void _Show(timer t) { if (_avi != _tv._avi || _i != _tv._hotIndex) { return; } if (_tt == null) { _tt = new ToolTip() { PlacementTarget = _tv, //need for correct DPI in non-primary screen Placement = PlacementMode.Right, HorizontalOffset = 4, HasDropShadow = false //why no shadow on Win10? }; if (osVersion.minWin8) { _tt.Padding = new Thickness(2, -1, 2, 1); //on Win7 makes too small } } var r = _tv.GetRectLogical(_i, clampX: true); r.X -= 4; r.Width += 4; _tt.PlacementRectangle = r; _tt.Content = _avi[_i].item.DisplayText; _tt.IsOpen = true; }
void Awake () { timer = timerObj.GetComponent<timer>(); clearText = GameObject.Find("ClearText").GetComponent<GUIText>(); isPlaying = true; isClear = false; isGameOver = false; }
public timer AddTimer(float duration, EventManager.voidHandle func, int loopTime = 1) { timer m_timer = new timer(duration, loopTime, func); timerList.Add(m_timer); return(m_timer); }
private void Start() { tim = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<timer>(); m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); startpos = transform.position; startrot = transform.rotation; }
static void Main(string[] args) { timer t = new timer(); t.hour = 54; Console.WriteLine(t.day()); }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
public void displayMenu(string s) { timer playerTimer = carObj.GetComponent <timer>(); CarController carController = carObj.GetComponent <CarController>(); CarUserControl carUser = carObj.GetComponent <CarUserControl>(); // Slow down Car carController.m_FullTorqueOverAllWheels = 0; carController.m_Topspeed = 20; // Disable Controls and Time carUser.isEnabled = false; carObj.GetComponent <timer>().enabled = false; // Convert time float playerBestTime = playerTimer.time; int minutes = Mathf.FloorToInt(playerBestTime / 60F); int seconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(playerBestTime - minutes * 60); // Set text to UI stateText.SetText(s); yourTime.text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds); targetText.text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", playerTimer.minutes2, playerTimer.seconds2); panel.SetActive(true); }
void Awake() { time = GameObject.Find("Timer").GetComponent <timer>(); end = false; win = false; lose = false; }
void reduceTimer(float reduceTime) { timer playerTimer = this.GetComponent <timer>(); playerTimer.time -= reduceTime; check = true; }
private void Start() { tim = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <timer>(); m_Rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); startpos = transform.position; startrot = transform.rotation; }
public void NextRound() { Debug.Log("Reinicio juego " + round); round++; DestroyObjects(); if (round < 6) { //Now re-create them initMap(); timer c = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(timer)) as timer; c.ResetTimer(); } else { if (pl1_score == pl2_score) { initMap(); } else { //Game Ends GoToWinScreen(); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D() { GameObject ob = GameObject.Find("Text"); timer playerScript = ob.GetComponent <timer>(); timerText.text = playerScript.min + ":" + playerScript.sec; completeLevelUI.SetActive(true); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Button btn = someButton.GetComponent <Button> (); btn.onClick.AddListener(clicked); enemy = FindObjectOfType <randomEnemy> (); timeReset = FindObjectOfType <timer> (); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mytimer = new timer(); mytimer.elipse += Elipse; mytimer.Interval = 1000; mytimer.Enable = true; mytimer.start(this); }
public void RestartGame() { Debug.Log("RESTART"); //EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; timer gameTimer = GameObject.FindWithTag("timer").GetComponent <timer>(); Debug.Log("RESTART"); gameTimer.restart(0.2f); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { horse = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Horse>(); Timer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <timer>(); waitValue = shootWait; HunterSpawn = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HunterSpawn"); gameObject.transform.position = HunterSpawn.transform.position; bulletText.text = numberOfShots.ToString(); }
public Message(player player, int recipient, string message) { _timer = CreateTimer(); _player = player; _recipient = recipient; _message = message; _timerRunning = false; _disposing = false; }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { timingz = FindObjectOfType <timer>(); //timingz.timeIncrease (); Destroy(gameObject); } }
public static void GuardarDatos(timer datos) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/gameStats.data"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); statsData datosSerializables = new statsData(datos); formatter.Serialize(stream, datosSerializables); stream.Close(); }
void OnMouseDown() { timer timer = scoreCounter.GetComponent <timer> (); score_counter scorecnt = scoreCounter.GetComponent <score_counter>(); scorecnt.playWrongPlasmidAudioClip(); timer.DecreaseTime(); }
private void Awake() { // get the car controller reference m_CarController = GetComponent <Motor>(); // give the random perlin a random value m_RandomPerlin = Random.value * 100; m_Rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); tim = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <timer>(); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider colReg) // Will be replaced with ice spell usage, but for now this is to test { if (colReg.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Debug.Log("Looks like water to me"); waterBlockColliderCheck.enabled = false; iceTimer = new timer(countDown, Time.time); // Creates new timer //turn the water into ice } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (iceTimer.waitTime != 0) { if (iceTimer.checkTimer(Time.time)) { iceTimer = new timer(0, 0f); waterBlockColliderCheck.enabled = true; } } }
public void RemoveTimer(timer m_timer) { if (m_timer == null) { return; } if (timerList.Contains(m_timer)) { timerList.Remove(m_timer); } }
private void Awake() { // get the car controller reference m_CarController = GetComponent<Motor>(); // give the random perlin a random value m_RandomPerlin = Random.value * 100; m_Rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); tim = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<timer>(); }
public void saveTime(int id) { timer t = FindObjectOfType <timer>(); TimeSpan time = t.timeElapsed; string toSave = time.ToString().Substring(3, 9); GameManager gm = (GameManager)FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameManager)); if (gm.save.times[id] > (float)time.TotalMilliseconds) { gm.updateScores(id, (float)time.TotalMilliseconds, toSave); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = new DefultPlayer(); m_wait_for_next_move = new timer(SPEED); position = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <positions>(); position_index = 0; Vector3 player_pos = transform.position; player_pos.x = position.position_values[position_index]; transform.position = player_pos; }
void Awake() //Makes this a singleton class on awake { if (instance == null) //Does an instance already exist? { instance = this; //If not set instance to this } else if (instance != this) //If it already exists and is not this then destroy this { Destroy(gameObject); } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); //Set this to not be destroyed when reloading scene }
// Private methods private void Init() { blocks = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Blocks").GetComponent <blocks>(); target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Target").GetComponent <target>(); sum = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Sum").GetComponent <sum>(); combo = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Combo").GetComponent <combo>(); timer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Timer").GetComponent <timer>(); lifes_score = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("LifesScore").GetComponent <lifes_score>(); game_over = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameOver").GetComponent <game_over>(); stage = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Stage").GetComponent <stage>(); refresh = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Refresh").GetComponent <refresh>(); }
void _ShowTextPopup(timer t) { var ci = t.Tag as CiComplItem; var text = _compl.GetDescriptionDoc(ci, 0); if (text == null) { return; } _textPopup.Text = text; _textPopup.OnLinkClick = (ph, e) => ph.Text = _compl.GetDescriptionDoc(ci, e.ToInt(1)); _textPopup.Show(Panels.Editor.ZActiveDoc, _popup.Hwnd.Rect, Dock.Right); }
void Start () { SpaceKey = false; GameObject ESObject = GameObject.Find("EnemySpawnObject");//EnemySpawnObjectのオブジェクト取得 ES = ESObject.GetComponent<enemySpawn>(); //EnemySpawnObjectオブジェクトの中のenemySpawnスクリプトを取得 tm= GameObject.Find("TimerObject").GetComponent<timer>(); tm.setTime(0.0f); point = playtime / 3; state = 0; clear = false; ES.Espeed = 0.0f; GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<AudioSource>().Play(); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider hit) { if (hit.tag.Equals("Checkpoint") && !check) { reduceTimer(5); } else if (hit.tag.Equals("resetEnter")) { check = false; } else if (hit.tag.Equals("Checkpoint2") && !check) { lapCheck = true; reduceTimer(5); } else if (hit.tag.Equals("lap") && lapCheck) { timer playerTimer = this.GetComponent <timer>(); lap += 1; lapCheck = false; if (lap <= 3) { reduceTimer(10); currentLap.SetText(lap + "/3"); } check = false; if (lap > 3 && playerTimer.time < playerTimer.targetTime) { panel1.GetComponent <menuDisplay>().displayMenu("Mission Success!"); } else if (lap > 3 && playerTimer.time > playerTimer.targetTime) { panel1.GetComponent <menuDisplay>().displayMenu("Mission Failed!"); } //Reset lap // if (playerTimer.time < bestLap || bestLap == 0f){ // bestLap = playerTimer.time; // playerTimer.time = 0; // Debug.Log(bestLap); // int minutes = Mathf.FloorToInt(bestLap / 60F); // int seconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(bestLap - minutes * 60); // bestLapLabel.text = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds); // } } }
static void main(string[] args) { int y; a = 10; b = 7; c = 15; d = 3; TimerCallback tc = new TimeCallback(CheckTime); Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.Threadfunc1)); Thread thread2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.Threadfunc2)); Thread thread3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.Threadfunc3)); Thread thread4 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.Threadfunc4)); Timer t = new timer(tc, null, 0, 1000); Console.WriteLine("thread1.ThreadState=" + thread1.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread2.ThreadState=" + thread2.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread3.ThreadState=" + thread3.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread4.ThreadState=" + thread4.ThreadState); thread1.start(); thread2.start(); Console.WriteLine("thread1.ThreadState=" + thread1.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread2.ThreadState=" + thread2.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread3.ThreadState=" + thread3.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread4.ThreadState=" + thread4.ThreadState); thread1.join(); thread2.join(); Console.WriteLine("new threads ending"); Console.WriteLine("y1=" + y1); Console.WriteLine("y2=" + y2); thread3.start(); thread4.Start(); Console.WriteLine("thread1.ThreadState=" + thread1.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread2.ThreadState=" + thread2.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread3.ThreadState=" + thread3.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("thread4.ThreadState=" + thread4.ThreadState); thread3.join(); thread4.join(); Console.WriteLine("new threads ending"); Console.WriteLine("y3=" + y3); Console.WriteLine("y4=" + y4); Thread.sleep(2000); y = y3 + y4; Console.WriteLine("y=" + y); t.dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void timer(Control ctr) { if (ctr.InvokeRequired) { timer st = new timer(timer); ctr.Invoke(st, ctr); } else { System.Windows.Forms.Timer t = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); t.Enabled = true; t.Interval = 1000; t.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick); t.Start(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { speed = 0.5f; dist = 30.0f; timeSpeed = Time.fixedDeltaTime; spawnDelay = (dist / speed) * timeSpeed; defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("left",4.00f)); defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("right",4.25f)); defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("right",5.00f)); defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("up",6.00f)); defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("up",6.20f)); defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("down",6.50f)); defBlocks.Add (new DefBlockTrigger ("down",7.00f)); spawnList = GetSpawnList (defBlocks); GameObject timer = GameObject.Find("timer"); timerScript = timer.GetComponent<timer>(); timerScript.ResetTimer (); }
void Awake() { timer = GameObject.Find("TimerObject").GetComponent<timer>(); }
void Start() { timeCounter = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<timer> (); HiScore.text = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat (hiScoreKey).ToString ("F2"); }
protected override DHJassValue Run() { trigger trigger = args["whichTrigger"].HandleValue as trigger; if (trigger == null) return new DHJassHandle(null, 0); timer timer = new timer(); triggerevent tevent = new triggerevent(trigger, timer); timer.SetCallback(tevent.OnEvent); timer.start(args["timeout"].RealValue, args["periodic"].BoolValue); return new DHJassHandle(null, tevent.handle); }
protected override DHJassValue Run() { timer t = new timer(); return new DHJassHandle(null, t.handle); }