public bool update_shop_enrollment_sms(string sShopId, string sEnrollment_SMS_Text) { xSQL_UpdateBuilder ub = new xSQL_UpdateBuilder(this, "shop", "where id=" + sShopId); ub.add("enrollment_sms_text", sEnrollment_SMS_Text); bool bOK = ub.ExecuteSql(); return bOK; }
public bool update_shop_merchant_id(string sShopId, string sNewMerchantId) { xSQL_UpdateBuilder ub = new xSQL_UpdateBuilder(this, "shop", "where id=" + sShopId); ub.add("shop_external_id", sNewMerchantId); bool bOK = ub.ExecuteSql(); return bOK; }
public bool update_shop_enrollment(string sShopId, bool bAcceptAnrollment) { xSQL_UpdateBuilder ub = new xSQL_UpdateBuilder(this, "shop", "where id=" + sShopId); ub.add("accept_terminal_enrollment", bAcceptAnrollment); bool bOK = ub.ExecuteSql(); return bOK; }
public List<backoffice.dim_dim_value> verifone_to_webservice(DateTime checkDate) { List<backoffice.dim_dim_value> returnList = new List<dim_dim_value>(); GLOBAL_SQL_CONN conn = new GLOBAL_SQL_CONN(this); string sXml = ""; int iMaxSeconds = -10000; int iMinSeconds = 10000; int i = 0; DateTime ss = getDateTime_from_string("2015.09.12 09:40:24 534"); string sVerifoneTimeStampRouter = ""; string sVerifoneTimeStampRouter_1 = ""; string sVerifoneTimeStampRouter_2 = ""; string sVerifoneTimeStamp = ""; string sVerifoneTimeStamp_1 = ""; string sVerifoneTimeStamp_2 = ""; try { // alter table webservice_log add column dt_timestamp TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT to_timestamp(0) // alter table webservice_log add column response_time int default 0 string sSql = "select * from webservice_log where " + "(name like '%GetCustomerData%' and " + "parameters like '%_GetCustomerData_%') or " + "(name like '%EnrollCustomer%' and " + "parameters like '%_EnrollCustomer_%') " + "and id > 197000 order by id desc"; GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND command = new GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND(sSql, conn); GLOBAL_SQL_READER reader = new GLOBAL_SQL_READER(command); while (reader.Read()) { sXml = reader.c("parameters").ToString(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); sXml = sXml.Replace("PROSESSOR_VAS_NO", "PROSESSOR.VAS.NO"); sXml = sXml.Replace("VAS_PROSESSOR", "VAS.PROSESSOR"); sXml = sXml.Replace("VAS_Name_1", "VAS.Name.1"); sXml = sXml.Replace("_", "'"); sXml = sXml.Replace("<", "<"); sXml = sXml.Replace(">", ">"); sXml = sXml.Replace(""", "'"); try { if (sXml.IndexOf("RequestHeader") >= 0) { doc.LoadXml(sXml); XmlNode requestInfo = doc.SelectSingleNode("GetCustomerData/RequestHeader/RequestInfo"); if (requestInfo == null) requestInfo = doc.SelectSingleNode("EnrollCustomer/RequestHeader/RequestInfo"); sVerifoneTimeStampRouter = getSafeAttribute(requestInfo, "TimeStampRouter"); sVerifoneTimeStampRouter_1 = sVerifoneTimeStampRouter.Substring(0, 10); sVerifoneTimeStampRouter_2 = sVerifoneTimeStampRouter.Substring(11, 8); DateTime verifoneTimestamp = getDateTime_from_string(sVerifoneTimeStampRouter_1 + " " + sVerifoneTimeStampRouter_2); string sId = reader.c("id").ToString(); string sBemberDate = reader.c("timestamp").ToString(); DateTime dtBember = getDateTime_from_string(sBemberDate); dtBember = dtBember.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0)); TimeSpan ts = dtBember.Subtract(verifoneTimestamp); int iSeconds = ts.Seconds; int iMinutes = ts.Minutes; int iResponseInSeconds = iMinutes * 60 + iSeconds; if (iMinutes > 0) { iMinutes = iMinutes; } xSQL_UpdateBuilder ub = new xSQL_UpdateBuilder(this, "webservice_log", "where id=" + sId); ub.add("dt_timestamp", dtBember); ub.add("response_time", iResponseInSeconds); ub.ExecuteSql(); if (iSeconds > iMaxSeconds) iMaxSeconds = iSeconds; if (iSeconds < iMinSeconds) iMinSeconds = iSeconds; ++i; } } catch (Exception eee) { eee = eee; } } } catch (Exception e) { e = e; } finally { conn.Close(); } return returnList; }