public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null));
            ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"];
            ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"];
            String Username = Session["Username"].ToString();
            int    UserID1  = id;
            //ViewBag.IsConfigMenu = 0;

            //start Logging
            int    UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
            string CompleteModificationdetail = "Deleted Role";

            Action = "Delete";
            // ActiveLogStorage Obj = new ActiveLogStorage();
            //Obj.SaveActiveLog(Action, Controller, Username, UserID, CompleteModificationdetail);
            tblshiftdetail tblmc = db.tblshiftdetails.Find(id);

            tblmc.IsDeleted       = 1;
            tblmc.ModifiedBy      = UserID;
            tblmc.ModifiedOn      = DateTime.Now;
            db.Entry(tblmc).State = EntityState.Modified;
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null));
            ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"];
            ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"];
            String Username = Session["Username"].ToString();

            //get all the shiftsdetails in the shift method
            tblshiftdetail        tblmc = db.tblshiftdetails.Find(id);
            List <tblshiftdetail> tsd   = null;

            if (tblmc == null)
                int shiftmethodid = Convert.ToInt32(tblmc.ShiftMethodID);
                tsd = db.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == shiftmethodid).ToList();
            ViewBag.ShiftMethod = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName", tblmc.ShiftMethodID);
            ViewBag.NextDay     = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "NextDay", "NextDay", tblmc.NextDay);
            //ViewBag.unit = new SelectList(db.tblunits.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "U_ID", "Unit", tblpart.UnitDesc);
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null));
            ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"].ToString().ToUpper();
            ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"];
            String Username = Session["Username"].ToString();
            int    UserID1  = id;
            int    UserID   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);

            tblshiftdetail tblmc = condb.tblshiftdetails.Find(id);

            tblmc.IsDeleted          = 1;
            tblmc.ModifiedBy         = UserID;
            tblmc.ModifiedOn         = DateTime.Now;
            condb.Entry(tblmc).State = EntityState.Modified;
            TempData["toaster_success"] = "Data Deleted Successfully";
        public ActionResult Create(IEnumerable <tblshiftdetail> tblp, int ShiftMethod = 0)
            if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null));
            ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"];
            ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"];
            String Username = Session["Username"].ToString();

            #region//ActiveLog Code
            int    UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
            string CompleteModificationdetail = "New Creation";
            Action = "Create";
            // ActiveLogStorage Obj = new ActiveLogStorage();
            // Obj.SaveActiveLog(Action, Controller, Username, UserID, CompleteModificationdetail);

            //shop name validation
            //string shopname = tblp.ShopName.ToString();
            //var doesThisShiftDetailsExists = db.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftDetailsName == ).ToList();
            //if (doesThisShopExists.Count == 0)

            //check if there's a entry of this shiftMethod in tblshiftdetails
            var shiftmethodCheck = db.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod).ToList();
            if (shiftmethodCheck.Count > 0)
                Session["Error"]    = "ShiftDetails for this ShiftMethod Exists.";
                ViewBag.ShiftMethod = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");

            var shiftmethodiddata = db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod).SingleOrDefault();
            int noofshifts        = shiftmethodiddata.NoOfShifts;
            int rowscount         = 0;

            //to check if names are duplicate
            List <string> shiftdetailsnames = new List <string>();
            foreach (var shift in tblp)
                if (shift.ShiftDetailsName != null)
            // for current shiftdetails.
            if (shiftdetailsnames.Distinct().Count() != shiftdetailsnames.Count())
                //Console.WriteLine("List contains duplicate values.");
                TempData["Error"]   = "Shift Names Cannot be Same.";
                ViewBag.ShiftMethod = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");

                foreach (var shift in tblp)
                    if (rowscount < noofshifts)
                        // calculate duration
                        int      duration          = 0;
                        string   starttimestring   = "2016-06-02" + " " + shift.ShiftStartTime;
                        DateTime starttimedatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(starttimestring);
                        string   endtimestring     = null;

                        TimeSpan tsStart = (System.TimeSpan)shift.ShiftStartTime;
                        TimeSpan tsEnd   = (System.TimeSpan)shift.ShiftEndTime;

                        int result = TimeSpan.Compare(tsStart, tsEnd);
                        if (result < 0)
                            endtimestring = "2016-06-02" + " " + shift.ShiftEndTime;
                        else if (result > 0)
                            endtimestring = "2016-06-03" + " " + shift.ShiftEndTime;
                            shift.NextDay = 1;
                        DateTime endtimedatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(endtimestring);
                        TimeSpan ts = endtimedatetime.Subtract(starttimedatetime);
                        duration = Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalMinutes);

                        //create new object/row
                        tblshiftdetail tsd = new tblshiftdetail();
                        tsd.CreatedBy        = UserID;
                        tsd.CreatedOn        = DateTime.Now;
                        tsd.Duration         = duration;
                        tsd.IsDeleted        = 0;
                        tsd.NextDay          = shift.NextDay;
                        tsd.ShiftMethodID    = ShiftMethod;
                        tsd.ShiftDetailsDesc = shift.ShiftDetailsDesc;
                        tsd.ShiftDetailsName = shift.ShiftDetailsName;
                        tsd.ShiftEndTime     = shift.ShiftEndTime;
                        tsd.ShiftStartTime   = shift.ShiftStartTime;

            catch (Exception e)
                Session["Error"] = "Shift Name already exists for this ShiftMethod.";
                using (i_facility_tsalEntities db1 = new i_facility_tsalEntities())
                    var todeletedata = db1.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod).ToList();
                    foreach (var row in todeletedata)
                        row.IsDeleted       = 1;
                        db.Entry(row).State = EntityState.Modified;
            //ViewBag.ShiftMethod = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");
        public ActionResult Edit(IEnumerable <tblshiftdetail> tblp, int ShiftMethod = 0)
            if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null));
            ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"];
            ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"];
            String Username = Session["Username"].ToString();
            int    UserID   = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]);

            var shiftmethodiddata = db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod).SingleOrDefault();
            int noofshifts        = shiftmethodiddata.NoOfShifts;
            int rowscount         = 0;

            //insert isedited and other details into old rows and insert the new rows.
            var shiftDetailsData = db.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod).ToList();
            //check if shift method is in use or was used and now its being modified.
            ShiftDetails sd            = new ShiftDetails();
            int          shiftmethodid = Convert.ToInt32(ShiftMethod);
            bool         tick          = sd.IsThisShiftMethodIsInActionOrEnded(shiftmethodid);

                foreach (var shift in tblp)
                    if (rowscount < noofshifts)
                        using (i_facility_tsalEntities db3 = new i_facility_tsalEntities())
                            // calculate duration
                            int      duration          = 0;
                            string   starttimestring   = "2016-06-02" + " " + shift.ShiftStartTime;
                            DateTime starttimedatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(starttimestring);
                            string   endtimestring     = null;

                            TimeSpan tsStart = (System.TimeSpan)shift.ShiftStartTime;
                            TimeSpan tsEnd   = (System.TimeSpan)shift.ShiftEndTime;

                            int result = TimeSpan.Compare(tsStart, tsEnd);
                            if (result < 0)
                                endtimestring = "2016-06-02" + " " + shift.ShiftEndTime;
                            else if (result > 0)
                                endtimestring = "2016-06-03" + " " + shift.ShiftEndTime;
                                shift.NextDay = 1;
                            DateTime endtimedatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(endtimestring);
                            TimeSpan ts = endtimedatetime.Subtract(starttimedatetime);
                            duration = Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalMinutes);

                            if (tick)
                                //create new object/row
                                int      shiftid      = shift.ShiftDetailsID;
                                int      oldcreatedby = 0;
                                DateTime oldcreatedon = DateTime.Now;
                                using (i_facility_tsalEntities db1 = new i_facility_tsalEntities())
                                    var getShiftId = db1.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftDetailsID == shiftid).SingleOrDefault();
                                    getShiftId.IsShiftDetailsEdited   = 1;
                                    getShiftId.IsDeleted              = 1;
                                    getShiftId.ShiftMethodID          = ShiftMethod;
                                    getShiftId.ShiftDetailsEditedDate = DateTime.Now;

                                    oldcreatedon        = Convert.ToDateTime(getShiftId.CreatedOn);
                                    oldcreatedby        = Convert.ToInt32(getShiftId.CreatedBy);
                                    ViewBag.ShiftMethod = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName", shift.ShiftMethodID);

                                    db1.Entry(getShiftId).State = EntityState.Modified;
                                tblshiftdetail tsd = new tblshiftdetail();
                                tsd.Duration         = duration;
                                tsd.IsDeleted        = 0;
                                tsd.CreatedBy        = oldcreatedby;
                                tsd.CreatedOn        = oldcreatedon;
                                tsd.ModifiedBy       = UserID;
                                tsd.ModifiedOn       = DateTime.Now;
                                tsd.IsDeleted        = 0;
                                tsd.NextDay          = shift.NextDay;
                                tsd.ShiftMethodID    = ShiftMethod;
                                tsd.ShiftDetailsDesc = shift.ShiftDetailsName;
                                tsd.ShiftDetailsName = shift.ShiftDetailsDesc;
                                tsd.ShiftEndTime     = shift.ShiftEndTime;
                                tsd.ShiftStartTime   = shift.ShiftStartTime;
                                //create new object/row
                                shift.ModifiedBy    = UserID;
                                shift.ModifiedOn    = DateTime.Now;
                                shift.Duration      = duration;
                                shift.IsDeleted     = 0;
                                shift.ShiftMethodID = ShiftMethod;

                                db3.Entry(shift).State = EntityState.Modified;
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewBag.ShiftMethod = new SelectList(db.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName", ShiftMethod);
        public ActionResult Create(IEnumerable <tblshiftdetail> tblp, string Nextday, int ShiftMethod1 = 0, int IsGShift = 0)
            if ((Session["UserId"] == null) || (Session["UserId"].ToString() == String.Empty))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login", null));
            string error = "";

            ViewBag.Logout = Session["Username"].ToString().ToUpper();
            ViewBag.roleid = Session["RoleID"];
            String Username = Session["Username"].ToString();

            #region//ActiveLog Code
            int UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]);
            //check if there's a entry of this shiftMethod in tblshiftdetailss
            var shiftmethodCheck = condb.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod1).ToList();
            if (shiftmethodCheck.Count > 0)
                error = "ShiftDetails for this ShiftMethod Exists.";
                TempData["toaster_error"] = error;
                ViewBag.ShiftMethod1      = new SelectList(condb.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");

            var shiftmethodiddata = condb.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod1).SingleOrDefault();
            int?noofshifts        = shiftmethodiddata.NoOfShifts;
            int rowscount         = 0;

            //to check if names are duplicate
            List <string> shiftdetailsnames = new List <string>();
            foreach (var shift in tblp)
                if (shift.ShiftDetailsName != null)
            // for current shiftdetails.
            if (shiftdetailsnames.Distinct().Count() != shiftdetailsnames.Count())
                //Console.WriteLine("List contains duplicate values.");
                error = "Shift Names Cannot be Same.";
                TempData["toaster_error"] = error;
                ViewBag.ShiftMethod1      = new SelectList(condb.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");

                foreach (var shift in tblp)
                    if (rowscount < noofshifts)
                        // calculate duration
                        int      duration          = 0;
                        string   starttimestring   = "2016-06-02" + " " + shift.ShiftStartTime;
                        DateTime starttimedatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(starttimestring);
                        string   endtimestring     = null;

                        TimeSpan tsStart = (System.TimeSpan)shift.ShiftStartTime;
                        TimeSpan tsEnd   = (System.TimeSpan)shift.ShiftEndTime;

                        int result = TimeSpan.Compare(tsStart, tsEnd);
                        if (result < 0)
                            endtimestring = "2016-06-02" + " " + shift.ShiftEndTime;
                        else if (result > 0)
                            endtimestring = "2016-06-03" + " " + shift.ShiftEndTime;
                            shift.NextDay = 1;
                        DateTime endtimedatetime = Convert.ToDateTime(endtimestring);
                        TimeSpan ts = endtimedatetime.Subtract(starttimedatetime);
                        duration = Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalMinutes);
                        int UserId = (Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]));
                        //create new object/row
                        tblshiftdetail tsd = new tblshiftdetail();
                        tsd.CreatedBy            = UserId;
                        tsd.CreatedOn            = DateTime.Now;
                        tsd.Duration             = duration;
                        tsd.IsDeleted            = 0;
                        tsd.IsGShift             = 0;
                        tsd.NextDay              = shift.NextDay;
                        tsd.ShiftMethodID        = ShiftMethod1;
                        tsd.ShiftDetailsDesc     = shift.ShiftDetailsDesc;
                        tsd.ShiftDetailsName     = shift.ShiftDetailsName;
                        tsd.ShiftEndTime         = shift.ShiftEndTime;
                        tsd.IsShiftDetailsEdited = 0;
                        tsd.ShiftStartTime       = shift.ShiftStartTime;
            catch (Exception e)
                error = "Shift Name already exists for this ShiftMethod.";
                TempData["toaster_error"] = error;

                using (i_facility_unimechEntities condb = new i_facility_unimechEntities())
                    var todeletedata = condb.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0 && m.ShiftMethodID == ShiftMethod1).ToList();
                    foreach (var row in todeletedata)
                        row.IsDeleted          = 1;
                        condb.Entry(row).State = EntityState.Modified;
                ViewBag.ShiftMethod1 = new SelectList(condb.tblshiftmethods.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");

            ViewBag.ShiftMethod         = new SelectList(condb.tblshiftdetails.Where(m => m.IsDeleted == 0), "ShiftMethodID", "ShiftMethodName");
            TempData["toaster_success"] = "Data Saved Successfully";