protected void btnEnviarMotivo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox4.Text))) { tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); tbl_actionPlanTableAdapter acPlan = new tbl_actionPlanTableAdapter(); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); int folio = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]); acPlan.updateStatus(10, Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio0.Text)); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "plan de acción rechazado", "Motivo: " + TextBox4.Text, "planAccion", folio, 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); bitac.Dispose(); incident.updateApprove(10, folio); incident.Dispose(); try { enviarCorreoRecha(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]), txtMotivo.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } Response.Redirect("dash-incidentes.aspx"); } else { } }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMotivo.Text))) { tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); int folio = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]); incident.updateApprove(8, folio); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "solicitud rechazada", "Motivo: " + txtMotivo.Text, "incidenteAccidente", folio, 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); bitac.Dispose(); incident.Dispose(); try { enviarCorreoRecha(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]), txtMotivo.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } Response.Redirect("my-reports.aspx"); } else { } }
private void enviarCorreo(int incid_id) { int userCreate = 0; using (tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter()) { DataTable dtUsuario = new DataTable(); dtUsuario = incident.GetIDByFolio(incid_id); userCreate = Convert.ToInt32(dtUsuario.Rows[0]["usr_id"]); dtUsuario.Dispose(); } string bodytext; bodytext = "\nEl reporte generado con número de folio: " + incid_id + " fue aprobado por su jefe"; //bodytext = bodytext + "Descripción del evento: " + txt_eventDesc.Text + "\n"; //bodytext = bodytext + "Clasificación del evento: " + ddl_eventClasif.SelectedItem.Text.ToString() + "\n"; //bodytext = bodytext + "\nFecha del evento (formato aaaa-mm-dd): " + txt_eventFecha.Text.ToString() + ""; //bodytext = bodytext + "\n\n Área en donde ocurrio el evento: " + ddl_eventArea.SelectedItem.Text.ToString() + ""; bodytext = bodytext + "\n Para mayor información conultar en:" + incid_id + "\n"; //string to = Convert.ToString(usrInfoTable.Rows[0]["usrInfo_email"]) + ";"; string[] correos; // = {""};// = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; correos = new string[2]; //correos = new string[1]; correos[0] = getEmail(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"])); correos[1] = getEmail(userCreate); funcCorreo.enviarCorreo("Fernando Reyes", correos, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"]), bodytext, "Actualización de reporte accidente incidente folio " + incid_id); }
private int getEstatus(int incidentID) { int status = 0; tbl_incidentTableAdapter incid = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); status = Convert.ToInt32(incid.getStatus(Convert.ToInt32(incidentID))); incid.Dispose(); return(status); }
protected void btnAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); int folio = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]); incident.updateApprove(7, folio); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "solicitud aprobada", "", "incidentAccident", folio, 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); bitac.Dispose(); incident.Dispose(); enviarCorreo(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"])); Response.Redirect("my-reports.aspx"); }
private void enviarCorreoRecha(int incid_id, string motivo) { int userCreate = 0; using (tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter()) { DataTable dtUsuario = new DataTable(); dtUsuario = incident.GetIDByFolio(incid_id); userCreate = Convert.ToInt32(dtUsuario.Rows[0]["usr_id"]); dtUsuario.Dispose(); } //using (tbl_userInfoTableAdapter usrInfo = new tbl_userInfoTableAdapter()) //{ // using (DataSet1.tbl_userInfoDataTable usrInfoTable = new DataSet1.tbl_userInfoDataTable()) // { // usrInfo.FillByUserID(usrInfoTable, userCreate); // if (usrInfoTable.Rows[0]["usrInfo_name"].ToString() != "") // { string bodytext; bodytext = "Lamentamos informarle que el reporte que usted realizó con folio: " + incid_id + " ha sido rechazado por su jefe"; bodytext += "por el/los siguiente(s) motivo(s): " + motivo; bodytext = bodytext + "\nRequiere de su revisión y aporabación" + incid_id + "\n"; //string to = Convert.ToString(usrInfoTable.Rows[0]["usrInfo_email"]) + ";"; string[] correos; // = {""};// = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; correos = new string[2]; //correos = new string[1]; correos[0] = getEmail(userCreate); correos[1] = getEmail(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"])); //using (tbl_responsablesTableAdapter jefe = new tbl_responsablesTableAdapter()) //{ // using (DataSet1.tbl_responsablesDataTable dtjefe = new DataSet1.tbl_responsablesDataTable()) // { // using (tbl_userTableAdapter usr = new tbl_userTableAdapter()) // { // int resp = Convert.ToInt32(usr.respIDByUserID(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]))); // jefe.FillByRespID(dtjefe, resp); // //correos[1] = Convert.ToString(dtjefe.Rows[0]["resp_email"]); // } // } //} funcCorreo.enviarCorreo("Fernando Reyes", correos, "Aspen WebApp", bodytext, "Actualización de reporte accidente incidente folio " + incid_id); // } //} // } }
protected void btnActualizar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int folio = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]); using (tbl_incidentTableAdapter incid = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter()) { incid.updateApprove(6, folio); } using (tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter()) { bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "Actualización de reporte", "", "incidentAccident", folio, 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); } enviarCorreo(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"])); }
protected void btnAceptar0_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbl_actionPlanTableAdapter acPlan = new tbl_actionPlanTableAdapter(); tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); int folio = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]); int actionPlan = Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio0.Text); acPlan.updateStatus(11, Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio0.Text)); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "plan de acción validado", "", "planAcción", folio, actionPlan, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); bitac.Dispose(); incident.updateApprove(11, folio); incident.Dispose(); acPlan.Dispose(); correoSHEupdate(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"])); Response.Redirect("dash-incidentes.aspx"); }
protected void btnGuardaInv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbl_actionPlanTableAdapter actionPlan = new tbl_actionPlanTableAdapter(); tbl_eventActionsTableAdapter evActions = new tbl_eventActionsTableAdapter(); DataSet1.tbl_actionPlanDataTable dtActPlan = new DataSet1.tbl_actionPlanDataTable(); if (grv_acciones.EditIndex > -1) { } if (txt_folio0.Text == "0") { int actPlan_id = 0; int inciID = Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text); actPlan_id = Convert.ToInt32(actionPlan.getMaxActPlan()) + 1; actionPlan.Insert(actPlan_id, "", false, 9, 0, inciID, 9); actPlan_id = Convert.ToInt32(actionPlan.getMaxActPlan()); evActions.updateActPlan(actPlan_id, Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text)); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "plan de acción creado", "", "investigación", Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text), 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); correoSHE(Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text)); } else { actionPlan.updateStatus(9, Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio0.Text)); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "se ha actualizado el plan de acción", "", "investigación", Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text), 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); correoSHEupdate(Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text)); } tbl_incidentTableAdapter incident = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); int folio = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]); incident.updateApprove(9, folio); actionPlan.Dispose(); evActions.Dispose(); dtActPlan.Dispose(); Response.Redirect("dash-incidentes.aspx"); }
private void mail(int incid_id, string area, string clasif, string desc, string fecha, string estatus, string user, int areaID) { string bodytext; string involucrados = ""; tbl_personEventTableAdapter involuc = new tbl_personEventTableAdapter(); DataSet1.tbl_personEventDataTable tblinvoluc = new DataSet1.tbl_personEventDataTable(); involuc.FillByIncid(tblinvoluc, user, incid_id); for (int i = 0; i <= tblinvoluc.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(tblinvoluc.Rows[i]["perEvent_numEmploy"])))) { involucrados += "No. empleado: " + tblinvoluc.Rows[i]["perEvent_numEmploy"] + " \n\n"; } involucrados += "Nombre de la persona: " + tblinvoluc.Rows[i]["perEvent_name"] + " \n "; involucrados += "Empresa: " + tblinvoluc.Rows[i]["perEvent_company"] + " \n "; involucrados += "Area funcional: " + tblinvoluc.Rows[i]["area_id"] + " \n\n "; } involuc.Dispose(); tblinvoluc.Dispose(); tbl_incidentTableAdapter incid = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); tbl_statusTableAdapter stat = new tbl_statusTableAdapter(); bodytext = "\nPor medio del presente se notifica que ha ocurrido un accidente no." + incid_id + " del día " + fecha + " \n"; bodytext = bodytext + "\n Area: " + area + "\n"; bodytext = bodytext + " Clasificación del Incidente: " + clasif + "\n"; bodytext = bodytext + "\n Descripción del Incidente: " + desc + "\n"; bodytext = bodytext + "\nPersonal involucrado: " + "" + ""; bodytext = bodytext + involucrados; bodytext = bodytext + "\n Área funcional: " + area + ""; bodytext = bodytext + "\n Creador del reporte: " + Convert.ToString(Session["userName"]) + ""; bodytext = bodytext + "\n\n Estatus: " + stat.getEstatusDesc(Convert.ToInt32(incid.getStatus(incid_id))) + ""; bodytext = bodytext + "\nPara más información, favor de consultar la siguiente liga. \n" + incid_id + "\n"; incid.Dispose(); stat.Dispose(); //string to = Convert.ToString(usrInfoTable.Rows[0]["usrInfo_email"]) + ";"; tbl_userInfoTableAdapter usrInfo = new tbl_userInfoTableAdapter(); DataSet1.tbl_userInfoDataTable tblusrInfo = new DataSet1.tbl_userInfoDataTable(); usrInfo.FillByArea(tblusrInfo, areaID); string[] correos; // = {""}; int numCorreos = tblusrInfo.Rows.Count + 1; correos = new string[numCorreos]; correos[0] = Convert.ToString(Session["email"]); for (int j = 1; j <= tblusrInfo.Rows.Count; j++) { correos[j] = Convert.ToString(tblusrInfo.Rows[j - 1]["usrInfo_email"]); } //string[] correos; // = {""}; //correos = new string[2]; ////correos = new string[1]; //correos[0] = Convert.ToString(Session["email"]); //correos[1] = getEmail(getResponsable(Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]))); try { lblError.Text = f.enviarCorreoAsync("Fernando Reyes", correos, " ", bodytext, "Reporte incidente/accidente folio " + incid_id); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } }
private void generaActualizaReporte() { if (grvPersonEvent.EditIndex != -1) { //lblError.Text ="Sorre"; } //creamos la instancia para la tabla extraida del dataset XSD tbl_incidentTableAdapter incidentes = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); if (grvPersonEvent.Rows.Count > 0 && grvInmedActions.Rows.Count > 0) { btn_reporte.Enabled = true; try { lbl_errAction.Visible = false; lbl_errPersona.Visible = false; string descriptEvento = txt_eventDesc.Text; DateTime fechaEvento = Convert.ToDateTime(txt_eventFecha.Text); int turnoEvento = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_turno.SelectedValue); int areaEvento = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_eventArea.SelectedValue); int tipoEvento = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEvents2.SelectedValue); int placeEvento = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_eventPlace.SelectedValue); int tipoEventoHijo = 0; int gec = 0; int tipoEventoHijoHijo = 0; decimal serie = Convert.ToDecimal(generateSerial()); //string a = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WingtipToys"].ConnectionString; if (!(DropDownList2.Visible == false || ddlEvCh.SelectedValue == "")) { tipoEventoHijo = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList2.SelectedValue); } if (!(ddlEvChCh.Visible == false || ddlEvCh.SelectedValue == "")) { tipoEventoHijoHijo = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEvCh.SelectedValue); } if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex == -1) { gec = 0; } else { gec = Convert.ToInt32(RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue); } //mail(0, ddl_eventArea.SelectedItem.Text, ddl_eventClasif.SelectedItem.Text, txt_eventDesc.Text, txt_eventFecha.Text, "Revisión", Session["userName"].ToString(), 5); if ((txt_folio.Text == "0") || txt_folio.Text == "") { //metodo para insertar la información. De momento se toma todo tal cual de los campos int resIncident = incidentes.Insert(descriptEvento, fechaEvento, turnoEvento, areaEvento, tipoEvento, tipoEventoHijo, 0, placeEvento, serie, 6, gec, Convert.ToInt32(ddl_eventClasif.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]), DateTime.Now, TimeSpan.Parse(txt_eventHora.Text), Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); int incid_id = Convert.ToInt32(incidentes.getIncidentIDBySerial(serie)); tbl_personEventTableAdapter employeeEvent = new tbl_personEventTableAdapter(); int resEmploy = employeeEvent.UpdateIncidID(incid_id, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); //employeeEvent.DeleteTempQuery(Convert.ToString(Session["userName"]), incid_id); tbl_inmediateActionTableAdapter actions = new tbl_inmediateActionTableAdapter(); int resActions = actions.UpdateIncidID(incid_id, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); //actions.DeleteTempQuery(Convert.ToString(Session["userName"]), incid_id); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "reporte creado", "", "incidenteAccidente", incid_id, 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); bitac.Dispose(); //apartado de parametros que conforman el correo electrónico que se despliega //******Descmentar para el servicio de correo electrónico******** //mail(incid_id, ddl_eventArea.SelectedItem.Text, ddl_eventClasif.SelectedItem.Text, txt_eventDesc.Text, txt_eventFecha.Text, "Revisión", Session["userName"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32( ddl_eventArea.SelectedValue)); //enviarCorreo(incid_id); //****** fin de correo electronico **** lbl_reportNum.Text = incid_id.ToString(); } else { int folio = Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text); int resIncident = incidentes.Update(descriptEvento, fechaEvento, turnoEvento, areaEvento, tipoEvento, tipoEventoHijo, 0, placeEvento, serie, 6, gec, Convert.ToInt32(ddl_eventClasif.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]), Convert.ToDateTime(lblFechaReporte.Text), TimeSpan.Parse(txt_evHora.Text), Convert.ToString(Session["userName"]), folio); mail(folio, ddl_eventArea.SelectedItem.Text, ddl_eventClasif.SelectedItem.Text, txt_eventDesc.Text, txt_eventFecha.Text, "Revisión", Session["userName"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(ddl_eventArea.SelectedValue)); //correoUpdateReport(folio); tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter bitac = new tbl_bitacoraTableAdapter(); bitac.Insert(DateTime.Now, "Actualización de reporte", "", "incidenteAccidente", folio, 0, Convert.ToString(Session["userName"])); bitac.Dispose(); Response.Redirect("my-reports.aspx"); } hdf_ok_ModalPopupExtender.Show(); //una vez generado el registro de incidente vamos a buscar el ID para relacionar empleados y acciones inmediatas //int incid_id = Convert.ToInt32(incidentes.GetIDByFolio(Convert.ToInt32(serie)).Rows[0][0]); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; incidentes.Dispose(); } } else { //Label20.Text = "Es necesario agregar acciones y los involucrados"; // HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Es necesario agregar acciones y los involucrados"); if (grvPersonEvent.Rows.Count == 0) { lbl_errPersona.Visible = true; } else if (grv_acciones.Rows.Count == 0) { lbl_errAction.Visible = true; } } }
private void cargaIncidente(int incidID) { tbl_incidentTableAdapter incid = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); DataSet1.tbl_incidentDataTable tblIncid = new DataSet1.tbl_incidentDataTable(); incid.FillByFolio(tblIncid, incidID); txt_eventDesc.Text = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["incident_desc"]); txt_eventFecha.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", Convert.ToDateTime(tblIncid.Rows[0]["incident_date"])); string a = String.Format("{0:hh:mm}", tblIncid.Rows[0]["incident_hour"].ToString()); //txt_eventHora.Text = String.Format("{0:hh:mm}", tblIncid.Rows[0]["incident_hour"].ToString()).Replace(":",""); txt_evHora.Text = tblIncid.Rows[0]["incident_hour"].ToString(); ddl_turno.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["turn_id"]); ddl_eventArea.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["area_id"]); eventID = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["event_id"]); ddlEvents.SelectedValue = eventID; ddlEvents2.SelectedValue = eventID; string eventIDAfter = ddlEvents.SelectedValue; string evChildBefore = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["evChild_id"]); muestraEventChild(eventID); if (ddlEvCh.Visible == true) { ddlEvCh.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["evChild_id"]); } if (ddlEvChCh.Visible == true) { ddlEvChCh.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["evGrndChild_id"]); } ddl_eventPlace.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["evPlace_id"]); RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["gec_id"]); ddl_eventClasif.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(tblIncid.Rows[0]["evClass_id"]); lblFechaReporte.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", Convert.ToDateTime(tblIncid.Rows[0]["incident_repDate"])); int estatus = Convert.ToInt32(tblIncid.Rows[0]["stat_id"]); if (estatus == 8) { btn_accion.Enabled = true; btn_reporte.Enabled = true; btn_addEmployee.Enabled = true; lbl_estatus.Text = "Rechazada"; lbl_estatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else { btn_accion.Enabled = true; btn_reporte.Enabled = true; btn_addEmployee.Enabled = true; grvPersonEvent.Enabled = true; grvInmedActions.Enabled = true; if (estatus == 6) { lbl_estatus.Text = "Revisión"; lbl_estatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; } if (estatus == 7) { lbl_estatus.Text = "Aprobada"; lbl_estatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; if (Convert.ToInt32(tblIncid.Rows[0]["gec_id"]) == 2) { Panel3.Visible = true; } } } incid.Dispose(); tblIncid.Dispose(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int estatus = 0; btnRechazada_ModalPopupExtender.Hide(); tbl_incidentTableAdapter incid = new tbl_incidentTableAdapter(); estatus = Convert.ToInt32(incid.getStatus(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["folio"]))); tbl_statusTableAdapter stat = new tbl_statusTableAdapter(); Label22.Text = stat.getEstatusDesc(Convert.ToInt32(estatus)); stat.Dispose(); incid.Dispose(); txt_fechaComp_CalendarExtender.StartDate = DateTime.Today; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Session["userID"] == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx?pag=incidDetail&folio=" + Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["folio"])); } if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userRol"]) >= 4 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["folio"]) || Request.QueryString["folio"] == null) { btnAceptar.Visible = false; btnRechazada.Visible = false; pnl_motivo.Visible = false; } if (!(Request.QueryString["folio"] == null)) { txt_folio.Text = Request.QueryString["folio"]; txt_folio0.Text = Convert.ToString(getPlanAccion(Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text))); } } if (estatus == 6) { //FormView1.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Edit; btnActualizar.Visible = false; btnAceptar.Visible = true; btnRechazada.Visible = true; FormView1.Enabled = false; GridView1.AutoGenerateEditButton = false; GridView4.AutoGenerateEditButton = false; GridView1.Enabled = false; GridView4.Enabled = false; Panel3.Visible = false; Panel2.Visible = false; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; } else if (estatus == 7) { btnActualizar.Visible = false; btnAceptar.Visible = false; btnRechazada.Visible = false; FormView1.Enabled = false; GridView1.AutoGenerateEditButton = false; GridView4.AutoGenerateEditButton = false; GridView1.Enabled = false; GridView4.Enabled = false; pnl_motivo.Visible = false; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; Panel3.Visible = true; int actPlanNum = getPlanAccion(Convert.ToInt32(txt_folio.Text)); int actPlanStatus = getPlanActStatus(actPlanNum); } else if (estatus == 8) { btnActualizar.Visible = true; btnAceptar.Visible = false; btnRechazada.Visible = false; pnl_motivo.Visible = false; Panel3.Visible = false; Panel2.Visible = false; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userRol"]) > 2) { btnAceptar0.Visible = false; btnRechazada0.Visible = false; Panel2.Visible = false; pnlBotones.Visible = false; if (estatus == 9) { /* Revisar si se puede modificar despues de guardar */ //grv_acciones.Enabled = false; //grv_causa.Enabled = false; //btn_addCausa.Enabled = false; //btn_save.Enabled = false; //btnGuardaInv.Enabled = false; lblEstatusPlan.Text = "Revisión"; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; FormView1.Enabled = false; } else if (estatus == 11) { btn_addCausa.Enabled = false; btn_save.Enabled = false; lblEstatusPlan.Text = "Validado"; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; FormView1.Enabled = false; Panel5.Visible = false; } else if (estatus == 10) { lblEstatusPlan.Text = "Rechazada"; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; FormView1.Enabled = false; } } else if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userRol"]) <= 2) { pnlBotones.Visible = false; btnGuardaInv.Visible = false; FormView1.Enabled = false; GridView1.Enabled = false; GridView4.Enabled = false; if (estatus == 11) { btn_addCausa.Enabled = false; btn_save.Enabled = false; lblEstatusPlan.Text = "Validado"; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; btnRechazada0.Visible = false; btnAceptar0.Visible = false; pnl_motivo.Visible = false; Panel2.Visible = false; grv_causa.Enabled = false; FormView1.Enabled = false; } else if (estatus == 10) { btnRechazada0.Visible = false; btnAceptar0.Visible = false; Panel2.Visible = false; lblEstatusPlan.Text = "Rechazado por validación"; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; FormView1.Enabled = false; } else if (estatus == 9) { lblEstatusPlan.Text = "Por Validar"; Label22.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; FormView1.Enabled = false; } } }