static void Main() { int ncalls; Func <vector, double> f; ncalls = 0; Func <vector, double> f1 = (z) => { ncalls++; return((1 - z[0]) * (1 - z[0]) + 100 * (z[1] - z[0] * z[0]) * (z[1] - z[0] * z[0])); }; double dx = 1e-3; vector p = new vector("2 3"); Write("simplex.downhill: Rosenbrock's valley function\n"); p.print("start point:"); double psize = simplex.downhill(f1, ref p, dx: dx); WriteLine($"simplex size= {(float)psize}"); WriteLine($"ncalls = {ncalls}"); p.print("minimum: "); Write($"f(x_min) = {(float)f1(p)}\n"); ncalls = 0; Func <vector, double> f2 = (z) => { ncalls++; return((z[0] * z[0] + z[1] - 11) * (z[0] * z[0] + z[1] - 11) + (z[0] + z[1] * z[1] - 7) * (z[0] + z[1] * z[1] - 7)); }; double dx2 = 1e-3; vector p2 = new vector("0 1"); Write("\nsimplex.downhill: Himmelblau's function\n"); p2.print("start point:"); double psize2 = simplex.downhill(f2, ref p2, dx: dx2); WriteLine($"simplex size= {(float)psize2}"); WriteLine($"ncalls = {ncalls}"); p2.print("minimum: "); Write($"f(x_min) = {(float)f2(p2)}\n"); }
public static void Main() { Write("==== Finding the minimum of the Rosenbrock's Valley function with a=1 and b=100. ==== \n\n"); Write("Start guess of minimum:"); Func <vector, double> f = delegate(vector x) { double val = (1 - x[0]) * (1 - x[0]) + 100 * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0]) * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0]); return(val); }; vector xstart = new vector(0.0, 0.0); xstart.print(); vector xmin = minimizer.qnewton(f, xstart); Write("\n The found minimum is:\n"); xmin.print(); Write("\n Minimum according to Wikipedia is:\n"); Write(" 1 1\n"); Write("\n \n ==== Finding the minimum of Himmelblau's function. ====\n\n"); f = delegate(vector x) { double val = Pow(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] - 11, 2) + Pow(x[0] + x[1] * x[1] - 7, 2); return(val); }; Write("Start guess of minimum:\n"); xstart = new vector(0.0, 0.0); xstart.print(); xmin = minimizer.qnewton(f, xstart); Write("\n The found minimum is:\n"); xmin.print(); Write("\n One minimum according to Wikipedia is:\n"); Write(" 3.0 2.0\n"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Rosenbrock's valley function WriteLine("Rosenbrock's valley function:"); WriteLine($"Expected minimum: (a, a*a) = (1, 1)"); double eps = 1e-4; Func <vector, double> f = delegate(vector z) { double x = z[0], y = z[1]; return(Pow(1 - x, 2) + 100 * Pow(y - x * x, 2)); }; vector x0 = new vector(0, 0), min; int n; // steps x0.print("Starting point:"); (min, n) = mini.qnewton(f, x0, eps); min.print($"Minimum reached in {n} steps:"); // Himmeblau's function WriteLine("\nHimmelblau's function:"); WriteLine("Reference minimums: (3.0, 2.0), (-2.81, 3.13), (-3.78, -3.28), (3.58, -1.85)"); f = delegate(vector z) { double x = z[0], y = z[1]; return(Pow(x * x + y - 11, 2) + Pow(x + y * y - 7, 2)); }; x0.print("\nStarting point:"); (min, n) = mini.qnewton(f, x0, eps); min.print($"Minimum reached in {n} steps:"); x0 = new vector(-6, -6); x0.print("\nStarting point:"); (min, n) = mini.qnewton(f, x0, eps); min.print($"Minimum reached in {n} steps:"); // Higgs discovery WriteLine("\nHiggs discovery"); var lines = File.ReadAllLines("higgs.txt").Select(line => line.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).Select(line => new { x = double.Parse(line[0]), y = double.Parse(line[1]), z = double.Parse(line[2]) }).ToList(); // maps every line in higgs.txt to a (x, y, z) double value. RemoveEmptyEntries is required for some reason - probably due to the format of the .txt file? int l = lines.Count(); // number of lines vector E = new vector(l), sig = new vector(l), err = new vector(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) // not really necessary, but it tidies up the rest of the code { E[i] = lines[i].x; sig[i] = lines[i].y; err[i] = lines[i].z; } Func <double, double, double, double, double> F = (e, m, g, a) => a / (Pow(e - m, 2) + g * g / 4); // Breit-Wigner Func <vector, double> chi2 = delegate(vector z) { double m = z[0], gamma = z[1], A = z[2]; double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { sum += Pow(F(E[i], m, gamma, A) - sig[i], 2) / Pow(err[i], 2); } return(sum); }; x0 = new vector(120, 2, 6); // i have no idea which starting point to use, so these are dmitris values (min, n) = mini.qnewton(chi2, x0, eps); WriteLine($"Fitted values in {n} steps: mass: {min[0]:F3}, gamma: {min[1]:F3}, sqrt(chi2/n): {chi2(min)/l:F3}"); }
public static void Main() { Func <vector, vector> f = delegate(vector z) { double x = z[0]; return(new vector((2 - x) * (6 - x))); }; vector x0 = new vector(1); x0[0] = 0; // start pos vector root = roots.newton(f, x0); WriteLine($"Testing with (2 - x)*(6 - x)."); root.print("The root is: "); f(root).print("The function value at the root:"); f = delegate(vector z) { double x = z[0], y = z[1]; return(new vector((4 - x) * (6 - x), (y - x) * (y - 3))); }; x0 = new vector(0, 0); root = roots.newton(f, x0); WriteLine($"\nTesting with (4 - x)*(6 - x), (y - x)*(y - 3)"); root.print("The roots are: "); f(root).print("The function values at these roots: "); // Gradient of Rosenbrock WriteLine("\nExtremums of Rosenbrock's valley function"); f = delegate(vector z) { double x = z[0], y = z[1]; return(new vector(2 * (1 - x) + 2 * 100 * (y - x * x) * 2 * x, 2 * 100 * (y - x * x))); // the gradient }; x0 = new vector(2, 2); root = roots.newton(f, x0); root.print("The roots are"); f(root).print("The function values at these roots: "); // Hydrogen atom WriteLine("\n# Hydrogen atom"); double rmax = 8; Func <vector, vector> aux = delegate(vector z) { double eps = z[0]; double frmax = Feps(eps, rmax); return(new vector(frmax)); }; x0 = new vector(-1.0); root = roots.newton(aux, x0); WriteLine($"# rmax is {rmax}, energy is {root[0]}"); WriteLine(string.Format("# {0, -6} {1, -8} {2, -8}", "r", "Feps(r)", "exact")); for (double r = 0; r <= rmax; r += rmax / 100) { WriteLine($"{r, -8:F3} {Feps(root[0], r), -8:F3} {r*Exp(-r), -8:F3}"); } }
static void Main() { Func <vector, double> f1 = (z) => (1 - z[0]) * (1 - z[0]) + 100 * (z[1] - z[0] * z[0]) * (z[1] - z[0] * z[0]); // Rosenbrock's valley function (a=1,b=100) double eps = 1e-4; vector p = new vector("2 3"); // starting point Write("SR1: Rosenbrock's valley function\n"); p.print("start point:"); int nsteps = qnewton.sr1(f1, ref p, eps); WriteLine($"nsteps={nsteps}"); p.print("minimum: "); Write($"f(x_min) = {(float)f1(p)}\n"); vector g = qnewton.gradient(f1, p); Write($"|gradient| goal = {(float)eps}\n"); Write($"|gradient| actual = {(float)g.norm()}\n"); if (g.norm() < eps) { WriteLine("test passed"); } else { WriteLine("test failed"); } // Minimum at (1,1) Func <vector, double> f2 = (z) => (z[0] * z[0] + z[1] - 11) * (z[0] * z[0] + z[1] - 11) + (z[0] + z[1] * z[1] - 7) * (z[0] + z[1] * z[1] - 7); // Himmelblau's function eps = 1e-4; p = new vector("0 1"); // starting point Write("\nSR1: Himmelblau's function\n"); p.print("start point:"); nsteps = qnewton.sr1(f2, ref p, eps); WriteLine($"nsteps={nsteps}"); p.print("minimum: "); Write($"f(x_min) = {(float)f2(p)}\n"); g = qnewton.gradient(f, p); Write($"|gradient| goal = {(float)eps}\n"); Write($"|gradient| actual = {(float)g.norm()}\n"); if (g.norm() < eps) { WriteLine("test passed"); } else { WriteLine("test failed"); } // Minima at (3,2), (-2.805118,3.131312), (-3.779310,-3.283186), and (3.584428,-1.848126) }
static void Main() { /// Test on random matrix /// WriteLine("/////////////// Part A - Test on random matrix ///////////////"); int n = 5; var rand = new Random(1); matrix A = new matrix(n, n); vector e = new vector(n); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i; j < n; j++) { A[i, j] = rand.NextDouble(); A[j, i] = A[i, j]; } } A.print($"random {n}x{n} matrix"); WriteLine(); matrix B = A.copy(); int sweeps = jacobi.cyclic(B, e, V); WriteLine($"Number of sweeps in jacobi={sweeps}"); WriteLine(); matrix D = (V.T * A * V); (D).print("Should be a diagonal matrix V.T*B*V="); WriteLine(); e.print("Eigenvalues should equal the diagonal elements above"); vector D_diagonal = new vector(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { D_diagonal[i] = D[i, i]; } if (D_diagonal.approx(e)) { WriteLine("Eigenvalues agree \tTest passed"); } else { WriteLine("Test failed"); } WriteLine(); matrix A2 = (V * D * V.T); (A2).print("Check that V*D*V.T=A"); if (A2.approx(A)) { WriteLine("V*D*V.T = A \tTest passed"); } else { WriteLine("V*D*V.T != A \tTest failed"); } }
public static void Main() { //now test highest EV int n = 5; matrix A = new matrix(n, n); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); vector e = new vector(n); var rand = new Random(1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i; j < n; j++) { A[i, j] = 2 * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5); A[j, i] = A[i, j]; } } //2 highest EV matrix AA2 = A.copy(); string order = "high"; int count = jacobiB.jacobirow(AA2, e, 2, V, order); e.print("First 2 values should be highest EVs"); //full diag matrix Vh = new matrix(n, n); vector eh = new vector(n); matrix AAh = A.copy(); int counth = jacobiB.jacobirow(AAh, eh, n, Vh); eh.print("all eigenvalues"); }
public static void Main() { // First part of A int n = 5; // Size of quadratic matrix M. var rnd = new Random(1); Console.WriteLine("Part A1"); matrix M = new matrix(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { M[i, j] = 4 * rnd.NextDouble() - 1.5; M[j, i] = M[i, j]; } } matrix M2 = M.copy(); M.print("We choose an arbitrary matrix M = "); vector D = new vector(n); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); int sweeps = Jacobi_diagonalization.cyclic_sweep(M, V, D); matrix temp2 = V.T * M2 * V; Console.WriteLine($"Total number of sweeps done is = {sweeps}"); temp2.print("V.T*M*V = "); D.print("Eigenvalues = "); }
static void probC() { Write("Problem C:\n"); var rand = new System.Random(); int n = 5 + rand.Next(3); matrix A = makeRandomMatrix(n, n); A.print("Make a random square matrix of random size: A = "); qr_givens decomp_givens = new qr_givens(A); qr_gs decomp_gs = new qr_gs(A); Write("\nDo the Givens decomposition and store the restult in the matrix G, which cotains the elements of the component R in the upper triangular part, and the angles for the Givens rotations in the relevant sub-diagonal entries. Compare with the R matrix found from the Gramm-Schmitt method:"); decomp_givens.G.print("Givens G: "); decomp_gs.R.print("Gram-Schmitt R: "); Write("The upper triangular parts are the same.\n"); vector b = makeRandomVector(n); b.print("\nMake a random vector b with the same size as A: b = "); Write("\nCompare using the Givens rotations to apply Q^(T) to b, and doing the explicit matrix multiplication with the Q matrix found by the Gramm-Schmitt method:\n"); decomp_givens.applyQT(b).print("Givens: Q^(T)*b = "); (decomp_gs.Q.transpose() * b).print("GS: Q^(T)*b = "); vector x = decomp_givens.solve(b); x.print("\nSolution to A*x=b using Givens: "); (A * x - b).print("\nCheck solution satisfies A*x = b: A*x-b = "); Write("\nFind the inverse of A, and check that A^(-1)*A is the identity matrix:\n"); decomp_givens.inverse().print("A^(-1)"); (decomp_givens.inverse() * A).print("A^(-1)*A = "); }
public static void Main() { double EPS = Pow(10, -6); // Func <vector, double> f = (z) => Pow(1 - z[0], 2) + 100 * Pow(z[1] - Pow(z[0], 2), 2); vector x01 = new vector(0, 0); int StepCounts = Quasi.qnewton(f, ref x01); WriteLine(""); x01.print("Starting point: "); WriteLine($"steps = {StepCounts}"); WriteLine($"Found minimum = ({x01[0]:f5}, {x01[1]:f5},)"); WriteLine($"Exact minimum = (1,1)"); WriteLine($"Tolerance for gradient = {EPS}"); // Func <vector, double> f2 = (z) => Pow((Pow(z[0], 2) + z[1] - 11), 2) + Pow(z[0] + Pow(z[1], 2) - 7, 2); vector x02 = new vector(-2, 3); int StepCounts2 = Quasi.qnewton(f2, ref x02); x02.print("Starting point: "); WriteLine($"steps = {StepCounts2}"); WriteLine($"The minimum was found at minimum = ({x02[0]:f5}, {x02[1]:f5})"); WriteLine($"Where the analytical minimum = (-2.805118, 3.131312)"); WriteLine($"The tolorence for gradient is = {EPS}"); }
static void Main() { int ncalls = 0; double eps = 1e-7; vector p = new vector(2); p[0] = 0.5; p[1] = 1.7; Func <vector, vector> f = delegate(vector z){ ncalls++; vector r = new vector(2); double x = z[0], y = z[1], b = 100; // Rosenbrock's valley function: f(x,y) = (1-x)^2+100*(y-x^2)^2 // The gradient of Rosenbrock's valley function: r[0] = 2 * (1 - x) + 2 * 100 * (y - x * x) * (-2 * x); // d/dx r[1] = b * 2 * (y - x * x); // d/dy return(r); }; vector root = roots.newton(f, p, eps); WriteLine($"start values={p[0]} {p[1]}"); WriteLine($"ncalls={ncalls}"); root.print("root="); f(root).print("f(root)="); WriteLine($"eps = {eps}"); WriteLine($"f(root).norm() = {f(root).norm()}"); if (f(root).norm() < eps) { WriteLine("test passed"); } else { WriteLine("test failed"); } }
static void probA2() { Write("\nProblem A2:\n"); // Need to make the tests for A2 var rand = new System.Random(); // Remember, square matrix: Write("\nMake a random square matrix, A, with random dimmensions, and a random vector, b, of the same dimmension:\n"); int n = 2 + rand.Next(10); matrix A = makeRandomMatrix(n, n); vector b = makeRandomVector(n); A.print("A = "); b.print("b = "); qr_gs decomposer = new qr_gs(A); Write("\nSolve the system A*x = b for the vector x:\n"); //decomposer.Q.print("Decomposition Q: "); //decomposer.R.print("Decomposition R: "); //(decomposer.Q.transpose()*b).print("Q^(T)*b = "); vector x = decomposer.solve(b); x.print("Solution: x = "); Write("\nCheck that the vector x satisfies A*x=b:\n"); (A * x - b).print("A*x-b = "); }
// public double eval(double x, vector weights) // { // vector hold = x*weights; // // hold.print(); // hold = relu(hold); // double res = 0; // for(int i = 0; i<hold.size; i++) // { // res+=hold[i]; // } // return res; // } // static Func<vector, double> trainingFunc = delegate(vector x) // { // double res = 0; // for(int i = 0; i<data.size;i++) // { // res+=MSE(eval(data[i], x),labels[i]); // } // return res; // }; public void fit(double[] data, double[] labels) { parameters.print(); Func <vector, double> trainingFunc = (x) => { parameters = x; double res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { // parameters.fprint(Console.Error); // Error.Write($"{data[i]}\n"); // Error.Write($"{eval(data[i])}\n"); res += MSE(eval(data[i]), labels[i]); } // Error.Write($"current error is {res/data.Length} \n"); return(res); }; // var guesses = new vector(parameters.size); // for(int i = 0;i<guesses.size;i++) // { // guesses[i]=1; // } parameters = qnewton.QNewton(trainingFunc, parameters, 0.01); parameters.print(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { int n = 5; //size of real symmetric matrix matrix A = new matrix(n, n); var rnd = new Random(1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) /* Construction of a random vector */ { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { A[i, j] = (rnd.NextDouble() * 10); A[j, i] = A[i, j]; /* We make sure that the matrix is symmetric */ } } A.print("Random symmetric matrix, A:"); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); vector e = new vector(n); matrix B = A.copy(); /* We make a copy of A */ int sweeps = jacobi.cyclic(A, e, V); /* We use the jacobi matlib for the implementation of the cyclic sweeps: public static int cyclic(matrix A, vector e, matrix V=null){...} */ WriteLine($"\nNumber of sweeps: {sweeps}"); matrix D = (V.T * B * V); // D.print("\nEigenvalue-decomposition, V^T*A*V (should be diagonal):"); D.printfloat("\nEigenvalue-decomposition, V^T*A*V (should be diagonal):"); /* using my print2 to get 0's instead of values with e.g. "e-16"*/ e.print("\nEigenvalues:\n"); }
public static void Main() { int n = 3; matrix A = new matrix(n, n); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); vector e = new vector(n); var rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i; j < n; j++) { A[i, j] = rand.NextDouble() * 10; A[j, i] = A[i, j]; } } A.print("Symmetric matrix A:"); matrix Ao = new matrix(n, n); Ao = A.copy(); int count = jacobi.cycsweep(A, e, V); WriteLine($"Number of sweeps: {count}"); V.print("Eigenvectors"); A.print("new A"); e.print("Eigenvalues"); (V.T * Ao * V).print("V^T*A*V diagonal, test"); }
static void Main() { int n = 6; WriteLine($"Generate symmetric {n}x{n} matrix A"); matrix A = randomMatrix(n, n); restoreUpperTriang(A); A.print("A: "); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); vector e = new vector(n); int sweeps; // Cyclic sweeps = Jacobi.cyclic(A, V, e); WriteLine($"Cyclic Jacobi done in {sweeps} sweeps"); e.print("Cyclic eigenvalues: "); // Lowest k restoreUpperTriang(A); V = new matrix(n, n); e = new vector(n); int k = n / 3; vector v = Jacobi.lowestK(A, V, e, k); v.print($"Lowest {k} values:"); A.print($"Test that {k} rows are cleared"); // Highest k restoreUpperTriang(A); V = new matrix(n, n); e = new vector(n); k = n / 3; v = Jacobi.highestK(A, V, e, k); v.print($"Highest {k} values:"); A.print($"Test that {k} rows are cleared"); restoreUpperTriang(A); V = new matrix(n, n); e = new vector(n); int rots = Jacobi.classic(A, V, e); e.print($"Classical done! rotations: {rots}"); A.print($"Test that all rows are cleared"); }
static void Main() { int n = 6; int m = 4; // Problem A1: WriteLine($"Problem A1: QR-factorization on a random {n}x{m} matrix A: \n"); matrix A = generatematrix(n, m); // Printing our random matrix A A.print("Matrix A ="); QRdecompositionGS decomp = new QRdecompositionGS(A); // Printing the orthogonal matrix Q matrix Q = decomp.Q; Q.print("\nDecomposed component Q = "); // Printing the upper triangle matrix R matrix R = decomp.R; R.print("\nDecomposed component R = "); // Checking that Q^T*Q is equal to the identity (Q.transpose() * Q).print("\nQ^(T)*Q = "); // Checking that QR=A by substracting A from QR to yield the null matrix (Q * R - A).print("\n Q*R-A = "); n = 3; // Problem A2: WriteLine($"\nProblem A2: QR-factorization on a random {n}x{n} matrix A solving Ax=b: \n"); vector b = generatevector(n); A = generatematrix(n, n); decomp = new QRdecompositionGS(A); b.print("Vector b = "); A.print("\nSquare matrix A = "); vector x = decomp.solve(b); // Printing the solution to Ax=b x.print("\nVector x = "); WriteLine("\nChecking that x is indeed the solution: "); (A * x - b).print("\nA*x-b = "); // Problem B: A = generatematrix(n, n); decomp = new QRdecompositionGS(A); WriteLine($"\nProblem B: Matrix inverse by Gram-Schmidt QR factorization \n"); matrix B = decomp.inverse(); B.print("A^(-1) = "); (A * B).print("\n A*A^(-1) = "); // Problem C: }
static void Main() { int callCount = 0; Func <vector, vector> f = (x) => { callCount++; return(new vector(x[0] * x[0] - 4)); }; double epsilon = 1e-3; vector x0 = new vector(1.0); vector root = newton(f, x0, epsilon); vector exact = new vector(2.0); WriteLine("\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________"); WriteLine("Question A\n Newton's method with numerical Jacobian and back-tracking linesearch"); WriteLine("Test function f(x)=x^2-4, root = +-2 (only looking for 2)"); root.print("Numericaly found root : "); exact.print("Exact root : "); f(root).print("Function value at root : "); WriteLine("Error goal : {0}", epsilon); WriteLine("Actual error (norm at rooot) : {0}", f(root).norm()); WriteLine("Number of func call : {0}", callCount); WriteLine(""); callCount = 0; // Gradient // Func<vector,vector> f = (x) => {callCount++;return new vector(pow(1-x,2)+100,);}; f = (x) => { callCount++; double dx = -2 * (1 - x[0]) - 400 * x[0] * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0]); double dy = 200 * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0]); return(new vector(dx, dy)); }; epsilon = 1e-3; x0 = new vector(1.1, 0.5); root = newton(f, x0, epsilon); exact = new vector(1.0, 1.0); WriteLine("Test function extreem of Rosenbrock's valley function"); root.print("Numericaly found root : "); exact.print("Exact root : "); f(root).print("Function value at root : "); WriteLine("Error goal : {0}", epsilon); WriteLine("Actual error (norm at rooot) : {0}", f(root).norm()); WriteLine("Number of func call : {0}", callCount); WriteLine("__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n"); callCount = 0; }
static void Main() { WriteLine("Testing to find roots of f(x,y) = (x*x - 9, 81 - y*y)"); Func <vector, vector> f = (x) => new vector(x[0] * x[0] - 9, 81 - x[1] * x[1]); vector p = new vector(10, 20); vector roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found solution: "); p = new vector(-10, -20); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found second solution: "); p = new vector(-13, 27); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found third solution: "); p = new vector(42, -65); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found fourth solution: "); }
static void Main() { var rnd = new Random(); var A = new matrix(3, 3); for (int i = 0; i < A.size1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < A.size2; j++) { A[i, j] = 10 * (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5); } } var b = new vector(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { b[i] = 10 * (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5); } WriteLine("\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________"); WriteLine("Question C: \nTest QR-decomposition by Givens rotations:"); var QR = A.copy(); A.print("A = "); qr_givens.qr_givens_QR(QR); WriteLine("QR-decomposition"); QR.print("QR = "); WriteLine("Random vector"); b.print("b = "); qr_givens.qr_givens_solve(QR, b); WriteLine("Solve Ax = b:"); b.print("x = "); WriteLine("Check result:"); (A * b).print("Ax= "); var B = qr_givens.qr_givens_inverse(QR); WriteLine("Inverse of A:"); B.print("A^-1=B="); WriteLine("Product should give identity"); (A * B).print("I=AB="); WriteLine("__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n"); }
static void Main() { WriteLine("--- Part A: Search for extremums of the Rosenbrock Valley Function ---"); Func <vector, vector> f = (x) => new vector(2 * (200 * x[0] * x[0] * x[0] - 200 * x[0] * x[1] + x[0] - 1), 200 * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0])); vector p = new vector(10, 20); p.print("Starting point: "); vector roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found solution: "); p = new vector(-123, 123); p.print("Starting point: "); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found solution: "); p = new vector(-123, 123); p.print("Starting point: "); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found solution: "); p = new vector(-100, 0); p.print("Starting point: "); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found solution: "); p = new vector(100, -123); p.print("Starting point: "); roots = newton(f, p); roots.print("Found solution: "); WriteLine("\n\n--- Part B ---"); double rmax = 8; Func <vector, vector> M = (x) => new vector(f_E(x[0], rmax)); p = new vector(-2.0); roots = newton(M, p); WriteLine($"For rmax = {rmax} we get an energy estimate of {roots[0]},\ncompared to the analytical result of -1/2"); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("data.txt")){ for (double r = 0; r <= rmax; r += 1.0 / 64) { sw.WriteLine($"{r}\t{f_E(roots[0],r)}"); } } }
static void Main() { // Testing that the jacobiAlgorithm works: int n = 5; vector e = new vector(n); matrix V = new matrix(n, n); matrix A = generateRandommatrix(n, n); matrix B = A.copy(); int sweeps = jacobi.jacobi_cyclic(A, e, V); WriteLine("---------Problem A1----------"); WriteLine("\nTesting that the Jacobi algorithm works as intended:"); A.print("\nRandom square matrix A:"); WriteLine("\nEigenvalue decomposition of A=V*D*V^T:"); (V.transpose() * B * V).print("\nD = V^T*A*V = "); e.print("\nListed eigenvalues:\t"); WriteLine($"\nNumber of sweeps required to diagonalize A: {sweeps}"); // Particle in a box n = 50; matrix H = Hamiltonian.boxHamilton(n); B = H.copy(); V = new matrix(n, n); e = new vector(n); sweeps = jacobi.jacobi_cyclic(H, e, V); WriteLine("\n---------Problem A2----------"); WriteLine("\nNow solving for a particle in a box."); WriteLine($"\nThe dimensions of the soon to be diagonalized Hamiltonian is {n}x{n}"); WriteLine("\nComparison of the calculated eigenvalues and the exact:\n"); WriteLine("n Calculated Exact:"); for (int k = 0; k < n / 3; k++) { double exact = PI * PI * (k + 1) * (k + 1); double calculated = e[k]; WriteLine($"{k} {calculated:f4}\t {exact:f4}"); } // plotting time StreamWriter solutions = new StreamWriter("SolutionsA.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { solutions.Write($"{i*(1.0/n)}"); for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { solutions.Write($" {V[i,k]}"); } solutions.Write("\n"); } solutions.Close(); }
public static void Main() { vector guesses = new vector(new double[] { 0 }); vector roots = Newton.newton(F, guesses); roots.print(); vector guesses_RosenBrock = new vector(new double[] { 0, 0 }); vector roots_RosenBrock = Newton.newton(DRosenbrock, guesses_RosenBrock); roots_RosenBrock.print(); }
static int Main() { int n = 3; vector v = new vector(n); vector u = new vector(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = i; u[i] = -2 * i; } v.print("v="); v[0] = 5; v.print("v="); vector w = u + v; w.print("w="); return(0); }
} // end Main function public static void printResults(vector estimate, vector a, vector b, int N, double expected) { Write("Lower integration limits: "); a.print(); Write("Upper integration limits: "); b.print(); WriteLine("Analytic value: \t\t{0}", expected); WriteLine("Estimate of integral: \t\t{0}", estimate[0]); WriteLine("Estimate of error: \t\t{0}", estimate[1]); WriteLine("Actual error: \t\t\t{0}", Abs(expected - estimate[0])); WriteLine("The function was sampled in {0} points.", N); } // end printResults
public static int Main() { double epsilon = 1e-5; Func <vector, double> f_rosen = (x) => { return((1 - x[0]) * (1 - x[0]) + 100 * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0]) * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0])); }; WriteLine("The Rosenbruck Valley function: f(x,y)=(1-x)^2+100(y-x^2)^2"); vector start = new vector(new double [] { 1.3, 0.2 }); start.print("starting point : "); var min_rosen = minimization.qnewton(f_rosen, ref start, epsilon); vector x_rosen = new vector(new double[] { 1.0, 1.0 }); start.print("Quasi newton minimum : "); x_rosen.print($"The exact minimum : "); WriteLine($"Number of steps : {min_rosen} steps."); WriteLine(""); Func <vector, double> f_himmel = (x) => { return((x[0] * x[0] + x[1] - 11) * (x[0] * x[0] + x[1] - 11) + (x[0] + x[1] * x[1] - 7) * (x[0] + x[1] * x[1] - 7)); }; epsilon = 1e-4; WriteLine("The Himmelblau function: f(x,y)=(x^2+y-11)^2+(x+y^2-7)^2."); vector start_h = new vector(new double [] { 1, 1 }); start_h.print("starting point : "); vector x_himmel = new vector(new double [] { 3.0, 2.0 }); var min_himmel = minimization.qnewton(f_himmel, ref start_h, epsilon); start_h.print("Quasi newton minimum : "); x_himmel.print($"The exact minimum : "); WriteLine($"Number of steps : {min_himmel} steps."); return(0); }
static int Main() { // Load data (not from file...) vector t = new vector(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15 }); vector A = new vector(new double[] { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2, 11.1 }); vector dA = new vector(A.size); // uncertainty of A for (int i = 0; i < A.size; i++) { dA[i] = 0.05; // 5% uncertainty } // Transform data from y = a*exp(-lambda*t) --> ln(y) = ln(a) - lambda*t for (int i = 0; i < A.size; i++) { dA[i] = dA[i] / A[i]; // delta ln(y) --> (delta y )/ y A[i] = Log(A[i]); } // Make function array Func <double, double>[] funcs = new Func <double, double>[] { x => 1, x => x }; // t -> 1 is for ln(a), t -> t is for lambda // Make fit Fit FitResult = qr_stuff.qrFitter(t, A, dA, funcs); vector cErrors = FitResult.getParamErrors(); double a = Exp(FitResult.c[0]); double aErr = cErrors[0]; double lambda = -FitResult.c[1]; double lambdaErr = cErrors[1]; // Generate Answer to answer questions: FitResult.c.print("Fit result parameters: "); WriteLine($"This means that a: {a} and lambda: {lambda}"); WriteLine($"This gives a half life of {Log(2)/lambda} days"); WriteLine("The half life of Ra224 is actually around 3.6319 days"); WriteLine(""); FitResult.cov.print("The Covariance matrix is estimated to"); cErrors.print("This give the following errors of the parameters"); WriteLine($"Thus, the half of ThX is estimated to be between {Log(2)/lambda} +- {Log(2)/lambda/lambda*lambdaErr} days"); // Generate plotting data to plot with TextWriter DataWriter = Error; //DataWriter.WriteLine("This is in the data stream"); for (double x = 0; x < 16; x += 1.0 / 16) { DataWriter.WriteLine($"{x} {Exp(FitResult.evaluate(x))} {Exp(FitResult.upper(x))} {Exp(FitResult.lower(x))}"); } return(0); }
static int Main() { Func <double, double>[] lnexp = new Func <double, double> [2]; lnexp[0] = (x) => 1; lnexp[1] = (x) => - x; double[] t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 }; double[] yt = { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2 }; vector xs = new vector(t); vector ys = new vector(yt); vector lny = new vector(yt.Length); vector yerr = new vector(yt.Length); vector lnerr = new vector(yt.Length); for (int i = 0; i < yt.Length; i++) { lny[i] = Log(yt[i]); yerr[i] = yt[i] / 20; lnerr[i] = yerr[i] / yt[i]; } lsfit fit1 = new lsfit(xs, lny, lnerr, lnexp); vector c = fit1.C; WriteLine("\n Data:"); xs.print("time in days = "); ys.print("y = "); WriteLine("\n Attempting to make fit y=a*Exp(-lambda*t) by using ln(y)=ln(a)-lambda*t"); c.print("c = ln(a) lambda = "); WriteLine("a = {0:f6}", Exp(c[0])); WriteLine("half life = {0:f6}\n", Log(2) * 1 / c[1]); Func <double, double> fit1fun = x => c[0] * lnexp[0](x) + c[1] * lnexp[1](x); var fitwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(""); for (double x = 0; x < 20; x += 0.1) { fitwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16}\n", x, Exp(fit1fun(x))); } fitwriter.Close(); var datwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(""); for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++) { datwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16} {2:f16}\n", xs[i], yt[i], yerr[i]); } datwriter.Close(); return(0); }
static void Main() { Write("==== Finding the extrenum of the Rosenbrock's Valley function with a=1 and b=100. ==== \n\n"); Write("Start guess of root:\n"); Func <vector, vector> f = x => new vector(-2 * (1 - x[0]) - 200 * x[0] * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0]), 200 * (x[1] - x[0] * x[0])); vector startx = new vector(0, 0); startx.print(); vector x0 = root.newton(f, startx); Write("\n After running newtons method, the found extremum is:\n"); x0.print(""); }
static void Main() { int callCount = 0; Func <vector, double> f = (X) => Pow(1 - X[0], 2) + 100 * Pow(X[1] - X[0] * X[0], 2); double epsilon = 1e-4; vector x = new vector(1.5, 0.5); int num_of_steps = qnewton(f, ref x, epsilon); vector x_exact = new vector(1.0, 1.0); WriteLine("\n__________________________________________________________________________________________________________"); WriteLine("Question A\n Quasi-Newton method with numerical gradient, back-tracking linesearch, and rank-1 update"); WriteLine("Test function f(x,y)=(1-x)^2+100(y-x^2)^2, min at 1,1"); x.print("Numericaly found min x : "); x.print("Exact min x : "); WriteLine("Function value at min : {0}", f(x)); WriteLine("Gradient tollerence : {0}", epsilon); WriteLine("Actual gradient : {0}", gradient(f, x).norm()); WriteLine("Actual error : {0}", Abs(f(x) - f(x_exact))); WriteLine("Number of steps : {0}", num_of_steps); WriteLine(""); f = (X) => Pow(X[0] * X[0] + X[1] - 11, 2) + Pow(X[0] + X[1] * X[1] - 7, 2); epsilon = 1e-4; x = new vector(2.4, 2.4); num_of_steps = qnewton(f, ref x, epsilon); x_exact = new vector(3, 2); WriteLine(""); WriteLine("Test function f(x,y)=(x^2+y-11)^2+(x+y^2-7)^2, min at 3,2"); x.print("Numericaly found min x : "); x.print("Exact min x : "); WriteLine("Function value at min : {0}", f(x)); WriteLine("Gradient tollerence : {0}", epsilon); WriteLine("Actual gradient : {0}", gradient(f, x).norm()); WriteLine("Actual error : {0}", Abs(f(x) - f(x_exact))); WriteLine("Number of steps : {0}", num_of_steps); WriteLine("__________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n"); }