        public void x1_010_write_rom(byte ChipID, int ROMSize, int DataStart, int DataLength, byte[] ROMData, int ROMDataStartAddress = 0)
            x1_010_state info = X1010Data[ChipID];

            if (info.ROMSize != ROMSize)
                info.rom     = new byte[ROMSize];            // (byte[])realloc(info.rom, ROMSize);
                info.ROMSize = (uint)ROMSize;
                for (int i = 0; i < ROMSize; i++)
                    info.rom[i] = 0xff;
            if (DataStart > ROMSize)
            if (DataStart + DataLength > ROMSize)
                DataLength = ROMSize - DataStart;

            for (int i = 0; i < DataLength; i++)
                info.rom[i + DataStart] = ROMData[i + ROMDataStartAddress];

        /*void seta_sound_enable_w(device_t *device, int data)
         * {
         *      x1_010_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
         *      info->sound_enable = data;
         * }*/

        /* Use these for 8 bit CPUs */

        //READ8_DEVICE_HANDLER( seta_sound_r )
        private byte seta_sound_r(byte ChipID, int offset)
            //x1_010_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            x1_010_state info = X1010Data[ChipID];

            //offset ^= info->address;
        private void device_stop_x1_010(byte ChipID)
            x1_010_state info = X1010Data[ChipID];

            info.rom = null;

        public void x1_010_set_mute_mask(byte ChipID, uint MuteMask)
            x1_010_state info = X1010Data[ChipID];
            byte         CurChn;

            for (CurChn = 0; CurChn < SETA_NUM_CHANNELS; CurChn++)
                info.Muted[CurChn] = (byte)((MuteMask >> CurChn) & 0x01);

        //WRITE8_DEVICE_HANDLER( seta_sound_w )
        private void seta_sound_w(byte ChipID, int offset, byte data)
            //x1_010_state *info = get_safe_token(device);
            x1_010_state info = X1010Data[ChipID];
            int          channel, reg;

            //offset ^= info->address;

            channel = offset / 8;        // sizeof(X1_010_CHANNEL);
            reg     = offset % 8;        // sizeof(X1_010_CHANNEL);

            if (channel < SETA_NUM_CHANNELS && reg == 0 &&
                (info.reg[offset] & 1) == 0 && (data & 1) != 0)
                info.smp_offset[channel] = 0;
                info.env_offset[channel] = 0;
            //LOG_REGISTER_WRITE(("%s: offset %6X : data %2X\n", device->machine().describe_context(), offset, data ));
            info.reg[offset] = data;
        private void device_reset_x1_010(byte ChipID)
            x1_010_state info = X1010Data[ChipID];

            for (int i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++)
                info.reg[i] = 0;
            //memset(info->HI_WORD_BUF, 0, 0x2000);
            for (int i = 0; i < SETA_NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
                info.smp_offset[i] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < SETA_NUM_CHANNELS; i++)
                info.env_offset[i] = 0;

        };                                                                                                        // MAX_CHIPS];

         * private x1_010_state get_safe_token(device_t device)
         * {
         *      assert(device != null);
         *      assert(device->type() == X1_010);
         *      return (x1_010_state)downcast<legacy_device_base*>(device)->token();
         * }

        *  generate sound to the mix buffer
        *  --------------------------------------------------------------*/
        //static STREAM_UPDATE( seta_update )
        private void seta_update(byte ChipID, int[][] outputs, int samples)
            //x1_010_state *info = (x1_010_state *)param;
            x1_010_state   info = X1010Data[ChipID];
            X1_010_CHANNEL reg;
            int            ch, i, volL, volR, freq, div;
            int            start, end;
            sbyte          data;
            int            env;
            uint           smp_offs, smp_step, env_offs, env_step, delta;

            // mixer buffer zero clear
            for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                outputs[0][i] = 0;
                outputs[1][i] = 0;

            //  if( info->sound_enable == 0 ) return;

            for (ch = 0; ch < SETA_NUM_CHANNELS; ch++)
                //reg = (X1_010_CHANNEL)info.reg[ch * 8];// sizeof(X1_010_CHANNEL)];
                if ((info.reg[ch * 8 + 0] & 1) != 0 && info.Muted[ch] == 0) // reg.status
                {                                                           // Key On
                    int[] bufL = outputs[0];
                    int[] bufR = outputs[1];

                    div = (info.reg[ch * 8 + 0] & 0x80) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
                    if ((info.reg[ch * 8 + 0] & 2) == 0)
                    {                                                              // PCM sampling
                        start    = info.reg[ch * 8 + 4] * 0x1000;                  //+4 reg.start
                        end      = (0x100 - info.reg[ch * 8 + 5]) * 0x1000;        //+5 reg.end
                        volL     = ((info.reg[ch * 8 + 1] >> 4) & 0xf) * VOL_BASE; //+1 reg.volume
                        volR     = ((info.reg[ch * 8 + 1] >> 0) & 0xf) * VOL_BASE; //+1 reg.volume
                        smp_offs = info.smp_offset[ch];
                        freq     = info.reg[ch * 8 + 2] >> div;                    //+2 reg.frequency
                        // Meta Fox does write the frequency register, but this is a hack to make it "work" with the current setup
                        // This is broken for Arbalester (it writes 8), but that'll be fixed later.
                        if (freq == 0)
                            freq = 4;
                        smp_step = (uint)((float)info.base_clock / 8192.0f
                                          * freq * (1 << FREQ_BASE_BITS) / (float)info.rate + 0.5f);
                        if (smp_offs == 0)
                            //LOG_SOUND(("Play sample %p - %p, channel %X volume %d:%d freq %X step %X offset %X\n",
                            //	start, end, ch, volL, volR, freq, smp_step, smp_offs));
                        for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                            delta = smp_offs >> FREQ_BASE_BITS;
                            // sample ended?
                            if (start + delta >= end)
                                info.reg[ch * 8 + 0] &= 0xfe;                                // ~0x01;                   // Key off//+0 reg.status
                            data      = (sbyte)info.rom[start + delta];
                            bufL[i]  += (data * volL / 256);
                            bufR[i]  += (data * volR / 256);
                            smp_offs += smp_step;
                        info.smp_offset[ch] = smp_offs;
                    {                     // Wave form
                        start    = info.reg[ch * 8 + 1] * 128 + 0x1000;
                        smp_offs = info.smp_offset[ch];
                        freq     = ((info.reg[ch * 8 + 3] << 8) + info.reg[ch * 8 + 2]) >> div;
                        smp_step = (uint)((float)info.base_clock / 128.0 / 1024.0 / 4.0 * freq * (1 << FREQ_BASE_BITS) / (float)info.rate + 0.5f);

                        env      = info.reg[ch * 8 + 5] * 128;
                        env_offs = info.env_offset[ch];
                        env_step = (uint)(
                            (float)info.base_clock / 128.0 / 1024.0 / 4.0
                            * info.reg[ch * 8 + 4] * (1 << ENV_BASE_BITS) / (float)info.rate + 0.5f
                        /* Print some more debug info */
                        if (smp_offs == 0)
                            //LOG_SOUND(("Play waveform %X, channel %X volume %X freq %4X step %X offset %X\n",
                            //reg->volume, ch, reg->end, freq, smp_step, smp_offs));
                        for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
                            int vol;
                            delta = env_offs >> ENV_BASE_BITS;
                            // Envelope one shot mode
                            if ((info.reg[ch * 8 + 0] & 4) != 0 && delta >= 0x80)
                                info.reg[ch * 8 + 0] &= 0xfe;                                // ~0x01;                   // Key off
                            vol       = info.reg[env + (delta & 0x7f)];
                            volL      = ((vol >> 4) & 0xf) * VOL_BASE;
                            volR      = ((vol >> 0) & 0xf) * VOL_BASE;
                            data      = (sbyte)info.reg[start + ((smp_offs >> FREQ_BASE_BITS) & 0x7f)];
                            bufL[i]  += (data * volL / 256);
                            bufR[i]  += (data * volR / 256);
                            smp_offs += smp_step;
                            env_offs += env_step;
                        info.smp_offset[ch] = smp_offs;
                        info.env_offset[ch] = env_offs;