public override void GetDetails(PdfStructureElement tag) { helper.SetMargins(0.75f); SetWidths(threecolumns); SetColumns(); var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = tag; // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "SRG:"); var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.Irgcomb)); table.Add(row); // row 2 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "SRO:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.SRAName)); table.Add(row); // row 3 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Program Administrator:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.ProgramAdmin)); table.Add(row); // row 4 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Council Assignment:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.CouncilAssignment)); table.Add(row); // row 5 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Conflict of Interest:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.ConflictOfInterest)); table.Add(row); table.Write(); }
private void WriteFundingPlanComments(PdfStructureElement tag) { if (helper.Portfolio.Information.Comment != string.Empty && helper.Portfolio.Information.Comment.Trim() == string.Empty) return; SetWidths(twelvecolumns); SetColumns(); PdfStructureElement part = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part")); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(part); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(1); tTable table = new tTable(this, string.Empty); table.ParentTag = part; var row = new tRow(table); var cell = new tCell(0, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.Portfolio.Information.Comment); cell.fontSize = 6.0f; cell.Colspan = 12; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); table.Write(); helper.AddLine(1); }
public void WriteOERApprovalSignature(PdfStructureElement tag) { if (this.Strategy.isIncludeOERSignature == false) return; PdfStructureElement part = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part")); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(part); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(2); helper.SetMargins(1f); SetWidths(signaturecolumns); SetColumns(); var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = part; table.ColumnCount = Columns.Length; var dict = new PdfDictionary(); // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, ""); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Deputy Director OER Approval")); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, ""); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Date ")); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 2 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(0, 2); row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 3 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(0, "P", "Deputy Director OER Approval"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); table.Write(); }
public void WriteSignatures(PdfStructureElement tag) { if (this.Strategy.isIncludeFinalSignature == false) return; PdfStructureElement part = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part")); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(part); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(2); helper.SetMargins(1f); SetWidths(signaturecolumns); SetColumns(); var ChiefGMO = helper.Portfolio.History[1].UpdatedBy; var BranchChief = helper.Portfolio.History[0].UpdatedBy; var DivisionDirector = helper.Portfolio.History[2].UpdatedBy; var NIEHSDirector = helper.Portfolio.History[3].UpdatedBy; var BranchChief_ApprovalDate = helper.Portfolio.History[0].UpdateDate.ToString("d"); var ChiefGMO_ApprovalDate = helper.Portfolio.History[0].UpdateDate.ToString("d"); var DivisionDirector_ApprovalDate = helper.Portfolio.History[0].UpdateDate.ToString("d"); var NIEHSDirector_ApprovalDate = helper.Portfolio.History[0].UpdateDate.ToString("d"); var TitleProxyOrDirector = helper.Portfolio.History[3].ValueOld.Contains("Pending NIEHS Director") ? "Director NIEHS" : "Deputy Director OER"; var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = part; table.ColumnCount = Columns.Length; var dict = new PdfDictionary(); // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, BranchChief ); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Branch Chief {0}",BranchChief))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, BranchChief_ApprovalDate); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Date {0}", ChiefGMO_ApprovalDate))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, ChiefGMO); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Chief GMO {0}",ChiefGMO))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL,ChiefGMO_ApprovalDate); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Date {0}",BranchChief_ApprovalDate))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); // 6, 7 cell = new tCell(6, "P", DivisionDirector); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Division Director {0}",DivisionDirector))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.Font = GrantFonts.BOLD; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(7, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, DivisionDirector_ApprovalDate); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Date {0}",DivisionDirector_ApprovalDate))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); // 9, 10 cell = new tCell(9, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, NIEHSDirector); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("{0} {1}",TitleProxyOrDirector, NIEHSDirector))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(10, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, NIEHSDirector_ApprovalDate); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString(string.Format("Date {0}", NIEHSDirector_ApprovalDate))); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 2 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(0, 2); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(3, 2); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(6, 2); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(9, 2); row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 3 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(0, "P", "Branch Chief"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(3, "P", "Chief GMO"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); // 6, 7 cell = new tCell(6, "P", "Division Director"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(7, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); // 9, 10 cell = new tCell(9, "P", TitleProxyOrDirector); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(10, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); table.Write(); }
private void WriteApplication(tTable table, FDApplication application) { var row = new tRow(table); var cell = new tCell(0, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.IsActive ? "Approved" : "Disapproved"); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.SpecialType); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(2, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.ProjectNumber); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); var percent = application.IrgPercentileNum == 0 ? "" : application.IrgPercentileNum.ToString(); cell = new tCell(3, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, percent); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); var priorityscore = application.PriorityScoreNum == 0 ? "" : application.PriorityScoreNum.ToString(); cell = new tCell(4, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, priorityscore); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(5, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.PIName); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(6, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.ProjectTitle); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(7, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.OrgName); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(8, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.POName); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(9, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.RFAPANumber); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(10, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.DirectCostRequestedAmt); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(11, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, application.ESTotalCostRecommendedAmt); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); }
private void WriteApplicationsColumnHeaders(tTable table) { var row = new tRow(table); var cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Approval"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Type"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(2, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Project Num"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(3, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "% Tile"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "PS"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(5, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "PI"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(6, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Project Title"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(7, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Institution"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(8, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "PO"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(9, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "FOA"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(10, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Req DC$"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(11, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "ES Rec TC$"); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 6.0f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); }
private void WriteApplicationsHeader(tTable table, string name) { var row = new tRow(table); var cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, name); cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.Black; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWLightBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 8.5f; cell.Colspan = 12; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); }
/// <summary> /// Formats text for details section /// </summary> public override void GetDetails(PdfStructureElement tag) { helper.AddLine(1); helper.SetMargins(0.75f); SetWidths(fourcolumns); SetColumns(); var grant = helper.Grant; var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = tag; // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Application/ Grant:"); var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.FullGrantNum)); row.Add(new tCell(2, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Priority Score/Percentile:")); string priority = grant.PriorityScoreNumber.ToString() + "/" + grant.IRGPercentileNum.FormatTwoDecimals(); row.Add(new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, priority)); table.Add(row); // row 2 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "PI:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.PIName)); row.Add(new tCell(2, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "SRG:")); row.Add(new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.Irgcomb)); table.Add(row); // row 3 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Institution:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.OrgName)); row.Add(new tCell(2, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "SRO:")); row.Add(new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.SRAName)); table.Add(row); // row 4 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Title:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.ProjectTitle); cell.Colspan = 3; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); //row 5 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Last Competing Council Review Date:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.OriginalCouncilMeetingDate); cell.Colspan = 3; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 6 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Current Council Review Date:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.CouncilMeetingDate)); row.Add(new tCell(2, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Program Administrator:")); row.Add(new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.ProgramAdmin)); table.Add(row); // row 7 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Council Assignment:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.CouncilAssignment)); row.Add(new tCell(2, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "RFA/PA#:")); row.Add(new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.RFAPANumber)); table.Add(row); // row 8 var conflictOfinterest = (grant.ConflictOfInterest.Trim().Length > 0) ? grant.ConflictOfInterest.Trim() : "None Known"; cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Conflict of Interest:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, conflictOfinterest); cell.Colspan = 3; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); table.Write(); }
/// <summary> /// Formats the data for funding details /// </summary> /// <param name="application">application</param> /// <param name="table">table</param> public void GetFundingDetails(PdfStructureElement tag) { float[] fourcolumns = { 1.75f, 1.75f, 1.75f, 1.75f }; helper.SetMargins(0.75f); SetWidths(fourcolumns); SetColumns(); string rHeader = "Funding Details:"; helper.AddLine(1); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("H2"))); content.BeginText(); content.SetFontAndSize(GrantFonts.bf_times_bold, 12); content.ShowTextAligned(it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, rHeader, document.LeftMargin, helper.CurrentY, 0); content.EndText(); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(); var table = new tTable(this, "Table"); table.ParentTag = tag; // row var dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); var row = new tRow("TR"); var cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Year"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Direct Cost"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(2, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Total Cost"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); int exist = helper.Grant.FundingDetail.Count; int numToAdd = 5 - exist; int lastYear = helper.Grant.FundingDetail.Last().Year; for (int ii = 0; ii < numToAdd; ii++) { int adjust = ii + 1; helper.Grant.FundingDetail.Add(new CMWGrantFundingDetail() { Year = lastYear + adjust, DirectCost = 0, TotalCost = 0 }); } foreach (var item in helper.Grant.FundingDetail) { var year = string.Format("{0}", item.Year); var dCost = string.Format("{0:C}", item.DirectCost); var tCost = string.Format("{0:C}", item.TotalCost); row = new tRow("TR"); cell = new tCell(0, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, year); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(1, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, dCost)); row.Add(new tCell(2, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_CENTER, GrantFonts.NORMAL, tCost)); table.Add(row); } table.Write(); }
public bool Load(string filename) { GameFile h = new GameFile(); if (!h.Load(filename)) { return(false); } FileStream f = null; byte[] d = null; try { f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); int c = (int)f.Length; if (c > 0) { d = new byte[c]; f.Read(d, 0, c); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } finally { f?.Close(); } if (d == null) { return(false); } try { const string ObjectReference = "[Objects]\r\n"; byte[] b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ObjectReference); int i = Utils.Contains(d, d.Length, b); if (i == 0) { return(false); } i += ObjectReference.Length; while (d[i] == 0) { i++; } int width = BitConverter.ToInt32(d, i); i += 4; if (width < 8 || width > 1000) { return(false); } int height = BitConverter.ToInt32(d, i); i += 4; if (height < 8 || height > 1000) { return(false); } int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(d, i); i += 4; eVersion version; if (d.Length - i == size * 32) { version = h.ContainsKey("Classes/CartelRegions", "1") ? eVersion.Sfc2Op : eVersion.Sfc3; } else if (d.Length - i == size * 28) { version = eVersion.Sfc2Eaw; } else { return(false); } Initialize(version); using MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(d); using BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(m, Encoding.UTF8, true); m.Seek(i, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { tCell cell = new tCell(version, r); if (cell.Economic > 100) { cell.Economic = 100; } if (cell.Impedence > 2f) { cell.Impedence = 2f; } if (cell.Strength > 200) { cell.Strength = 200; } cell.Region = GetNormalizedIndex(h, eClass.Regions, cell.Region); cell.CartelRegion = GetNormalizedIndex(h, eClass.CartelRegions, cell.CartelRegion); cell.Terrain = GetNormalizedIndex(h, eClass.Terrain, cell.Terrain); cell.Planet = GetNormalizedIndex(h, eClass.Planets, cell.Planet); cell.Base = GetNormalizedIndex(h, eClass.Bases, cell.Base); Cells.Add(cell); } Version = version; Width = width; Height = height; return(true); } catch (Exception) { } return(false); }
public override void WriteSignatures(PdfStructureElement tag) { PdfStructureElement part = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part")); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(part); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(2); helper.SetMargins(1f); SetWidths(fivecolumns); SetColumns(); CMWApprovalSignature pAdmin = helper.RFA.ApprovalSignatureBlock.ProgramOfficer; CMWApprovalSignature bChief = helper.RFA.ApprovalSignatureBlock.BranchChief; CMWApprovalSignature dirOEP = helper.RFA.ApprovalSignatureBlock.DirectorOEP; CMWApprovalSignature dirDER = helper.RFA.ApprovalSignatureBlock.DirectorDER; var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = part; table.ColumnCount = Columns.Length; var dict = new PdfDictionary(); // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, pAdmin.FullName); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Program Administrator " + pAdmin.FullName)); cell.Dictionary = dict; var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, pAdmin.ApprovalDate.ToString("d")); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Date " + pAdmin.ApprovalDate.ToString("d"))); cell.Dictionary = dict; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, bChief.FullName); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Branch Chief " + bChief.FullName)); cell.Dictionary = dict; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, bChief.ApprovalDate.ToString("d")); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Date " + bChief.ApprovalDate.ToString("d"))); cell.Dictionary = dict; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 2 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(0, 2); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(3, 2); row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 3 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(0, "P", "Program Administrator"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(3, "P", "Branch Chief"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 4 row = new tRow(); table.Add(row); // row 5 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(0, "P", dirOEP.FullName); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Director, Office of Extramural Policy " + dirOEP.FullName)); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.Font = GrantFonts.BOLD; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, dirOEP.ApprovalDate.ToString("d")); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Date " + dirOEP.ApprovalDate.ToString("d"))); cell.Dictionary = dict; row.Add(cell); string dirDERFullName = (dirDER.IsProxy == false) ? dirDER.FullName : dirDER.FullName + @" for Director, Division of Extramural Research"; cell = new tCell(3, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, dirDERFullName); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Director, Division of Extramural Research " + dirDERFullName)); cell.Dictionary = dict; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, dirDER.ApprovalDate.ToString("d")); dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.ACTUALTEXT, new PdfString("Date " + dirDER.ApprovalDate.ToString("d"))); cell.Dictionary = dict; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 6 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(0, 2); row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeDoubleLine(3, 2); row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // row 7 row = new tRow(); cell = new tCell(0, "P", "Director, Office of Extramural Policy"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(1, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(3, "P", "Director, Division of Extramural Research"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); cell = new tCell(4, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, "Date"); cell.isSpoken = false; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); table.Write(); AddSignatureComment(part, dirDER); }
/// <summary> /// Writes Complex Application Funding Table /// </summary> public void WriteAppFundingDetails(PdfStructureElement tag) { int TotalNICHD_DC = 0; int TotalOtherIC_DC = 0; int TotalGrand_DC = 0; int TotalNICHD_TC = 0; int TotalOtherIC_TC = 0; int TotalGrand_TC = 0; // Create part PdfStructureElement partFunding = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part")); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(partFunding); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); // end grant table // write the section header including the set aside amount helper.AddLine(2); string rHeader = "5. Funding Details:"; content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(new PdfStructureElement(partFunding, new PdfName("H2"))); content.BeginText(); content.SetFontAndSize(GrantFonts.bf_times_bold, 12); content.ShowTextAligned(it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, rHeader, document.LeftMargin, helper.CurrentY, 0); content.EndText(); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(); rHeader = "Set Aside =" + string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", helper.RFA.SAFundSetAside); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(new PdfStructureElement(partFunding, new PdfName("P"))); content.BeginText(); content.SetFontAndSize(GrantFonts.bf_times_bold, 12); content.ShowTextAligned(it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, rHeader, document.LeftMargin, helper.CurrentY, 0); content.EndText(); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(2); helper.SetMargins(0.75f); SetWidths(sevencolumns); SetColumns(); var dict = new PdfDictionary(); dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("funding_details")); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(7)); var list = new PdfArray(); // New Title Row for the table var table = new tTable(this, "Table"); table.ParentTag = partFunding; /* FUNDING DETAILS */ var row = new tRow("TR"); var cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "FUNDING DETAILS"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Colspan = 7; cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); /* FUNDING DETAILS COLUMNS */ dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary PS */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("ps")); row = new tRow("TR"); cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "PS"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary INSTITUTION */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("institution")); cell = new tCell(1, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Institution"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary TITLE */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("title")); cell = new tCell(2, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Title"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary PI REQUESTED DC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("pi")); cell = new tCell(3, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "PI Requested DC"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary FUNDING IC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("funding_ic")); cell = new tCell(4, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Funding IC"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary STAFF REC DIRECT COST */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("staff_dc")); cell = new tCell(5, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Staff Rec Direct Cost"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary STAFF REC TOTAL COSTS*/ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("staff_tc")); cell = new tCell(6, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Staff Rec Total Costs"); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); //mainTable = table.ChildTag; for (int ii = 0; ii < helper.RFA.Grants.Count(); ii++) { var grant = helper.RFA.Grants[ii]; dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary APPLICATION DETAILS */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(7)); cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Application Details for " + grant.FullGrantNum + "/ " + grant.PIName); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWLightBlue; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; cell.Colspan = 7; row = new tRow("TR"); row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); /* FUNDING DETAILS LINE ITEMS */ for (int jj = 0; jj < grant.FundingDetail.Count(); jj++) { var detail = grant.FundingDetail[jj]; if (jj == 0) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FIRST ROW { row = new tRow("TR"); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary PS */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("ps")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(0, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.PriorityScoreNumber.ToString()); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); //PS dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary INSTITUTION */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("institution")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(1, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.OrgName); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); // Institution dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary TITLE */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("title")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(2, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.ProjectTitle); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); // Title dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary PI */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("pi")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(3, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", grant.SRGDirectCost)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); // PI Requested DC dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary FUNDING IC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_ic")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(4, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, detail.SourceName); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); //// Funding IC dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary STAFF REC DIRECT COST */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_dc")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(5, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", detail.DirectCost)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); //// Staff Rec Direct Cost dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary STAFF REC TOTAL COST */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_tc")); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(6, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", detail.TotalCost)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // Staff Rec Total Costs } else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NOT THE FIRST ROW { row = new tRow("TR"); cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeEmpty(0, 1); cell.Border = Borders.All; row.Add(cell); //PS cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeEmpty(1, 1); cell.Border = Borders.All; row.Add(cell); // Institution cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeEmpty(2, 1); cell.Border = Borders.All; row.Add(cell); // Title cell = new tCell(); cell.MakeEmpty(3, 1); cell.Border = Borders.All; row.Add(cell); // PI Requested DC string sourceID = grant.FullGrantNum + "_" + detail.SourceName; dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary FUNDING IC*/ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Row")); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString(sourceID)); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(5)); cell = new tCell(4, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, detail.SourceName); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); //// Funding IC dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary STAFF REC DIRECT COST*/ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_dc")); list.Add(new PdfString(sourceID)); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(5, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", detail.DirectCost)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); //// Staff Rec Direct Cost dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary STAFF REC TOTAL COST */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_tc")); list.Add(new PdfString(sourceID)); list.Add(new PdfString(grant.FullGrantNum)); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_details")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(6, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", detail.TotalCost)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.VerticalAlign = it.Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // Staff Rec Total Costs } /* Direct and Total Costs */ if (detail.SourceName.Trim().Equals("NICHD", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { TotalNICHD_DC += detail.DirectCost; TotalNICHD_TC += detail.TotalCost; } else { TotalOtherIC_DC += detail.DirectCost; TotalOtherIC_TC += detail.TotalCost; } TotalGrand_DC += detail.DirectCost; TotalGrand_TC += detail.TotalCost; } } /* FUNDING TOTALS */ row = new tRow("TR"); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary FUNDING TOTALS */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("funding_totals")); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(7)); cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "FUNDING TOTALS"); cell.Dictionary = dict; cell.Colspan = 7; cell.FontColor = GrantFonts.White; cell.Color = GrantFonts.CMWBlue; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); // Funding Totals /* FUNDING TOTALS LINE ITEMS*/ dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary Total NICHD */ dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("total_nichd")); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(5)); dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Row")); row = new tRow("TR"); cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Total NICHD"); cell.Colspan = 5; cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); // Total NICHD dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary DC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_dc")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_totals")); list.Add(new PdfString("total_nichd")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(5, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", TotalNICHD_DC)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary TC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_tc")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_totals")); list.Add(new PdfString("total_nichd")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(6, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", TotalNICHD_TC)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary Total From All Other ICs*/ dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("total_from")); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(5)); dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Row")); row = new tRow("TR"); cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Total From All Other ICs"); cell.Colspan = 5; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; cell.Border = Borders.All; row.Add(cell); // Total From All Other ICs dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary DC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_dc")); list.Add(new PdfString("total_from")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_totals")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(5, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", TotalOtherIC_DC)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary TC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_tc")); list.Add(new PdfString("total_from")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_totals")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(6, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", TotalOtherIC_TC)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary GRAND TOTAL */ dict.Put(PdfName.ID, new PdfString("grand_total")); dict.Put(PdfName.COLSPAN, new PdfNumber(5)); dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Row")); row = new tRow("TR"); cell = new tCell(0, "TH", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "GRAND TOTAL"); cell.Colspan = 5; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; cell.Border = Borders.All; row.Add(cell); // GRAND TOTAL dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary DC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_dc")); list.Add(new PdfString("grand_total")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_totals")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(5, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", TotalGrand_DC)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); dict = new PdfDictionary(); /* dictionary TC */ dict.Put(PdfName.O, PdfName.TABLE); dict.Put(new PdfName("Scope"), new PdfName("Column")); list = new PdfArray(); list.Add(new PdfString("staff_tc")); list.Add(new PdfString("grand_total")); list.Add(new PdfString("funding_totals")); dict.Put(PdfName.HEADERS, list); cell = new tCell(6, "TD", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, string.Format("$ {0:#,0}", TotalGrand_TC)); cell.Dictionary.Put(PdfName.A, dict); cell.Border = Borders.All; cell.fontSize = 9.5f; row.Add(cell); table.Add(row); table.Write(); }
/// <summary> /// Get Details for Application Recommendation /// </summary> public void GetDetailsAppRecommendation(PdfStructureElement tag, CMWGrant grant) { PdfStructureElement partIndiv = new PdfStructureElement(tag, new PdfName("Part")); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(partIndiv); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = partIndiv; // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Application/Grant #:"); var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.FullGrantNum)); table.Add(row); // row 2 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Principal Investigator:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.PIName)); table.Add(row); // row 3 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Institution:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.OrgName)); table.Add(row); // row 4 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Title:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, grant.ProjectTitle)); table.Add(row); var numerator = new NICHDMATH(grant.PriorityScoreNumber); var denominator = new NICHDMATH(grant.IRGPercentileNum); var answer = numerator / denominator; // row 4 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, @"PS/%ile:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, answer.Value.ToString())); table.Add(row); table.Write(); string rHeader = "Recommendation:"; helper.AddLine(2); content.BeginMarkedContentSequence(new PdfStructureElement(partIndiv, new PdfName("H2"))); content.BeginText(); content.SetFontAndSize(GrantFonts.bf_times_bold, 12); content.ShowTextAligned(it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, rHeader, document.LeftMargin, helper.CurrentY, 0); content.EndText(); content.EndMarkedContentSequence(); helper.AddLine(2); float YPosition = AddTextAppRecommendation(partIndiv, grant, helper.CurrentY); helper.GetLineFromY(YPosition); }
/// <summary> /// Get Details for Competition /// </summary> public void GetDetailsCompetition(PdfStructureElement tag) { helper.AddLine(1); helper.SetMargins(0.75f); SetWidths(threecolumns); SetColumns(); var table = new tTable(this, ""); table.ParentTag = tag; // row 1 var cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Application Received:"); var row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.AppsReceived.ToString())); table.Add(row); // row 2 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Nonresponsive Applications:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.AppsNonResponsive.ToString())); table.Add(row); // row 4 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Noncompetitive Applications:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.AppsNonCompetitive.ToString())); table.Add(row); // row 5 cell = new tCell(0, "H2", it.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, GrantFonts.BOLD, "Competitive Applications:"); row = new tRow(); row.Add(cell); row.Add(new tCell(2, "P", it.Element.ALIGN_LEFT, GrantFonts.NORMAL, helper.RFA.AppsCompetitive.ToString())); table.Add(row); table.Write(); }
public static bool APlus(int MapNum, int SX, int SY, int TX, int TY, eCell FreeCell, ref tPoint[] Path) { bool APlus = false; // A+ Pathfinding Algorithm: // Implementation by Herbert Glarner ([email protected]) // Unlimited use for whatever purpose allowed provided that above credits are given. // Suggestions and bug reports welcome. int lMaxList = 0; int lActList; float sCheapCost; int lCheapIndex; float sTotalCost; int lCheapX, lCheapY; int lOffX, lOffY; int lTestX, lTestY; int lMaxX, lMaxY; float sAdditCost; int lPathPtr; // The test program wants to access this grid. For this reason it is defined // and initialized globally. Usually one would define and initialize it only // in this procedure. // The two fields of tGrid can also be merged into the source matrix. // Dim abGridCopy() As tGrid const float cSqr2 = 1.4142135623731f; // Define the upper boundaries of the grid. lMaxX = Information.UBound(mapMatrix[MapNum].gaeGrid, 1); lMaxY = Information.UBound(mapMatrix[MapNum].gaeGrid, 2); // For each cell of the grid a bit is defined to hold it's "closed" status // and the index to the Open-List. // The test program wants to access this grid. For this reason it is defined // and initialized globally. Usually one would define and initialize it only // in this procedure. (Don't omit here: we need an empty matrix.) tGrid[,] abGridCopy = new tGrid[lMaxX + 1, lMaxY + 1]; // The starting point is added to the working list. It has no parent (-1). // The cost to get here is 0 (we start here). The direct distance enters // the Heuristic. tCell[] grList = new tCell[0 + 1]; grList[0].x = SX; grList[0].y = SY; grList[0].Parent = -1; grList[0].Cost = 0; grList[0].Heuristic = (float)(Math.Sqrt((TX - SX) * (TX - SX) + (TY - SY) * (TY - SY))); // Start the algorithm for (;;) { // Get the cell with the lowest Cost+Heuristic. Initialize the cheapest cost // with an impossible high value (change as needed). The best found index // is set to -1 to indicate "none found". sCheapCost = 10000000; lCheapIndex = -1; // Check all cells of the list. Initially, there is only the start point, // but more will be added soon. for (lActList = 0; lActList <= lMaxList; lActList++) { // Only check if not closed already. if (!grList[lActList].Closed) { // If this cells total cost (Cost+Heuristic) is lower than the so // far lowest cost, then store this total cost and the cell's index // as the so far best found. sTotalCost = grList[lActList].Cost + grList[lActList].Heuristic; if (sTotalCost < sCheapCost) { // New cheapest cost found. sCheapCost = sTotalCost; lCheapIndex = lActList; } } } // lActList // lCheapIndex contains the cell with the lowest total cost now. // If no such cell could be found, all cells were already closed and there // is no path at all to the target. if (lCheapIndex == -1) { // There is no path. APlus = false; return(APlus); } // Get the cheapest cell's coordinates lCheapX = grList[lCheapIndex].x; lCheapY = grList[lCheapIndex].y; // If the best field is the target field, we have found our path. if (lCheapX == TX & lCheapY == TY) { // Path found. break; } // Check all immediate neighbors for (lOffY = -1; lOffY <= 1; lOffY++) { for (lOffX = -1; lOffX <= 1; lOffX++) { // Ignore the actual field, process all others (8 neighbors). if (lOffX != 0 | lOffY != 0) { if (!modTypes.Options.allowEightDirectionalMovement && !(lOffX != 0 & lOffY != 0)) { continue; } // Get the neighbor's coordinates. lTestX = lCheapX + lOffX; lTestY = lCheapY + lOffY; // Don't test beyond the grid's boundaries. if (lTestX >= 0 & lTestX <= lMaxX & lTestY >= 0 & lTestY <= lMaxY) { // The cell is within the grid's boundaries. // Make sure the field is accessible. To be accessible, // the cell must have the value as per the function // argument FreeCell (change as needed). Of course, the // target is allowed as well. if (mapMatrix[MapNum].gaeGrid[lTestX, lTestY] == FreeCell || mapMatrix[MapNum].gaeGrid[lTestX, lTestY] == { // The cell is accessible. // For this we created the "bitmatrix" abGridCopy(). if (abGridCopy[lTestX, lTestY].ListStat == eListStat.Unprocessed) { // Register the new cell in the list. lMaxList += 1; Array.Resize(ref grList, lMaxList + 1); // The parent is where we come from (the cheapest field); // it's index is registered. grList[lMaxList].x = lTestX; grList[lMaxList].y = lTestY; grList[lMaxList].Parent = lCheapIndex; // Additional cost is 1 for othogonal movement, cSqr2 for // diagonal movement (change if diagonal steps should have // a different cost). if (Math.Abs(lOffX) + Math.Abs(lOffY) == 1) { sAdditCost = (float)(1.0); } else { sAdditCost = cSqr2; } // Store cost to get there by summing the actual cell's cost // and the additional cost. grList[lMaxList].Cost = grList[lCheapIndex].Cost + sAdditCost; // Calculate distance to target as the heuristical part grList[lMaxList].Heuristic = (float)(Math.Sqrt((TX - lTestX) * (TX - lTestX) + (TY - lTestY) * (TY - lTestY))); // Register in the Grid copy as open. abGridCopy[lTestX, lTestY].ListStat = eListStat.IsOpen; // Also register the index to quickly find the element in the // "closed" list. abGridCopy[lTestX, lTestY].Index = lMaxList; } else if (abGridCopy[lTestX, lTestY].ListStat == eListStat.IsOpen) { // Is the cost to get to this already open field cheaper when using // this path via lTestX/lTestY ? lActList = abGridCopy[lTestX, lTestY].Index; sAdditCost = (float)((Math.Abs(lOffX) + Math.Abs(lOffY) == 1 ? 1.0 : cSqr2)); if (grList[lCheapIndex].Cost + sAdditCost < grList[lActList].Cost) { // The cost to reach the already open field is lower via the // actual field. // Store new cost grList[lActList].Cost = grList[lCheapIndex].Cost + sAdditCost; // Store new parent grList[lActList].Parent = lCheapIndex; } // ElseIf abGridCopy(lTestX, lTestY) = IsClosed Then // This cell can be ignored } } } } } // lOffX } // lOffY // Close the just checked cheapest cell. grList[lCheapIndex].Closed = true; abGridCopy[lCheapX, lCheapY].ListStat = eListStat.IsClosed; } // The path can be found by backtracing from the field TX/TY until SX/SY. // The path is traversed in backwards order and stored reversely (!) in // the "argument" Path(). Path = new tPoint[0 + 1]; lPathPtr = -1; // lCheapIndex (lCheapX/Y) initially contains the target TX/TY do { // Store the coordinates of the current cell lPathPtr += 1; Array.Resize(ref Path, lPathPtr + 1); Path[lPathPtr].x = grList[lCheapIndex].x; Path[lPathPtr].y = grList[lCheapIndex].y; // Follow the parent lCheapIndex = grList[lCheapIndex].Parent; } while (lCheapIndex != -1); Console.WriteLine("Path found"); APlus = true; return(APlus); }