionTrue = (ResultAction) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("If condition is met:", (ResultAction) resultActionTrue); } if (resultActionTrue == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAssetTrue = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI ("ActionList to run:", linkedAssetTrue); } else { linkedCutsceneTrue = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI ("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutsceneTrue); } } else if (resultActionTrue == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionTrueGUI (actions, showGUI); } if (showGUI) { resultActionFail = (ResultAction) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("If condition is not met:", (ResultAction) resultActionFail); } if (resultActionFail == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAssetFail = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI ("ActionList to run:", linkedAssetFail); } else { linkedCutsceneFail = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI ("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutsceneFail); } } else if (resultActionFail == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionFailGUI (actions, showGUI); } }
/** * <summary>Skips an ActionList asset file.</summary> * <param name = "actionListAsset">The ActionList asset to skip</param> * <param name = "i">The index of the Action to skip from</param> * <returns>The temporary RuntimeActionList object in the scene that performs the Actions within the asset</returns> */ public static RuntimeActionList SkipActionListAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset, int i) { return RunActionListAsset (actionListAsset, null, i, true, false); }
/** * <summary>Runs or skips an ActionList asset file.</summary> * <param name = "actionListAsset">The ActionList asset to run</param> * <param name = "endConversation">The Conversation to enable when the ActionList is complete</param> * <param name = "i">The index of the Action to start from</param> * <param name = "doSkip">If True, all Actions within the ActionList will be run and completed instantly.</param> * <param name = "addToSkipQueue">True if the ActionList should be added to the skip queue</param> * <returns>The temporary RuntimeActionList object in the scene that performs the Actions within the asset</returns> */ public static RuntimeActionList RunActionListAsset(ActionListAsset actionListAsset, Conversation endConversation, int i, bool doSkip, bool addToSkipQueue) { if (actionListAsset != null && actionListAsset.actions.Count > 0) { GameObject runtimeActionListObject = (GameObject) Instantiate (Resources.Load (Resource.runtimeActionList)); RuntimeActionList runtimeActionList = runtimeActionListObject.GetComponent <RuntimeActionList>(); runtimeActionList.DownloadActions (actionListAsset, endConversation, i, doSkip, addToSkipQueue); GameObject cutsceneFolder = GameObject.Find ("_Cutscenes"); if (cutsceneFolder != null && cutsceneFolder.transform.position == { runtimeActionList.transform.parent = cutsceneFolder.transform; } return runtimeActionList; } return null; }