// XComponent impl

        /** This method is called by the owner of this object to explicitly
         *  dispose it.  This implementation of dispose() first notifies this object
         *  via preDisposing(), then  all registered event listeners and
         *  finally this object again calling postDisposing().
        public void dispose()
            // Determine in a thread-safe way if this is the first call to this
            // method.  Only then we proceed with the notification of event
            // listeners.  It is an error to call this method more then once.
            bool        doDispose = false;
            t_disposing call      = null;

            lock (this)
                if (!m_inDispose && !m_disposed)
                    call        = m_disposing;
                    m_disposing = null;
                    m_inDispose = true;
                    doDispose   = true;
            // The notification occurs in an unsynchronized block in order to avoid
            // deadlocks if one of the listeners calls back in a different thread on
            // a synchronized method which uses the same object.
            if (doDispose)
                    // call sub class
                    // send disposing notifications to listeners
                    if (null != call)
                        EventObject evt = new EventObject(this);
                    // call sub class
                    // finally makes sure that the flags are set ensuring
                    // that this function is only called once.
                    m_disposed  = true;
                    m_inDispose = false;
                // in a multithreaded environment, it can't be avoided,
                // that dispose is called twice.
                // However this condition is traced, because it MAY indicate an
                // error.
                    "WeakComponentBase.dispose() - dispose called twice");
//             Debug.Fail( "WeakComponentBase.dispose() - dispose called twice" );
 /** Revokes an event listener from being notified when this object
  *  is disposed.
  *  @param xListener event listener
 public void removeEventListener(XEventListener xListener)
     lock (this)
         if (!m_inDispose && !m_disposed)
             m_disposing -= new t_disposing(xListener.disposing);
        /** Registers an event listener being notified when this object is disposed.
         *  @param xListener event listener
        public void addEventListener(XEventListener xListener)
            bool add;

            lock (this)
                add = (!m_inDispose && !m_disposed);
                if (add)
                    m_disposing += new t_disposing(xListener.disposing);
            if (!add)
                xListener.disposing(new EventObject(this));
    // XComponent impl
    /** This method is called by the owner of this object to explicitly
        dispose it.  This implementation of dispose() first notifies this object
        via preDisposing(), then  all registered event listeners and
        finally this object again calling postDisposing().
    public void dispose()
        // Determine in a thread-safe way if this is the first call to this
        // method.  Only then we proceed with the notification of event
        // listeners.  It is an error to call this method more than once.
        bool doDispose = false;
        t_disposing call = null;
        lock (this)
            if (! m_inDispose && !m_disposed)
                call = m_disposing;
                m_disposing = null;
                m_inDispose = true;
                doDispose = true;
        // The notification occurs in an unsynchronized block in order to avoid
        // deadlocks if one of the listeners calls back in a different thread on
        // a synchronized method which uses the same object.
        if (doDispose)
                // call sub class
                // send disposing notifications to listeners
                if (null != call)
                    EventObject evt = new EventObject( this );
                    call( evt );
                // call sub class
                // finally makes sure that the flags are set ensuring
                // that this function is only called once.
                m_disposed = true;
                m_inDispose = false;
            // in a multithreaded environment, it can't be avoided,
            // that dispose is called twice.
            // However this condition is traced, because it MAY indicate an
            // error.
                "WeakComponentBase.dispose() - dispose called twice" );
//             Debug.Fail( "WeakComponentBase.dispose() - dispose called twice" );
 /** Revokes an event listener from being notified when this object
     is disposed.
     @param xListener event listener
 public void removeEventListener( XEventListener xListener )
     lock (this)
         if (! m_inDispose && !m_disposed)
             m_disposing -= new t_disposing( xListener.disposing );
    /** Registers an event listener being notified when this object is disposed.

        @param xListener event listener
    public void addEventListener( XEventListener xListener )
        bool add;
        lock (this)
            add = (! m_inDispose && !m_disposed);
            if (add)
                m_disposing += new t_disposing( xListener.disposing );
        if (! add)
            xListener.disposing( new EventObject( this ) );