public void ShowContextMenu(uint dwID, ref tagPOINT ppt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { if (this.m_defaultUIHandler != null) { this.m_defaultUIHandler.ShowContextMenu(dwID, ref ppt, pcmdtReserved, pdispReserved); } }
// Uses Windows UI Automation API to determine if we should click and Drag in context Mode private void uiAutomationCheck(Point p) { tagPOINT reference = new tagPOINT(); reference.x = p.X; reference.y = p.Y; if (this.status.getCurrentMode() != ProgramMode.clickAndDrag) { try { IUIAutomationElement focus = this.automator.ElementFromPoint(reference); // Useful for debugging API support System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(focus.CurrentControlType.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("localized:" + focus.CurrentLocalizedControlType); if ((focus.CurrentControlType == 50037 && this.parameters.contextValues.supportTitleBars) || (focus.CurrentControlType == 50027 && this.parameters.contextValues.supportScrollBars) || (focus.CurrentControlType == 50018 && this.parameters.contextValues.supportTabs)) { this.status.setCurrentMode(ProgramMode.clickAndDrag); } } catch (COMException e) { // No element given, give up } } }
// IDocHostUIHandler Implementation public int ShowContextMenu(uint dwID, ref tagPOINT ppt, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pcmdtReserved, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)] object pdispReserved) { if (container.IsContextMenuEnabled) { if (container.ContextMenu != null) { //show the assigned ContextMenu System.Drawing.Point pt = new System.Drawing.Point(ppt.x, ppt.y); pt = container.PointToClient(pt); container.ContextMenu.Show(container, pt); return(HRESULT.S_OK); } else { //show the default IE ContextMenu return(HRESULT.S_FALSE); } } else { return(HRESULT.S_OK); } }
int IDocHostUIHandler.ShowContextMenu(uint dwID, ref tagPOINT pt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { // return Hresults.S_OK; //Do not display context menu // return Hresults.S_FALSE; //Default IE ctxmnu //Raise event if (WBContextMenu != null) { //Screen coordinates Point outpt = new Point(pt.x, pt.y); //Client coordinates Point clientpt = this.PointToClient(outpt); IHTMLElement elem = this.ElementFromPoint(clientpt.X, clientpt.Y); ContextMenuEvent.SetParameters((WB_CONTEXTMENU_TYPES)dwID, outpt, clientpt, elem, elem); WBContextMenu(this, ContextMenuEvent); if (ContextMenuEvent.displaydefault == false) //Handled or don't display { return(Hresults.S_OK); } ContextMenuEvent.dispctxmenuobj = null; ContextMenuEvent.ctxmenuelem = null; } return(Hresults.S_FALSE); }
public bool TryGetClickablePoint(out Point pt) { pt = new Point(0, 0); tagPOINT nativePoint = new tagPOINT(); try { bool success = this._obj.GetClickablePoint(out nativePoint) != 0; if (success) { pt.X = nativePoint.x; pt.Y = nativePoint.y; } return(success); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e) { Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx)) { throw newEx; } else { throw; } } }
internal static tagPOINT PointManagedToNative(Point pt) { tagPOINT nativePoint = new tagPOINT(); nativePoint.x = pt.X; nativePoint.y = pt.Y; return(nativePoint); }
/// <summary> /// 把像素(屏幕)距离转化成为地图上的距离 /// </summary> private double ConvertPixelDistanceToMapDistance(double PixelDistance) { tagPOINT tagP = new tagPOINT(); WKSPoint wksP = new WKSPoint(); tagP.x = ( int )PixelDistance; tagP.y = ( int )PixelDistance; (m_CurrentMap as IActiveView).ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.TransformCoords(ref wksP, ref tagP, 1, 6); return(wksP.X); }
public virtual Int32 GetLocation(out tagPOINT pPoint, Int32 fTranslate) { ParameterModifier[] modifiers = Invoker.CreateParamModifiers(true, false); pPoint = new NetOffice.MSHTMLApi.tagPOINT(); object[] paramsArray = Invoker.ValidateParamsArray(pPoint, fTranslate); object returnItem = Invoker.MethodReturn(this, "GetLocation", paramsArray, modifiers); pPoint = (tagPOINT)paramsArray[0]; return(NetRuntimeSystem.Convert.ToInt32(returnItem)); }
public virtual Int32 moveToPoint(tagPOINT ptPoint, NetOffice.MSHTMLApi.Enums._COORD_SYSTEM eCoordSystem, NetOffice.MSHTMLApi.IHTMLElement pElementContext, Int32 dwHitTestOptions, out Int32 pdwHitTestResults) { ParameterModifier[] modifiers = Invoker.CreateParamModifiers(false, false, false, false, true); pdwHitTestResults = 0; object[] paramsArray = Invoker.ValidateParamsArray(ptPoint, eCoordSystem, pElementContext, dwHitTestOptions, pdwHitTestResults); object returnItem = Invoker.MethodReturn(this, "moveToPoint", paramsArray, modifiers); pdwHitTestResults = (Int32)paramsArray[4]; return(NetRuntimeSystem.Convert.ToInt32(returnItem)); }
public virtual Int32 TransformLocalToGlobal(tagPOINT ptLocal, out tagPOINT pptGlobal) { ParameterModifier[] modifiers = Invoker.CreateParamModifiers(false, true); pptGlobal = new NetOffice.MSHTMLApi.tagPOINT(); object[] paramsArray = Invoker.ValidateParamsArray(ptLocal, pptGlobal); object returnItem = Invoker.MethodReturn(this, "TransformLocalToGlobal", paramsArray, modifiers); pptGlobal = (tagPOINT)paramsArray[1]; return(NetRuntimeSystem.Convert.ToInt32(returnItem)); }
public virtual Int32 HitTestPoint(tagPOINT pt, out Int32 pbHit, out Int32 plPartID) { ParameterModifier[] modifiers = Invoker.CreateParamModifiers(false, true, true); pbHit = 0; plPartID = 0; object[] paramsArray = Invoker.ValidateParamsArray(pt, pbHit, plPartID); object returnItem = Invoker.MethodReturn(this, "HitTestPoint", paramsArray, modifiers); pbHit = (Int32)paramsArray[1]; plPartID = (Int32)paramsArray[2]; return(NetRuntimeSystem.Convert.ToInt32(returnItem)); }
//把像素(屏幕)距离转化成为地图上的距离 public static double ConvertPixelDistanceToMapDistance(IActiveView pActiveView, double pPixelDistance) { tagPOINT tagPOINT = new tagPOINT(); tagPOINT.x = Convert.ToInt32(pPixelDistance); tagPOINT.y = Convert.ToInt32(pPixelDistance); WKSPoint pWKSPoint = new WKSPoint(); pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.TransformCoords(ref pWKSPoint, ref tagPOINT, 1, 6); return(pWKSPoint.X); }
public int UpdateUI() { if (this.mFullyActive && (this.m_document != null) && (this.container.mDesignMode == true)) { try { mshtml.HTMLDocument thisdoc = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)m_document; //we need IDisplayServices to get the caret position mshtml.IDisplayServices ds = (IDisplayServices)thisdoc; if (ds == null) { return(HRESULT.S_OK); } IHTMLCaret caret; ds.GetCaret(out caret); if (caret == null) { Debug.WriteLine("caret was null"); return(HRESULT.S_OK); } tagPOINT pt = new tagPOINT(); caret.GetLocation(out pt, 1); IHTMLElement el = thisdoc.elementFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y); if (el == null) { Debug.WriteLine("pt was null"); return(HRESULT.S_OK); } container.mcurrentElement = el; container.InvokeUpdateUI(el); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message + e.StackTrace); } } //should always return S_OK unless error return(HRESULT.S_OK); }
//ÉÁ˸Ïß²¢¸ßÁÁÏÔʾ private static void FlashLineAndHiLight(IActiveView pActiveView, IGeometry pGeometry, int interval) { IScreenDisplay pDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; ISimpleLineSymbol pLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); ISymbol pSymbol; IRgbColor pRGBColor; tagPOINT tagPOINT = new tagPOINT(); WKSPoint WKSPoint = new WKSPoint(); tagPOINT.x = (int)1; tagPOINT.y = (int)1; pDisplay.DisplayTransformation.TransformCoords(ref WKSPoint, ref tagPOINT, 1, 6); pLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); //if (pActiveView.FocusMap.MapScale != 0) //{ // pLineSymbol.Width = WKSPoint.X * 10000 / pActiveView.FocusMap.MapScale; //} //else //{ // pLineSymbol.Width = WKSPoint.X / 2; //} pLineSymbol.Width = WKSPoint.X; pRGBColor = new RgbColorClass(); pRGBColor.Green = 148; //148 pRGBColor.Red = 32; //32 pRGBColor.Blue = 0; pSymbol = pLineSymbol as ISymbol; pSymbol.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen; pDisplay.SetSymbol(pSymbol); pDisplay.DrawPolyline(pGeometry); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(interval); pDisplay.DrawPolyline(pGeometry); pLineSymbol.Width = 3; IElement pEle = new LineElementClass();//yjl¸ßÁÁÏÔʾ pEle.Geometry = pGeometry; (pEle as ILineElement).Symbol = pSymbol as ILineSymbol; (pEle as IElementProperties).Name = _FlashTagName; (pActiveView as IGraphicsContainer).AddElement(pEle, 0); pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, pEle, null); //pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewBackground, pEle, null); }
public WebDragSourceAction dragSourceActionMaskForPoint(WebView WebView, ref tagPOINT point) { Node e = owner.ElementAtPoint(new Point(point.x, point.y)); if (e.Type == ElementType.Image) { return(WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionImage); } else if (e.Type == ElementType.LinkOrUknown) { return(WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionLink); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner.SelectedText)) { return(WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionSelection); } else { return(WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionAny); } }
//ÉÁ˸Ïß private static void FlashLine(IActiveView pActiveView, IGeometry pGeometry, int interval) { IScreenDisplay pDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; ISimpleLineSymbol pLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); ISymbol pSymbol; IRgbColor pRGBColor; tagPOINT tagPOINT = new tagPOINT(); WKSPoint WKSPoint = new WKSPoint(); tagPOINT.x = (int)1; tagPOINT.y = (int)1; pDisplay.DisplayTransformation.TransformCoords(ref WKSPoint, ref tagPOINT, 1, 6); pLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); //if (pActiveView.FocusMap.MapScale != 0) //{ // pLineSymbol.Width = WKSPoint.X * 10000 / pActiveView.FocusMap.MapScale; //} //else //{ // pLineSymbol.Width = WKSPoint.X / 2; //} pLineSymbol.Width = WKSPoint.X; pRGBColor = new RgbColorClass(); pRGBColor.Green = 148; //148 pRGBColor.Red = 32; //32 pRGBColor.Blue = 0; pSymbol = pLineSymbol as ISymbol; pSymbol.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen; pDisplay.SetSymbol(pSymbol); pDisplay.DrawPolyline(pGeometry); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(interval); pDisplay.DrawPolyline(pGeometry); }
private static Bitmap GetElementPreviewImage(IHTMLDocument3 doc3, IHTMLElement element, int snapshotWidth, int snapshotHeight) { try { // @RIBBON TODO: Need to make this work for RTL as well. IDisplayServices displayServices = ((IDisplayServices)doc3); element.scrollIntoView(true); tagPOINT offset = new tagPOINT(); offset.x = 0; offset.y = 0; displayServices.TransformPoint(ref offset, _COORD_SYSTEM.COORD_SYSTEM_CONTENT, _COORD_SYSTEM.COORD_SYSTEM_GLOBAL, element); using (Bitmap snapshotAfter = HtmlScreenCaptureCore.TakeSnapshot((IViewObject)doc3, snapshotWidth, snapshotHeight)) { //snapshotAfter.Save(@"c:\temp\snapshot" + + ".bmp"); Rectangle elementRect; elementRect = new Rectangle(Math.Max(2, offset.x), 2, Math.Min(element.offsetWidth, element.offsetParent.offsetWidth), element.offsetHeight); if (element.offsetWidth <= 0 || element.offsetHeight <= 0) { return(null); } Bitmap cropped = ImageHelper2.CropBitmap(snapshotAfter, elementRect); //cropped.Save(@"c:\temp\snapshot" + + ".cropped.bmp"); return(cropped); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Fail("Failed to get element preview image for id " + + ": " + ex); return(null); } }
public void trackCustomPopupMenu(WebView sender, int hMenu, ref tagPOINT point) { }
public virtual Int32 GetSize(Int32 dwFlags, tagSIZE sizeContent, tagPOINT pptTranslateBy, tagPOINT pptTopLeft, tagSIZE psizeProposed) { return(InvokerService.InvokeInternal.ExecuteInt32MethodGet(this, "GetSize", new object[] { dwFlags, sizeContent, pptTranslateBy, pptTopLeft, psizeProposed })); }
public void ShowContextMenu(uint dwID, ref tagPOINT ppt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { }
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(HandleRef hWnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, ref tagPOINT lParam);
private void uiAutomationCheck(Point p) { tagPOINT reference = new tagPOINT(); reference.x = p.X; reference.y = p.Y; try { IUIAutomationElement focus = this.automator.ElementFromPoint(reference); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(focus.CurrentControlType.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("localized:" + focus.CurrentLocalizedControlType); if ((focus.CurrentControlType == 50037 && this.parameters.contextValues.supportTitleBars) || (focus.CurrentControlType == 50027 && this.parameters.contextValues.supportScrollBars) || (focus.CurrentControlType == 50018 && this.parameters.contextValues.supportTabs)) { if (this.status.getCurrentMode() != ProgramMode.clickAndDrag) { this.status.setCurrentMode(ProgramMode.clickAndDrag); } } } catch (COMException e) { // No element given, give up } }
public IDataObject willPerformDragSourceAction(WebView WebView, WebDragSourceAction action, ref tagPOINT point, IDataObject pasteboard) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public WebDragSourceAction dragSourceActionMaskForPoint(WebView WebView, ref tagPOINT point) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public WebDragSourceAction dragSourceActionMaskForPoint(WebView WebView, ref tagPOINT point) { Node e = owner.ElementAtPoint(new Point(point.x, point.y)); if (e.Type == ElementType.Image) return WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionImage; else if (e.Type == ElementType.LinkOrUknown) return WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionLink; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner.SelectedText)) return WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionSelection; else return WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionAny; }
public void ShowContextMenu(uint dwID, ref tagPOINT ppt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { // TODO: is this okay? throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public TextRange RangeFromPoint(tagPOINT pt) { return(new TextRange(this.Pattern.RangeFromPoint(pt), this)); }
public IDataObject willPerformDragSourceAction(WebView WebView, WebDragSourceAction action, ref tagPOINT point, IDataObject pasteboard) { return null; }
public Node ElementAtPoint(System.Drawing.Point point) { tagPOINT p = new tagPOINT(); p.x = point.X; p.y = point.Y; object el; WebView.elementAtPoint(ref p).RemoteRead("WebElementDOMNodeKey", out el, null, 0, null); return Node.Create(el as IDOMNode); }
public WebDragSourceAction dragSourceActionMaskForPoint(WebView WebView, ref tagPOINT point) { return WebDragSourceAction.WebDragSourceActionNone; }
public void CopyLink() { tagPOINT p = new tagPOINT(); Point labelOrigin = new Point(0, 0); // this is referencing the control Point screenOrigin = PointToScreen(labelOrigin); // this references p.x = Cursor.Position.X - screenOrigin.X; p.y = Cursor.Position.Y - screenOrigin.Y; object el; WebView.elementAtPoint(ref p).RemoteRead("WebElementLinkURLKey", out el, null, 0, null); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)el)) Clipboard.SetText((string)el); }
public static extern bool GetCursorPos(out tagPOINT pPoint);
int IDocHostShowUI.ShowHelp(IntPtr hwnd, string pszHelpFile, uint uCommand, uint dwData, tagPOINT ptMouse, object pDispatchObjectHit) { return(Hresults.E_NOTIMPL); }
public void ShowContextMenu(uint dwID, ref tagPOINT ppt, object pcmdtReserved, object pdispReserved) { //throw new COMException("", 1); // HRESULT = S_FALSE: MSHTML will show its menu }
public Element GetCurrentElement() { if (_el != null) { Node nd = Node.Create(_el); if (nd is Element) return (Element)nd; else nd.Dispose(); return null; } else { tagPOINT point = new tagPOINT() { x = Cursor.Position.X, y = Cursor.Position.Y }; CFDictionaryPropertyBag elementinfo = webView.elementAtPoint(point); object el = null; elementinfo.RemoteRead("WebElementDOMNodeKey", out el, null, 0, null); if (el == null) return null; Marshal.ReleaseComObject(elementinfo); elementinfo = null; Node nd = Element.Create(el as IDOMNode); if (nd is Element) return (Element)nd; else return null; } }
public static extern int MapWindowPoints(IntPtr hWndFrom, IntPtr hWndTo, [In, Out] tagPOINT pt, int cPoints);
public virtual Int32 GetPosition(Int32 lFlags, tagPOINT pptTopLeft) { return(InvokerService.InvokeInternal.ExecuteInt32MethodGet(this, "GetPosition", lFlags, pptTopLeft)); }