public ActionResult SaveAppt() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strID = Request.Form["hdnSvcid"]; string strComment = Request.Form["txtComments"]; try { svc_appointment sa; sa = db.svc_appointments.Single(s => s.svc_id == Convert.ToInt32(strID)); sa.comments = strComment; db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult AddUser() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strUser = Request.Form["txtUserID"]; string strPwd = Request.Form["txtPassword"]; try { Membership.CreateUser(strUser, strPwd, "*****@*****.**"); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult ResetPassword() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strUser = Request.Form["hdnID"]; string strPwd = Request.Form["txtPassword"]; try { string strRandomPwd = Membership.Provider.ResetPassword(strUser, null); Membership.Provider.ChangePassword(strUser, strRandomPwd, strPwd); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveDateEdit() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strDt = Request.Form["hdnSvcDate"]; string strTotCrews = Request.Form["ddlEditCrews"]; string strSvcsSched = Request.Form["hdnSvcsSched"]; bool blnAvail = Request.Form["chkAvail"] == "on" ? true : false; try { svc_schedule_day ssd; ssd = db.svc_schedule_days.Single(s => s.svc_sched_dt == Convert.ToDateTime(strDt)); ssd.available = blnAvail; ssd.tot_crews = Convert.ToInt32(strTotCrews); db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveAdmin() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string adminType = Request.Form["hdnAdminType"]; string strID; string strDescr = Request.Form["txtDescription"]; string strCompany = Request.Form["ddlAdminCompany"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnAdminOper"]; try { if (adminType == "AdminCertifications") { qualification qual; if (strOperation == "Add") { strID = Request.Form["txtID"]; qual = new qualification(); qual.qualID = strID; qual.qualDesc = strDescr; qual.qualCompany = strCompany; db.qualifications.InsertOnSubmit(qual); } else { strID = Request.Form["hdnAdminID"]; qual = db.qualifications.Single(q => q.qualID == strID); qual.qualDesc = strDescr; } } db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveWRAdmin() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strWRComment = Request.Form["txtWarnComments"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnWROper"]; string strType = Request.Form["hdnWRType"]; string strDate = Request.Form["dtWarning"]; string strEmpID = Request.Form["hdnWREmpID"]; try { empWarnRecognition eWR; if (strOperation == "Add") { eWR = new empWarnRecognition(); eWR.empQualWarnRecogDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strDate); eWR.comment = strWRComment; eWR.employeeID = Convert.ToInt32(strEmpID); eWR.empWarnRecogFlg = Convert.ToChar(strType); db.empWarnRecognitions.InsertOnSubmit(eWR); } else { string strId = Request.Form["hdnEmailAdminID"]; eWR = db.empWarnRecognitions.Single(w => w.employeeID == Convert.ToInt32(strEmpID) && w.empQualWarnRecogDate == Convert.ToDateTime(strDate) && w.empWarnRecogFlg == Convert.ToChar(strType)); eWR.comment = strWRComment; } db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult AddSvcDates() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strDtFrom = Request.Form["dtDaysFrom"]; string strDtTo = Request.Form["dtDaysTo"]; string strTotCrews = Request.Form["ddlCrews"]; int intDaysToAdd = Convert.ToDateTime(strDtTo).Subtract(Convert.ToDateTime(strDtFrom)).Days; try { svc_schedule_day ssd; svc_schedule_day ssd2; int count; for (count = 0; count < intDaysToAdd; count = count + 1) { ssd2 = db.svc_schedule_days.SingleOrDefault(s => s.svc_sched_dt == Convert.ToDateTime(strDtFrom).AddDays(count)); if (ssd2 != null) { continue; } ssd = new svc_schedule_day(); ssd.svc_sched_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(strDtFrom).AddDays(count); ssd.tot_crews = Convert.ToInt32(strTotCrews); ssd.available = String.Format("{0:ddd}", ssd.svc_sched_dt) == "Sat" || String.Format("{0:ddd}", ssd.svc_sched_dt) == "Sun" ? false : true; ssd.cur_svcs_sched = 0; db.svc_schedule_days.InsertOnSubmit(ssd); } db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveEmailAdmin() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string adminType = Request.Form["hdnEmailAdminType"]; string strEmail = Request.Form["txtAdminEmail"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnEmailAdminOper"]; try { if (adminType == "AdminEmailNotifications") { qual_notification qual; if (strOperation == "Add") { qual = new qual_notification(); = strEmail; db.qual_notifications.InsertOnSubmit(qual); } else { string strId = Request.Form["hdnEmailAdminID"]; qual = db.qual_notifications.Single(q => == Convert.ToInt32(strId)); = strEmail; } } db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveContact() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strName = Request.Form["txtName"]; string strPhone = Request.Form["txtPhone"]; string strEmail = Request.Form["txtEmail"]; string strEmailNotify1 = Request.Form["txtEmailNotif1"]; string strEmailNotify2 = Request.Form["txtEmailNotif2"]; string strEmailNotify3 = Request.Form["txtEmailNotif3"]; try { svc_contact sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1); sc.contact_name = strName; sc.contact_number = strPhone; sc.contact_email = strEmail; sc.notify1_email = strEmailNotify1; sc.notify2_email = strEmailNotify2; sc.notify3_email = strEmailNotify3; db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult EditQualDlgX(int[] ids, FormCollection formValues) { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strEmployeeID = Request.Form["hdnEditQualEmpID"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnEditEmpQualOper"]; string strQualID = Request.Form["hdnEditQualID"]; string strTestDate = Request.Form["dtTestDt"]; string strExpireDate = Request.Form["dtExpireDt"]; string strEvaluator = Request.Form["txtEvaluator"]; foreach (int id in ids) { } try { empQual empQ; if (strOperation == "Edit") { int intEmployeeID = Convert.ToInt32(strEmployeeID); empQ = db.empQuals.Single(e => e.employeeId == intEmployeeID && e.qualId == strQualID); } else // add { empQ = new empQual(); string strCompany = Request.Form["ddlCompany"]; empQ.qualCompany = strCompany; string strQualCd = Request.Form["ddlQualCodes"]; empQ.qualId = strQualCd; empQ.employeeId = Convert.ToInt32(strEmployeeID); } if (strOperation == "Edit" || strOperation == "Add") { if (IsDate(strTestDate)) { empQ.qualDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strTestDate); } if (IsDate(strExpireDate)) { empQ.qualExpire = Convert.ToDateTime(strExpireDate); } empQ.evaluator = strEvaluator; if (strOperation == "Add") { db.empQuals.InsertOnSubmit(empQ); } } db.SubmitChanges(); return(Content("Success")); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; if (msg.IndexOf("PRIMARY") > 0) { strRet = "Cannot add record. This qualification for this employee already exists!"; } else { strRet = msg; } return(Content(strRet)); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public ActionResult EditEmp(Nullable <int> id, FormCollection formValues) { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strEmployeeID = Request.Form["hdnEditID"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnEditOper"]; string strEmpID = Request.Form["txtEmpID"]; string strSSN = Request.Form["txtSSN"]; string strStatus = Request.Form["ddlStatus"]; string strLName = Request.Form["txtLName"]; string strMName = Request.Form["txtMName"]; string strFName = Request.Form["txtFName"]; string strSuffix = Request.Form["txtSuffix"]; string strAddress1 = Request.Form["txtAddress1"]; string strAddress2 = Request.Form["txtAddress2"]; string strCity = Request.Form["txtCity"]; string strState = Request.Form["ddlState"]; string strZip = Request.Form["txtZip"]; string strEmail = ""; string strComments = Request.Form["txtEmpComment"]; string strOQid = Request.Form["txtOqid"]; string strHomePhone = Request.Form["txtHomePhone"]; string strCellPhone = Request.Form["txtCellPhone"]; string strPayRate = ""; string strMVRcheckDt = Request.Form["dtMVRcheckDt"]; string strCBGcheckDt = Request.Form["dtCBGcheckDt"]; string strDandAcheckDt = Request.Form["dtDandAcheckDt"]; string strJobClass = Request.Form["ddlJobClass"]; string strOpArea = Request.Form["ddlOpAreas"]; string strResult = Request.Form["ddlResult"]; string strBirthDt = Request.Form["dtBirthDate"]; string strMedCrdExpDt = Request.Form["dtMedCrdExpDt"]; string strDLNum = Request.Form["txtDLNum"]; string strDLState = Request.Form["ddlDLState"]; string strDLClass = Request.Form["ddlDLClass"]; string strDLExpDt = Request.Form["dtDLExpDt"]; try { employee employee; if (strOperation == "Edit") { int intEmployeeID = Convert.ToInt32(strEmployeeID); employee = db.employees.Single(e => e.employeeID == intEmployeeID); } else // add { employee = new employee(); } if (strOperation == "Edit" || strOperation == "Add") { employee.address1 = strAddress1; employee.address2 = strAddress2; = strCity; = strEmail; employee.empId = strEmpID; employee.comment = strComments; employee.empStatus = Convert.ToChar(strStatus); employee.fname = strFName; employee.mname = strMName; employee.lname = strLName; employee.oqId = strOQid; employee.ssn = strSSN; employee.state = strState; employee.suffix = strSuffix; = strZip; employee.homephone = strHomePhone; employee.cellphone = strCellPhone; employee.DLnum = strDLNum; employee.DLstate = strDLState; //Decimal decPayRate; //if (Decimal.TryParse(strPayRate.Replace("$", ""), out decPayRate)) //{ // employee.payRate = decPayRate; //} if (IsDate(strMVRcheckDt)) { employee.MVRcheckDt = Convert.ToDateTime(strMVRcheckDt); } if (IsDate(strCBGcheckDt)) { employee.CBGcheckDt = Convert.ToDateTime(strCBGcheckDt); } if (IsDate(strDandAcheckDt)) { employee.DandAcheckDt = Convert.ToDateTime(strDandAcheckDt); } if (IsDate(strDLExpDt)) { employee.DLexpDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strDLExpDt); } if (IsDate(strBirthDt)) { employee.birthDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strBirthDt); } if (IsDate(strMedCrdExpDt)) { employee.medicalCardExpDt = Convert.ToDateTime(strMedCrdExpDt); } employee.jobClass = strJobClass; employee.oparea = strOpArea; if (strResult != "") { employee.DandAresult = Convert.ToChar(strResult); } if (strDLClass != "") { employee.DLclass = Convert.ToChar(strDLClass); } if (strOperation == "Add") { db.employees.InsertOnSubmit(employee); } } db.SubmitChanges(); return(Content("Success")); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveUserRoles() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strUser = Request.Form["hdnUID"]; bool bSecAdmin = Request.Form["chkSecAdmin"] == "on" ? true : false; bool bShopMgr = Request.Form["chkShpMgr"] == "on" ? true : false; bool bSvcForeman = Request.Form["chkSvcFrmn"] == "on" ? true : false; bool bEmpQual = Request.Form["chkEmpQual"] == "on" ? true : false; try { if (Roles.IsUserInRole(strUser, "sec_admin")) { Roles.RemoveUserFromRole(strUser, "sec_admin"); } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(strUser, "svc_foreman")) { Roles.RemoveUserFromRole(strUser, "svc_foreman"); } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(strUser, "shop_mgr")) { Roles.RemoveUserFromRole(strUser, "shop_mgr"); } if (Roles.IsUserInRole(strUser, "emp_qual")) { Roles.RemoveUserFromRole(strUser, "emp_qual"); } if (bSecAdmin == true) { Roles.AddUserToRole(strUser, "sec_admin"); } if (bShopMgr == true) { Roles.AddUserToRole(strUser, "shop_mgr"); } if (bSvcForeman == true) { Roles.AddUserToRole(strUser, "svc_foreman"); } if (bEmpQual == true) { Roles.AddUserToRole(strUser, "emp_qual"); } strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult SaveAdmin() { string strRet; string strAddType; strAddType = "NoAddType"; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string adminType = Request.Form["hdnAdminType"]; string strID = Request.Form["hdnAdminID"]; string strDescr = Request.Form["txtDescription"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnAdminOper"]; try { if (adminType == "AdminElectronicsTypes") { electronics_type_avt eta; if (strOperation == "Add") { eta = new electronics_type_avt(); eta.type_id = Convert.ToInt16(strID); eta.type_desc = strDescr; db.electronics_type_avts.InsertOnSubmit(eta); strAddType = "YesAddType"; } else { eta = db.electronics_type_avts.Single(e => e.type_id == Convert.ToInt16(strID)); eta.type_desc = strDescr; } } else if (adminType == "AdminElectronicsMakes") { electronics_make_avt mka; if (strOperation == "Add") { mka = new electronics_make_avt(); mka.make_id = Convert.ToInt16(strID); mka.make_desc = strDescr; db.electronics_make_avts.InsertOnSubmit(mka); } else { mka = db.electronics_make_avts.Single(e => e.make_id == Convert.ToInt16(strID)); mka.make_desc = strDescr; } } else if (adminType == "AdminElectronicsModels") { electronics_model_avt mda; if (strOperation == "Add") { mda = new electronics_model_avt(); mda.model_id = Convert.ToInt16(strID); mda.model_desc = strDescr; db.electronics_model_avts.InsertOnSubmit(mda); } else { mda = db.electronics_model_avts.Single(e => e.model_id == Convert.ToInt16(strID)); mda.model_desc = strDescr; } } db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet + "," + strAddType)); }
public ActionResult EditElectronicsAsgn() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strElectronicsID = Request.Form["hdnAsgnEditID"]; string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnAsgnEditOper"]; string strAsgnDt = Request.Form["dtElectronicsAsgnDt"]; string strRetDt = Request.Form["dtElectronicsRetDt"]; string strAsgnCond = Request.Form["ddlAsgnCond"]; string strRetCond = Request.Form["ddlRetCond"]; string strAsgndTo = Request.Form["ddlAssignedTo"]; string strComments = Request.Form["txtElectronicsAsgnComments"]; string strAsgnID = Request.Form["hdnAsgnID"]; try { electronics_assgn electonics_assign; electronic elctrnc = db.electronics.Single(a => a.electronics_id == strElectronicsID); if (strOperation == "Edit") { int intAsgnID = Convert.ToInt32(strAsgnID); electonics_assign = db.electronics_assgns.Single(a => a.assign_id == intAsgnID); } else // add { electonics_assign = new electronics_assgn(); electonics_assign.electronics_id = strElectronicsID; } if (strOperation == "Edit" || strOperation == "Add") { electonics_assign.assigned_to = strAsgndTo; if (IsDate(strAsgnDt)) { electonics_assign.assigned_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(strAsgnDt); elctrnc.assigned = true; } if (IsDate(strRetDt)) { electonics_assign.return_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(strRetDt); elctrnc.assigned = false; } Int16 intAsignCond; if (Int16.TryParse(strAsgnCond, out intAsignCond)) { electonics_assign.asgn_condition_id = intAsignCond; } Int16 intRetCond; if (Int16.TryParse(strRetCond, out intRetCond)) { electonics_assign.ret_condition_id = intRetCond; } electonics_assign.comment_txt = strComments; if (strOperation == "Add") { db.electronics_assgns.InsertOnSubmit(electonics_assign); } } db.SubmitChanges(); return(Content("Success")); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; } finally { db.Dispose(); } return(Content(strRet)); }
public ActionResult EditElectronics() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strOperation = Request.Form["hdnEditOper"]; string strElectronicsID; if (strOperation == "Edit") { strElectronicsID = Request.Form["hdnEditID"]; } else { strElectronicsID = Request.Form["txtElectronicsID"]; } string strYear = Request.Form["txtElectronicsYear"]; string strType = Request.Form["ddlElectronicsType"]; string strMake = Request.Form["ddlElectronicsMake"]; string strModel = Request.Form["ddlElectronicsModel"]; string strLoc = Request.Form["ddlElectronicsLoc"]; string strMngBy = Request.Form["ddlElectronicsMngBy"]; string strRegBy = Request.Form["ddlElectronicsRegBy"]; string strMngByDt = Request.Form["dtElectronicsMngByDt"]; string strSerialNum = Request.Form["txtElectronicsSerialNum"]; string strAirCardNum = Request.Form["txtElectronicsAirCardNum"]; string strCost = Request.Form["txtElectronicsCost"]; string strStolen = Request.Form["hdnElectronicsStolen"]; string strInRepair = Request.Form["hdnElectronicsInRepair"]; string strTotaled = Request.Form["hdnElectronicsTotaled"]; string strUnknown = Request.Form["hdnElectronicsUnknown"]; string strComment = Request.Form["txtElectronicsComment"]; string strLogEntry = ""; bool blnObsolete = false; try { electronic eltrnc; electronic eltrncCheck; electronics_edit_log logentry = new electronics_edit_log(); logentry.user_id = User.Identity.Name; logentry.edit_dt = DateTime.Today; logentry.electronics_id = strElectronicsID; if (strOperation == "Edit") { eltrnc = db.electronics.Single(e => e.electronics_id == strElectronicsID); } else // add { if (strElectronicsID.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid ID specified."); } if (strRegBy.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception("No Division specified in Registered By field."); } eltrnc = new electronic(); eltrnc.electronics_id = strElectronicsID; eltrnc.assigned = false; eltrncCheck = db.electronics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.electronics_id == eltrnc.electronics_id); if (eltrncCheck != null) { throw new Exception("This ID already exists."); } } if (strOperation == "Edit" || strOperation == "Add") { if (strComment != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Comment", eltrnc.comment == null ? "" : eltrnc.comment.ToString(), strComment, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.comment = strComment; } Single sngCost; if (strCost != null) { if (Single.TryParse(strCost.Replace("$", ""), out sngCost)) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Cost", eltrnc.cost == null ? "0" : eltrnc.cost.ToString(), strCost.Replace("$", ""), strLogEntry); } eltrnc.cost = sngCost; } } if (strYear != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Purchase Year", eltrnc.year_pur == null ? "0" : eltrnc.year_pur.ToString(), strYear, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.year_pur = strYear; } if (strUnknown != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Unknown", eltrnc.unknown == true ? "on" : "off", strUnknown, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.unknown = strUnknown == "on" ? true : false; } if (strInRepair != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("In Repair", eltrnc.in_repair == true ? "on" : "off", strInRepair, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.in_repair = strInRepair == "on" ? true : false; } Int16 intMake; if (Int16.TryParse(strMake, out intMake)) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Make ID", eltrnc.make_id == null ? "0" : eltrnc.make_id.ToString(), strMake, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.make_id = intMake; } if (strMngBy != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Managed By", eltrnc.managed_by == null ? "" : eltrnc.managed_by.ToString(), strMngBy, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.managed_by = strMngBy; } if (IsDate(strMngByDt)) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Managed By Date", eltrnc.managed_by_dt != null ? String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", eltrnc.managed_by_dt) : "X", strMngByDt, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.managed_by_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(strMngByDt); } Int16 intModel; if (Int16.TryParse(strModel, out intModel)) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Model ID", eltrnc.model_id == null ? "0" : eltrnc.model_id.ToString(), strModel, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.model_id = intModel; } if (strRegBy != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Registered By", eltrnc.registered_by == null ? "" : eltrnc.registered_by.ToString(), strRegBy, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.registered_by = strRegBy; } if (eltrnc.registered_by == null || eltrnc.registered_by.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception("Registered By must be specified."); } if (strStolen != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Stolen", eltrnc.stolen == true ? "on" : "off", strStolen, strLogEntry); if (eltrnc.stolen == false && strStolen == "on") { blnObsolete = true; } } eltrnc.stolen = strStolen == "on" ? true : false; } if (strTotaled != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Totaled", eltrnc.totaled == true ? "on" : "off", strTotaled, strLogEntry); if (eltrnc.totaled == false && strTotaled == "on") { blnObsolete = true; } } eltrnc.totaled = strTotaled == "on" ? true : false; } Int16 intType; if (Int16.TryParse(strType, out intType)) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Type ID", eltrnc.type_id == null ? "" : eltrnc.type_id.ToString(), strType, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.type_id = intType; } if (strSerialNum != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Serial Num", eltrnc.serial_num == null ? "" : eltrnc.serial_num.ToString(), strSerialNum, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.serial_num = strSerialNum; } if (strAirCardNum != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { string strNumStripped = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strAirCardNum, "\\D", ""); strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Air Card Num", eltrnc.air_card_num == null ? "" : eltrnc.air_card_num.ToString(), strAirCardNum, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.air_card_num = strAirCardNum; } if (eltrnc.serial_num != null && eltrnc.serial_num.Length > 0) { eltrncCheck = db.electronics.SingleOrDefault(e => e.serial_num == eltrnc.serial_num); if (eltrncCheck != null) { if (eltrnc.electronics_id != eltrncCheck.electronics_id) { throw new Exception("Serial Number already exists for: " + eltrncCheck.electronics_id); } } } if (strLoc != null) { if (strOperation == "Edit") { strLogEntry = CheckEditField("Location", eltrnc.location == null ? "" : eltrnc.location.ToString(), strLoc, strLogEntry); } eltrnc.location = strLoc; } if (strOperation == "Add") { strLogEntry = "Record Added."; db.electronics.InsertOnSubmit(eltrnc); } } if (strLogEntry != "") { if (strOperation == "Edit") { logentry.edit_change = "Modified: " + strLogEntry; } else { logentry.edit_change = strLogEntry; } db.electronics_edit_logs.InsertOnSubmit(logentry); } db.SubmitChanges(); if (blnObsolete == true && Convert.ToString(Session["division"]) == "ULS-PA") { db.UpdateObsoleteId(strElectronicsID); } return(Content("Success" + "," + Session["division"])); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; strRet = msg; return(Content(strRet + "," + "")); } finally { db.Dispose(); } }
public ActionResult SaveDate() { string strRet; uls_dbDataContext db = new uls_dbDataContext(); string strDateForm = Request.Form["AvailableDates"]; string strDate = strDateForm.Substring(4).Trim(); string strDateFormatted = strDateForm.Substring(0, 3) + ", " + strDate; string resched = Convert.ToString(Session["ReSchedule"]); try { svc_schedule_day ssa = db.svc_schedule_days.SingleOrDefault(s => s.svc_sched_dt == Convert.ToDateTime(strDate)); if (ssa.cur_svcs_sched >= ssa.tot_crews) { Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!"; throw new Exception(strDateFormatted + " is no longer available. Please select another date."); } svc_appointment sa2 = db.svc_appointments.SingleOrDefault(a => a.home_phone == Convert.ToString(Session["txtHomePhone"]) && a.svc_date > DateTime.Now); if (sa2 != null && resched == "No") { svc_contact sc = db.svc_contacts.Single(s => s.contact_id == 1); string strName = sc.contact_name; string strPhone = sc.contact_number; string strEmail = sc.contact_email; Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!"; throw new Exception("You were already scheduled for service. Your service day is currently set for " + String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", sa2.svc_date) + ". + If you need to reschedule please call or email " + strName + " (" + strEmail + ")" + " at " + strPhone + " or return to the Save Contact Page and click the Reschedule link."); } if (resched == "Yes") { svc_schedule_day ssa2 = db.svc_schedule_days.SingleOrDefault(s => s.svc_sched_dt == sa2.svc_date); ssa2.cur_svcs_sched = ssa2.cur_svcs_sched - 1; } if (resched == "Yes") { Session["SaveResultName"] = "Sorry " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!"; throw new Exception("To reschedule an appointment you must supply ahome telephone number when entering contact info."); } svc_appointment sa = new svc_appointment(); IEnumerable <int> crewNums = db.GetCrewNums(Convert.ToDateTime(strDate)); bool bHit = false; int ourCrew = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= ssa.tot_crews; i++) { foreach (int crew in crewNums) { if (i == crew) { bHit = true; } } if (bHit == false) { ourCrew = i; break; } bHit = false; } = Convert.ToString(Session["txtCity"]); sa.crew = ourCrew; = Convert.ToString(Session["txtEmail"]); sa.first_name = Convert.ToString(Session["FName"]); sa.last_name = Convert.ToString(Session["LName"]); sa.home_phone = Convert.ToString(Session["txtHomePhone"]); sa.other_phone = Convert.ToString(Session["txtOtherPhone"]); sa.state = Convert.ToString(Session["ddlState"]); sa.street_address = Convert.ToString(Session["txtAddress"]); sa.svc_date = Convert.ToDateTime(strDate); = Convert.ToString(Session["txtZip"]); sa.comments = Convert.ToString(Session["txtNotes"]); int intForemanID = db.GetForemanID(ourCrew); sa.foreman_id = intForemanID; db.svc_appointments.InsertOnSubmit(sa); ssa.cur_svcs_sched = crewNums.Count() + 1; if (resched == "Yes") { db.svc_appointments.DeleteOnSubmit(sa2); sa.reschedule = true; } else { sa.reschedule = false; } db.SubmitChanges(); strRet = "Thanks " + Session["FName"] + " " + Session["LName"] + "!"; Session["SaveResultName"] = strRet; Session["SaveResultMsg"] = "Your service renewal on " + strDateFormatted + " has been successfully scheduled. You will receive an email reminder the day before your service date."; Session["ShowReturnLink"] = "No"; SendEmailNofication(strDate); return(RedirectToAction("SvcDateResult")); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; Session["SaveResultMsg"] = msg; if (msg.Contains("available")) { return(RedirectToAction("SelectSvcDate")); } else { Session["ShowReturnLink"] = "Yes"; return(RedirectToAction("SvcDateResult")); } } finally { db.Dispose(); } }