    public void squareHoverOn(GameObject square, PointerEventData data)
        squareController controller  = square.GetComponent <squareController>();
        Transform        largeSquare = board.transform.GetChild(controller.row).GetChild(controller.column);

        if (controller.valid)
            if (controller.wonBy == 0)
                if (turn == 1)
                    largeSquare.GetComponent <Image>().color = twoHighlightSquareColour;
                    largeSquare.GetComponent <Image>().color = oneHighlightSquareColour;
    public void newLevel()
    //Do this every time we go to a new level
        Debug.Log("newLevel():" + Time.frameCount);

        //Grab the square controller cuz we're gonna need to reset the squares
        squareController squareScript = square.GetComponent <squareController>();
        //Grab the instruction square controller cuz we're gonna need to change
        //its sound depending on the level
        instructionSquareController instructionSquareScript = instructionSquare.GetComponent <instructionSquareController>();

        if (currentLevel == 15)
            //If we're on level 15 we need a slightly different position
            playerMoveTo = new Vector3(5f, 0f, -.15f);
        else if (myDirection == "LEFT")
            //If we leave from left, spawn on right
            playerMoveTo = new Vector3(5f, 1f, -.15f);
        else if (myDirection == "RIGHT")
            //If we leave from right, come in on left
            playerMoveTo = new Vector3(-4f, 1f, -.15f);
        else if (myDirection == "UP")
            //If we leave from top, spawn on bottom
            playerMoveTo = new Vector3(1f, -1f, -.15f);
        else if (myDirection == "DOWN")
            //If we leave from bottom, spawn on top
            playerMoveTo = new Vector3(1f, 3f, -.15f);

        //The z is -.15 so they're in front of everything
        youScript.transform.position = playerMoveTo;

        //Record the spot the player needs to move to so that we can do it after/while the camera moves
        //We do this at the top before we change myDirection to the correct direction for the next level

         * if (currentLevel == 15)
         * {
         *  //If we're on level 15 we need a slightly different position
         *  playerMoveTo = new Vector3(5f, 0f, -.15f);
         *  Debug.Log("15");
         * }
         * else if (myDirection == "LEFT")
         * {
         *  //If we leave from left, spawn on right
         *  playerMoveTo = new Vector3(5f, 1f, -.15f);
         *  Debug.Log("LEFT");
         * }
         * else if (myDirection == "RIGHT")
         * {
         *  //If we leave from right, come in on left
         *  playerMoveTo = new Vector3(-5f, 1f, -.15f);
         *  Debug.Log("RIGHT");
         * }
         * else if (myDirection == "UP")
         * {
         *  //If we leave from top, spawn on bottom
         *  playerMoveTo = new Vector3(1f, -1f, -.15f);
         *  Debug.Log("UP");
         * }
         * else if (myDirection == "DOWN")
         * {
         *  //If we leave from bottom, spawn on top
         *  playerMoveTo = new Vector3(1f, 3f, -.15f);
         *  Debug.Log("DOWN");
         * }

        //Camera stuff

         * if (firstLevelLoad == false)
         * {
         *  firstLevelLoad = true;
         * } else {
         *  if (myDirection == "LEFT")
         *  {
         *      mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(16.5f, 1f, -10f);
         *  }
         *  else if (myDirection == "RIGHT")
         *  {
         *      mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(-15.5f, 1f, -10f);
         *  }
         *  else if (myDirection == "UP")
         *  {
         *      mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(0.5f, -9f, -10f);
         *  }
         *  else if (myDirection == "DOWN")
         *  {
         *      mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(0.5f, 11f, -10f);
         *  }
         * }

        readyForCameraSwitch = true;

        //If we've already solved the main puzzle
        if (mainDoorOpened[currentLevel])
            //We have played the level completion sound
            doorOpenPlayed = true;
            //The door should already be enterable
            timeToDoorChange = 5;
            //we have completed the level
            levelCompleted = true;
            //Thus we are ready for a level change
            readyForLevelChange = true;
            //But we should not get rid of the squares
            goodbyeSquares     = false;
            squaresDestroyed   = 0;
            timeForLevelChange = false;
            // or reset our color
            mySpriteRenderer.color = openDoorColor;
            //If     not,
            //We haven't played the level completion sound
            doorOpenPlayed = false;
            //The door needs to wait until all sound stops before becoming enterable
            timeToDoorChange = 0;
            //if we have not already completed this level
            //We have not completed this new level
            levelCompleted = false;
            //Thus we are not ready for a level change
            readyForLevelChange = false;
            //Thus we should not get rid of the squares
            goodbyeSquares     = false;
            squaresDestroyed   = 0;
            timeForLevelChange = false;
            //Reset our color
            mySpriteRenderer.color = closedDoorColor;

        playerMoved = false;

        bool spawnInstructionSquare = true;

        //Depending on what level we're on
        if (currentLevel == 0)
            //If we're at level 0 this is a problem so reset to level 12
            currentLevel = 12;

            //reset our map position to level 12
            mapPosition[0] = 11;
            mapPosition[1] = 9;

            Debug.Log("Oops! You're on level 0! Probably should fix that, buddy!");

        if (currentLevel == 1)

            //Make the instruction square play the correct sound for the solution
            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level1Solution;

            //Set the square's position arrays to that of the correct level
            squareX = squareXPositionSmall;
            squareY = squareYPositionSmall;

            correctSquare             = level1SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level1SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareX.Length];

            myDirection = "RIGHT";
        else if (currentLevel == 2)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level2Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionSmall;
            squareY = squareYPositionSmall;

            correctSquare             = level2SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level2SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionSmall.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("LEFT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "RIGHT";
        else if (currentLevel == 3)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level3Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionMedium;
            squareY = squareYPositionMedium;

            correctSquare             = level3SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level3SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionMedium.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("LEFT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "DOWN";
        else if (currentLevel == 4)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level4Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionMedium;
            squareY = squareYPositionMedium;

            correctSquare             = level4SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level4SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionMedium.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("UP", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            if (secretDoorOpened[0])
                makeSmallDoor("LEFT", level7SquareOrder, "", true);
                makeSmallDoor("LEFT", level7SquareOrder, "", false);

            if (mainDoorOpened[7])
                makeSmallDoor("RIGHT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);
                makeSmallDoor("RIGHT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", false);

            myDirection = "DOWN";
        else if (currentLevel == 5)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level5Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionMedium;
            squareY = squareYPositionMedium;

            correctSquare             = level5SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level5SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionMedium.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("UP", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "RIGHT";
        else if (currentLevel == 6)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level6Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionMedium;
            squareY = squareYPositionMedium;

            correctSquare             = level6SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level6SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionMedium.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("LEFT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "UP";
        else if (currentLevel == 7)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level7Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionMedium;
            squareY = squareYPositionMedium;

            correctSquare             = level7SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level7SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionMedium.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("DOWN", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "LEFT";
        else if (currentLevel == 8)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level8Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level8SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level8SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("RIGHT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "LEFT";
        else if (currentLevel == 9)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level9Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level9SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level9SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("RIGHT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "LEFT";
        else if (currentLevel == 10)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level10Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level10SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level10SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("RIGHT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            if (secretDoorOpened[1])
                makeSmallDoor("UP", level13SquareOrder, "", true);
                makeSmallDoor("UP", level13SquareOrder, "", false);

            myDirection = "DOWN";
        else if (currentLevel == 11)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level11Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level11SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level11SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("UP", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "DOWN";
        else if (currentLevel == 12)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level12Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level12SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level12SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("UP", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "RIGHT";
        else if (currentLevel == 13)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level13Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level13SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level13SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            myDirection = "LEFT";
        else if (currentLevel == 14)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level14Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level14SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level14SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("DOWN", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "UP";
        else if (currentLevel == 15)

            spawnInstructionSquare          = false;
            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level15Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level15SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level15SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            myDirection = "DOWN";
        else if (currentLevel == 16)
            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level15Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level16SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level16SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("DOWN", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "UP";
        else if (currentLevel == 17)
            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level15Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionBig;
            squareY = squareYPositionBig;

            correctSquare             = level17SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level17SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionBig.Length];
        else if (currentLevel == 21)

            instructionSquareScript.mySound = level2Solution;

            squareX = squareXPositionSmall;
            squareY = squareYPositionSmall;

            correctSquare             = level2SquareOrder;
            correctSquarePlayed       = new bool[level2SquareOrder.Length];
            currentCorrectSquareIndex = 0;
            nextSquareInCorrectOrder  = correctSquare[currentCorrectSquareIndex];

            squarePlayed = new bool[squareXPositionSmall.Length];

            makeSmallDoor("LEFT", levelNullSquareOrder, "", true);

            myDirection = "RIGHT";

        //Make the squares
        for (int x = 0; x < squareX.Length; x++)
            squareScript.mySound  = musicBits[x];
            squareScript.myNumber = x;
            Instantiate(square, new Vector3(squareX[x], squareY[x], 0f), Quaternion.identity);

        //if our level has an instruction square, spawn it
        if (spawnInstructionSquare)
            //always make the instruction square on the left side of the screen
            Instantiate(instructionSquare, new Vector3(-3f, 1f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);

        Vector3 pos;

        pos = transform.position;
        Vector3 size = transform.localScale;

        //Move us to the correct location
        if (myDirection == "RIGHT")
            pos  = new Vector3(7.15f, 1f, 0f);
            size = new Vector3(1f, 3f, 1f);

            myTextMesh.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.33f, 1f);
            myOutline.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(1.1f, 1.03f, 1f);
        else if (myDirection == "LEFT")
            pos  = new Vector3(-6.16f, 1f, 0f);
            size = new Vector3(1f, 3f, 1f);

            myTextMesh.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.33f, 1f);
            myOutline.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(1.1f, 1.03f, 1f);
        else if (myDirection == "UP")
            pos  = new Vector3(1f, 6f, 0f);
            size = new Vector3(3f, 1f, 1f);

            myTextMesh.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.33f, 1f, 1f);
            myOutline.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(1.03f, 1.1f, 1f);
        else if (myDirection == "DOWN")
            pos  = new Vector3(1f, -4f, 0f);
            size = new Vector3(3f, 1f, 1f);

            myTextMesh.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.33f, 1f, 1f);
            myOutline.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(1.03f, 1.1f, 1f);

        transform.position   = pos;
        transform.localScale = size;
    public void squareClicked(GameObject square, PointerEventData data)
        // Check validity and perform 'taking' action
        squareController controller = square.GetComponent <squareController>();

        if (square.GetComponent <squareController>().valid)
            if (turn == 1)
            // Move highlight to new large square
            foreach (Transform row in board.transform)
                foreach (Transform largeSquare in row)
                    if (square.transform.IsChildOf(largeSquare))
                        lastHighlight = largeSquare;
            // Check winning conditions
            if (lastHighlight)
                //print("checking for win at (" + lastHighlight.GetComponent<squareController>().row + ", " + lastHighlight.GetComponent<squareController>().column + ")";

                // Check win within a large square
                List <List <int> > squareStateList = new List <List <int> >();
                for (int row = 0; row < lastHighlight.GetChild(0).childCount; row++)
                    List <int> sublist = new List <int>();
                    for (int child = 0; child < lastHighlight.GetChild(0).GetChild(row).childCount; child++)
                        sublist.Add(lastHighlight.GetChild(0).GetChild(row).GetChild(child).GetComponent <squareController>().wonBy);
                int smallSquareWin = checkWin(squareStateList);
                if (smallSquareWin != 0)
                    lastHighlight.GetComponent <squareController>().setWinState(smallSquareWin);
                // Check win for whole board
                List <List <int> > largeSquareStateList = new List <List <int> >();
                for (int row = 0; row < board.transform.childCount; row++)
                    List <int> sublist = new List <int>();
                    for (int child = 0; child < board.transform.GetChild(row).childCount; child++)
                        sublist.Add(board.transform.GetChild(row).GetChild(child).GetComponent <squareController>().wonBy);
                int largeSquareWin = checkWin(largeSquareStateList);
                // Handle win - TEMP
                if (largeSquareWin != 0)
            // Do highlight updating
            // If new square is different
            if (lastHighlight != board.transform.GetChild(square.GetComponent <squareController>().row).GetChild(square.GetComponent <squareController>().column))
                // Set current large square to invalid and get new square, setting it to valid
                lastHighlight.GetComponent <squareController>().setLargeSquareValidity(false);
                lastHighlight = board.transform.GetChild(square.GetComponent <squareController>().row).GetChild(square.GetComponent <squareController>().column);
                lastHighlight.GetComponent <squareController>().setLargeSquareValidity(true);
            }             // Otherwise can stay as-is
                          // Update valid squares
                          // If the square isn't won
            if (lastHighlight.GetComponent <squareController>().wonBy == 0)
                // Set only new square's subsquares as valid - if they aren't won yet
                lastHighlight.GetComponent <squareController>().setLargeSquareValidity(true);
                foreach (Transform row in lastHighlight.GetChild(0))
                    foreach (Transform child in row)
                        if (child.GetComponent <squareController>().wonBy == 0)
                            child.GetComponent <squareController>().valid = true;
                // Otherwise everything is valid
                lastHighlight.GetComponent <Image>().color = lastHighlight.GetComponent <squareController>().currentColour;