/// <summary> /// Populates the version settings /// </summary> private void getSettings() { versionInfo version; versions = new List <versionInfo>(); switch (m_DataType) { case (EDIDataTypes.TMD): typeName = "Totalized Meter Data"; folderName = "MMP-TMD"; fileNameStructure = "CNF-!~ACCOUNTNAME~!_MMP-TMD_!~DATE:YYYYMMDD~!"; version = new versionInfo(1, "V1", "_v1", -2, 0, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(2, "V2", "_v2", -1, -8, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(3, "V3", "_v3", -1, -18, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(4, "V4", "_v1", -1, -5, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); break; case (EDIDataTypes.TMD_WL): typeName = "Totalized Meter Data With Losses"; folderName = "MMP-TMD-WL"; fileNameStructure = "CNF-!~ACCOUNTNAME~!_MMP-TMD-WL_!~DATE:YYYYMMDD~!"; version = new versionInfo(1, "V1", "_v1", -2, 0, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(2, "V2", "_v2", -1, -8, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(3, "V3", "_v3", -1, -18, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(4, "V4", "_v1", -1, -5, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); break; case (EDIDataTypes.VMD): typeName = "Verified Meter Data"; folderName = "MMP-VMD"; fileNameStructure = "CNF-!~ACCOUNTNAME~!_MMP-VMD_!~DATE:YYYYMMDD~!"; version = new versionInfo(1, "V1", "_v1", -1, 0, "08:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(2, "V2", "_v2", -1, -8, "08:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(3, "V3", "_v3", -1, -18, "08:00:00"); versions.Add(version); version = new versionInfo(4, "V4", "_v1", -1, -5, "06:00:00"); versions.Add(version); break; } }
public static void DescribeAssetBundles(List <assetBundleJSON> bundles) { { Dictionary <string, versionInfo> versions = new Dictionary <string, versionInfo>() { { "pc", new versionInfo() }, { "android", new versionInfo() }, { "mac", new versionInfo() }, }; string currentString = "current (version " + Common.currentUnityVersion + ")"; foreach (assetBundleJSON ab in bundles) { DateTime created = Common.ParseTimeString(ab.created_at); created = created.ToLocalTime(); versionInfo v = null; versions.TryGetValue(ab.platform, out v); if (v != null && ab.game_engine_version > v.version) { versions[ab.platform] = new versionInfo() { version = ab.game_engine_version, created = created } } ; } Common.DisplayStatus(" PC", "ABSENT", versions["pc"].versionstring, currentString); if (versions["pc"].present) { Common.DisplayStatus("", "never", versions["pc"].datestring); } Common.DisplayStatus(" Android", "ABSENT", versions["android"].versionstring, currentString); if (versions["android"].present) { Common.DisplayStatus("", "never", versions["android"].datestring); } Common.DisplayStatus(" Mac", "ABSENT", versions["mac"].versionstring, currentString); if (versions["mac"].present) { Common.DisplayStatus("", "never", versions["mac"].datestring); } } }
void manifest_DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Error != null) { return; } versionInfo bzip = new versionInfo(); versionInfo gzip = new versionInfo(); versionInfo wzip = new versionInfo(); versionInfo web = new versionInfo(); versionInfo current = new versionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString()); current.hash = Decompressor.MD5Verify.ComputeHash(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); current.uri = ""; string strHelpHashMe = ""; string strHelpFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), Properties.Settings.Default.HelpOfflineFile); if (File.Exists(strHelpFile)) { strHelpHashMe = Decompressor.MD5Verify.ComputeHash(strHelpFile); } else { // help file does not exist if (Properties.Settings.Default.HelpOffline || blnOnlyHelpFile) { strHelpHashMe = "*"; // force new update } else { strHelpHashMe = ""; // no update this.labelHelpFile.Visible = false; this.labelHelpversionString.Visible = false; } } StringReader sr = new StringReader(e.Result); for (int intI = 0; intI < 255; intI++) { string strLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (strLine == null) { break; } int intSplit = strLine.IndexOf("="); if (intSplit < 0) { continue; } string strName = strLine.Substring(0, intSplit); string strValue = strLine.Substring(intSplit + 1); //All hashes are of the uncompressed file. However, different archives may contain different versions. switch (strName) { case "Version": case "BZipVersion": bzip = new versionInfo(strValue); break; case "Hash": case "BZipHash": bzip.hash = strValue; break; case "Url": case "BZipUrl": bzip.uri = strValue; break; case "GZipVersion": gzip = new versionInfo(strValue); break; case "GZipHash": gzip.hash = strValue; break; case "GZipUrl": gzip.uri = strValue; break; case "ZipVersion": wzip = new versionInfo(strValue); break; case "ZipHash": wzip.hash = strValue; break; case "ZipUrl": wzip.uri = strValue; break; case "HelpHash": strHelpHashWeb = strValue; break; case "HelpUrl2": strHelpUrl = strValue; break; case "HelpReferer": strHelpReferer = strValue; break; default: break; } } web = bzip; /* * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gzip.uri) && (gzip.compare(web) == 1)) * { * web = gzip; * } * * * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wzip.uri) && (wzip.compare(web) == 1)) * { * web = wzip; * } */ strHashWeb = web.hash; this.labelOurVersionString.Text = current.version.ToString(); this.labelLatestVersionString.Text = web.version.ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(web.uri) || (web.version.CompareTo(current.version) != 1)) { return; } if (strHelpHashMe == "") { strHelpHashMe = strHelpHashWeb; } if (strHelpHashMe == strHelpHashWeb) { this.labelHelpversionString.Text = "Up to date"; this.strHelpUrl = null; } else { this.labelHelpversionString.Text = "Out of date"; } if (current.hash == web.hash) { this.strDownloadUrl = null; } else { this.strDownloadUrl = web.uri; } if (this.blnOnlyHelpFile) { this.strDownloadUrl = null; this.labelLatestVersion.Visible = false; this.labelLatestVersionString.Visible = false; } if (this.strHelpUrl != null || this.strDownloadUrl != null) { this.buttonUpdate.Enabled = true; if (OnUpdateAvailable != null) { OnUpdateAvailable(this, null); } } }