private void doForgetMe() { DialogResult shouldLogout = MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserMessageBoxWithResponse("Are you sure you want to be forgoten? \n next time you use the app you will need to connect again", "WARNING", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (shouldLogout == DialogResult.Yes) { m_AppSettings.DeleteAppSettingsFile(); m_AppSettings.RememberUser = false; } MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserInformationMessageBox("You where forrgoten!", "Success!"); }
private void uploadPost() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxPostDetails.Text)) { try { r_FacebookManager.UploadPost(textBoxPostDetails.Text); } catch (Exception) { MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserErrorMessageBox("Unable to upload post, Exception caught", "Error"); } } else { MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserInformationMessageBox("Please fill in your post status", "Missing Details"); } }
private void checkIfBirthdayIsCorrect() { if (m_GeneratedFriend != null) { DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact(m_GeneratedFriend.Birthday, "MM/dd/yyyy", null); if (birthDatePickTime.Value.Year == myDate.Year && birthDatePickTime.Value.Month == myDate.Month && birthDatePickTime.Value.Day == myDate.Day) { MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserInformationMessageBox("You are right, you really know your friends!!", "Success"); } else if (birthDatePickTime.Value.Year == myDate.Year && birthDatePickTime.Value.Month == myDate.Month) { MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserInformationMessageBox("You were close, you got the year and month correctly..", "Almost"); } else { MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserInformationMessageBox("You are wrong...", "Wrong answer"); } } }
private void showAllLikes() { int totalLikes = r_FacebookManager.GetAmountOfLikes(); MessageBoxHandler.ShowUserInformationMessageBox("Total Likes:\n" + totalLikes, "Your Likes"); }