/// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            wyDay.Controls.AUTranslation auTranslation1 = new wyDay.Controls.AUTranslation();
            this.automaticUpdater1 = new wyDay.Controls.AutomaticUpdater();
            // automaticUpdater1
            this.automaticUpdater1.ContainerForm = this;
            this.automaticUpdater1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(369, 12);
            this.automaticUpdater1.Name = "automaticUpdater1";
            this.automaticUpdater1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);
            this.automaticUpdater1.TabIndex = 0;
            auTranslation1.AlreadyUpToDate = "You already have the latest version";
            auTranslation1.CancelCheckingMenu = "&Cancel update checking";
            auTranslation1.CancelUpdatingMenu = "&Cancel updating";
            auTranslation1.ChangesInVersion = "Changes in version %version%";
            auTranslation1.CheckForUpdatesMenu = "&Check for updates";
            auTranslation1.Checking = "Checking for updates";
            auTranslation1.CloseButton = "Close";
            auTranslation1.Downloading = "Downloading update";
            auTranslation1.DownloadUpdateMenu = "&Download and Update now";
            auTranslation1.ErrorTitle = "Error";
            auTranslation1.Extracting = "Extracting update";
            auTranslation1.FailedToCheck = "Failed to check for updates.";
            auTranslation1.FailedToDownload = "Failed to download the update.";
            auTranslation1.FailedToExtract = "Failed to extract the update.";
            auTranslation1.HideMenu = "Hide";
            auTranslation1.InstallOnNextStart = "Update will be installed on next start.";
            auTranslation1.InstallUpdateMenu = "&Install update now";
            auTranslation1.PrematureExitMessage = "wyUpdate ended before the current update step could be completed.";
            auTranslation1.PrematureExitTitle = "wyUpdate exited prematurely";
            auTranslation1.StopChecking = "Stop checking for updates for now";
            auTranslation1.StopDownloading = "Stop downloading update for now";
            auTranslation1.StopExtracting = "Stop extracting update for now";
            auTranslation1.SuccessfullyUpdated = "Successfully updated to %version%";
            auTranslation1.TryAgainLater = "Try again later";
            auTranslation1.TryAgainNow = "Try again now";
            auTranslation1.UpdateAvailable = "Update is ready to be installed.";
            auTranslation1.UpdateFailed = "Update failed to install.";
            auTranslation1.UpdateNowButton = "Update now";
            auTranslation1.ViewChangesMenu = "View changes in version %version%";
            auTranslation1.ViewError = "View error details";
            this.automaticUpdater1.Translation = auTranslation1;
            this.automaticUpdater1.wyUpdateCommandline = null;
            // Form1
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(416, 225);
            this.Name = "Form1";
            this.Text = "Form1";

 /// <summary>
 /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
 /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
 /// </summary>
 private void InitializeComponent()
     wyDay.Controls.AUTranslation auTranslation1 = new wyDay.Controls.AUTranslation();
     this.automaticUpdater1 = new wyDay.Controls.AutomaticUpdater();
     // automaticUpdater1
     this.automaticUpdater1.ContainerForm = this;
     this.automaticUpdater1.Location      = new System.Drawing.Point(369, 12);
     this.automaticUpdater1.Name          = "automaticUpdater1";
     this.automaticUpdater1.Size          = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);
     this.automaticUpdater1.TabIndex      = 0;
     auTranslation1.AlreadyUpToDate       = "You already have the latest version";
     auTranslation1.CancelCheckingMenu    = "&Cancel update checking";
     auTranslation1.CancelUpdatingMenu    = "&Cancel updating";
     auTranslation1.ChangesInVersion      = "Changes in version %version%";
     auTranslation1.CheckForUpdatesMenu   = "&Check for updates";
     auTranslation1.Checking                    = "Checking for updates";
     auTranslation1.CloseButton                 = "Close";
     auTranslation1.Downloading                 = "Downloading update";
     auTranslation1.DownloadUpdateMenu          = "&Download and Update now";
     auTranslation1.ErrorTitle                  = "Error";
     auTranslation1.Extracting                  = "Extracting update";
     auTranslation1.FailedToCheck               = "Failed to check for updates.";
     auTranslation1.FailedToDownload            = "Failed to download the update.";
     auTranslation1.FailedToExtract             = "Failed to extract the update.";
     auTranslation1.HideMenu                    = "Hide";
     auTranslation1.InstallOnNextStart          = "Update will be installed on next start.";
     auTranslation1.InstallUpdateMenu           = "&Install update now";
     auTranslation1.PrematureExitMessage        = "wyUpdate ended before the current update step could be completed.";
     auTranslation1.PrematureExitTitle          = "wyUpdate exited prematurely";
     auTranslation1.StopChecking                = "Stop checking for updates for now";
     auTranslation1.StopDownloading             = "Stop downloading update for now";
     auTranslation1.StopExtracting              = "Stop extracting update for now";
     auTranslation1.SuccessfullyUpdated         = "Successfully updated to %version%";
     auTranslation1.TryAgainLater               = "Try again later";
     auTranslation1.TryAgainNow                 = "Try again now";
     auTranslation1.UpdateAvailable             = "Update is ready to be installed.";
     auTranslation1.UpdateFailed                = "Update failed to install.";
     auTranslation1.UpdateNowButton             = "Update now";
     auTranslation1.ViewChangesMenu             = "View changes in version %version%";
     auTranslation1.ViewError                   = "View error details";
     this.automaticUpdater1.Translation         = auTranslation1;
     this.automaticUpdater1.wyUpdateCommandline = null;
     // Form1
     this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
     this.AutoScaleMode       = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
     this.ClientSize          = new System.Drawing.Size(416, 225);
     this.Name = "Form1";
     this.Text = "Form1";