    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
            player.transform.position = mazeMaster.grid.GetCellCenterWorld(new twin(0, 8));

        twin camcell = new twin(Mathf.FloorToInt(player.transform.position.x / 160f), Mathf.FloorToInt(player.transform.position.y / 144f));

        gameCamera.transform.position = camcell.Scale(160, 144) + new Vector3(80, 72, -10);

        if (currentCamCell != camcell)

            Random.InitState(1024132 + camcell.x + 992 * camcell.y);

            float density = .2f + camcell.taxicabLength * .05f;

            var root  = camcell.Scale(20, 18);
            var outer = new twinrect(root, root + new twin(20 - 1, 18 - 1));
            var inner = new twinrect(outer.min + twin.one, outer.max - twin.one);
            outer.DoEach(cell =>
                if (cell.y == outer.mid.y || cell.y == outer.mid.y + 1 || cell.x == outer.mid.x || cell.x == outer.mid.x + 1)
                    // if in center aisles and close to the edge
                    if (!inner.Contains(cell))
                        Sett(cell, 2); // 'no ai past this point'
                    else if (cell.x < inner.min.x + 3 || cell.x > inner.max.x - 3 || cell.y < inner.min.y + 2 || cell.y > inner.max.y - 2)
                        Sett(cell, 0);
                    // if in center aisles and close to the middle of the room
                        SpawnRandom(cell, density);
                else if (inner.Contains(cell)) // if in meat of room and *not* in center aisles
                    if (Random.value < density)
                        Sett(cell, 1);
                else // if along outer edge
                    Sett(cell, 1);

            if (camcell.y > currentCamCell.y)
                var jumper = player.GetComponent <navdi3.jump.Jumper>();
                jumper.body.velocity = new Vector2(jumper.body.velocity.x, jumper.y_JumpSpeed);

            currentCamCell = camcell;

            var xlabel = "--";
            if (camcell.x != 0)
                xlabel = Mathf.Abs(camcell.x) + (camcell.x < 0 ? "w" : "e");
            var ylabel = "--";
            if (camcell.y != 0)
                ylabel = Mathf.Abs(camcell.y) + (camcell.y < 0 ? "s" : "n");

            position_label.Print(xlabel + "/" + ylabel);