protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { project project = new project(); DataSet dt = project.GetList(""); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string strProjectDetail = ""; if (dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { stringBuilder.Append("<li><img src = \"Images/Img.jpg\" ><a href = \"projectDetail.aspx?docid=" + dt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "&rend =" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "\">"); stringBuilder.Append("<span> " + dt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["projectNmae"].ToString() + " </span></a><br>"); stringBuilder.Append(" <i> " + Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["publishTime"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd") + ""); string[] strArray = dt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["industry"].ToString().Split('#'); for (int j = 0; j < strArray.Length; j++) { if (j != strArray.Length - 1) { stringBuilder.Append(" " + strArray[j] + " "); } } stringBuilder.Append("</i>"); strProjectDetail = dt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["projectDetail"].ToString(); if (strProjectDetail.Length > 400) { strProjectDetail = strProjectDetail.Substring(0, 400) + "..."; } stringBuilder.Append("<p>" + strProjectDetail + "</p>"); stringBuilder.Append("<a href =\"projectDetail.aspx?docid=" + dt.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"] + "&rend=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "\"><em> 了解更多 </em></a>\""); stringBuilder.Append("</li>\""); } } this.lb_show.Text = stringBuilder.ToString(); }
private void dataShow() { string strDocid = ""; if (this.Request.QueryString["docid"] != null) { strDocid = this.Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString(); project project = new project(); project.GetModel(" and id='" + strDocid + "' "); this.lb_projectName.Text = project.projectNmae; this.lb_projectNet.Text = project.projectAdress; this.lb_projectSummary.Text = project.projcetSummary; this.lb_projectKey.Text = project.projcetKeyword; this.lb_industry.Text = project.industry.Replace("#", " "); this.lb_projectDetail.Text = project.projectDetail; this.lb_financing.Text = project.financing.ToString(); this.lb_phone.Text = project.phoneNumber; this.lb_email.Text = project.eamil; this.lb_movice.Text =; this.lb_teamDetail.Text = project.teamDetail; projectMessage projectMessage = new projectMessage(); DataSet dtSet = projectMessage.GetList(" and projectId ='" + strDocid + "' "); string strMessage = ""; if (dtSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i=0;i<dtSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count;i++) { strMessage = dtSet.Tables[0].Rows[i]["projectMessages"].ToString(); for (int j=0;j<((strMessage.Length/30)+1);j++) { } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Request.QueryString["docid"] != null) { this.txtDocid.Text = this.Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString(); } DataSet dt = new DataSet(); project project = new project(); dt = project.GetList(" id='" + this.txtDocid.Text + "' "); if (dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append("<span> " + dt.Tables[0].Rows[0]["projectNmae"].ToString() + " </span><br>"); stringBuilder.Append(" <i> " + Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Tables[0].Rows[0]["publishTime"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd") + ""); string[] strArray = dt.Tables[0].Rows[0]["industry"].ToString().Split('#'); for (int j = 0; j < strArray.Length; j++) { if (j != strArray.Length - 1) { stringBuilder.Append(" " + strArray[j] + " "); } } stringBuilder.Append("</i>"); stringBuilder.Append("<img src =\"Images/Img.jpg\" >"); stringBuilder.Append("<p> " + dt.Tables[0].Rows[0]["projectDetail"].ToString() + "</p>"); this.lb_show.Text = stringBuilder.ToString(); } }
public Projects(project input) { this.ID = int.Parse(; this.Name =; this.Status = input.status; this.CompanyID = int.Parse(; this.Company =; this.TodoLists = new List<TodoLists>(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataClassesDataContext da = new DataClassesDataContext(); project p = new project(); p.project_num = TextBox1.Text; p.title = TextBox2.Text; p.type = TextBox3.Text; p.major = TextBox4.Text; p.detail = TextBox5.Text; da.project.InsertOnSubmit(p); da.SubmitChanges(); Binder(); }
//批量删除 protected void btndelinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HyCommon HyCommon = new HyCommon(); project project = new project(); String[] v_uids = this.txtuids.Value.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < v_uids.Length; i++) { = v_uids[i]; project.Delete(); } string pageUrl = HyCommon.CombUrlTxt("exportList.aspx", "page={0}&rnd={1}", "" + this.txtPage.Text + "", "" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ""); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(ClientScript.GetType(), "myscript", "<script>tip('数据已经被成功删除!','" + pageUrl + "');</script>"); }
public static int get_routing_method_index(project current_project) { switch (current_project.run_options.routing_method) // Channel, Landscape Unit, Hydrologic Response Unit, All Basin { case "Variable Storage": return(0); case "Muskingum": return(1); default: return(1); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> PatchProject(int id, ProjectDTO patchDoc) { try { var getProject = await _projectSvc.GetProjectByIdAsNoTracking(id); if (getProject == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (patchDoc.sdlcSystem != null) { if ( != 0) { var sdlcSys = await _sdlSvc.GetSdlcSystemByIdAsNoTracking(; if (sdlcSys == null) { return(NotFound()); } } } if ( == null && patchDoc.external_id == null && patchDoc.sdlcSystem == null) { return(NotFound()); } var project = new project(); var toUpdate = _mapper.Map(patchDoc, project); var newUpdate = await _projectSvc.UpdateProject(id, toUpdate); if (newUpdate == null) { return(Conflict()); } return(Ok(newUpdate)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("An error occurred " + ex); return(BadRequest()); } }
/// <summary> /// Modifie un enregistrement sélectionner dans une liste d'un onglet sélectionner /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void MIT_Open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ouvrir la liste des projets if (TBC_Project.SelectedTab == TBP_ListProject && DTG_Project.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem != null) { project selectedProject = DTG_Project.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as project; EditProject editProject = new EditProject(selectedProject); editProject.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (editProject.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _ProjectManagement.ListProject.Remove(selectedProject); _ProjectManagement.ListProject.Add(selectedProject); hasChanges = true; } } // ouvrir la liste des types de tâches else if (TBC_Project.SelectedTab == TBP_ListTypeTask && DTG_ListeTaskType.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem != null) { taskType selectedTaskType = DTG_ListeTaskType.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as taskType; EditTaskType editTaskType = new EditTaskType(selectedTaskType); editTaskType.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (editTaskType.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _ProjectManagement.ListTaskType.Remove(selectedTaskType); _ProjectManagement.ListTaskType.Add(selectedTaskType); hasChanges = true; } } // ouvrir la liste des tâches else if (TBC_Project.SelectedTab == TBP_ListTask && DTG_ListTask.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem != null) { task selectedTask = DTG_ListTask.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as task; EditTask editTask = new EditTask(_ProjectManagement.ListProject, _ProjectManagement.ListTaskType, selectedTask); editTask.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (editTask.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _ProjectManagement.ListTask.Remove(selectedTask); _ProjectManagement.ListTask.Add(selectedTask); hasChanges = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加部门信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="info">部门对象</param> /// <returns>若成功返回true</returns> public bool AddDepartmentWithParameter(DepartmentInfo info) { List <DepartmentInfo> infos = new List <DepartmentInfo>(); infos.Add(info); project data = new project(); data.Field = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(infos); data.Type = "1"; data.Search_type = "5"; String JSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); data = DBTool.JSONStringToObject(DBTool.Send(JSON)); return(DBTool.isTrue(data.Field)); }
public ActionResult GetProject(int id) { using (PMEntities context = new PMEntities()) { if (context.projects.Any(p => p.Id == id)) { project pj = context.projects.Find(id); pj.project_manager = context.Users.Find(pj.project_manager_id); return(Json(new { status = "200", data = pj, displaySweetAlert = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(new { status = "404", data = "", message = "project not found", displaySweetAlert = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "projectID,createrID,arrival,installation,rehearsal,start,finish,deinstallation,departure,placeID,worktype,executorID,type,showmanID,managerID,clientID,content,note,receipts_cash,receipts_noncash,expenditure_cash,expenditure_noncash,profit_cash,profit_noncash,profit_total")] project project) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.projects.Add(project); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.executorID = new SelectList(db.contacts, "contactID", "name", project.executorID); ViewBag.clientID = new SelectList(db.contacts, "contactID", "name", project.clientID); ViewBag.managerID = new SelectList(db.contacts, "contactID", "name", project.managerID); ViewBag.showmanID = new SelectList(db.contacts, "contactID", "name", project.showmanID); ViewBag.placeID = new SelectList(db.places, "placeID", "name", project.placeID); return(View(project)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { project project = db.projects .Include("tags") .Include("project_photo") .Include("updates") .Include("donations") .Include("achievements") .Single(p => p.ProjectID == id); ViewBag.Supporters = new SelectList(db.users.Where(x => x.Role == "admin" || x.Role == "supporter"), "UserID", "UserName"); ViewBag.CountryID = new SelectList(db.countries, "CountryID", "Name", project.CountryID); ViewBag.UserID = new SelectList(db.users.Where(x => x.Role == "admin" || x.Role == "publisher"), "UserID", "UserName", project.UserID); ViewBag.Tags = db.tags; return(View(project)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改用户个人信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="info">用户对象</param> /// <returns>若成功返回true</returns> public bool Update(UserInfo info) { List <UserInfo> infos = new List <UserInfo>(); infos.Add(info); project data = new project(); data.Field = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(infos); data.Type = "5"; data.Search_type = "3"; String JSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); data = DBTool.JSONStringToObject(DBTool.Send(JSON)); return(DBTool.isTrue(data.Field)); }
// GET: projects/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } project project = db.projects.Find(id); if (project == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.projectStatusID = new SelectList(db.projectStatus, "projectStatusID", "projectStatusName", project.projectStatusID); ViewBag.userID = new SelectList(db.proUsers, "userID", "firstname", project.userID); return(View(project)); }
public ActionResult index(String describtion, String projectname, String pramter) { int i = Int32.Parse(WelcomeController.Tempid); project p = new project(); user u = db.usertable.Find(Int32.Parse(WelcomeController.Tempid)); p.Customer = u; p.describtion = describtion; p.projectname = projectname; p.status = "unsigned"; db.projecttable.Add(p); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create() { ViewBag.CountryID = new SelectList(db.countries, "CountryID", "Name"); ViewBag.UserID = new SelectList(db.users.Where(x => x.Role == "admin" || x.Role == "publisher"), "UserID", "UserName"); var model = new project(); model.Date = DateTime.Now; model.DateStart = DateTime.Now; model.DateEnd = DateTime.Now.AddDays(60); model.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; model.Target = 1000; model.Approved = true; model.Enabled = false; model.Image = ""; return(View(model)); }
// POST api/Projectsapi public HttpResponseMessage Postproject(project project) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.projects.Add(project); db.SaveChanges(); HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, project); response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = })); return(response); } else { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState)); } }
public ActionResult EditNotDelivered(int id, String describtion, String projectname) { int i = Int32.Parse(WelcomeController.Tempid); project x = db.projecttable.Find(id); x.describtion = describtion; x.projectname = projectname; if (TryUpdateModel(x)) { db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("CustomerProfile")); }
public ActionResult Create() { ViewBag.CountryID = new SelectList(db.countries, "CountryID", "Name"); var model = new project(); model.UserID = CurrentUser.UserID; model.Date = DateTime.Now; model.DateStart = DateTime.Now; model.DateEnd = DateTime.Now.AddDays(60); model.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; model.Target = 1000; model.Image = ""; return(View(model)); }
// GET: project/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } project p = Pservice.GetById(id); if (p == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(p)); }
// GET: projects/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } project project = db.projects.Find(id); if (project == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.categoryid = new SelectList(db.categories, "catid", "name", project.categoryid); ViewBag.clientid = new SelectList(db.userdetails, "userid", "name", project.clientid); return(View(project)); }
public ActionResult Addproject(project project) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"]); var writer = db.users.Where(model => model.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); project.user_id = writer.Id; project.Post_Status = 0; db.projects.Add(project); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View()); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (context.Session["tea_id"] == null) { context.Response.Write("nologin"); } else { if (context.Request["status"] == "del") { project project = new project() { teacher_num = context.Request["tea_num"], project_name = context.Request["project_name"], }; if (BLL.stuBll.tea_del_project(project) == true) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("false"); } } else { project project = new project() { teacher_num = context.Request["tea_num"], project_name = context.Request["project_name"], project_info = context.Request["project_info"] }; if (BLL.stuBll.tea_update_project(project) == true) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("false"); } } } }
public JsonResult Add_Project(string name, string[] pics, string[] pic_ext) { mikroklimat.Classes.Db_Connection db_c = new Classes.Db_Connection(); project pr = new project(); = name; pr.add_date = DateTime.Now; user add_us = db_c.mde.user.ToList().FirstOrDefault(x => x.username == User.Identity.Name); pr.add_user =; db_c.mde.project.Add(pr); db_c.mde.SaveChanges(); if (pics != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pics.Length; i++) { string data = @pics[i]; var base64Data = Regex.Match(data, @"data:image/(?<type>.+?),(?<data>.+)").Groups["data"].Value; var binData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(binData)) { Bitmap img = new Bitmap(stream); string name_path = "/Content/img/large_" + + "_" + Guid.NewGuid() + pic_ext[i]; img.Save(Server.MapPath(name_path)); //Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(stream); img = new Bitmap(stream); mikroklimat.Classes.imgCrop icrop = new mikroklimat.Classes.imgCrop(ref img); string s_name_path = "/Content/img/small_" + + "_" + Guid.NewGuid() + pic_ext[i]; //Image new_img = bm; img.Save(Server.MapPath(s_name_path)); image db_img = new image(); db_img.path = name_path; db_img.small_img_path = s_name_path; db_img.project_id =; db_c.mde.image.Add(db_img); db_c.mde.SaveChanges(); } } } return(Json(new EmptyResult(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new project with given properties. /// Adds the new project to the database and sets it as active project. /// </summary> protected void CreateNewProject(string projectName, string projectDesc, string githubUser, string githubRepo) { try { project newProject = new project { name = projectName, description = projectDesc, github_username = githubUser, github_reponame = githubRepo }; // Add project to DB if (!Database.AddProject(newProject)) { lblMessages.Text = "Project named '" + + "' already exists!"; } // Add project to currently logged in user if (Session["LoggedUser"] != null) { string loggedUser = Session["LoggedUser"].ToString(); Database.AddProjectToUser(loggedUser,; } // Make the user admin of the project if (Session["LoggedUserId"] != null) { int userId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoggedUserId"]); Database.AddRoleForUserToProject("admin", userId,; } // User wants project to be public -> add it to default-user if (!cbPrivateProject.Checked) { Database.AddProjectToUser("Default",; } Session["ActiveProject"] =; Response.Redirect("Home.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMessages.Text = ex.Message; } }
// delete public project delete(int id) { if (!(checkRight(main.Enums.rights.deleteProject))) { throw new serviceException("Bu projeyi silmeye yetkiniz bulunmamaktadır."); } project project = get(id); if (project == null) { throw new serviceException("Boyle bir proje bulunamadı"); } project.isdeleted = true; _context.Entry(project).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(project); }
public ActionResult Index(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var project_equipment = db.project_equipment.Include(pe => pe.project).Include(pe => => pe.projectID == id).ToList(); if (project_equipment == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.ID = id; project pr = db.projects.Find(id); if (pr.executorID != null) { ViewBag.ExecutorName =; ViewBag.ExecutorLastname = pr.contact1.lastname; } if (pr.placeID != null) { ViewBag.Place =; } if (pr.start != null) { ViewBag.Start = @Convert.ToDateTime(pr.start).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm"); } if (Request.Cookies.Get("id") != null) { if (((FormsIdentity)User.Identity).Ticket.UserData == "admin" || pr.createrID == null || pr.createrID.ToString() == Request.Cookies.Get("id").Value) { ViewBag.Hide = "no"; } else { ViewBag.Hide = "yes"; } } else { ViewBag.Hide = "yes"; } return(View(project_equipment)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, project p) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(EditDetails()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { Pservice.Update(p); Pservice.commit(); Pservice.Dispose(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(p)); }
public project Save(project project) { Project proj = new Project(); proj = _itemRepository.GetById((int)project.ProjectId); if (proj == null) { Project newProject = new Project(); newProject.Name = project.Name; newProject.Code = project.Code; newProject.CreatedByUserId = 2; newProject.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; newProject.CustomerId = project.CustomerId; newProject.Description = project.Description; newProject.EndDate = DateTime.Parse(project.EndDate); newProject.LastModifiedByUserId = 2; newProject.LastModifiedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; newProject.ModelId = project.ModelId; newProject.State = project.State; newProject.Status = 1; newProject.TechnologyId = project.TechnologyId; newProject.ProposalId = project.ProposalId; newProject.StartDate = DateTime.Parse(project.StartDate); _itemRepository.Add(newProject); } else { proj.Name = project.Name; proj.Code = project.Code; proj.CreatedByUserId = project.CreatedByUserId; proj.CustomerId = project.CustomerId; proj.Description = project.Description; proj.EndDate = DateTime.Parse(project.EndDate); proj.LastModifiedByUserId = project.LastModifiedByUserId; proj.LastModifiedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; proj.ModelId = project.ModelId; proj.State = project.State; proj.Status = 1; proj.TechnologyId = project.TechnologyId; proj.ProposalId = project.ProposalId; proj.StartDate = DateTime.Parse(project.StartDate); _itemRepository.Update(proj); } return(project); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { project cls = null; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:18080"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("http://localhost:18080/MapLevio-web/rest/projets/" + id.ToString()).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { cls = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <project>().Result; } return(View(cls)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //string tea= context.Response[""] project project = new project() { teacher_num = context.Request["tea_num"] }; StringBuilder jsonStr = new StringBuilder(); jsonStr.Append("["); DataSet ds = BLL.stuBll.tea_select_project(project); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { jsonStr.Append("{"); for (int j = 0; j < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; j++) { if (j != ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count - 1) { jsonStr.Append("\"" + ds.Tables[0].Columns[j].ToString() + "\":\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString() + "\","); } else { if (i == ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1) { jsonStr.Append("\"" + ds.Tables[0].Columns[j].ToString() + "\":\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString() + "\"}"); } else { jsonStr.Append("\"" + ds.Tables[0].Columns[j].ToString() + "\":\"" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][j].ToString() + "\"},"); } } } } jsonStr.Append("]"); context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(jsonStr.ToString()); } else { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write(""); } }
public static List <MembershipUser> GetProjectManagers(project this_project) { List <MembershipUser> managers = new List <MembershipUser>(); List <projects_user> project_managers = (from project_user in bug_tracker.projects_users join user in bug_tracker.aspnet_Users on project_user.user_id equals user.UserId join user_role in bug_tracker.aspnet_UsersInRoles on user.UserId equals user_role.UserId join roles in bug_tracker.aspnet_Roles on user_role.RoleId equals roles.RoleId where project_user.project_id == && roles.RoleName == "Project Manager" select project_user).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (projects_user manager in project_managers) { managers.Add(Membership.GetUser(manager.user_id)); } return(managers); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to Delete?", "Cognitivo", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { project project = (project)ProjectDataGrid.SelectedItem; project.is_head = false; project.State = EntityState.Deleted; project.IsSelected = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { toolBar.msgError(ex); } }
public string DelProject(ProjectDto projectDto) //Aldığı projectDto yla eşleşen projeyi silen servis. { using (UnitOfWorkPattern unitOf = new UnitOfWorkPattern()) { project pr = unitOf.RepositoryPattern <project>().Get(projectDto.Id); // Id ile eşleşen project tipinde dönen veri if (pr != null) //eğer yukarıdaki satırda uygun eşleşme bulunamazsa delete işlemi yapılmaz.Else satırına düşer. { unitOf.RepositoryPattern <project>().Delete(pr); //Delete işlemi. unitOf.Save(); //Delete işlemi kayıt kısmı. return("Kayıt silindi"); } else { return("Kayıt bulunamadı"); } } }
private static List <projectDetails> getProjects(inputs theInputs) { // get all the projects in the org string url = $"{theInputs.Org}/_apis/projects?api-version=5.1"; string response = RunGetAPI(theInputs.Pat, url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { project ret = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <project>(response); return(ret.value); } else { return(null); } }
public void test_NewProjectPostShouldReturnProjectResource() { project project = new project { name = "test", active = true, bill_by = "none", client_id = 0, code = "999", notes = "test notes", budget = 100, budget_by = "none" }; var result = harvest.CreateNewProject(project); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsTrue(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(bool)); }
partial void Insertproject(project instance);
// 数据绑定 private void RptBind() { HyCommon HyCommon = new HyCommon(); //获取当前页数 if (this.Request.QueryString["page"] != null) { = int.Parse(HyCommon.Filter(this.Request.QueryString["page"].ToString())); } this.txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); project dtExpert = new project(); string strWhere = ""; if (this.txtNmae.Text.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and projectNmae like '%" + this.txtNmae.Text.Trim() + "%'"; } //获取数据 DataSet dt = dtExpert.GetDataPage(this.pageSize,, strWhere); //获取数据条数 this.totalCount = dtExpert.GetList(strWhere).Tables[0].Rows.Count; this.lblcount.Text = totalCount.ToString(); rptList.DataSource = dt; rptList.DataBind(); //地址传递数据 string pageUrl = HyCommon.CombUrlTxt(ls_url, "page={0}&rnd={1}&txtNmae={2}", "__id__", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), this.txtNmae.Text); PageContent.InnerHtml = HyCommon.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
private void butSave_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { // //return DialogResult.OK; // search metadata... Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(search)); // we need to pass data through object //project pro = new project(); if (pr == null) pr = new project(); = txtName.Text; = txtHost.Text; pr.database = txtDatabase.Text; pr.user = txtUser.Text; pr.password = txtPassword.Text; pr.dbDataType = (project.databaseType)cmbDataType.SelectedItem; //project.databaseType tipo = new project.databaseType(); //tipo = (project.databaseType)cmbDataType.SelectedItem; //pro.dbDataType = cmbDataType.SelectedItem; // clear data pr.tables.Clear(); pr.relations.Clear(); t.Start(pr); // this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes; //MessageBox.Show("Hand message", "Hand title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); }
/// <summary> /// Loads a project into the tree view /// </summary> /// <param name="Dir"></param> private void LoadProject(DirectoryInfo Dir) { // Create new listItem SPListItem d = AddItem(Dir.Name,new Uri( "spotdev:project:"+Dir.Name+":overview")); d.Icon = Resources.spotifyapp; String path = ""; ListDirectory(Dir.Name, Dir, d, ref path); project c = new project(); c.title = Dir.Name; c.identifier = Dir.Name; projects.Add(c); }
public void saveProject(string filename) { try { // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class; // specify the type of object to serialize. XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(project)); TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename); project po = new project(); po = this; // Serialize and close the TextWriter. serializer.Serialize(writer, po); writer.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { try { project pr = new project(); pr = general.actualProject; pr.templateSelectedFullUri = general.templateSelectedFullUri; String tableSelected = cmbTablesx.Text; foreach (table item in general.actualProject.tables) { string numberoffields = item.fields.Count.ToString(); if (item.Name.Equals(tableSelected)) pr.actualTable = item; } //confi.actualTable = actualTable; pr.templateSelected = general.templateSelected; pr.templateSelectedFullUri = general.templateSelectedFullUri; pr.targetDirectory = general.targetDirectory; // save the project template from the listbox if (lbProjectTemplate.Items.Count != 0 ) { string pt = lbProjectTemplate.SelectedItem.ToString(); foreach (projectconfigfiles item in ctes.listaProjectConfigFiles) { if (item.Name == pt) { pr.projectTemplatesDirectory = item.Directory; } } pr.projectTemplatesDirectorySmall = pt; } //pr.projectTemplatesDirectory = general.projectTemplateSelectedFullUri; //pr.projectTemplatesDirectorySmall = general.projectTemplateSelected; pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.conf_dir, "conf.xml")); pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, + ".xml"); } catch (Exception) { //throw; } }
partial void Deleteproject(project instance);
partial void Updateproject(project instance);
protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { project project = new project(); = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); project.projectNmae = this.txtName.Value; project.investorID = ""; project.inveestorNmae = ""; project.publishID = ""; project.publishName = ""; project.publishTime = DateTime.Now; project.projectAdress = this.txtPath.Value; project.projcetSummary = this.txtDetail.Value; project.projcetKeyword = this.txtKeyWords.Value; string strCheckValue = ""; if (getCheckBox(this.ck_net) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_net) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_move) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_move) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_medicene) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_medicene) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_finance) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_finance) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_education) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_education) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_equipment) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_equipment) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_furniture) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_furniture) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_energy) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_energy) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_agriculture) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_agriculture) + "#"; } if (getCheckBox(this.ck_others) != "") { strCheckValue += getCheckBox(this.ck_others) + "#"; } project.industry = strCheckValue; project.projectDetail = this.txtProjectDetail.Value; project.financing = Convert.ToDecimal(this.txtAmount.Value); project.phoneNumber = this.txtPhone.Value; project.eamil = this.txtEmail.Value; = this.txtMoviePath.Value; project.teamDetail = this.txtdt_summary.Value; project.ifHot = false; project.projectState = "发布"; project.Add(); Response.Write("<script>alert('发布项目成功!');</script>"); }
private void newProject_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { pr = new project(); }
private void launcher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // vemos si existe un conf.xml o ultimo proyecto utilizado... project pr = new project(); pr = project.loadProject(Path.Combine(util.conf_dir, "conf.xml")); if (pr != null) { general.actualProject = pr; this.Text = "myWay " +; } loadControls(); }
// return the name of the keyField of the parent table from a foreign key public table getFTByFK(project pr, string fieldName) { foreach (table item in pr.GetTables) { if (item.GetKey.ToLower().Equals(fieldName.ToLower())) return item; } return null; }
public IHttpActionResult Postproject(project project) { project.pdate = DateTime.Now; project.employee_eid = q.GetUserId(); db.projects.Add(project); db.SaveChanges(); project_messages pm = new project_messages(); pm.project_pid =; pm.projectmessage = "*** Verkefni stofnað ***"; pm.messagetimestamp = DateTime.Now; pm.employee_eid = q.GetUserId(); db.project_messages.Add(pm); db.SaveChanges(); return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = }, project); }
private void search(object file) { bool right = false; string errorMessage = ""; AsyncEnableButton(false); try { project pro = new project(); pro = (project)file; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; switch (pro.dbDataType) { case project.databaseType.mySql: String connectionString = null; connectionString = "Server=" + + ";Database=" + pr.database + ";Uid=" + pr.user + ";Pwd=" + pr.password + ";"; dbMySql db = new dbMySql(); errorMessage = db.test(connectionString); if (errorMessage.Equals("")) { AsyncWrite(""); AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n"); //pr = new project(); // =; // lets get the tables... List<table> lista = new List<table>(); lista = db.getTables(connectionString, pr.database); //lista.Sort(); pr.tables.Clear(); foreach (table item in lista) { AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n"); // now lets get the fields for each table... List<field> listaField = new List<field>(); listaField = db.getFields(connectionString, pr.database, item.Name); if (listaField != null) { foreach (field fi in listaField) { item.fields.Add(fi); AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n"); } // the descriptionField its the first string field of table... foreach (field campito in listaField) { if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text")) { item.fieldDescription = campito.Name; break; } } if (item.fieldDescription == null) item.fieldDescription = listaField[0].Name; } // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table... db.getKeys(connectionString, item, pr.database); // lets sort the fields in the table... // we order but put first key fields if (general.orderFields) { item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(; item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key)); } pr.tables.Add(item); } pr.tables.Sort(); //// now lets get the relations ... pr.relations.Clear(); List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>(); listarelation = db.getRelations(connectionString, pr.database); if (listarelation != null) { foreach (relation re in listarelation) { // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.childTable.ToLower())) { re.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; // we put the field as keyfield... foreach (field fi in item.fields) { if (fi.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.childField.ToLower())) fi.isForeignKey = true; } } if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower())) re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } if (!pr.existsRelation(re.parentTable, re.childTable)) { pr.relations.Add(re); AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + + "\n"); } // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { // we put the relation in the child table... if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.childTable.ToLower())) item.relations.Add(re); } } } // also we can get relations about the field names foreach (table tab in pr.tables) { foreach (field campo in tab.fields) { if (campo.isKey) { foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables) { if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower())) { foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields) { if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower())) { // check if relation exists.. if (!pr.existsRelation(tab.Name, tab2.Name)) { campo2.isForeignKey = true; relation rel = new relation(); = tab2.Name + "_" + tab.Name; bool found = false; foreach (relation relax in pr.relations) { if ( found = true; } if (!found) { rel.parentTable = tab.Name; rel.parentField = campo.Name; rel.childTable = tab2.Name; rel.childField = campo2.Name; // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower())) rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower())) rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } pr.relations.Add(rel); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name)) item.relations.Add(rel); } } } } } } } } } } right = true; =; pr.database = pro.database; pr.user = pro.user; pr.password = pro.password; pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType; //pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, + ".xml")); // lets save it for next load of application... // pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, "conf.xml")); // AsyncWriteLine("Project saved... \n"); } else { AsyncWrite(errorMessage); } break; case project.databaseType.SqlServer: connectionString = "Data Source=" + + ";Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=" + pro.database + ";User ID=" + pro.user + ";Password="******";"; // connectionStringOleDb = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=" + txtHost.Text + ";Database=" + txtDatabase.Text + ";Uid=" + txtUser.Text + ";Pwd=" + txtPassword.Text + ";"; dbSql2005 dbSqlServer = new dbSql2005(); errorMessage = dbSqlServer.test(connectionString); if (errorMessage.Equals("")) { AsyncWrite(""); AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n"); //pr = new project(); // =; // lets get the tables... List<table> lista = new List<table>(); lista = dbSqlServer.getTables(connectionString, pro.database); //lista.Sort(); foreach (table item in lista) { AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n"); // now lets get the fields for each table... List<field> listaField = new List<field>(); listaField = dbSqlServer.getFields(connectionString, item.Name); if (listaField != null) { foreach (field fi in listaField) { item.fields.Add(fi); AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n"); } // the descriptionField its the first string field of table... foreach (field campito in listaField) { if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text")) { item.fieldDescription = campito.Name; break; } } if (item.fieldDescription == null) item.fieldDescription = listaField[0].Name; } // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table... dbSqlServer.getKeys(connectionString, item); // lets get not primary keys foreach (field campito in item.fields) { if (!campito.isKey) item.getNotKeyFields.Add(campito); } // lets sort the fields in the table... // we order but put first key fields if (general.orderFields) { item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(; item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key)); } pr.tables.Add(item); // lets get description of table string DescriptionOfTable = ""; DescriptionOfTable = dbSqlServer.getCommentsFromTable(connectionString, item.Name); if (DescriptionOfTable.IndexOf("#exclude#") != -1) { item.excludeFromGeneration = true; DescriptionOfTable.Replace("#exclude#", ""); } if (!DescriptionOfTable.Equals("")) item.TargetName = DescriptionOfTable; // end of description for table } pr.tables.Sort(); // now lets get the relations ... List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>(); listarelation = dbSqlServer.getRelations(connectionString); if (listarelation != null) { foreach (relation re in listarelation) { // item.fields.Add(re); pr.relations.Add(re); AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + + "\n"); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { // we put the relation in the parent table... if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower())) { // le añadimos la descripcion re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; foreach (table taby in pr.tables) { if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable)) re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription; } item.relations.Add(re); } } } } // also we can get relations about the field names foreach (table tab in pr.tables) { foreach (field campo in tab.fields) { if (campo.isKey) { foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables) { if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower())) { foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields) { if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower())) { campo2.isForeignKey = true; relation rel = new relation(); = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name; if (!pr.relations.Contains( { rel.parentTable = tab2.Name; rel.parentField = campo2.Name; rel.childTable = tab.Name; rel.childField = campo.Name; // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower())) rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower())) rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } pr.relations.Add(rel); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name)) { // see if the relation exists.. bool seguir = true; foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations) { if ( seguir = false; } if (seguir) item.relations.Add(rel); } } } } } } } } } } right = true; =; pr.database = pro.database; pr.user = pro.user; pr.password = pro.password; pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType; //pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, + ".xml")); // lets save it for next load of application... // pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, "conf.xml")); //AsyncWriteLine("Project saved... \n"); } else { AsyncWrite(errorMessage); } break; case project.databaseType.dbf: connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";Extended Properties=dBASE IV;User ID=" + pro.user + ";Password="******";"; dbDbf dbf = new dbDbf(); errorMessage = dbf.test(connectionString); if (errorMessage.Equals("")) { AsyncWrite(""); AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n"); //pr = new project(); // =; // lets get the tables... List<table> lista = new List<table>(); lista = dbf.getTables(connectionString, pro.database); //lista.Sort(); foreach (table item in lista) { AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n"); // now lets get the fields for each table... List<field> listaField = new List<field>(); listaField = dbf.getFields(connectionString, item.Name); if (listaField != null) { foreach (field fi in listaField) { item.fields.Add(fi); AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n"); } // the descriptionField its the first string field of table... foreach (field campito in listaField) { if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text")) { item.fieldDescription = campito.Name; break; } } if (item.fieldDescription == null) item.fieldDescription = listaField[0].Name; } // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table... dbf.getKeys(connectionString, item); // lets sort the fields in the table... // we order but put first key fields if (general.orderFields) { item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(; item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key)); } pr.tables.Add(item); } pr.tables.Sort(); // now lets get the relations ... List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>(); listarelation = dbf.getRelations(connectionString); if (listarelation != null) { foreach (relation re in listarelation) { // item.fields.Add(re); pr.relations.Add(re); AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + + "\n"); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { // we put the relation in the parent table... if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower())) { // le añadimos la descripcion re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; foreach (table taby in pr.tables) { if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable)) re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription; } item.relations.Add(re); } } } } // also we can get relations about the field names foreach (table tab in pr.tables) { foreach (field campo in tab.fields) { if (campo.isKey) { foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables) { if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower())) { foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields) { if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower())) { campo2.isForeignKey = true; relation rel = new relation(); = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name; if (!pr.relations.Contains( { rel.parentTable = tab2.Name; rel.parentField = campo2.Name; rel.childTable = tab.Name; rel.childField = campo.Name; // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower())) rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower())) rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } pr.relations.Add(rel); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name)) { // see if the relation exists.. bool seguir = true; foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations) { if ( seguir = false; } if (seguir) item.relations.Add(rel); } } } } } } } } } } right = true; =; pr.database = pro.database; pr.user = pro.user; pr.password = pro.password; pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType; } else { AsyncWriteLine(errorMessage); } break; case project.databaseType.access2003: connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";User ID=" + pro.user + ";Password="******";"; dbAccess dba2003 = new dbAccess(); errorMessage = dba2003.test(connectionString); if (errorMessage.Equals("")) { AsyncWrite(""); AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n"); //pr = new project(); // =; // lets get the tables... List<table> lista = new List<table>(); lista = dba2003.getTables(connectionString, pro.database); //lista.Sort(); foreach (table item in lista) { AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n"); // now lets get the fields for each table... List<field> listaField = new List<field>(); listaField = dba2003.getFields(connectionString, item.Name); if (listaField != null) { foreach (field fi in listaField) { item.fields.Add(fi); AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n"); } } // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table... dba2003.getKeys(connectionString, item); // now we search a text field that is not key if (listaField != null) { // the descriptionField its the first string field of table... foreach (field campito in listaField) { if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") && !campito.isKey) { item.fieldDescription = campito.Name; break; } } } if (item.fieldDescription == null) item.fieldDescription = item.GetKey; // lets sort the fields in the table... // we order but put first key fields if (general.orderFields) { item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(; item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key)); } pr.tables.Add(item); } pr.tables.Sort(); // now lets get the relations ... List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>(); listarelation = dba2003.getRelations(connectionString); if (listarelation != null) { foreach (relation re in listarelation) { // item.fields.Add(re); pr.relations.Add(re); AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + + "\n"); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { // we put the relation in the parent table... if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower())) { // le añadimos la descripcion re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; foreach (table taby in pr.tables) { if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable)) re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription; } item.relations.Add(re); } } } } // also we can get relations about the field names foreach (table tab in pr.tables) { foreach (field campo in tab.fields) { if (campo.isKey) { foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables) { if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower())) { foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields) { if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower())) { campo2.isForeignKey = true; relation rel = new relation(); = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name; if (!pr.relations.Contains( { rel.parentTable = tab2.Name; rel.parentField = campo2.Name; rel.childTable = tab.Name; rel.childField = campo.Name; // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower())) rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower())) rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } pr.relations.Add(rel); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name)) { // see if the relation exists.. bool seguir = true; foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations) { if ( seguir = false; } if (seguir) item.relations.Add(rel); } } } } } } } } } } right = true; =; pr.database = pro.database; pr.user = pro.user; pr.password = pro.password; pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType; } else { AsyncWriteLine(errorMessage); } break; case project.databaseType.access2007: connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";Persist Security Info=False;"; //Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + pro.database + ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyDbPassword; dbAccess dba2007 = new dbAccess(); errorMessage = dba2007.test(connectionString); if (errorMessage.Equals("")) { AsyncWrite(""); AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n"); //pr = new project(); // =; // lets get the tables... List<table> lista = new List<table>(); lista = dba2007.getTables(connectionString, pro.database); //lista.Sort(); foreach (table item in lista) { AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n"); // now lets get the fields for each table... List<field> listaField = new List<field>(); listaField = dba2007.getFields(connectionString, item.Name); if (listaField != null) { foreach (field fi in listaField) { item.fields.Add(fi); AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n"); } } // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table... dba2007.getKeys(connectionString, item); // now we search a text field that is not key if (listaField != null) { // the descriptionField its the first string field of table... foreach (field campito in listaField) { if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text") ) { item.fieldDescription = campito.Name; break; } } } if (item.fieldDescription == null) item.fieldDescription = item.GetKey; // lets sort the fields in the table... // we order but put first key fields if (general.orderFields) { item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(; item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key)); } pr.tables.Add(item); } pr.tables.Sort(); // now lets get the relations ... List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>(); listarelation = dba2007.getRelations(connectionString); if (listarelation != null) { foreach (relation re in listarelation) { // item.fields.Add(re); pr.relations.Add(re); AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + + "\n"); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { // we put the relation in the parent table... if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower())) { // le añadimos la descripcion re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; foreach (table taby in pr.tables) { if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable)) re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription; } item.relations.Add(re); } } } } // also we can get relations about the field names foreach (table tab in pr.tables) { foreach (field campo in tab.fields) { if (campo.isKey) { foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables) { if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower())) { foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields) { if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower())) { campo2.isForeignKey = true; relation rel = new relation(); = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name; if (!pr.relations.Contains( { rel.parentTable = tab2.Name; rel.parentField = campo2.Name; rel.childTable = tab.Name; rel.childField = campo.Name; // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower())) rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower())) rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } pr.relations.Add(rel); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name)) { // see if the relation exists.. bool seguir = true; foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations) { if ( seguir = false; } if (seguir) item.relations.Add(rel); } } } } } } } } } } right = true; =; pr.database = pro.database; pr.user = pro.user; pr.password = pro.password; pr.dbDataType = pro.dbDataType; } else { AsyncWriteLine(errorMessage); } break; // end of access2007 case project.databaseType.excelOrCsv: if (pr.database.Contains("xls")) connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pr.database + ";Extended Properties=\"text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited\""; else connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + pr.database + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1\""; dbExcelOrCsv dbaODBC = new dbExcelOrCsv(); errorMessage = dbaODBC.test(connectionString); if (errorMessage.Equals("")) { AsyncWrite(""); AsyncWriteLine("Success connection \n"); //pr = new project(); // =;9 // lets get the tables... List<table> lista = new List<table>(); lista = dbaODBC.getTables(connectionString, pr.database); //lista.Sort(); foreach (table item in lista) { AsyncWriteLine("Found table... " + item.Name + "\n"); // now lets get the fields for each table... List<field> listaField = new List<field>(); listaField = dbaODBC.getFields(connectionString, item.Name); if (listaField != null) { foreach (field fi in listaField) { item.fields.Add(fi); AsyncWriteLine("Found field... " + fi.Name + "\n"); } } // lets get primary keys and foreign keys for the table... dbaODBC.getKeys(connectionString, item); // now we search a text field that is not key if (listaField != null) { // the descriptionField its the first string field of table... foreach (field campito in listaField) { if (campito.type.ToString().Equals("_string") || campito.type.ToString().Equals("_text")) { item.fieldDescription = campito.Name; break; } } } if (item.fieldDescription == null) item.fieldDescription = item.GetKey; // lets sort the fields in the table... // we order but put first key fields if (general.orderFields) { item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(; item.fields.Sort(new compareFields(compareFields.CompareByOptions.key)); } pr.tables.Add(item); } pr.tables.Sort(); // now lets get the relations ... List<relation> listarelation = new List<relation>(); listarelation = dbaODBC.getRelations(connectionString); if (listarelation != null) { foreach (relation re in listarelation) { // item.fields.Add(re); pr.relations.Add(re); AsyncWriteLine("Found relation... " + + "\n"); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { // we put the relation in the parent table... if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(re.parentTable.ToLower())) { // le añadimos la descripcion re.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; foreach (table taby in pr.tables) { if (taby.Name.Equals(re.childTable)) re.childDescription = taby.fieldDescription; } item.relations.Add(re); } } } } // also we can get relations about the field names foreach (table tab in pr.tables) { foreach (field campo in tab.fields) { if (campo.isKey) { foreach (table tab2 in pr.tables) { if (!tab.Name.ToLower().Equals(tab2.Name.ToLower())) { foreach (field campo2 in tab2.fields) { if (campo.Name.ToLower().Equals(campo2.Name.ToLower())) { campo2.isForeignKey = true; relation rel = new relation(); = tab.Name + "_" + tab2.Name; if (!pr.relations.Contains( { rel.parentTable = tab2.Name; rel.parentField = campo2.Name; rel.childTable = tab.Name; rel.childField = campo.Name; // found description of fields... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.childTable.ToLower())) rel.childDescription = item.fieldDescription; if (item.Name.ToLower().Equals(rel.parentTable.ToLower())) rel.parentDescription = item.fieldDescription; } pr.relations.Add(rel); // now if the relation has to do with the tables... foreach (table item in pr.tables) { if (item.Name.Equals(tab2.Name)) { // see if the relation exists.. bool seguir = true; foreach (relation rel2 in tab2.relations) { if ( seguir = false; } if (seguir) item.relations.Add(rel); } } } } } } } } } } right = true; =; pr.database = pr.database; pr.user = pr.user; pr.password = pr.password; pr.dbDataType = pr.dbDataType; } else { AsyncWriteLine(errorMessage); } break; // end of excelOrCsv } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; switch (right) { case true: AsyncWriteLine("All right. Now you can save the project..."); AsyncEnableButton(true); SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play(); break; case false: AsyncWriteLine("Error, review the configuration."); AsyncEnableButton(false); //util.playSimpleSound(Path.Combine(util.sound_dir, "zasentodalaboca.wav")); SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play(); break; } // we have finished with new project Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } catch (Exception ex) { AsyncWrite(ex.Message); } }
public IHttpActionResult Putproject(int id, project project) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } if (id != { return BadRequest(); } db.Entry(project).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!projectExists(id)) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }
// return the name of the parent table of a foreign key public String getTableNameByForeignKey(project pr, string fieldName) { try { foreach (table item in pr.GetTables) { if (item.GetKey.ToLower().Equals(fieldName.ToLower())) return item.Name; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return ""; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //diagram di = new diagram(); //di.ShowDialog(); //model ed = new model(); //ed.actualProject = actualProject; //ed.ShowDialog(); //// para apañar templates antiguos... //myWay.classes.fixTemplate fi = new myWay.classes.fixTemplate(); //fi.traverseDirectory("I:\\proyectos\\desktop\\myWay\\templates\\vb"); // para crear el control avalonEdit // son necesarias las siguientes dll (copiadas del framework 3.0 la mayoria) // ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit - PresentationCore - PresentationFramework - WindowsBase - WindowsFormsIntegration ElementHost host = new ElementHost(); host.Name = "editor"; host.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; TextEditor uc = new TextEditor(); uc.Options.IndentationSize = 4; uc.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White; uc.ShowLineNumbers = true; uc.WordWrap = true; IHighlightingDefinition highlightDefinition = HighlightingManager.Instance.GetDefinition("C#"); uc.SyntaxHighlighting = highlightDefinition; host.Child = uc; // in the constructor: uc.TextArea.TextEntering += textEditor_TextArea_TextEntering; uc.TextArea.TextEntered += textEditor_TextArea_TextEntered; panel1.Controls.Add(host); //this.Controls.Add(host); // if there is a template selected early we load it.. if (general.templateSelectedFullUri != null) { // rt1.Text = util.loadFile(templateSelectedFullUri); writeText(util.loadFile(general.templateSelectedFullUri)); } string numberOfLinesWrittenBefore = sf.toLong(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["numberOfLinesWritten"]).ToString(); labNumberOfLinesWritten.Values.Text = sf.cadena(numberOfLinesWrittenBefore) + " lines written with myWay"; string labNumberOfAppsBefore = sf.toLong(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["labNumberOfAppsWritten"]).ToString(); labNumberOfApps.Values.Text = sf.cadena(labNumberOfAppsBefore) + " apps written with myWay"; // lets load config files of project templates ... traverseDirectorySearchProjectConfigFiles(util.projectTemplates_dir); foreach (projectconfigfiles item in ctes.listaProjectConfigFiles) { lbProjectTemplate.Items.Add(item.Name); } // vemos si existe un conf.xml o ultimo proyecto utilizado... project pr = new project(); pr = project.loadProject(Path.Combine(util.conf_dir, "conf.xml")); if (pr != null) { this.Text = "myWay " +; groupBox1.Text =; this.Text = "myWay " +; general.actualProject = pr; refreshDataWithActualProject(); } }
//done button to insert values in database protected void Btndone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //here we are getting follow people values(asptokeninput) from ItemList.aspx page,it can be multiple so we are entering multiple values by '/' for (int i = 0; i <= lbList2.Items.Count - 1; i++) { listid = lbList2.Items[i].Value.Split('-'); string name = listid[0]; eco += listid[0] + "/"; } if (eco != "") { eco = eco.Remove(eco.Length - 1); } namesplit = LblFLName.Text.Split(' '); if (p) { var pp = new product { FirstName = namesplit[0], LastName=namesplit[1], Password = Hiddpass.Value, University = LblUni.Text, Course = LblCourse.Text, Year = LblYear.Text, Location = LblCity.Text, SuaveID = Label2.Text + TxtSuaveid.Text, About = TxtAbout.Text, FollowPpl = eco, Project = TxtCreateproj.Text, Emailid=TxtEmailid.Text }; //inserting user details in table admin var hh = a1.GetCollection<product>("admin"); hh.Insert(pp); //here we are creating projectid,it is a combination of suaveid+first 3 letters of project name proid = TxtCreateproj.Text.Substring(0,3); var pp2 = new project { Project = TxtCreateproj.Text, ProjectId=Label2.Text + TxtSuaveid.Text+proid, SuaveID = Label2.Text + TxtSuaveid.Text }; //inserting project details in table ProjectDet var hh2 = a1.GetCollection<project>("ProjectDet"); hh2.Insert(pp2); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('Inserted ');", true); //here we move forward for dash board page by passing suaveid as a parameter string su=Label2.Text + TxtSuaveid.Text; Session["SuaveID"] = su; Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); TxtFirstname.Text = ""; Txtlastname.Text = ""; txtPwd.Text = ""; txtRePwd.Text = ""; TxtUniversity.Text = ""; TxtCourse.Text = ""; DdlYear.Items.Clear(); TxtLocation.Text = ""; TxtSuaveid.Text = ""; TxtAbout.Text = ""; tiTest2.Items.Clear(); TxtCreateproj.Text = ""; } }
// return the name of the keyField of the parent table from a foreign key public String getKeyFieldByForeignKey(project pr, string fieldName) { foreach (table item in pr.GetTables) { if (item.GetKey.ToLower().Equals(fieldName.ToLower())) return item.GetKey; } return ""; }
private void saveData() { try { project pr = new project(); pr = general.actualProject; //pr.templateSelectedFullUri = general.templateSelectedFullUri; pr.targetDirectory = general.actualProject.targetDirectory; // save the project template from the listbox if (lbProjectTemplate.Items.Count != 0) { string pt = lbProjectTemplate.SelectedItem.ToString(); foreach (projectconfigfiles item in ctes.listaProjectConfigFiles) { if (item.Name == pt) { pr.projectTemplatesDirectory = item.Directory; } } pr.projectTemplatesDirectorySmall = pt; } pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.conf_dir, "conf.xml")); pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, + ".xml"); } catch (Exception) { //throw; } }
//private void cmbGoToCode_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // string st = ""; // int numLinea = 0; // st = cmbGoToCode.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim(); // // get the control of editor // ElementHost pp = new ElementHost(); // TextEditor te = new TextEditor(); // pp = (ElementHost)panel1.Controls.Find("editor", true)[0]; // te = (TextEditor)pp.Child; // foreach (ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit.Document.DocumentLine item in te.Document.Lines) // { // if (item.Text.IndexOf(st) != -1) // { // numLinea = item.LineNumber; // } // } // te.ScrollTo(numLinea, 0); //} // cmbGoToCode_SelectedIndexChanged private void txtNameSpace_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { project pr = new project(); pr = general.actualProject; pr.nameSpace = txtNameSpace.Text; pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.conf_dir, "conf.xml")); pr.saveProject(Path.Combine(util.projects_dir, + ".xml"); }