        public rfid.Constants.Result store(
            rfid.Linkage transport,
            UInt32       readerHandle
            // TODO : validate that when doin store the given pin has
            //        access flag in SET mode (?)

            // Configure pin to set mode

            rfid.Constants.Result result = rfid.Constants.Result.OK;

            result = transport.API_GpioSetPinsConfiguration( (byte)this.nativePin,
                                                             (byte)this.nativePin  );

            if ( rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result )
                this.status = OpResult.FAILURE;

                return result;

            //2011.12.30 check state
            if(this.state != OpState.HI && this.state != OpState.LO)
                this.status = OpResult.FAILURE;

                return rfid.Constants.Result.INVALID_ANTENNA;

            //Set state
            result = transport.API_GpioWritePins
                                ( (byte)this.nativePin,
                                  (byte)(OpState.LO == this.state ? 0 : this.nativePin) );

            if ( rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result )
                this.status = OpResult.FAILURE;
                this.status = OpResult.SUCCESS;

            return result;
        public rfid.Constants.Result load(
            rfid.Linkage transport,
            UInt32       readerHandle
            // TODO : validate that when doin store the given pin has
            //        access flag in GET mode (?)

            // Configure pin to set mode

            rfid.Constants.Result result    = rfid.Constants.Result.OK;
            rfid.Constants.Result resultErr = rfid.Constants.Result.OK;
            uint uiCurError  = 0;
            uint uiLastError = 0;
            byte getValue    = 0;

            //Set access to "Get"
            result = transport.API_GpioSetPinsConfiguration( (byte)this.nativePin,
                                                          0                     );
            if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result)

                //Get error
                resultErr = transport.API_MacGetError(ref uiCurError, ref uiLastError);

                //Can't get error
                if (resultErr != rfid.Constants.Result.OK)
                    this.status = OpResult.FAILURE;
                    return resultErr;

                //If error = 0x2B, it means doesn't support this pin
                if (uiCurError == 0x2B)
                    this.status = OpResult.UNSUPPORTED;
                    return result;
                    this.status = OpResult.FAILURE;
                    return result;


            //Get GPIO Status
            result = transport.API_GpioReadPins( (byte)this.nativePin,
                                                  ref  getValue        );

            if ( rfid.Constants.Result.OK == result )
                this.state  = ( ( UInt32 ) this.nativePin & getValue ) == 0 ? OpState.LO : OpState.HI;
                this.status = OpResult.SUCCESS;
                this.state  = OpState.FAILURE;
                this.status = OpResult.FAILURE;

            return result;