static unsafe string GetErrorText(svn_error_t error) { if (error == null) { return(""); } try { if (error.message != null) { return(SvnBase.Utf8_PtrToString(error.message)); } var buffer = new sbyte[1024]; string msg; fixed(sbyte *buf = &buffer[0]) { svn_error.svn_err_best_message(error, buf, Convert.ToUInt64(buffer.Length) - 1); msg = SvnBase.Utf8_PtrToString(buf); } return(msg?.Trim()); } catch (Exception) { return("Subversion error: Unable to retrieve error text"); } }
/// <summary>Updates the specified paths to the specified revision</summary> /// <exception type="SvnException">Operation failed and args.ThrowOnError = true</exception> /// <exception type="ArgumentException">Parameters invalid</exception> /// <returns>true if the operation succeeded; false if it did not</returns> public unsafe bool Update(ICollection <string> paths, SvnUpdateArgs args, out SvnUpdateResult updateResult) { if (paths == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paths)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } updateResult = null; foreach (string s in paths) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ItemInListIsNull, nameof(paths)); } if (!IsNotUri(s)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(paths)); } } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); var aprPaths = new AprArray <string, AprCStrDirentMarshaller>(paths, pool); apr_array_header_t.__Internal *revs_ptr = null; svn_opt_revision_t uRev = args.Revision.Or(SvnRevision.Head).AllocSvnRevision(pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_update4( (void **)&revs_ptr, aprPaths.Handle, uRev, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, args.KeepDepth, args.IgnoreExternals, args.AllowObstructions, args.AddsAsModifications, args.UpdateParents, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); if (args.HandleResult(this, r, paths)) { var revs = apr_array_header_t.__CreateInstance(new IntPtr(revs_ptr)); var aprRevs = new AprArray <long, AprSvnRevNumMarshaller>(revs, pool); updateResult = new SvnUpdateResult(paths, aprRevs.ToArray(), (paths.Count >= 1) ? aprRevs[0] : -1); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary>Adds the specified path</summary> /// <returns>true if the operation succeeded; false if it did not</returns> /// <exception type="SvnException">Operation failed and args.ThrowOnError = true</exception> /// <exception type="ArgumentException">Parameters invalid</exception> public unsafe bool Add(string path, SvnAddArgs args) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.ConfigLoaded, SvnExtendedState.MimeTypesLoaded); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_add5( pool.AllocDirent(path), (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, args.Force, args.NoIgnore, args.NoAutoProps, args.AddParents, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, path)); }
/// <summary>Move and/or rename something in repository, remembering history (<c>svn move</c>)</summary> public unsafe bool RemoteMove(ICollection <Uri> sourceUris, Uri toUri, SvnMoveArgs args, out SvnCommitResult result) { if (sourceUris == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceUris)); } if (toUri == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(toUri)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } if (!IsValidReposUri(toUri)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAValidRepositoryUri, nameof(toUri)); } var uris = new List <string>(sourceUris.Count); foreach (Uri u in sourceUris) { if (u == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ItemInListIsNull, nameof(sourceUris)); } if (!IsValidReposUri(u)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAValidRepositoryUri, nameof(sourceUris)); } uris.Add(UriToCanonicalString(u)); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); using var crr = new CommitResultReceiver(this); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_move7( AllocArray(uris, pool), pool.AllocUri(toUri), args.AlwaysMoveAsChild || (sourceUris.Count > 1), args.CreateParents, args.AllowMixedRevisions, args.MetaDataOnly, CreateRevPropList(args.LogProperties, pool), crr.CommitCallback.Get(), crr.CommitBaton, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); result = crr.CommitResult; return(args.HandleResult(this, r, sourceUris)); }
protected unsafe SvnException(svn_error_t error) : base(GetErrorText(error), GetInnerException(error)) { if (error != null) { _errorCode = error.apr_err; _line = error.line; _pFile = error.file; } }
/// <summary>Streamingly lists directory entries in the repository. (<c>svn list</c>)</summary> public unsafe bool List(SvnTarget target, SvnListArgs args, EventHandler <SvnListEventArgs> listHandler) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } // We allow a null listHandler; the args object might just handle it itself EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); args.Prepare(target, args.Revision.RevisionType != SvnRevisionType.None); if (listHandler != null) { args.List += listHandler; } try { svn_opt_revision_t pegrev = target.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(pool); svn_opt_revision_t rev = args.Revision.Or(target.Revision).AllocSvnRevision(pool); using var svnclient_list_func_handle = new SafeFuncHandle <svn_client_list_func2_t>(svnclient_list_handler); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_list3( target.AllocAsString(pool), pegrev, rev, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, (uint)args.RetrieveEntries, args.RetrieveLocks, args.IncludeExternals, svnclient_list_func_handle.Get(), _clientBaton.Handle, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, target)); } finally { if (listHandler != null) { args.List -= listHandler; } } }
/// <summary>Streamingly retrieves information about a local or remote item (<c>svn info</c>)</summary> public unsafe bool Info(SvnTarget target, SvnInfoArgs args, EventHandler <SvnInfoEventArgs> infoHandler) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } // We allow a null infoHandler; the args object might just handle it itself EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); if (infoHandler != null) { args.Info += infoHandler; } try { var pegRev = target.GetSvnRevision(SvnRevision.None, SvnRevision.Head).AllocSvnRevision(pool); var rev = args.Revision.Or(target.GetSvnRevision(SvnRevision.None, SvnRevision.Head)).AllocSvnRevision(pool); using var svn_info_receiver_handle = new SafeFuncHandle <svn_client_info_receiver2_t>(svn_info_receiver); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_info4( target.AllocAsString(pool, true), pegRev, rev, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, args.RetrieveExcluded, args.RetrieveActualOnly, args.IncludeExternals, CreateChangeListsList(args.ChangeLists, pool), // Intersect ChangeLists svn_info_receiver_handle.Get(), _clientBaton.Handle, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, target)); } finally { if (infoHandler != null) { args.Info -= infoHandler; } } }
/// <summary>Remove files and directories from version control at the repository (<c>svn delete|remove</c>)</summary> public bool RemoteDelete(ICollection <Uri> uris, SvnDeleteArgs args, out SvnCommitResult result) { if (uris == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uris)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } result = null; var uriData = new string[uris.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (Uri uri in uris) { if (uri == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ItemInListIsNull, nameof(uris)); } if (!IsValidReposUri(uri)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAValidRepositoryUri, nameof(uris)); } uriData[i++] = UriToCanonicalString(uri); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); using var crr = new CommitResultReceiver(this); var aprPaths = new AprArray <string, AprUriMarshaller>(uriData, pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_delete4( aprPaths.Handle, args.Force, args.KeepLocal, CreateRevPropList(args.LogProperties, pool), crr.CommitCallback.Get(), crr.CommitBaton, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); result = crr.CommitResult; return(args.HandleResult(this, r, uris)); }
/// <summary>Performs a checkout of <paramref name="url" /> to <paramref name="path" /> to the specified param</summary> /// <exception type="SvnException">Operation failed and args.ThrowOnError = true</exception> /// <exception type="ArgumentException">Parameters invalid</exception> /// <returns>true if the operation succeeded; false if it did not</returns> public unsafe bool CheckOut(SvnUriTarget url, string path, SvnCheckOutArgs args, out SvnUpdateResult result) { if (url == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } if (args.Revision.RequiresWorkingCopy) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.RevisionTypeMustBeHeadDateOrSpecific, nameof(args)); } if (url.Revision.RequiresWorkingCopy) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.RevisionTypeMustBeHeadDateOrSpecific, nameof(url)); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); int version = 0; svn_opt_revision_t pegRev = url.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(pool); svn_opt_revision_t coRev = args.Revision.Or(url.Revision).Or(SvnRevision.Head).AllocSvnRevision(pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_checkout3( ref version, pool.AllocUri(url.Uri), pool.AllocDirent(path), pegRev, coRev, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, args.IgnoreExternals, args.AllowObstructions, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); result = SvnUpdateResult.Create(this, args, version); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, url)); }
internal unsafe SvnLoggingEventArgs(svn_log_entry_t entry, AprPool pool) { if (entry == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entry)); } if (pool == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pool)); } _entry = entry; _pool = pool; sbyte *pcAuthor = null; sbyte *pcDate = null; sbyte *pcMessage = null; if (entry.revprops != null) { svn_compat.svn_compat_log_revprops_out(&pcAuthor, &pcDate, &pcMessage, entry.revprops); } if (pcDate != null) { long when = 0; // Documentation: date must be parsable by svn_time_from_cstring() svn_error_t err = pcDate != null?svn_time.svn_time_from_cstring(ref when, pcDate, pool.Handle) : null; if (err == null) { Time = SvnBase.DateTimeFromAprTime(when); } else { svn_error.svn_error_clear(err); } } else { Time = DateTime.MinValue; } Revision = entry.revision; _pcAuthor = pcAuthor; _pcMessage = pcMessage; NotInheritable = entry.non_inheritable; SubtractiveMerge = entry.subtractive_merge; }
/// <summary>Exports the specified target to the specified path</summary> /// <remarks>Subversion optimizes this call if you specify a workingcopy file instead of an url</remarks> public unsafe bool Export(SvnTarget from, string toPath, SvnExportArgs args, out SvnUpdateResult result) { if (from == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(from)); } if (toPath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(toPath)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); result = null; int resultRev = 0; svn_opt_revision_t pegRev = from.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(pool); svn_opt_revision_t rev = args.Revision.Or(from.GetSvnRevision(SvnRevision.Working, SvnRevision.Head)).AllocSvnRevision(pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_export5( ref resultRev, from.AllocAsString(pool), pool.AllocDirent(toPath), pegRev, rev, args.Overwrite, args.IgnoreExternals, args.IgnoreKeywords, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, pool.AllocString(GetEolPtr(args.LineStyle)), CtxHandle, pool.Handle); if (args.HandleResult(this, r, from)) { result = SvnUpdateResult.Create(this, args, resultRev); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary>Move and/or rename something in working copy, remembering history (<c>svn move</c>)</summary> public unsafe bool Move(ICollection <string> sourcePaths, string toPath, SvnMoveArgs args) { if (sourcePaths == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourcePaths)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(toPath)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } foreach (string s in sourcePaths) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ItemInListIsNull, nameof(sourcePaths)); } if (!IsNotUri(s)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(sourcePaths)); } } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_move7( AllocDirentArray(sourcePaths, pool), pool.AllocDirent(toPath), args.AlwaysMoveAsChild || (sourcePaths.Count > 1), args.CreateParents, args.AllowMixedRevisions, args.MetaDataOnly, null, null, IntPtr.Zero, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, sourcePaths)); }
internal static svn_error_t CreateSvnError(Exception exception) { if (exception == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(exception)); } svn_error_t creator = svn_error.svn_error_create(_abusedErrorCode, null, "{Managed Exception Blob}"); if (creator.pool != null) { var ex = new SvnExceptionContainer(exception, creator.pool); return(svn_error.svn_error_create(_abusedErrorCode, creator, MANAGED_EXCEPTION_PREFIX + ex.Handle.ToString("X"))); } return(svn_error.svn_error_create((int)SvnErrorCode.SVN_ERR_BASE, null, null)); }
///////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>Gets the repository Uri of a path, or <c>null</c> if path is not versioned</summary> /// <remarks>See also <see cref="SvnTools.GetUriFromWorkingCopy" /></remarks> public unsafe Uri GetUriFromWorkingCopy(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (!IsNotUri(path)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(path)); } var pool = new AprPool(_pool); var store = new NoArgsStore(this, pool); try { sbyte *url = null; svn_error_t err = svn_client.svn_client_url_from_path2( &url, pool.AllocAbsoluteDirent(path), CtxHandle, pool.Handle, pool.Handle); if (err == null && url != null) { return(Utf8_PtrToUri(url, Directory.Exists(path) ? SvnNodeKind.Directory : SvnNodeKind.File)); } if (err != null) { svn_error.svn_error_clear(err); } return(null); } finally { store.Dispose(); pool.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary>Gets the repository url and repository id for a working copy path</summary> public unsafe bool TryGetRepository(string path, out Uri repositoryUrl, out Guid id) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (!IsNotUri(path)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(path)); } id = Guid.Empty; repositoryUrl = null; EnsureState(SvnContextState.ConfigLoaded); using (var pool = new AprPool(_pool)) using (var store = new NoArgsStore(this, pool)) { sbyte *urlStr = null; sbyte *uuidStr = null; svn_error_t err = svn_client.svn_client_get_repos_root( &urlStr, &uuidStr, pool.AllocAbsoluteDirent(path), CtxHandle, pool.Handle, pool.Handle); if (err != null || urlStr == null || uuidStr == null || *urlStr == 0 || *uuidStr == 0) { svn_error.svn_error_clear(err); return(false); } repositoryUrl = Utf8_PtrToUri(urlStr, SvnNodeKind.Directory); id = new Guid(Utf8_PtrToString(uuidStr)); return(true); } }
/// <summary>Remove files and directories from version control, scheduling (<c>svn delete|remove</c>)</summary> public bool Delete(ICollection <string> paths, SvnDeleteArgs args) { if (paths == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(paths)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } foreach (string path in paths) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ItemInListIsNull, nameof(paths)); } if (!IsNotUri(path)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(paths)); } } EnsureState(SvnContextState.ConfigLoaded); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); var aprPaths = new AprArray <string, AprCStrDirentMarshaller>(paths, pool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_delete4( aprPaths.Handle, args.Force, args.KeepLocal, null, null, IntPtr.Zero, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, paths)); }
internal static svn_error_t CreateExceptionSvnError(string origin, Exception exception) { svn_error_t innerError = null; if (exception != null) { innerError = CreateSvnError(exception); } int status = (int)SvnErrorCode.SVN_ERR_CANCELLED; if (exception is SvnException se) { status = se.SubversionErrorCode; } // Use svn_error_createf to make sure the value is copied return(svn_error.svn_error_create( status, innerError, $"Operation canceled. Exception occured in {origin}")); }
internal unsafe SvnCommitResult(svn_commit_info_t commitInfo, AprPool pool) { if (commitInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commitInfo)); } if (pool == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pool)); } Revision = commitInfo.revision; long when = 0; svn_error_t err = svn_time.svn_time_from_cstring(ref when,, pool.Handle); // pool is not used at this time (might be for errors in future versions) if (err == null) { Time = SvnBase.DateTimeFromAprTime(when); } else { svn_error.svn_error_clear(err); Time = DateTime.MinValue; } Author = SvnBase.Utf8_PtrToString(; PostCommitError = commitInfo.post_commit_err != null ? SvnBase.Utf8_PtrToString(commitInfo.post_commit_err) .Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine) .Replace("\r\r", "\r") : null; if (commitInfo.repos_root != null) { RepositoryRoot = SvnBase.Utf8_PtrToUri(commitInfo.repos_root, SvnNodeKind.Directory); } }
unsafe bool InternalSetProperty(string target, string propertyName, svn_string_t value, SvnSetPropertyArgs args, AprPool pool) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propertyName)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propertyName)); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.ConfigLoaded); // We might need repository access using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); sbyte *pcPropertyName = pool.AllocString(propertyName); if (!svn_props.svn_prop_name_is_valid(pcPropertyName)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.PropertyNameIsNotValid, nameof(propertyName)); } svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_propset_local( pcPropertyName, value, AllocDirentArray(NewSingleItemCollection(SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(target)), pool), (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, args.SkipChecks, CreateChangeListsList(args.ChangeLists, pool), // Intersect ChangeLists CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, target)); }
unsafe bool InternalWrite(SvnTarget target, Stream output, SvnWriteArgs args, apr_hash_t.__Internal **props, AprPool resultPool) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (output == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output)); } if (args == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(args)); } using var scratchPool = new AprPool(resultPool); EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, scratchPool); using var wrapper = new SvnStreamWrapper(output, false, true, scratchPool); svn_opt_revision_t pegRev = target.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(scratchPool); svn_opt_revision_t rev = args.Revision.Or(target.Revision).AllocSvnRevision(scratchPool); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_cat3( (void **)props, wrapper.Handle, target.AllocAsString(scratchPool, true), pegRev, rev, !args.IgnoreKeywords, CtxHandle, resultPool.Handle, scratchPool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, target)); }
/// <summary>Gets the (relevant) working copy root of a path or <c>null</c> if the path doesn't have one</summary> public unsafe string GetWorkingCopyRoot(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (!IsNotUri(path)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(path)); } sbyte *wcroot_abspath = null; EnsureState(SvnContextState.ConfigLoaded); using (var pool = new AprPool(_pool)) using (var store = new NoArgsStore(this, pool)) { svn_error_t err = svn_client.svn_client_get_wc_root( &wcroot_abspath, pool.AllocAbsoluteDirent(path), CtxHandle, pool.Handle, pool.Handle); if (err == null && wcroot_abspath != null) { return(Utf8_PathPtrToString(wcroot_abspath, pool)); } if (err != null) { svn_error.svn_error_clear(err); } return(null); } }
internal SvnClientConfigurationException(svn_error_t error) : base(error) { }
unsafe bool InternalLog(ICollection <string> targets, Uri searchRoot, SvnRevision altPegRev, SvnLogArgs args, EventHandler <SvnLogEventArgs> logHandler) { if (targets == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targets)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); args._mergeLogLevel = 0; // Clear log level args._searchRoot = searchRoot; if (logHandler != null) { args.Log += logHandler; } try { apr_array_header_t retrieveProperties; if (args.RetrieveAllProperties) { retrieveProperties = null; } else if (args.RetrievePropertiesUsed) { retrieveProperties = AllocArray(args.RetrieveProperties, pool); } else { retrieveProperties = svn_compat.svn_compat_log_revprops_in(pool.Handle); } svn_opt_revision_t pegRev = args.OriginRevision.Or(altPegRev).AllocSvnRevision(pool); int count = args.RangesUsed ? args.Ranges.Count : 1; var revisionRanges = apr_tables.apr_array_make( pool.Handle, count, sizeof(svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal *)); if (args.RangesUsed) { foreach (SvnRevisionRange r in args.Ranges) { var range = (svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal *)pool.Alloc( sizeof(svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal)); range->start = r.StartRevision.Or(SvnRevision.Head).ToSvnRevision(); range->end = r.EndRevision.Or(SvnRevision.Zero).ToSvnRevision(); *((svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal * *)apr_tables.apr_array_push(revisionRanges)) = range; } } else { var range = (svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal *)pool.Alloc( sizeof(svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal)); range->start = args.Start.Or(args.OriginRevision).Or(SvnRevision.Head).ToSvnRevision(); range->end = args.End.Or(SvnRevision.Zero).ToSvnRevision(); *((svn_opt_revision_range_t.__Internal * *)apr_tables.apr_array_push(revisionRanges)) = range; } using var svnclient_log_receiver_handle = new SafeFuncHandle <svn_log_entry_receiver_t>(svnclient_log_handler); svn_error_t err = svn_client.svn_client_log5( AllocArray(targets, pool), pegRev, revisionRanges, args.Limit, args.RetrieveChangedPaths, args.StrictNodeHistory, args.RetrieveMergedRevisions, retrieveProperties, svnclient_log_receiver_handle.Get(), _clientBaton.Handle, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, err, targets)); } finally { if (logHandler != null) { args.Log -= logHandler; } args._searchRoot = null; args._mergeLogLevel = 0; } }
internal SvnOperationCompletedException(svn_error_t error) : base(error) { }
/// <summary>Sets the specified property on the specfied path to value</summary> /// <remarks>Use <see cref="DeleteProperty(string, string, SvnSetPropertyArgs)" /> to remove an existing property</remarks> public unsafe bool GetProperty(SvnTarget target, string propertyName, SvnGetPropertyArgs args, out SvnTargetPropertyCollection properties) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } if (propertyName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propertyName)); } properties = null; EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); var pegRev = target.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(pool); var rev = args.Revision.Or(target.Revision).AllocSvnRevision(pool); int actualRev = 0; apr_hash_t.__Internal *pHash = null; sbyte *pName = pool.AllocString(propertyName); sbyte *prefix = null; sbyte *targetName = target.AllocAsString(pool); if (!svn_path.svn_path_is_url(targetName)) { prefix = targetName; targetName = target.AllocAsString(pool, true); } svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_propget5( (void **)&pHash, null, pName, targetName, pegRev, rev, ref actualRev, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, CreateChangeListsList(args.ChangeLists, pool), // Intersect ChangeLists CtxHandle, pool.Handle, pool.Handle); if (pHash != null) { var rd = new SvnTargetPropertyCollection(); apr_hash_t hash = apr_hash_t.__CreateInstance(new IntPtr(pHash)); for (apr_hash_index_t hi = apr_hash.apr_hash_first(pool.Handle, hash); hi != null; hi = apr_hash.apr_hash_next(hi)) { sbyte *pKey; long keyLen = 0; svn_string_t.__Internal *propVal; apr_hash.apr_hash_this(hi, (void **)&pKey, ref keyLen, (void **)&propVal); SvnTarget itemTarget; if (prefix != null && !svn_path.svn_path_is_url(pKey)) { string path = Utf8_PathPtrToString( svn_dirent_uri.svn_dirent_join( prefix, svn_dirent_uri.svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(targetName, pKey), pool.Handle), pool); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { itemTarget = path; } else { itemTarget = "."; } } else { itemTarget = Utf8_PtrToUri(pKey, SvnNodeKind.Unknown); } var propValStr = svn_string_t.__CreateInstance(new IntPtr(propVal)); rd.Add(SvnPropertyValue.Create(pName, propValStr, itemTarget, propertyName)); } properties = rd; } return(args.HandleResult(this, r, target)); }
internal SvnMalfunctionException(svn_error_t err) : base(err) { }
/// <summary>Gets status data for the specified path</summary> public unsafe bool Status(string path, SvnStatusArgs args, EventHandler <SvnStatusEventArgs> statusHandler) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } if (!IsNotUri(path)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAPathNotAUri, nameof(path)); } // We allow a null statusHandler; the args object might just handle it itself if (args.ContactRepository) { EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); } else { EnsureState(SvnContextState.ConfigLoaded); } using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); if (statusHandler != null) { args.Status += statusHandler; } try { int version = 0; svn_opt_revision_t pegRev = args.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(pool); using var svnclient_status_func_handle = new SafeFuncHandle <svn_client_status_func_t>(svnclient_status_handler); svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_status6( ref version, CtxHandle, pool.AllocDirent(path), pegRev, (svn_depth_t)args.Depth, args.RetrieveAllEntries, args.RetrieveRemoteStatus, !args.IgnoreWorkingCopyStatus, args.RetrieveIgnoredEntries, args.IgnoreExternals, args.KeepDepth, CreateChangeListsList(args.ChangeLists, pool), // Intersect ChangeLists svnclient_status_func_handle.Get(), _clientBaton.Handle, pool.Handle); return(args.HandleResult(this, r, path)); } finally { if (statusHandler != null) { args.Status -= statusHandler; } } }
private SvnError(svn_error_t *ptr) { mError = ptr; }
internal SvnSystemException(svn_error_t error) : base(error) { }
/// <summary>Duplicate something in repository, remembering history (<c>svn copy</c>)</summary> /// <remarks>Can be called with either a list of <see cref="SvnTarget" />, <see cref="SvnUriTarget" /> or <see cref="SvnPathTarget" />. /// All members must be of the same type.</remarks> public unsafe bool RemoteCopy <TSvnTarget>(ICollection <TSvnTarget> sources, Uri toUri, SvnCopyArgs args, out SvnCommitResult result) where TSvnTarget : SvnTarget { if (sources == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sources)); } if (toUri == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(toUri)); } if (args == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } if (!SvnBase.IsValidReposUri(toUri)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ArgumentMustBeAValidRepositoryUri, nameof(toUri)); } if (sources.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.CollectionMustContainAtLeastOneItem, nameof(sources)); } bool isFirst = true; bool isLocal = false; foreach (SvnTarget target in sources) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.ItemInListIsNull, nameof(sources)); } SvnPathTarget pt = target as SvnPathTarget; if (isFirst) { isLocal = (null != pt); isFirst = false; } else if (isLocal != (null != pt)) { throw new ArgumentException(SharpSvnStrings.AllTargetsMustBeUriOrPath, nameof(sources)); } } EnsureState(SvnContextState.AuthorizationInitialized); using var pool = new AprPool(_pool); using var store = new ArgsStore(this, args, pool); using var crr = new CommitResultReceiver(this); apr_array_header_t copies = AllocCopyArray(sources, pool); if (copies != null && args.Revision.RevisionType != SvnRevisionType.None) { svn_opt_revision_t rev = args.Revision.AllocSvnRevision(pool); for (int i = 0; i < copies.nelts; i++) { var cp = ((svn_client_copy_source_t.__Internal * *)copies.elts)[i]; cp->revision = rev.__Instance; } } svn_error_t r = svn_client.svn_client_copy7( copies, pool.AllocUri(toUri), args.AlwaysCopyAsChild || (sources.Count > 1), args.CreateParents, args.IgnoreExternals, args.MetaDataOnly, args.PinExternals, null /* */, CreateRevPropList(args.LogProperties, pool), crr.CommitCallback.Get(), crr.CommitBaton, CtxHandle, pool.Handle); result = crr.CommitResult; return(args.HandleResult(this, r, sources)); }
internal SvnClientException(svn_error_t error) : base(error) { }