        public void Initialize()
            if (Initialized == true)

            VJoyInstance = new vJoy();

            if (VJoyInstance.vJoyEnabled() == false)
                Console.WriteLine("vJoy driver not enabled!");

            //Kimimaru: The data object passed in here will be returned in the callback
            //This can be used to update the object's data when a vJoy device is connected or disconnected from the computer
            //This does not get fired when the vJoy device is acquired or relinquished
            VJoyInstance.RegisterRemovalCB(OnDeviceRemoved, null);

            string vendor    = VJoyInstance.GetvJoyManufacturerString();
            string product   = VJoyInstance.GetvJoyProductString();
            string serialNum = VJoyInstance.GetvJoySerialNumberString();

            Console.WriteLine($"vJoy driver found - Vendor: {vendor} | Product: {product} | Version: {serialNum}");

            uint dllver = 0;
            uint drvver = 0;
            bool match  = VJoyInstance.DriverMatch(ref dllver, ref drvver);

            Console.WriteLine($"Using vJoy DLL version {dllver} and vJoy driver version {drvver} | Version Match: {match}");

            //int acquiredCount = InitControllers(BotProgram.BotData.JoystickCount);
            //Console.WriteLine($"Acquired {acquiredCount} controllers!");
        public void Initialize()
            if (Initialized == true)

            VJoyInstance = new vJoy();

            if (VJoyInstance.vJoyEnabled() == false)
                TRBotLogger.Logger.Error("vJoy driver not enabled!");

            //The data object passed in here will be returned in the callback
            //This can be used to update the object's data when a vJoy device is connected or disconnected from the computer
            //This does not get fired when the vJoy device is acquired or relinquished
            VJoyInstance.RegisterRemovalCB(OnDeviceRemoved, null);

            string vendor    = VJoyInstance.GetvJoyManufacturerString();
            string product   = VJoyInstance.GetvJoyProductString();
            string serialNum = VJoyInstance.GetvJoySerialNumberString();

            TRBotLogger.Logger.Information($"vJoy driver found - Vendor: {vendor} | Product: {product} | Version: {serialNum}");

            uint dllver = 0;
            uint drvver = 0;
            bool match  = VJoyInstance.DriverMatch(ref dllver, ref drvver);

            TRBotLogger.Logger.Information($"Using vJoy DLL version {dllver} and vJoy driver version {drvver} | Version Match: {match}");
        public TesterForm()
            joystick = new vJoy();
            position = new vJoy.JoystickState();

            /////	General driver data
            short  iVer    = joystick.GetvJoyVersion();
            bool   enabled = joystick.vJoyEnabled();
            string Prd     = joystick.GetvJoyProductString();
            string Mnf     = joystick.GetvJoyManufacturerString();
            string Srl     = joystick.GetvJoySerialNumberString();
            string prt     = String.Format("Product: {0}; Version {1:X}; Manuf: {2}; Serial:{3}", Prd, iVer, Mnf, Srl);

            label1.Text   = prt;
            Enbld.Checked = enabled;

            /////	vJoy Device properties
            int  nBtn     = joystick.GetVJDButtonNumber(id);
            int  nDPov    = joystick.GetVJDDiscPovNumber(id);
            int  nCPov    = joystick.GetVJDContPovNumber(id);
            bool X_Exist  = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X);
            bool Y_Exist  = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Y);
            bool Z_Exist  = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Z);
            bool RX_Exist = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RX);

            prt         = String.Format("Device[{0}]: Buttons={1}; DiscPOVs:{2}; ContPOVs:{3}", id, nBtn, nDPov, nCPov);
            label2.Text = prt;

            UInt32 DllVer = 0, DrvVer = 0;
            bool   match = joystick.DriverMatch(ref DllVer, ref DrvVer);

            if (match)
                prt = String.Format("Version of Driver Matches DLL Version {0:X}", DllVer);
                prt = String.Format("Version of Driver ({0:X}) does NOT match DLL Version ({1:X})", DrvVer, DllVer);
            label7.Text = prt;

            long max = 10, min = 10;
            bool ok;

            ok = joystick.GetVJDAxisMax(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X, ref max);
            ok = joystick.GetVJDAxisMin(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X, ref min);

            /////	Write access to vJoy Device - Basic
            VjdStat status;

            status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(id);
            bool acq = joystick.AcquireVJD(id);

            status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(id);

            position.AxisX      = 1000;
            position.AxisY      = 5000;
            position.AxisZ      = 10000;
            position.AxisXRot   = 20000;
            position.Buttons    = 0xA5A5A5A5;
            position.ButtonsEx1 = 0;
            bool upd = joystick.UpdateVJD(id, ref position);

            status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(id);

            //// Reset functions

            // Register callback function
            // Function to register:     Removal()
            // User data to pass:        label2
            joystick.RegisterRemovalCB(Removal, label2);
        public MainWindow()

            ni = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon {
                Icon           = new System.Drawing.Icon(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("/sc_icon.ico", UriKind.Relative)).Stream),
                Visible        = false,
                Text           = "Sim Companion",
                BalloonTipText = "Minimized to tray"
            ni.ContextMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {
                new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Show", delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) {
                    ni.Visible = false;
                    WindowState = WindowState.Normal;
                new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem("Quit", delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) {

            versionText.Text = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " (alpha)";

            /*var parser = new FileIniDataParser();
             * if(!File.Exists("Config.ini")) {
             *  IniData data = new IniData();
             *  data["Network"]["data_port"] = DATA_PORT.ToString();
             *  data["Network"]["discovery_port"] = DISCOVERY_PORT.ToString();
             *  parser.WriteFile(".\\Config.ini", data, null);
             * }
             * try {
             *  IniData data = parser.ReadFile("Config.ini");
             *  try {
             *      string dataPort = data["Network"]["data_port"];
             *      DATA_PORT = int.Parse(dataPort);
             *  }
             *  catch (Exception) {
             *      data["Network"]["data_port"] = DATA_PORT.ToString();
             *      parser.WriteFile(".\\Config.ini", data, null);
             *  }
             *  try {
             *      string discoveryPort = data["Network"]["discovery_port"];
             *      DISCOVERY_PORT = int.Parse(discoveryPort);
             *  }
             *  catch (Exception) {
             *      data["Network"]["discovery_port"] = DISCOVERY_PORT.ToString();
             *      parser.WriteFile(".\\Config.ini", data, null);
             *  }
             * }
             * catch {
             *  // Should not happen
             *  IniData data = new IniData();
             *  data["Network"]["data_port"] = DATA_PORT.ToString();
             *  data["Network"]["discovery_port"] = DISCOVERY_PORT.ToString();
             *  parser.WriteFile(".\\Config.ini", data, null);
             * }*/

            joystick.RegisterRemovalCB(vJoyConfigChanged, null);

            if (!joystick.vJoyEnabled())
                tabControl.SelectedIndex = 1;

            for (byte i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
                if (AcquireDevice(i) < 2 && id == 0)
                    id = i;

            if (id == 0)

            // Register the callback function & pass the dialog box object
            //joystick.FfbRegisterGenCB(FfbCB, null);

            InputThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GamePad))
                IsBackground = true

            DiscoveryThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Discovery))
                IsBackground = true