        public ActionResult TrialBal(FormCollection fc)
            GenHelper g       = new GenHelper();
            DataSet   ds      = new DataSet();
            String    repname = "TrialBalance";
            String    Tblname = "mytrialbal";

            DBClass.NonQuery("drop table " + Tblname);
            Reports rp  = new Reports();
            String  Mon = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(Convert.ToInt32(fc["mon"]));

            String    Stdate = fc["year"] + "-" + fc["mon"] + "-" + "01";
            DateTime  sd     = DateTime.Parse(Stdate);
            DateTime  ed     = sd.AddMonths(1); ed = ed.AddDays(-1);
            String    edate  = g.SqlDate(ed.ToString());
            DataTable trbal  = rp.PrepareTraialBal(Tblname, Stdate, edate);
            String    SumQry = "select sum(receipts) as TotalCredits,sum(payments) as TotalDebits from " + Tblname;
            DataTable sumdt  = DBClass.GetData(SumQry);

            ds.Tables.Add(trbal); ds.Tables.Add(sumdt);
            float[] cols = new float[] { 60f, 180f, 65f, 65f, 65f, 65f };
            String  path = Server.MapPath("/pdfs/trialbalance.pdf");

            String[] rephead = new String[] { "N.EW.K.R.T.C Hubli", "Trial Balance For the Month of " + Mon + " " + fc["year"] };
            String[] tblhead = new string[] { "Account Number", "Account Name", "Opening Balance", "Receipts", "Payments", "Closing Balance" };
            pdf      ph      = new pdf(ds, cols, rephead, tblhead, path, repname, Tblname);

            //String DropQry = "drop table " + Tblname;
            return(File(path, "application/pdf"));
        public ActionResult pdf()
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            int[]   sumcolindex = { 3, 4, 5, 6 };
            float[] cols        = new float[] { 35f, 40f, 220f, 50f, 50f, 50f, 50f, 50f };
            String  path        = Server.MapPath("/pdfs/test.pdf");

            String[]  rephead = new String[] { "N.EW.K.R.T.C Hubli", "Account List " };
            String[]  tblhead = new String[] { "Account Id", "Account Number", "Account Name", "Parent Id", "Group Id", "Section Id", "Allow", "Active" };
            DataTable dt      = DBClass.GetData("select * from account_master");

            pdf ph = new pdf(ds, cols, rephead, tblhead, path);

            return(File(path, "application/pdf"));
        public ActionResult printrp(FormCollection fc)
            DataSet ds      = new DataSet();
            String  repname = "ReceiptPayment";

            Reports rs = new Reports(); GenHelper g = new GenHelper();

            float[] cols = new float[] { 40f, 220f, 60f, 60f };
            String  path = Server.MapPath("/pdfs/receiptpayments.pdf");

            String[]  rephead = new String[] { "N.EW.K.R.T.C Hubli", "Receipts & Payments From " + fc["stdate"] + " To " + fc["edate"] };
            String[]  tblhead = new string[] { "Account Number", "Account Name", "Receipts", "Payments" };
            DataTable dt      = rs.GetRpData(fc["stdate"], fc["edate"]);

            DataTable dt1 = DBClass.GetData("select sum(cramount) receipts,sum(dramount) payments from accounttrans where trdate>='" + g.SqlDate(fc["stdate"]) + "' and trdate<='" + g.SqlDate(fc["edate"]) + "' and divid=1");

            pdf ph = new pdf(ds, cols, rephead, tblhead, path, repname);

            return(File(path, "application/pdf"));
        public ActionResult pl()
            Reports   r       = new Reports();
            GenHelper g       = new GenHelper();
            DataSet   ds      = new DataSet();
            String    repname = "placc";
            String    Tblname = "mytrialbal";
            DataTable tb      = r.PrepareTraialBal(Tblname, "2018-06-01", "2018-06-30");
            DataTable pltab   = r.GetPLAccount();
            String    SumQry  = "select (select sum(amount) from receipts ) as receipts,(select sum(amount) from payments) as payments";
            DataTable sumdt   = DBClass.GetData(SumQry);

            ds.Tables.Add(pltab); ds.Tables.Add(sumdt);
            float[] cols = new float[] { 65f, 120f, 65f, 65f, 120f, 65f };
            String  path = Server.MapPath("/pdfs/pandlaccount.pdf");

            String[] rephead = new String[] { "N.EW.K.R.T.C Hubli", "Trial Balance For the Year  " };
            String[] tblhead = new string[] { "Account Number", "Account Name", "Amount", "Account Number", "Account Name", "Amount" };

            pdf ph = new pdf(ds, cols, rephead, tblhead, path, repname, Tblname);

            return(File(path, "application/pdf"));