        public void AddTag(string comment = "new tag comment", double tagTimeSec = 0)
            if (tagSectionItemCount == 0)
                // no comments exist in this file, so make a new tagSection from scratch and update the map
                Log("Creating new tag section from scratch");
                long fileSizeBytes        = new System.IO.FileInfo(abfPath).Length;
                long bytePositionNewBlock = AddBlock(2);
                tagSectionBlock      = (int)(bytePositionNewBlock / BLOCKSIZE);
                tagSectionItemCount += 1;

            AbfTag tag = new AbfTag(0, "", abfTagTimeMult, abfSweepLengthSec);


            Log($"Created Tag #{tags.Count}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the present tag list into the file
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteTags()
            // open file (ENTIRELY LOCAL SCOPE)
            Log($"Opening ABF file for modification...");
            System.IO.FileStream abfFile = System.IO.File.Open(abfPath, System.IO.FileMode.Open);

            // write the block position
            abfFile.Seek(tagSectionBlock_position, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            byte[] bytesBlock = BitConverter.GetBytes(tagSectionBlock);
            Log($"Writing tag section block ({tagSectionBlock}) as {bytesBlock.Length} bytes to position: {abfFile.Position}");
            abfFile.Write(bytesBlock, 0, bytesBlock.Length);

            // write the item size
            if (tagSectionItemSize_position > 0)
                abfFile.Seek(tagSectionItemSize_position, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                if (tagSectionItemSize == 0)
                    tagSectionItemSize = 64;
                byte[] bytesItemSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(tagSectionItemSize);
                Log($"Writing tag item size ({tagSectionItemSize}) as {bytesItemSize.Length} bytes to position: {abfFile.Position}");
                abfFile.Write(bytesItemSize, 0, bytesItemSize.Length);

            // write the tag count
            abfFile.Seek(tagSectionItemCount_position, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            byte[] bytesTagCount = BitConverter.GetBytes(tags.Count);
            Log($"Writing tag count ({tags.Count}) as {bytesTagCount.Length} bytes to position: {abfFile.Position}");
            abfFile.Write(bytesTagCount, 0, bytesTagCount.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < tags.Count; i++)
                AbfTag tag = tags[i];
                Log($"Writing content of tag {i + 1}");

                // seek to this tag location
                int byteLocation = tagSectionBlock * BLOCKSIZE + i * tagSectionItemSize;
                abfFile.Seek(byteLocation, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // write the tag location (4 bytes)
                byte[] bytesTagTime = BitConverter.GetBytes(tag.tagTime);
                Log($"Writing tag time ({tag.tagTime}) as {bytesTagTime.Length} bytes to position: {abfFile.Position}");
                abfFile.Write(bytesTagTime, 0, bytesTagTime.Length);

                // write the tag comment (56 bytes)
                string sComment     = tag.comment.PadRight(COMMENT_STRING_LENGTH, ' ');
                byte[] bytesComment = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sComment);
                Log($"Writing comment ({tag.comment}) as {bytesComment.Length} bytes to position: {abfFile.Position}");
                abfFile.Write(bytesComment, 0, bytesComment.Length);

                // write the tag type (2 bytes)
                int    tagType      = 1;
                byte[] bytesTagType = BitConverter.GetBytes(tagType);
                Log($"Writing tag type ({tagType}) as {bytesTagType.Length} bytes to position: {abfFile.Position}");
                abfFile.Write(bytesTagType, 0, bytesTagType.Length);

            Log($"ABF file closed.");
            Log("ABF file writing complete!");
        private void ReadTags()
            if (abfVersionMajor == 1)
                // READING TAGS IN ABF1 FILES:
                // the tag position in memory is lTagSectionPtr (signed int at byte 44)
                // the number of tags is lNumTagEntries (signed int at byte 48)
                // each tag structure is (int32, "56s", short) (lTagTime, sComment, nTagType)
                // this makes each tag 64 bytes long.
                // fADCSampleInterval is needed to convert lTagTime to seconds

                // the position of tags is to be found at this byte location
                tagSectionBlock_position = 44;
                tagSectionBlock          = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, tagSectionBlock_position));

                // size of each tag item is fixed
                tagSectionItemSize_position = -1;
                tagSectionItemSize          = 64;

                // the number of tags in the file is defined here
                tagSectionItemCount_position = 48;
                tagSectionItemCount          = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, tagSectionItemCount_position));

                // display info about the tag section
                Log($"Tag section: block={tagSectionBlock}, itemSize={tagSectionItemSize}, itemCount={tagSectionItemCount}");
                Log($"Tag section byte positions: ({tagSectionBlock_position}, {tagSectionItemSize_position}, {tagSectionItemCount_position})");

                double fADCSampleInterval = BytesToFloat(FileReadBytes(4, 122));
                abfTagTimeMult = fADCSampleInterval / 1e6;
                Log($"fADCSampleInterval: {fADCSampleInterval}");

                // to get the sweep lenght, we need to know a lot of things:
                double dataRate = 1e6 / fADCSampleInterval;
                Log($"dataRate: {dataRate}");

                // lActualAcqLength (4-byte signed int @ byte 10)
                int dataPointCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 10));
                Log($"dataPointCount: {dataPointCount}");

                // lActualEpisodes (4-byte signed int @ byte 16)
                int sweepCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 16));
                abfSweepCount = sweepCount;

                // compensate for gap-free files
                if (sweepCount == 0)
                    sweepCount = 1;

                Log($"sweepCount: {sweepCount}");

                // nADCNumChannels (2-byte signed int @ byte 120)
                int channelCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(2, 120));
                Log($"channelCount: {channelCount}");

                // now you can claculate sweep length in seconds
                abfTotalLengthSec = dataPointCount / channelCount / dataRate;
                Log($"abfTotalLengthSec: {abfTotalLengthSec}");
                abfSweepLengthSec = dataPointCount / sweepCount / channelCount / dataRate;
                Log($"sweepLengthSec: {abfSweepLengthSec}");

                // loop across the tags and add them to the list
                for (int tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < tagSectionItemCount; tagIndex++)
                    int tagBytePos = tagSectionBlock * BLOCKSIZE + tagIndex * tagSectionItemSize;
                    fs.Seek(tagBytePos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    int    lTagTime = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4));
                    string sComment = BytesToString(FileReadBytes(COMMENT_STRING_LENGTH)).Trim();
                    int    nTagType = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(2));
                    if (nTagType != 1)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Tag {tagIndex + 1} is not a comment tag. It could be damaged by this program.", "WARNING!!!");
                    AbfTag tag = new AbfTag(lTagTime, sComment, abfTagTimeMult, abfSweepLengthSec);
                    Log($"Tag #{tagIndex + 1}: type {nTagType}, time {lTagTime} ({tag.tagTimeSec} sec), comment: \"{sComment}\"");
            else if (abfVersionMajor == 2)
                // READING TAGS IN ABF2 FILES:

                // the file has certain locations which store byte positions of tag info
                tagSectionBlock_position     = 252;
                tagSectionItemSize_position  = tagSectionBlock_position + 4;
                tagSectionItemCount_position = tagSectionBlock_position + 8;

                // Read the tagSection to get the ()
                // tagSection information is at byte 252. It contains (4-byte ints): position, itemSize, and itemCount
                fs.Seek(tagSectionBlock_position, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                tagSectionBlock     = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4));
                tagSectionItemSize  = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4));
                tagSectionItemCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4));

                // display info about the tag section
                Log($"Tag section: block={tagSectionBlock}, itemSize={tagSectionItemSize}, itemCount={tagSectionItemCount}");
                Log($"Tag section byte positions: ({tagSectionBlock_position}, {tagSectionItemSize_position}, {tagSectionItemCount_position})");

                // read protocolSection (which contains fSynchTimeUnit) needed to convert tagTime to seconds
                // protocolSection is a 4-byte float 14 bytes after the start of the protocolSection
                int    protocolSectionFirstBlock = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 76));
                double fSynchTimeUnit            = BytesToFloat(FileReadBytes(4, protocolSectionFirstBlock * BLOCKSIZE + 14));
                abfTagTimeMult = fSynchTimeUnit / 1e6;

                // to determine sweep length, we actually need to know a few things:
                // the data point count is the third value from the section map of the DataSection
                // this is a 4-bit uint32 at byte position 236+4+4
                int dataPointCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 236 + 4 + 4));
                Log($"dataPointCount: {dataPointCount}");

                // sweep count is lActualEpisodes from the header (a uInt32 at byte 12)
                int sweepCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 12));
                abfSweepCount = sweepCount;

                // compensate for gap-free files
                if (sweepCount == 0)
                    sweepCount = 1;

                Log($"sweepCount: {sweepCount}");

                // channel count comes from the number of sections in the ADCSection map (byte 92+4+4)
                int channelCount = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 92 + 4 + 4));
                Log($"channelCount: {channelCount}");

                // fADCSequenceInterval is a 4-byte float two bytes into the protocol section
                int    protocolSectionFirstByte = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4, 76)) * BLOCKSIZE;
                double fADCSequenceInterval     = BytesToFloat(FileReadBytes(4, protocolSectionFirstByte + 2));
                Log($"fADCSequenceInterval: {fADCSequenceInterval}");

                // sample rate is the inverse of fADCSequenceInterval (in microseconds)
                double dataRate = 1e6 / fADCSequenceInterval;
                Log($"dataRate: {dataRate}");

                // now you can claculate sweep length in seconds
                abfTotalLengthSec = dataPointCount / channelCount / dataRate;
                Log($"abfTotalLengthSec: {abfTotalLengthSec}");
                abfSweepLengthSec = dataPointCount / sweepCount / channelCount / dataRate;
                Log($"sweepLengthSec: {abfSweepLengthSec}");

                // loop across the tags and add them to the list
                for (int tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < tagSectionItemCount; tagIndex++)
                    int tagBytePos = tagSectionBlock * BLOCKSIZE + tagIndex * tagSectionItemSize;
                    fs.Seek(tagBytePos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    int    lTagTime = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(4));
                    string sComment = BytesToString(FileReadBytes(COMMENT_STRING_LENGTH)).Trim();
                    int    nTagType = BytesToInt(FileReadBytes(2));
                    if (nTagType != 1)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Tag {tagIndex + 1} is not a comment tag. It could be damaged by this program.", "WARNING!!!");
                    AbfTag tag = new AbfTag(lTagTime, sComment, abfTagTimeMult, abfSweepLengthSec);
                    Log($"Tag #{tagIndex + 1}: type {nTagType}, time {lTagTime} ({tag.tagTimeSec} sec), comment: \"{sComment}\"");