public static void addLocation(portCallMessage pcm) { //APPEND WITH LOCATIONSTATE ARRIVAL(TO AND FROM) if (pcm.locationState != null) { string locationFrom = pcm.locationState.arrivalLocation.from.locationMRN; string locationTo =; departureMessage.Append(NiceString(locationFrom) + " -> " + NiceString(locationTo)); } //APPEND WITH LOCATIONSTATE DEPARTURE(TO AND FROM) if (pcm.locationState != null) { string locationFrom = pcm.locationState.departureLocation.from.locationMRN; string locationTo =; departureMessage.Append(NiceString(locationFrom) + " -> " + NiceString(locationTo)); } //APPEND WITH SERVICESTATE POSTITION AT if (pcm.serviceState != null) { string locationAt =; departureMessage.Append("at " + NiceString(locationAt) + " "); } }
private string getKey(portCallMessage pcm) { string key = ""; if (pcm == null) { return(null); } key += pcm.portCallId; if (isLocationState(pcm)) { LocationState ls = pcm.locationState; key += ls.referenceObject.ToString(); key += ls.time.ToString(); if (ls.arrivalLocation != null) { LocationStateArrivalLocation al = ls.arrivalLocation; if (al.from != null) { key += al.from.locationMRN ?? ""; } if ( != null) { key += ?? ""; } } if (ls.departureLocation != null) { LocationStateDepartureLocation dl = ls.departureLocation; if (dl.from != null) { key += dl.from.locationMRN ?? ""; } if ( != null) { key += ?? ""; } } } else { ServiceState ss = pcm.serviceState; key += ss.serviceObject; key += ss.time; if ( != null) { key += ?? ""; } else if (ss.between != null) { ServiceStateBetween b = ss.between; key += b.from.locationMRN ?? ""; key += ?? ""; } } return(key); }
public static DateTime LocationOrService(portCallMessage pcm) { if (pcm.locationState != null) { return(pcm.locationState.time); } else { return(pcm.serviceState.time); } }
public static async Task <string> createPCM(portCallMessage pcm) { PrepareRestCall.postXML(); string xml = toXML(pcm); var response = await PrepareRestCall.HttpClientInstance.PostAsync("mb/mss", new StringContent(xml, Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml")); string result = response.ReasonPhrase + " - " + response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; return(result); }
public static void addObject(portCallMessage pcm) { //APPEND WITH LOCATIONSTATE REFERENCEOBJECT if (pcm.locationState != null) { departureMessage.Append(pcm.locationState.referenceObject + " "); } //APPEND WITH SERVICESTATE SERVICEOBJECT if (pcm.serviceState != null) { departureMessage.Append(pcm.serviceState.serviceObject + " "); } }
public static void addTime(portCallMessage pcm) { //APPEND WITH LOCATIONSTATE TIME if (pcm.locationState != null) { object niceDate = NiceDate(pcm.locationState.time); departureMessage.Append(niceDate + " "); } //APPEND WITH SERVICESTATE TIME if (pcm.serviceState != null) { object niceDate = NiceDate(pcm.serviceState.time); departureMessage.Append(niceDate + " "); } }
public void add(portCallMessage pcm) { string key = getKey(pcm); if (pcmGroups.ContainsKey(key)) { pcmGroups[key].Add(pcm); } else { List <portCallMessage> pcms = new List <portCallMessage>(); pcms.Add(pcm); pcmGroups.Add(key, pcms); } }
public static void appendMessageInfo(portCallMessage pcm) { //APPEND WITH SERVICESTATE TIMESEQUENCE(COMMENCED / COMPLETED) if (pcm.serviceState != null) { switch (pcm.serviceState.timeSequence) { case (ServiceTimeSequence.COMMENCED): case (ServiceTimeSequence.COMPLETED): addTime(pcm); addObject(pcm); addLocation(pcm); departureMessage.Append(pcm.serviceState.timeSequence + "<br />"); break; default: break; } } }
static string toXML(portCallMessage pcm) { pcm.namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(new XmlQualifiedName[] { new XmlQualifiedName(string.Empty, "urn:mrn:stm:schema:port-call-message:0.6") }); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(portCallMessage), new XmlRootAttribute("portCallMessage") { Namespace = "urn:mrn:stm:schema:port-call-message:0.6" }); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings(); xws.OmitXmlDeclaration = true; xws.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; xws.Indent = true; XmlWriter xtw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, xws); xs.Serialize(xtw, pcm, pcm.namespaces); return(sw.ToString()); }
private async Task <portCallMessage> genMessage() { //----------- Message --------------- var message = new portCallMessage { portCallId = portCallIdHiddenField.Value, vesselId = "urn:mrn:stm:vessel:IMO:" + shipImoHiddenField.Value, messageId = "urn:mrn:stm:portcdm:message:" + messageIdGenerator.generateMessageId(), reportedAt = dateHandler.getCurrentTimeString(), comment = commentBox.Text }; //--------- Service state ----------- if (!locationStateChosen()) { message.serviceState = new ServiceState(); message.serviceState.serviceObject = (ServiceObject)Enum.Parse(typeof(ServiceObject), messageTypeHiddenField.Value); message.serviceState.timeSequence = (ServiceTimeSequence)Enum.Parse(typeof(ServiceTimeSequence), serviceTimeSequenceDropDown.SelectedValue); message.serviceState.timeType = (TimeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeType), timeTypeDropDown.SelectedValue); string serviceStateTime = setYearDropDown.SelectedValue + "-" + setMonthDropDown.SelectedValue + "-" + setDayDropDown.SelectedValue + "T" + setHourDropDown.SelectedValue + ":" + setMinuteDropDown.SelectedValue + ":00Z"; message.serviceState.time = dateHandler.stringToDate(serviceStateTime); //--------- Service state, location At ----------- if (atRadioButton.Checked) { = new Location(); = atLocationName.SelectedValue; } //--------- Service state, location between -------- else if (betweenRadioButton.Checked) { message.serviceState.between = new ServiceStateBetween(); message.serviceState.between.from = new Location(); message.serviceState.between.from.locationMRN = fixTrafficAreaBug(fromLocationName.SelectedValue); = new Location(); = fixTrafficAreaBug(toLocationName.SelectedValue); } } else { message.locationState = new LocationState(); message.locationState.referenceObject = LocationReferenceObject.VESSEL; string locationStateTime = setYearDropDown.SelectedValue + "-" + setMonthDropDown.SelectedValue + "-" + setDayDropDown.SelectedValue + "T" + setHourDropDown.SelectedValue + ":" + setMinuteDropDown.SelectedValue + ":00Z"; message.locationState.time = dateHandler.stringToDate(locationStateTime); message.locationState.timeType = (TimeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeType), timeTypeDropDown.SelectedValue); if (messageTypeHiddenField.Value == "DEPARTURE_VESSEL") { message.locationState.departureLocation = new LocationStateDepartureLocation(); //------ Location State , departure location, from if (fromCheckBox.Checked) { message.locationState.departureLocation.from = new Location(); message.locationState.departureLocation.from.locationMRN = fixTrafficAreaBug(fromLocationName.SelectedValue); } //------ Location State , departure location, to if (toCheckBox.Checked) { = new Location(); = fixTrafficAreaBug(fromLocationName.SelectedValue); } } else if (messageTypeHiddenField.Value == "ARRIVAL_VESSEL") { message.locationState.arrivalLocation = new LocationStateArrivalLocation(); //------ Location State , arrival location, from if (fromCheckBox.Checked) { message.locationState.arrivalLocation.from = new Location(); message.locationState.arrivalLocation.from.locationMRN = fixTrafficAreaBug(fromLocationName.SelectedValue); } //------ Location State , arrival location, to if (toCheckBox.Checked) { = new Location(); = fixTrafficAreaBug(toLocationName.SelectedValue); } } } return(message); }
protected void rptr_ItemDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { Literal boxHeader = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("boxHeader"); List <portCallMessage> list = (List <portCallMessage>)e.Item.DataItem; portCallMessage pcm = list[0]; if (PortCallMessageGrouper.isLocationState(pcm)) { if (pcm.locationState.arrivalLocation != null) { if ( != null) { boxHeader.Text += "To: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(; if (pcm.locationState.arrivalLocation.from != null) { boxHeader.Text += "<br />"; } } if (pcm.locationState.arrivalLocation.from != null) { boxHeader.Text += "From: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(pcm.locationState.arrivalLocation.from.locationMRN)).ToString(); } } else if (pcm.locationState.departureLocation != null) { if ( != null) { boxHeader.Text += "To: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(; if (pcm.locationState.departureLocation.from != null) { boxHeader.Text += "<br />"; } } if (pcm.locationState.departureLocation.from != null) { boxHeader.Text += "From: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(pcm.locationState.departureLocation.from.locationMRN)); } } } else { boxHeader.Text += FirstCharToUpper(pcm.serviceState.serviceObject.ToString()) + "<br />"; if ( != null) { boxHeader.Text += "At: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(; } else { boxHeader.Text += "To: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(; boxHeader.Text += "<br />From: " + getLocationName(fixTrafficAreaBug(pcm.serviceState.between.from.locationMRN)); } } Repeater timeRepeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("timeRepeater"); Repeater boxRepeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("boxRepeater"); timeRepeater.DataSource = e.Item.DataItem; timeRepeater.DataBind(); boxRepeater.DataSource = e.Item.DataItem; boxRepeater.DataBind(); }
public static bool isLocationState(portCallMessage pcm) { return(pcm.locationState != null); }
public PortCallMessageGrouper(portCallMessage pcm) : this() { add(pcm); }