public override void SetChatButtons(ref string button, ref string button2) { button = Language.GetTextValue("LegacyInterface.28"); Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; playerMod modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <playerMod>(); button2 = "Collect (" + (modPlayer.recievedCafeCut || npc.homeless ? "0" : myPayout.ToString()) + " Copper)"; }
public override void SetChatButtons(ref string button, ref string button2) { button = Language.GetTextValue("LegacyInterface.28"); Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; playerMod modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <playerMod>(); getPayout(); button2 = $"Collect ({(!modPlayer.recievedCafeCut ? payoutToChat() : $"0 [i:{ItemID.CopperCoin}]")})"; }
public override void AI() { Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner]; playerMod modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <playerMod>(); if (player.dead) { modPlayer.dynamitePet = false; } if (modPlayer.dynamitePet) { projectile.timeLeft = 2; } }
public override void OnChatButtonClicked(bool firstButton, ref bool shop) { if (firstButton) { shop = true; } else { Main.player[Main.myPlayer].BuyItem(-10000); if (npc.homeless) { Main.npcChatText = "No cafe, no money. I need a place or we'll both go broke. Stonework Rose needs to be made of High Quality woods and signature furnature."; return; } if (myPayout == 0) { Main.npcChatText = "It appears that customers are being driven away. It may be because of not enough furniture, or too much furnature."; return; } Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; playerMod modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <playerMod>(); if (modPlayer.recievedCafeCut) { switch (Main.rand.Next(4)) { case 0: Main.npcChatText = "We have not had too many sales since last you came to me. You must be patient."; break; case 2: Main.npcChatText = "Come back tommorow after I finished doing the maths."; break; case 3: Main.npcChatText = "If you're pressed for money, kill a boss or something."; break; case 4: Main.npcChatText = "There is no way I am your only source of income."; break; } return; } switch (Main.rand.Next(4)) { case 0: Main.npcChatText = "I know you do amazing things with your cut of the profits!"; break; case 1: Main.npcChatText = "Thanks for all the help! Here's your cut of the profits."; break; case 2: { if (NPC.FindFirstNPC(NPCID.TaxCollector) > 0) { Main.npcChatText = "The tax collector stashes some of the money for himself. I much prefer paying you directly."; } else { Main.npcChatText = "Our mutual benifet keeps the world turning! Your cut."; } break; } case 4: Main.npcChatText = "Best landlord, best real estate!"; break; } modPlayer.recievedCafeCut = true; } }