        private void comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            comboBox3.DataSource = db.Teams.Where(x => x.compName == comboBox2.Text).Select(x => x.Name);
            comboBox4.DataSource = db.Teams.Where(x => x.compName == comboBox2.Text).Select(x => x.Name);
        public void addTeams(List <Team> teams)
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            var teamdb = (from t in db.Teams select t);        // Todos os resultados da db

            var countries = (from t in db.Countries select t); // Gets the countries from db

            var countriesToAdd = new List <string>();
            var teamsToAdd     = new List <Team>();

            foreach (var t in teams)
                if (!teamdb.Any(p => p.Name == t.Name)) // Doesn't exist on DB
                    teamsToAdd.Add(t);                  // Adds to the list to add
                    countriesToAdd.Add(t.Country_name); // TODO: If the team already exists most likely the country exists aswell

            var _countries = countriesToAdd.Distinct().Select(s => new Country()
                Name = s
            }).ToList().Where(c => !countries.Any(p => p.Name == c.Name)).ToList();

            MessageBox.Show("Added " + teamsToAdd.Count + " teams\n" + _countries.Count + " countries to the DB from placard!");
        public Form1()

            //endDateTextBox.Text = DateTime.ParseExact(DateTime.Today.ToString(), "d/MM/yy", null).ToString();

            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            /*var box = new ComboBox
             * {
             *  DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList,
             *  DataSource = db.Countries.Select(x => x.Name),
             *  Name = "country",
             *  Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left,
             *  Dock = DockStyle.None
             * };
             * box.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(countryBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
             * var pt = groupBox1.DisplayRectangle.Location;
             * pt.X += (groupBox1.DisplayRectangle.Width - box.Width) / 2;
             * pt.Y += (groupBox1.DisplayRectangle.Height - box.Height) / 2;
             * groupBox1.Location = pt;
             * groupBox1.Controls.Add(box);*/

            comboBox1.DataSource = db.Countries.Select(x => x.Name);
            comboBox2.DataSource = db.Competitions.Where(x => x.Country_name == comboBox1.Text).Select(x => x.Name);

            startDateTextBox.Text = "01/08/2017";
            endDateTextBox.Text   = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
        public bool Robinson_Over25(string home, string away, string league)
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            var home_games = db.Matches.Where(x => x.Home_team == home && x.Competition_name == league).OrderByDescending(x => x.date).Take(3);

            var cont1 = 0;
            var cont2 = 0;

            foreach (var game in home_games)
                cont1 += (int)game.home_goals;

                if (game.home_goals + game.away_goals > 2)

            if (cont1 >= 7 && cont2 >= 2)
                var away_games = db.Matches.Where(x => x.Away_team == away && x.Competition_name == league).OrderByDescending(x => x.date).Take(3);

                cont1 = 0;     //>=7
                cont2 = 0;     //>=2
                var cont3 = 0; // >=2
                var cont4 = 0; // >= 2

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var game in away_games)
                    if (i == 0) // Its the last game
                        cont4 = (int)game.home_goals + (int)game.away_goals;

                    cont1 += (int)game.away_goals;

                    if (game.home_goals + game.away_goals > 2)

                    if (game.away_goals > 0)

                if (cont1 >= 7 && cont2 >= 2 && cont3 >= 2 && cont4 >= 2)

        private void getCompetitionsLink()
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            var Webget = new HtmlWeb();

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            var doc = Webget.Load("https://www.academiadasapostas.com/stats/list");

            var classToFind = "toggle_content";
            var allElementsWithClassFloat = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(string.Format("//*[contains(@class,'{0}')]", classToFind));
        public bool Robinson_Under25(string home, string away, string league)
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            var home_games = db.Matches.Where(x => x.Home_team == home && x.Competition_name == league).OrderByDescending(x => x.date).Take(3);

            int cont1 = 0;
            int cont2 = 0;

            foreach (var game in home_games)
                if (game.home_goals + game.away_goals < 3)

                if (game.home_goals == 0 || game.away_goals == 0)

            if (cont1 >= 2 && cont2 >= 1)
                var away_games = db.Matches.Where(x => x.Away_team == away && x.Competition_name == league).OrderByDescending(x => x.date).Take(3);

                cont1 = 0;
                cont2 = 0;
                foreach (var game in away_games)
                    if (game.home_goals + game.away_goals < 3)

                    if (game.away_goals == 0)

                if (cont1 >= 2 && cont2 >= 1)

        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string league = "Segunda Liga 2017/2018";


            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            var Webget = new HtmlWeb();

            // Todo add this
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls |
                                                   SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            // https://www.academiadasapostas.com/stats/competition/portugal-stats/100/12625/35896 SEGUNDA LIGA
            var doc = Webget.Load("https://www.academiadasapostas.com/stats/competition/portugal-stats/100");
            //SEGUNDA LIGA

            var ourNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"s\"]/div/div/div/span[2]/table/tbody/tr");

            var teams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // CORRECT XPATH
            // row.SelectNodes("/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/span[2]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[1]/td[3]/a")
            var cont = 1;

            foreach (var row in ourNode)
                var t =
                        "/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/span[2]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[" + cont++ +
                var n = t.OuterHtml;

                var url = n.Split('"', '"')[1];
                var sub = n.Substring(n.IndexOf("\n") + "\n".Length);

                // Let's clear empty spaces
                var start_index = 0; // Let's start from the beggining
                for (var i = 0; i < sub.Length; i++)
                    if (sub[i] == ' ')
                    start_index = i;

                var end_index = sub.Length;               // Starts from the end
                for (var j = sub.Length - 5; j >= 0; j--) // Removes the last <a href> tag
                    if (sub[j] == ' ')
                    end_index = j;

                var team = sub.Substring(start_index, end_index - start_index + 1);

                teams.Add(team, url);

            var _comp = db.Competitions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == league);

            //TODO: Não preciso de estar sempre aqui Uma vez que a

            foreach (var team in teams.Keys)
                // Inserir aqui as equipas na BD se não existirem
                if (!db.Teams.Any(x => x.Name == team)) // Todo: Alojar na memória só uma vez
                    db.Teams.InsertOnSubmit(new Team()
                        Name         = team,
                        compName     = league,
                        Country_name = "Portugal"


                    var _team = db.Teams.First(x => x.Name == team);

                    if (_team != null /* && team.compName == null*/)
                        if (_comp == null)
                            // TODO: Não existe a competição tenho de a criar..

                            var x = new Competition()
                                Name = league,
                                //TODO: Adicionar os países e o nível da liga (1,2,3,4,5)..

                            _comp = x;

                        _team.Competition1 = _comp;


                doc = Webget.Load(teams[team]);

                var node =

                var _cont = 0;
                foreach (var row in node.Elements())
                    _cont = _cont + 1;

                    if (_cont >= node.Elements().Count() / 2)

                    var data =
                            "/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[" +
                            _cont + "]/td[1]").InnerText;

                    var comp =
                            "/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[" +
                            _cont + "]/td[3]/a").InnerText;

                    if (!comp.Contains("Segunda Liga 17/18"))

                    var res =
                            "/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[" +
                            _cont + "]/td[5]/a").InnerText;

                    if (res.ToLower().Contains("vs") || res.ToLower().Contains("adiado") ||

                    var away =
                            "/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[" +
                            _cont + "]/td[6]/a").InnerText;

                    var home =
                            "/html[1]/body[1]/div[12]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/table[1]/tbody[1]/tr[" +
                            _cont + "]/td[4]/a").InnerText;

                    res  = res.Replace("\r\n", "");
                    away = away.Replace("\r\n", "");
                    home = home.Replace("\r\n", "");

                    // Let's clear empty spaces
                    var start_index = 0; // Let's start from the beggining
                    for (var i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)
                        if (res[i] == ' ')
                        start_index = i;

                    var end_index = res.Length;               // Starts from the end
                    for (var j = res.Length - 5; j >= 0; j--) // Removes the last <a href> tag
                        if (res[j] == ' ')
                        end_index = j;

                    res = res.Substring(start_index, end_index - start_index + 1);

                    start_index = 0; // Let's start from the beggining
                    for (var i = 0; i < away.Length; i++)
                        if (away[i] == ' ')
                        start_index = i;

                    end_index = away.Length;                   // Starts from the end
                    for (var j = away.Length - 5; j >= 0; j--) // Removes the last <a href> tag
                        if (away[j] == ' ')
                        end_index = j;

                    away = away.Substring(start_index, end_index - start_index + 1);

                    start_index = 0; // Let's start from the beggining
                    for (var i = 0; i < home.Length; i++)
                        if (home[i] == ' ')
                        start_index = i;

                    end_index = home.Length;                   // Starts from the end
                    for (var j = home.Length - 5; j >= 0; j--) // Removes the last <a href> tag
                        if (home[j] == ' ')
                        end_index = j;

                    home = home.Substring(start_index, end_index - start_index + 1);

                    var gamesOnDB = db.Matches.Where(c => c.Competition_name == league).ToList();
                    // Todo: Put generic

                    var s = res.Split('-');
                    var h = Convert.ToInt32(s[0]);
                    var a = Convert.ToInt32(s[1]);

                    char resultado;

                    if (h > a)
                        resultado = 'H';
                    else if (a > h)
                        resultado = 'A';
                        resultado = 'D';

                    var game = new Match
                        Home_team        = home,
                        Away_team        = away,
                        away_goals       = a,
                        home_goals       = h,
                        date             = Convert.ToDateTime(data),
                        final_result     = resultado,
                        Competition_name = league //,
                                                  //Team = db.Teams.Single(c => c.Country_name == country && c.Name == games[j].HomeTeam),
                                                  //Team1 = db.Teams.Single(c => c.Country_name == country && c.Name == games[j].AwayTeam)

                    if (GamesExistsDb(game, gamesOnDB))

                    // Bug: Don't commit outside! If you commit outside it will bug the SubmitChanges() submitting already stuff on DB!

                    // Inserir aqui os dados na BD

        private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            comboBox2.DataSource = db.Competitions.Where(x => x.Country_name == comboBox1.Text).Select(x => x.Name);
        public void readCSV(string path, string country, string league, int tipo)
            //league += " 17/18";

            var games = new List <GamesCSV>();

            using (var parser = new TextFieldParser(path))
                parser.CommentTokens = new[] { "#" };
                parser.SetDelimiters(new string[] { "," });
                parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = false;

                parser.ReadLine(); // Skip first line

                while (!parser.EndOfData)
                    var a = parser.ReadFields();

                    games.Add(new GamesCSV(a));

            // TODO: We have to make sure the country already exists in the DB
            //var teams = games.Select(p => p.HomeTeam).Distinct().Select(t => new Team {name = t, country = "Itália"});
            // Vai buscar as equipas ao ficheiro CSV Italiano
            var teams = games.Select(p => p.HomeTeam).Distinct();

            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            var teamdb = db.Teams.Where(c => c.Country_name == country).Select(n => n.Name); // I only want team names

            var comp = db.Competitions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == league);                //TODO: Não preciso de estar sempre aqui Uma vez que a

            // Todo: Make a new algorithm for the team names (see if it already exists) SOLUTION: ADD ALTERNATIVE NAMES
            foreach (var t in teams) // Iterate each team on .csv
                var    similarity = 0.0;
                string f          = null;

                if (teamdb.Contains(t))
                    var team = db.Teams.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Country_name == country && c.Name == t);

                    if (team != null /* && team.compName == null*/)
                        if (comp == null)
                            // TODO: Não existe a competição tenho de a criar..

                            var x = new Competition()
                                Name = league,
                                //TODO: Adicionar os países e o nível da liga (1,2,3,4,5)..

                            comp = x;

                        team.Competition1 = comp;


                    var te = new Team
                        Name         = t,
                        Country_name = country,
                        compName     = league

                    db.Teams.InsertOnSubmit(te); // TODO: SEE IF THE TEAM ALREADY EXISTS IN DB PROPERLY

                /*foreach (var s in teamdb) // Iterate each team on DB
                 * {
                 *  var sim = StringCompare(s, t);
                 *  if (sim > similarity)
                 *  {
                 *      similarity = sim;
                 *      f = s;
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * if (f != null && similarity > 0.7 && similarity != 1) // Let's put similarity at 43%
                 * {
                 *  foreach (var d in games)
                 *  {
                 *      if (d.HomeTeam == t)
                 *      {
                 *          d.HomeTeam = f;
                 *      }
                 *      else if (d.AwayTeam == t)
                 *      {
                 *          d.AwayTeam = f;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else if (similarity <= 0.8)
                 * {
                 *  if (!db.Competitions.Any(c => c.Name == league)) // The league doesn't exist
                 *  {
                 *      var comp = new Competition()
                 *      {
                 *          Name = league,
                 *          Country_name = country,
                 *          Type = tipo
                 *      };
                 *      db.Competitions.InsertOnSubmit(comp);
                 *      db.SubmitChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  var te = new Team
                 *  {
                 *      Name = t,
                 *      Country_name = country,
                 *      compName = league
                 *  };
                 *  db.Teams.InsertOnSubmit(te);
                 *  //teamsToAdd.Add(new Team() { Name = t, Country_name = country, Competition = new Competition() {Name = league} }); // Adds to the list to add
                 * }*/

            var gamesOnDB = db.Matches.Where(c => c.Competition_name == league).ToList();

            for (var j = 0; j < games.Count(); j++) // TODO: Check if match is already on the database
                var game = new Match
                    Home_team        = games[j].HomeTeam,
                    Away_team        = games[j].AwayTeam,
                    away_goals       = games[j].AwayScore,
                    home_goals       = games[j].HomeScore,
                    date             = games[j].Date,
                    final_result     = games[j].FinalScore,
                    Competition_name = league //,
                                              //Team = db.Teams.Single(c => c.Country_name == country && c.Name == games[j].HomeTeam),
                                              //Team1 = db.Teams.Single(c => c.Country_name == country && c.Name == games[j].AwayTeam)

                if (GamesExistsDb(game, gamesOnDB))
                    continue;                    // TODO: Caution! I've added teams from different leagues in a match!
                db.Matches.InsertOnSubmit(game); // Bug: Don't commit outside! If you commit outside it will bug the SubmitChanges() submitting already stuff on DB!


            MessageBox.Show("Added games!");
        public void populate2(string league, string startDate, string endDate) // TODO: Today date
            var calc = new Calculator();
            var db   = new soccerDBDataContext();

            int    best1         = 0;
            int    best2         = 0;
            double final         = 0.0;
            int    cont_win_lose = 0;
            int    over_under    = 0;
            int    cont          = 0;

            int numTeams = 18;
            int numJogos = numTeams / 2;

            var xasd = new Dictionary <Match, List <Calculator.ProbabilityOdds> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // 5 jornadas
                var matches = db.Matches.Where(x => x.Competition_name == league).OrderByDescending(x => x.date).Take((i + 1) * numJogos);
                //var poisson = new List<Calculator.ProbabilityOdds>();

                // best = 1.13 com 90 jogos (2ª LIGA)
                //best = 1.1 com 99 jogos (1ª LIGA) [43, 72] / 99 || POISSON COM 90 JOGOS CHEGA A 71%

                for (var theta = 0.3; theta < 0.7; theta += 0.1)
                    foreach (var match in matches)
                        var d = calc.CalculateGoalExpectancy(match.Home_team, match.Away_team, league, startDate, Convert.ToString(match.date, null).Split()[0]);

                        if (d.homeGoalExpectancy <= 0.2)
                            d.homeGoalExpectancy = 0.5;

                        if (d.awayGoalExpectancy <= 0.2)
                            d.awayGoalExpectancy = 0.5;

                        //var p = calc.ReturnPoissonProbScores(d.homeGoalExpectancy, d.awayGoalExpectancy); // 40, 57
                        var p       = calc.MaxWell(d.homeGoalExpectancy, d.awayGoalExpectancy, theta); // 246, 316
                        var maxwell =
                            (new Calculator.ProbabilityOdds()
                            Away = p.Away,
                            awayGoalExpectancy = d.awayGoalExpectancy,
                            Draw = p.Draw,
                            Home = p.Home,
                            homeGoalExpectancy = d.homeGoalExpectancy,
                            Over25 = p.Over25,
                            Under25 = p.Under25,
                            ThetaMaxWell = theta,
                            numJornadas = i + 1,
                            over_under = 0,
                            cont_win_lose = 0

                        if (xasd.ContainsKey(match)) // A partida já existe com outras odds

                        else // Ainda não foi calculado.. Inserir o 1º elemento
                            xasd.Add(match, new List <Calculator.ProbabilityOdds> {

            foreach (var match in xasd.Keys) // Vou ver em quantos jogos acertei..
                var odds = xasd[match];

                foreach (var p in odds)
                    if (p.Home > 40 && match.final_result == 'H') // TODO: Ter atenção a distribuição de probabilidades..

                    if (p.Away > 40 && match.final_result == 'A')

                    if (p.Under25 > 50 && match.away_goals + match.home_goals < 2.5)

                    if (p.Over25 > 50 && match.away_goals + match.home_goals > 2.5)

            foreach (var match in xasd.Keys)
                var odds = xasd[match];

                var group = odds.GroupBy(x => x.numJornadas).ToList();

                foreach (var t in group)
                    var f = t.OrderByDescending(x => x.cont_win_lose + x.over_under).Take(1).Select(x => x.ThetaMaxWell);

                    double bart = f.First();

                    var d = odds.Where(p => p.ThetaMaxWell == bart && p.cont_win_lose + p.over_under >= 1);
        public void testTheta(string league, string startDate, string endDate, double theta)
            var calc        = new Calculator();
            var db          = new soccerDBDataContext();
            int numTeams    = db.Teams.Count(x => x.Competition1.Name == league);
            int numJogos    = numTeams / 2;
            int numJornadas = 6;

            int aw    = 0;
            int hw    = 0;
            int under = 0;
            int over  = 0;

            int i = numJornadas - 1;
            //var vals = new Dictionary<double, int>();

            //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // 5 jornadas
            var matches = db.Matches.Where(x => x.Competition_name == league).OrderByDescending(x => x.date).Take((i + 1) * numJogos);

            foreach (var match in matches)
                var d = calc.CalculateGoalExpectancy(match.Home_team, match.Away_team, league, startDate,
                                                     Convert.ToString(match.date, null).Split()[0]);

                if (d.homeGoalExpectancy <= 0.2)
                    d.homeGoalExpectancy = 0.5;

                if (d.awayGoalExpectancy <= 0.2)
                    d.awayGoalExpectancy = 0.5;

                //var p = calc.ReturnPoissonProbScores(d.homeGoalExpectancy, d.awayGoalExpectancy); // 40, 57
                var p       = calc.MaxWell(d.homeGoalExpectancy, d.awayGoalExpectancy, theta); // 246, 316
                var maxwell =
                    (new Calculator.ProbabilityOdds()
                    Away = p.Away,
                    awayGoalExpectancy = d.awayGoalExpectancy,
                    Draw = p.Draw,
                    Home = p.Home,
                    homeGoalExpectancy = d.homeGoalExpectancy,
                    Over25 = p.Over25,
                    Under25 = p.Under25,
                    ThetaMaxWell = theta,
                    numJornadas = 5,
                    over_under = 0,
                    cont_win_lose = 0

                if (p.Home > 40 && match.final_result == 'H')

                if (p.Away > 40 && match.final_result == 'A')

                if (p.Under25 > 50 && match.away_goals + match.home_goals < 2.5)

                if (p.Over25 > 50 && match.away_goals + match.home_goals > 2.5)

            MessageBox.Show(numJogos * numJornadas + "\n\nHome Win: " + hw + "\nAWAY WIN: " + aw + "\nUNDER: " + under + "\nOVER: " + over);
        public ProbabilityOdds CalculateGoalExpectancy(string home, string away, string league, string startDate, string endDate)
            var db = new soccerDBDataContext();

            double?output = null;

            // TODO: Ver esta situação da data no store procedure da DB dd-mm-yyyy
            // TODO: Ver as equipas da nova liga que foram adicionadas.. Para não haver conflitos com épocas passadas
            var _avg = db.AVG_GOALS_GAME(league, endDate, startDate, ref output); // % total de golos por jogo (Marcados e sofridos)

            foreach (var s in _avg)
                output = s.Column1;

            double?away_favor   = 0;
            double?away_against = 0;
            var    avg_away     = db.AVG_AWAY_TEAM(league, away, endDate, startDate); // % GOLOS MARCADOS / SOFRIDOS FORA (POR EQUIPA)

            foreach (var s in avg_away)
                away_favor   = s.__MARCADOS;
                away_against = s.__SOFRIDOS;

            double?home_favor   = 0;
            double?home_against = 0;
            var    avg_home     = db.AVG_HOME_TEAM(league, home, endDate, startDate); // % GOLOS MARCADOS / SOFRIDOS CASA (POR EQUIPA))

            foreach (var s in avg_home)
                home_favor   = s.__MARCADOS;
                home_against = s.__SOFRIDOS;

            double?home_avg_favor   = 0;
            double?home_avg_against = 0;
            var    avg_home_league  = db.AVG_HOME_GOALS(league, endDate, startDate);

            foreach (var s in avg_home_league)
                home_avg_favor   = s.Média_golos_marcados_casa;
                home_avg_against = s.Média_golos_sofridos_casa;

            double?away_avg_favor   = 0;
            double?away_avg_against = 0;
            var    away_home_league = db.AVG_AWAY_GOALS(league, startDate, endDate);

            foreach (var s in away_home_league)
                away_avg_favor   = s.Média_golos_marcados_fora;
                away_avg_against = s.Média_golos_sofridos_fora;

            /*MessageBox.Show("--HOME--\n\n" + home_favor + "\n" + home_against + "\n\n--AWAY--\n\n" + away_favor + "\n" +
             *              away_against + "\n\n--LEAGUE HOME--\n\n" + home_avg_favor + "\n" + home_avg_against);*/

            var    tye      = db.POWER_HOME(league, home, endDate, startDate); // % total de golos por jogo (Marcados e sofridos)
            double?home_att = 0;
            double?home_def = 0;

            foreach (var x in tye)
                home_att = x.PODER_ATAQUE;
                home_def = x.PODER_DEFENSIVO;

            var    rxs      = db.POWER_AWAY(league, away, startDate, endDate);
            double?away_att = 0;
            double?away_def = 0;

            foreach (var x in rxs)
                away_att = x.PODER_ATAQUE;
                away_def = x.PODER_DEFENSIVO;

            // TODO: To prevent 0 theta in poisson (it means they are 1% better or worst then average)
            if (home_att == 0.0)
                home_att = 0.1;
            if (away_def == 0.0)
                away_def = 0.1;
            if (away_att == 0.0)
                away_att = 0.1;
            if (home_def == 0.0)
                home_def = 0.1;

            var homeTeamGoalExpectancy = home_att * away_def * home_avg_favor;
            var awayTeamGoalExpectancy = away_att * home_def * away_avg_favor;

            //MessageBox.Show("Calculated!\n" + homeTeamGoalExpectancy + "\n" + awayTeamGoalExpectancy);

            //CalculatePoissonProbScores(homeTeamGoalExpectancy, awayTeamGoalExpectancy);

            //var scores = ReturnPoissonProbScores(homeTeamGoalExpectancy, awayTeamGoalExpectancy);

            return(new ProbabilityOdds()
                homeGoalExpectancy = homeTeamGoalExpectancy, awayGoalExpectancy = awayTeamGoalExpectancy