    private bool userCreateAndSession()
    {  //+ email + "&name=" + name + "&social=" + social + "&socialType=" + socialtype + "&image=" + picture
        if (Request["email"] != null && Request["name"] != null && Request["social"] != null && Request["socialType"] != null && Request["image"] != null)
            String QEmail      = Request["email"];
            String Qname       = Request["name"];
            String Qsocial     = Request["social"];
            String QsocialType = Request["socialType"];
            String Qpicture    = Request["image"];

            String[]      SplitName     = new String[3];
            userMasterBO  userMasterBO  = new userMasterBO();
            userMasterBAL userMasterBAL = new userMasterBAL();

            SplitName = Qname.Split(' ');

            //give the code to insert data into the usermaster table.
            userMasterBO.email      = QEmail;
            userMasterBO.firstName  = SplitName[0];
            userMasterBO.lastName   = (SplitName.Count() > 1) ? SplitName[1] : "NULL";
            userMasterBO.middleName = (SplitName.Count() > 2) ? SplitName[2] : "NULL";
            userMasterBO.password   = "";

            userMasterBO.socialNetwork  = true;
            userMasterBO.status         = true;
            userMasterBO.roleId         = 3;                                             //3 for user , 2 for mp,1 for admin, 4  for moderator
            userMasterBO.snTypeId       = userMasterBAL.getSocialNetworkId(QsocialType); //fetch the corresponding id of socialnetwork
            userMasterBO.profilePicPath = (Qpicture.Length > 1) ? Qpicture : "NULL";
            //insert data into the database.
            string msg = userMasterBAL.insertUser(userMasterBO).ToString();
            userMasterBO.guid = Convert.ToInt64(userMasterBAL.getGuid(userMasterBO));
            guId  = userMasterBO.guid;
            name  = userMasterBO.firstName;
            Email = userMasterBO.email;

    private bool userCreateAndSession()
        //+ email + "&name=" + name + "&social=" + social + "&socialType=" + socialtype + "&image=" + picture

        if (Request["email"] != null && Request["name"] != null && Request["social"] != null && Request["socialType"] != null && Request["image"] != null)

            String QEmail = Request["email"];
            String Qname = Request["name"];
            String Qsocial = Request["social"];
            String QsocialType = Request["socialType"];
            String Qpicture = Request["image"];

            String[] SplitName = new String[3];
            userMasterBO userMasterBO = new userMasterBO();
            userMasterBAL userMasterBAL = new userMasterBAL();

            SplitName = Qname.Split(' ');

            //give the code to insert data into the usermaster table.
            userMasterBO.email = QEmail;
            userMasterBO.firstName = SplitName[0];
            userMasterBO.lastName = (SplitName.Count() > 1) ? SplitName[1] : "NULL";
            userMasterBO.middleName = (SplitName.Count() > 2) ? SplitName[2] : "NULL";
            userMasterBO.password = "";

            userMasterBO.socialNetwork = true;
            userMasterBO.status = true;
            userMasterBO.roleId = 3;  //3 for user , 2 for mp,1 for admin, 4  for moderator
            userMasterBO.snTypeId = userMasterBAL.getSocialNetworkId(QsocialType); //fetch the corresponding id of socialnetwork
            userMasterBO.profilePicPath = (Qpicture.Length > 1) ? Qpicture : "NULL";
            //insert data into the database.
            string msg = userMasterBAL.insertUser(userMasterBO).ToString();
            userMasterBO.guid = Convert.ToInt64(userMasterBAL.getGuid(userMasterBO));
            guId = userMasterBO.guid;
            name = userMasterBO.firstName;
            Email = userMasterBO.email;
            return true;


            return false;
    public static string generatePasscode(string emailidval)
        userMasterBO  x       = new userMasterBO();
        userMasterBAL y       = new userMasterBAL();
        Page          CurPage = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;

        //TextBox tx= (TextBox)CurPage.FindControl("signinemail");

        // string ss= tx.Text;

        // HiddenField hf = (HiddenField)CurPage.FindControl("HiddenField2");

        if (emailidval != "")
            //check email first
            x.email = emailidval;
            bool valid = y.checkValidEmailToResetPassword(x);
            if (valid == true)
                //here we will check passcode is null or not. if null we will create the passcode and save into database and email passcode to users.
                bool passnull = y.checkPasscode(x);
                if (true) // if (passnull == true)
                    // first create the passcode here. to generate passcode  i have to write the storedprocedure

                    Random rnd      = new Random();
                    int    passcode = rnd.Next(00000000, 99999999);
                    x.passcode = passcode;
                    //code to send email
                    MailMessage vMsg  = new MailMessage();
                    MailAddress vFrom = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "RATEmymp");
                    vMsg.From = vFrom;
                    vMsg.To.Add(x.email);                                    //This is a string which contains delimited :semicolons for multiple
                    vMsg.Subject = "Passcode to reset Password in rateMyMp"; //This is the subject;
                    vMsg.Body    = passcode.ToString();                      //This is the message that needs to be passed.

                    //Create an object SMTPclient for relaying
                    // SmtpClient vSmtp = new SmtpClient();
                    SmtpClient vSmtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com", 587);
                    vSmtp.Host        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTP"];
                    vSmtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMEMAIL"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMPWD"]);
                    //vSmtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("lovelybatch", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMPWD"]);
                    vSmtp.EnableSsl = true;

                    //now store same passcode in database under corresponding email address
                    bool success = y.insertPasscode(x);
                    if (success == true)
                        //HiddenField2.Value = "true";
                        // CurPage. ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "showdiv()", true);
                        // CurPage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "showdiv()", true);
                        // ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(CurPage,typeof(System.Web.UI.Page),"myfunction","showdiv()",true);

                //    //HiddenField2.Value = "true";
                //    // CurPage. ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "showdiv()", true);
                //    return "showdivs";
                // CurPage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "invalidEmail()", true);
            // CurPage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "enterEmail()", true);
    public static string generatePasscode(string emailidval)
        userMasterBO x = new userMasterBO();
        userMasterBAL y = new userMasterBAL();
        Page CurPage = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
        //TextBox tx= (TextBox)CurPage.FindControl("signinemail");

        // string ss= tx.Text;

        // HiddenField hf = (HiddenField)CurPage.FindControl("HiddenField2");

        if (emailidval != "")
            //check email first
            x.email = emailidval;
            bool valid = y.checkValidEmailToResetPassword(x);
            if (valid == true)

                //here we will check passcode is null or not. if null we will create the passcode and save into database and email passcode to users.
                bool passnull = y.checkPasscode(x);
               if ( true) // if (passnull == true)
                    // first create the passcode here. to generate passcode  i have to write the storedprocedure

                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    int passcode = rnd.Next(00000000, 99999999);
                    x.passcode = passcode;
                    //code to send email
                    MailMessage vMsg = new MailMessage();
                    MailAddress vFrom = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "RATEmymp");
                    vMsg.From = vFrom;
                    vMsg.To.Add(x.email); //This is a string which contains delimited :semicolons for multiple
                    vMsg.Subject = "Passcode to reset Password in rateMyMp"; //This is the subject;
                    vMsg.Body = passcode.ToString(); //This is the message that needs to be passed.

                    //Create an object SMTPclient for relaying
                    // SmtpClient vSmtp = new SmtpClient();
                    SmtpClient vSmtp = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com", 587);
                    vSmtp.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTP"];
                    vSmtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMEMAIL"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMPWD"]);
                    //vSmtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("lovelybatch", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FROMPWD"]);
                    vSmtp.EnableSsl = true;

                    //now store same passcode in database under corresponding email address
                    bool success = y.insertPasscode(x);
                    if (success == true)
                        //HiddenField2.Value = "true";
                        // CurPage. ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "showdiv()", true);
                        // CurPage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "showdiv()", true);
                        // ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(CurPage,typeof(System.Web.UI.Page),"myfunction","showdiv()",true);

                        return "showdivs";


                        return "xyz"; ;

                //    //HiddenField2.Value = "true";
                //    // CurPage. ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "showdiv()", true);
                //    return "showdivs";
                // CurPage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "invalidEmail()", true);
                return "invalidEmails";
            // CurPage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(CurPage.GetType(), "myfunction", "enterEmail()", true);
            return "enterEmails";