bool printDocument(scintilla.ScintillaControl editor, String sTitle) { bool bStatus = false; m_title = sTitle; if (null != editor) { m_editor = editor; if (0 == m_editor.Length) { MessageBox.Show("Printing an empty document is fairly useless..."); return false; } PrintDocument docToPrint = new PrintDocument(); docToPrint.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(this.pd_PrintPage); PrintDialog pdlg = new PrintDialog(); pdlg.Document = docToPrint; DialogResult dr = pdlg.ShowDialog(editor); if (DialogResult.OK == dr) { docToPrint.Print(); bStatus = true; } } return bStatus; }
private int m_textEditor_UpdateUI(scintilla.ScintillaControl pSender) { updateMenus(); return default(int); }
private int m_textEditor_Modified(scintilla.ScintillaControl pSender) { toolStripMenuItem_EditUndo.Enabled = m_textEditor.CanUndo; toolStripMenuItem_EditRedo.Enabled = m_textEditor.CanRedo; updateMenus(); markItem(getCurrentItem(), true); bookMarkRemoveAll(); return default(int); }
private int m_textEditor_MarginClick(scintilla.ScintillaControl pSender, int modifiers, int position, int margin) { //int position = m_textEditor.CurrentPos; //int modifiers = 0; // HACK int lineClick = m_textEditor.LineFromPosition(position); if (Convert.ToBoolean(modifiers & 1 /* SCMOD_SHIFT */) && Convert.ToBoolean(modifiers & 2 /* SCMOD_CTRL*/)) { // Fold All Editor_FoldAll(); } else { int levelClick = m_textEditor.GetFoldLevel(lineClick); if (Convert.ToBoolean(levelClick & 0x2000 /* SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG */ )) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(modifiers & 1 /* SCMOD_SHIFT */)) { Editor_EnsureAllChidrenVisible(lineClick, levelClick); } else if (Convert.ToBoolean(modifiers & 2 /* SCMOD_CTRL */)) { Editor_ToggleFoldRecursive(lineClick, levelClick); } else { m_textEditor.ToggleFold(lineClick); } } } return default(int); }
private int m_textEditor_HotSpotClick(scintilla.ScintillaControl pSender, int modifiers, int position) { String sToken = getCurrentWord(position).Replace(':', '_'); if (sToken.Length > 0) { int style = m_textEditor.get_StyleAt(position); String sUrl = null; switch (style) { case 12: /* iRule LTM tokens */ //sUrl = "" + sToken; //sUrl = "" + sToken; sUrl = "" + sToken + ".ashx"; break; case 13: /* iRule GTM tokens */ //sUrl = "" + sToken; //sUrl = "" + sToken; sUrl = "" + sToken + ".ashx"; break; case 14: /* tcl commands */ //sUrl = "" + sToken + ".html"; sUrl = "" + sToken + ".htm"; break; } Configuration.LaunchProcess(sUrl); } return default(int); }
private int m_textEditor_DwellStart(scintilla.ScintillaControl pSender, int position, int x, int y) { m_textEditor.CallTipShow(position, "Click this link to go to the online documentation"); return default(int); }
private void m_textEditor_CharAdded(scintilla.ScintillaControl pSender, char CharacterAdded) { String[] log_facilities = new String[] { "alert", "crit", "debug", "emerg", "err", "error", "info", "none", "notice", "panic", "warn", "warning" }; markItem(m_lastTreeViewNode, true); if (m_doAutoIndent) { autoIndentLine(pSender, CharacterAdded); } // check for autocomplete if (m_showAutoComplete && (m_eventList.Length > 0)) { int position = m_textEditor.CurrentPos; if (' ' == CharacterAdded) { position--; } if (position > 0) { position--; } String sWord = getCurrentWord(position); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Current Word: '" + sWord + "'"); if (0 == sWord.Length) { // Nada... } if (sWord.Equals("when") && (' ' == CharacterAdded)) { if ((null != m_lastTreeViewNode) && (null != m_lastTreeViewNode.Tag)) { iRuleInfo iri = (iRuleInfo)m_lastTreeViewNode.Tag; if (iRuleInfo.RuleType.LOCALLB == iri.rule_type) { m_textEditor.AutoCShow(0, m_eventList); } else if (iRuleInfo.RuleType.GLOBALLB == iri.rule_type) { m_textEditor.AutoCShow(0, m_eventListGTM); } } else { m_textEditor.AutoCShow(0, m_eventList); } } else if (showCommandAC(sWord)) { // nada, work done in method } else if (sWord.Equals("log") && (' ' == CharacterAdded)) { String tokens = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (tokens.Length > 0) { tokens = tokens + ";"; } for (int j = 0; j < log_facilities.Length; j++) { tokens = tokens + "local" + i.ToString() + "." + log_facilities[j]; if (j < log_facilities.Length-1) { tokens = tokens + ";"; } } } m_textEditor.AutoCShow(0, tokens); } else if ((sWord.Length == 7) && sWord.StartsWith("local") && sWord.EndsWith(".")) { String tokens = ""; for (int j = 0; j < log_facilities.Length; j++) { tokens = tokens + log_facilities[j] + " "; if (j < log_facilities.Length - 1) { tokens = tokens + ";"; } } m_textEditor.AutoCShow(0, tokens); } else if (sWord.Equals("string") && (' ' == CharacterAdded)) { m_textEditor.AutoCShow(0, "bytelength ;compare ;equal ;first ;index ;is alnum ;is alpha ;is ascii ;is boolean ;is control ;is digit ;is double ;is false ;is graph ;is integer ;is lower ;is print ;is punct ;is space ;is true ;is upper ;is wideinteger ;is wordchar ;is xdigit ;last ;length ;map ;match ;range ;repeat ;replace ;tolower ;totitle ;toupper ;trim ;trimleft ;trimright ;wordend ;wordstart "); } else if (sWord.Length > 2) { // Look for a match... String matchList = getListOfMatches(sWord); if ((null != matchList) && (matchList.Length > 0)) { m_textEditor.AutoCShow(sWord.Length, matchList); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the previous non-whitespace character in the current line. /// </summary> /// <param name="sci">The scintilla. control</param> /// <param name="pos">The position to search from</param> /// <returns>The previous non-whitespace character in the current line or '\0' if there isn't one.</returns> private char getPreviousNonWhitespaceChar(scintilla.ScintillaControl sci, int pos) { char[] contents = sci.Text.ToCharArray(); --pos; if (pos > contents.Length) { return '\0'; } while (pos >= 0) { char c = contents[pos]; switch (c) { case '\n': return '\0'; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': break; default: return c; } --pos; } return '\0'; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the last non-whitespace character of the previous line. /// </summary> /// <param name="sci">The scintilla. control</param> /// <param name="pos">The position to search from.</param> /// <returns>The last non-whitespace character in the previous line.</returns> private char getEndOfLastLine(scintilla.ScintillaControl sci, int pos) { int newlinesSeen = 0; char[] contents = sci.Text.ToCharArray(); --pos; if (pos > contents.Length) { return '\0'; } while (pos >= 0 && newlinesSeen < 2) { char c = contents[pos]; switch (c) { case '\n': ++newlinesSeen; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': break; default: if (newlinesSeen == 1) { return c; } break; } --pos; } return '\0'; }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the length (number of characters) of a particular indent. /// The length of an indent depends on whether or not tabs are enabled /// and the width of a tab. /// </summary> /// <param name="sci">The scintilla. control</param> /// <param name="indent">The indent to measure</param> /// <returns>The length of th eindent.</returns> private int calcLengthOfIndent(scintilla.ScintillaControl sci, int indent) { if (indent <= 0) { return 0; } if (sci.UseTabs) { return indent / sci.TabWidth; } else { return indent; } }
/// <summary> /// Checks to see if a line needs to be auto indented and indents it if /// it does. Auto indenting follows these rules: /// <list> /// <item> /// If a new line has been created it is given the same indent /// as the previous line. /// </item> /// <item> /// If a new line is created and the previous line ends with an /// opening brace then the new line is indented one level more /// than the previous line /// </item> /// <item> /// If a closing brace is added and it is the first /// non-whitespace character on the line and the current line /// has the same indent as the previous line then the line is /// unindented one level. /// </item> /// </list> /// </summary> /// <param name="sci">The scintilla. control</param> /// <param name="ch">The character that was just added</param> private void autoIndentLine(scintilla.ScintillaControl sci, char ch) { if ( m_autoIndent ) { if (ch == '}') { int currPos = sci.CurrentPos; int currLine = sci.LineFromPosition(currPos); if (currLine > 0) { char lastChar = getPreviousNonWhitespaceChar(sci, currPos - 1); if (lastChar == '\0') { int currIndent = sci.GetLineIndentation(currLine); int prevIndent = sci.GetLineIndentation(currLine - 1); if ((currIndent >= sci.TabWidth) /* && (currIndent == prevIndent) */) { int newIndent = currIndent - sci.TabWidth; sci.SetLineIndentation(currLine, newIndent); int newPos = currPos - (calcLengthOfIndent(sci, currIndent) - calcLengthOfIndent(sci, newIndent)); sci.SetSel(newPos, newPos); } } } } else if (ch == '\n') { int currLine = sci.LineFromPosition(sci.CurrentPos); if (currLine > 0) { int prevIndent = sci.GetLineIndentation(currLine - 1); int newIndent = prevIndent; /* Check to see if the previous line ends in an opening * brace. If it does we'll add an extra indent. * We can't just use pSender.GetLine(currLine - 1) because * the string returned seems to have junk characters at the * end of it, making it difficult to see what the actual * last character is. */ char lastChar = getEndOfLastLine(sci, sci.CurrentPos); bool openBrace = (lastChar == '{'); if (openBrace) { newIndent += sci.TabWidth; } sci.SetLineIndentation(currLine, newIndent); int newPos = sci.CurrentPos + calcLengthOfIndent(sci, newIndent); sci.SetSel(newPos, newPos); } } } }