    public static void setRootManualHeight(int manualHeight)
        UIRoot [] roots = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UIRoot)) as UIRoot[];
        if (roots == null || roots.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Could not find the UIRoot. Please set the UIRoot manual height property to :" + manualHeight);
            foreach (UIRoot root in roots)
                retinaProIgnoreUIRoot ignore = root.gameObject.GetComponent <retinaProIgnoreUIRoot>();
                if (ignore != null && ignore.ignoreUIRoot)

                root.scalingStyle  = UIRoot.Scaling.FixedSize;
                root.manualHeight  = manualHeight;
                root.minimumHeight = manualHeight;
                root.maximumHeight = manualHeight;
    public void fixRoot()
        // get the height of the screen, adjusted for pixel size
        int  width;
        int  height;
        bool usePortLand;

        if (rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].rootAuto)
            width       = rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].screens[activeScreenIdx].width;
            height      = rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].screens[activeScreenIdx].height;
            usePortLand = rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].screens[activeScreenIdx].useForBothLandscapePortrait;
            width       = rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].rootWidth;
            height      = rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].rootHeight;
            usePortLand = rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].rootUseBothPortLand;

        int manualHeight = (int)(height * rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].pixelSize);

        if (usePortLand)
            float aspect       = ((float)Screen.width) / ((float)Screen.height);
            float deviceAspect = ((float)rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].screens[activeScreenIdx].width) / ((float)rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].screens[activeScreenIdx].height);

            // if the screen is orientated differently from the device settings, calculate the UIRoot height based on the screen width
            float d = Mathf.Abs(aspect - deviceAspect);

            if (d > 0.01f)
                manualHeight = (int)(((float)width) * rt.deviceList[activeDeviceIdx].pixelSize);

        Debug.Log("Setting manual height to: " + manualHeight);

        UIRoot [] roots = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UIRoot)) as UIRoot[];
        if (roots == null || roots.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("Could not find the UIRoot. Please add a UIRoot to your scene. The manual height will be set to :" + manualHeight);
            foreach (UIRoot root in roots)
                retinaProIgnoreUIRoot ignore = root.gameObject.GetComponent <retinaProIgnoreUIRoot>();
                if (ignore != null && ignore.ignoreUIRoot)

                root.scalingStyle  = UIRoot.Scaling.FixedSize;
                root.manualHeight  = manualHeight;
                root.minimumHeight = manualHeight;
                root.maximumHeight = manualHeight;