public static void TraversalTest()
            var scene = USD.NET.Scene.Open(@"D:\usd\Kitchen_set.usd");

            foreach (pxr.UsdPrim prim in scene.Stage.Traverse())
                var mesh = new pxr.UsdGeomMesh(prim);
                if (mesh)
                    Console.WriteLine("Non-instanced mesh: " + prim.GetPath());

                // See if this is instanced.
                if (prim.IsInstance())
                    Console.WriteLine("Instanced prim: " + prim.GetPath() + "\n\tMaster: " + prim.GetMaster().GetPath());

                    // Now traverse the master.
                    var master = prim.GetMaster();
                    foreach (pxr.UsdPrim masterPrim in master.GetAllDescendants())
                        var masterMesh = new pxr.UsdGeomMesh(masterPrim);
                        if (masterMesh)
                            Console.WriteLine("\tMaster mesh: " + masterPrim.GetPath());
        public static void CreatePointInstancerManualTest()
            var scene        = USD.NET.Scene.Create();
            var stageWeakRef = new pxr.UsdStageWeakPtr(scene.Stage);
            var pi           = pxr.UsdGeomPointInstancer.Define(stageWeakRef, new pxr.SdfPath("/Instancer"));
            var cube         = pxr.UsdGeomCube.Define(stageWeakRef, new pxr.SdfPath("/Instancer/Cube"));

            // The cube is the only prototype.

            // Create three instances of the cube (proto index=0).
            var intArray = new pxr.VtIntArray(3, 0);


            var mesh        = new pxr.UsdGeomMesh();
            var meshSamples = new USD.NET.Unity.MeshSample[0];

            // Create three positions.
            var vec3fArray = new pxr.VtVec3fArray(3);

            vec3fArray[0] = new pxr.GfVec3f(-2.5f, 0, 0);
            vec3fArray[1] = new pxr.GfVec3f(0, 0, 0);
            vec3fArray[2] = new pxr.GfVec3f(2.5f, 0, 0);


            // Compute the root transform for each instance.
            var xforms = new pxr.VtMatrix4dArray(3);

            pi.ComputeInstanceTransformsAtTime(xforms, time: 1.0, baseTime: 0.0);

            for (int i = 0; i < xforms.size(); i++)
        static void ExportMesh(ObjectContext objContext,
                               ExportContext exportContext,
                               Mesh mesh,
                               Material sharedMaterial,
                               Material[] sharedMaterials,
                               bool exportMeshPose = true)
            string path = objContext.path;

            if (mesh == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Null mesh for: " + path, objContext.gameObject);

            if (!CanReadMesh(mesh))
            if (!mesh.isReadable)
                    "Mesh is not readable: " + objContext.path +
                    ". To fix this, enable read/write in the inspector for the source asset that you are attempting to export.",

            var scene                  = exportContext.scene;
            bool unvarying             = scene.Time == null;
            bool slowAndSafeConversion = exportContext.basisTransform == BasisTransformation.SlowAndSafe;
            var sample                 = (MeshSample)objContext.sample;
            var go = objContext.gameObject;

            if ( == && mesh.bounds.extents ==

            sample.extent = mesh.bounds;

            if (slowAndSafeConversion)
                // Unity uses a forward vector that matches DirectX, but USD matches OpenGL, so a change of
                // basis is required. There are shortcuts, but this is fully general.
       = UnityTypeConverter.ChangeBasis(;

            // Only export the mesh topology on the first frame.
            if (unvarying)
                // TODO: Technically a mesh could be the root transform, which is not handled correctly here.
                // It should have the same logic for root prims as in ExportXform.
                sample.transform = XformExporter.GetLocalTransformMatrix(
                    scene.UpAxis == Scene.UpAxes.Z,
                    new pxr.SdfPath(path).IsRootPrimPath(),

                sample.normals  = mesh.normals;
                sample.points   = mesh.vertices;
                sample.tangents = mesh.tangents;

                sample.colors = mesh.colors;
                if (sample.colors != null && sample.colors.Length == 0)
                    sample.colors = null;

                if ((sample.colors == null || sample.colors.Length == 0) &&
                    (sharedMaterial != null && sharedMaterial.HasProperty("_Color")))
                    sample.colors    = new Color[1];
                    sample.colors[0] = sharedMaterial.color.linear;

                // Gah. There is no way to inspect a meshes UVs.
       = mesh.uv;

                // Set face vertex counts and indices.
                var tris = mesh.triangles;

                if (slowAndSafeConversion)
                    // Unity uses a forward vector that matches DirectX, but USD matches OpenGL, so a change
                    // of basis is required. There are shortcuts, but this is fully general.

                    for (int i = 0; i < sample.points.Length; i++)
                        sample.points[i] = UnityTypeConverter.ChangeBasis(sample.points[i]);
                        if (sample.normals != null && sample.normals.Length == sample.points.Length)
                            sample.normals[i] = UnityTypeConverter.ChangeBasis(sample.normals[i]);

                        if (sample.tangents != null && sample.tangents.Length == sample.points.Length)
                            var w = sample.tangents[i].w;
                            var t = UnityTypeConverter.ChangeBasis(sample.tangents[i]);
                            sample.tangents[i] = new Vector4(t.x, t.y, t.z, w);

                    for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3)
                        var t = tris[i];
                        tris[i]     = tris[i + 1];
                        tris[i + 1] = t;


                UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("USD: Mesh Write");
                scene.Write(path, sample);

                // TODO: this is a bit of a half-measure, we need real support for primvar interpolation.
                // Set interpolation based on color count.
                if (sample.colors != null && sample.colors.Length == 1)
                    pxr.UsdPrim usdPrim      = scene.GetPrimAtPath(path);
                    var         colorPrimvar =
                        new pxr.UsdGeomPrimvar(usdPrim.GetAttribute(pxr.UsdGeomTokens.primvarsDisplayColor));
                    var opacityPrimvar =
                        new pxr.UsdGeomPrimvar(usdPrim.GetAttribute(pxr.UsdGeomTokens.primvarsDisplayOpacity));

                string usdMaterialPath;
                if (exportContext.exportMaterials && sharedMaterial != null)
                    if (!exportContext.matMap.TryGetValue(sharedMaterial, out usdMaterialPath))
                        Debug.LogError("Invalid material bound for: " + path);
                        MaterialSample.Bind(scene, path, usdMaterialPath);

                // In USD subMeshes are represented as UsdGeomSubsets.
                // When there are multiple subMeshes, convert them into UsdGeomSubsets.
                if (mesh.subMeshCount > 1)
                    // Build a table of face indices, used to convert the subMesh triangles to face indices.
                    var faceTable = new Dictionary <Vector3, int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3)
                        if (!slowAndSafeConversion)
                            faceTable.Add(new Vector3(tris[i], tris[i + 1], tris[i + 2]), i / 3);
                            // Under slow and safe export, index 0 and 1 are swapped.
                            // This swap will not be present in the subMesh indices, so must be undone here.
                            faceTable.Add(new Vector3(tris[i + 1], tris[i], tris[i + 2]), i / 3);

                    var usdPrim     = scene.GetPrimAtPath(path);
                    var usdGeomMesh = new pxr.UsdGeomMesh(usdPrim);

                    // Process each subMesh and create a UsdGeomSubset of faces this subMesh targets.
                    for (int si = 0; si < mesh.subMeshCount; si++)
                        int[] indices     = mesh.GetTriangles(si);
                        int[] faceIndices = new int[indices.Length / 3];

                        for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i += 3)
                            faceIndices[i / 3] = faceTable[new Vector3(indices[i], indices[i + 1], indices[i + 2])];

                        var vtIndices = UnityTypeConverter.ToVtArray(faceIndices);
                        var subset    = pxr.UsdGeomSubset.CreateUniqueGeomSubset(
                            usdGeomMesh,            // The object of which this subset belongs.
                            m_subMeshesToken,       // An arbitrary name for the subset.
                            pxr.UsdGeomTokens.face, // Indicator that these represent face indices
                            vtIndices,              // The actual face indices.
                            m_materialBindToken     // familyName = "materialBind"

                        if (exportContext.exportMaterials)
                            if (si >= sharedMaterials.Length || !sharedMaterials[si] ||
                                !exportContext.matMap.TryGetValue(sharedMaterials[si], out usdMaterialPath))
                                Debug.LogWarning("Invalid material bound for: " + path + "\n"
                                                 + (si >= sharedMaterials.Length
                                        ? "More submeshes than materials assigned."
                                        : (!sharedMaterials[si]
                                            ? "Submesh " + si + " has null material"
                                            : "ExportMap can't map material")));
                                MaterialSample.Bind(scene, subset.GetPath(), usdMaterialPath);
                // Only write the transform when animating.
                var meshSample = new MeshSampleBase();
                meshSample.extent    = sample.extent;
                meshSample.transform = XformExporter.GetLocalTransformMatrix(
                    scene.UpAxis == Scene.UpAxes.Z,
                    new pxr.SdfPath(path).IsRootPrimPath(),

                if (exportMeshPose)
                    meshSample.points = mesh.vertices;

                    // Set face vertex counts and indices.
                    var tris = mesh.triangles;

                    if (slowAndSafeConversion)
                        // Unity uses a forward vector that matches DirectX, but USD matches OpenGL, so a change
                        // of basis is required. There are shortcuts, but this is fully general.
                        for (int i = 0; i < meshSample.points.Length; i++)
                            meshSample.points[i] = UnityTypeConverter.ChangeBasis(meshSample.points[i]);

                        for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3)
                            var t = tris[i];
                            tris[i]     = tris[i + 1];
                            tris[i + 1] = t;


                UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("USD: Mesh Write");
                scene.Write(path, meshSample);