public void disableCogObjects(string startDate, int daysBack)
            List<string> reportPaths = getPathToDisableList(startDate, daysBack);

            /* Debugging
            List<string> reportPaths = new List<string>();
            reportPaths.Add("/content/package[@name='Supply Chain']/folder[@name='Demand']/report[@name='(0014) Product Group Summary'])& Product Group Summary&ui.format=XLS&ui.backURL=/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?");

            List<string> exceptionPaths = getExceptionPathList();

            Console.WriteLine("Please check the file: objectsToDisable.txt in the program executable folder " +
                              "to make sure everything looks good. Do you want to proceed? Enter 'yes' or 'no' (case insensitive).");

            string userChoice = Console.ReadLine();

            if(userChoice.ToLower() == "yes")
                StreamWriter errorWriter = new StreamWriter("objectsNotFoundC8.txt");
                StreamWriter successWriter = new StreamWriter("objectsFoundC8.txt");
                // Declare query properties array for report
                propEnum[] props = new propEnum[] { propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.disabled,

                // Declare sort properties for reports and users
                sort[] sorts = new sort[] { };

                // Object representing path to single report
                searchPathMultipleObject reportSearchPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();

                // Query options
                queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

                List<baseClass> objectsToDisable = new List<baseClass>();

                // Loop through all the paths and generate a list of objects
                // to disable
                for (int i = 0; i < reportPaths.Count; i++)
                    string path = reportPaths[i];

                    // If the path is not in the exception list, then add it to
                    // the list of paths to be disabled
                    if (!checkAgainstExceptions(path, exceptionPaths))
                        reportSearchPath.Value = path;
                        // Run query to get all reports. Users will be queried as part of this
                        // process, one for each report.

                            baseClass[] bc = cCMS.query(reportSearchPath, props, sorts, qo);
                            if (bc.Length > 0)
                                booleanProp bp = new booleanProp();
                                bp.value = true;
                                bc[0].disabled = bp;
                                // Add the object to our List of things to disable
                        // The exception will simply say "The client did something wrong"
                        // if the path line from the file is nothing resembling a path in the current
                        // cognos environment
                        catch (Exception e)

                updateOptions updateOptions = new updateOptions();

                cCMS.update(objectsToDisable.ToArray(), updateOptions);
                Console.WriteLine("User entered something other than 'yes'. Aborting...");
         * Method to take in a list of paths to cognos objects and disable them.
         * pwnsauce...
        public void disableCogObjects()
            System.IO.TextReader reader = new StreamReader("objectsToDisable.txt");

            StreamWriter errorWriter = new StreamWriter("objectsNotFoundC8.txt");
            StreamWriter successWriter = new StreamWriter("objectsFoundC8.txt");
            // Declare query properties array for report
            propEnum[] props = new propEnum[] { propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.disabled,

            // Declare sort properties for reports and users
            sort[] sorts = new sort[] {  };

            // Object representing path to single report
            searchPathMultipleObject reportSearchPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();

            // Query options
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            // Read in first path
            string path = reader.ReadLine();
            List<baseClass> objectsToDisable = new List<baseClass>();

            // Loop through all the paths and generate a list of objects
            // to disable
            while (path != null)
                reportSearchPath.Value = path;
                // Run query to get all reports. Users will be queried as part of this
                // process, one for each report.

                    baseClass[] bc = cCMS.query(reportSearchPath, props, sorts, qo);
                    if (bc.Length > 0)
                        booleanProp bp = new booleanProp();
                        bp.value = true;
                        bc[0].disabled = bp;
                        // Add the object to our List of things to disable
                // The exception will simply say "The client did something wrong"
                // if the path line from the file is nothing resembling a path in the current
                // cognos environment
                catch (Exception e)
                path = reader.ReadLine();

            updateOptions updateOptions = new updateOptions();

            cCMS.update(objectsToDisable.ToArray(), updateOptions);